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"Very Intriguing Photo on Survivorhunter.tripod.com"

Posted by Wallflower on 08-13-00 at 10:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-14-00 AT 09:20 AM (EST)

Okay folks this is my first time posting on any board so here goes..........go to website survivorhunter.tripod.com and immediately a slide slow will start. The very first photo shows one Survivor in silhouette with a torch. There is an barely discernable word before "Survivor" floating in the clouds that ends with an e,(The?). If you ask me this silhouette looks like Rudy ie ,small stature, kinda hunched over yet determined, chest concaved, short neck and those long shorts.

Do a screen capture on the first photo and look at it closer. Also it has the CBS logo on it. Just wanted to add my 2 cents.

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"RE: Very Intriguing Photo on Survivorhunter.tripod.com"
Posted by mdock88 on 08-13-00 at 10:45 PM
i think this is the opening sequence of survivor. I think the word is one survivor. and the sillouette has been discussed before and some think its just an actor others have said it could be rudy.

"RE: silhouette has been discussed before"
Posted by Wallflower on 08-13-00 at 11:02 PM
Okay cool mDock, its nice to know others thought it
looks like Rudy too. Thanks for replying~!

"Okay now try this comparison mdock88"
Posted by Wallflower on 08-13-00 at 11:30 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-14-00 AT 09:16 AM (EST)

On the survivorhunter.tripod.com/index2 page there are rows of survivor photos, evidentally official CBS photos. Capture the one called crudy.jpg on Row 2, Pic number 5, .
Now mirror it,(flip it horizontally) and compare it right next to the silhouette in the first photo shown on the opening survivorhunter.tripod.com slide show of "One Survivor" Look at those shorts~! I'm convinced the "One Survivor" silhouette is none other than Rudy.

"RE: Okay now try this comparison mdock88"
Posted by mdock88 on 08-13-00 at 11:40 PM
well it may be the same picture..but this picture is from the immunity challenge to build fire a couple of episodes ago which rich won

"RE: well it may be the same picture"
Posted by Wallflower on 08-14-00 at 00:01 AM
Nooooo its not the same picture mdock, but the stance and body type is the same in both. Do you see what I'm talking about? I didn't say it was the same picture hon, just wanted you to note the similarities. Maybe the clue was there all along in the "One Survivor" photo.

"Here's the comparison~!"
Posted by Wallflower on 08-13-00 at 11:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-13-00 AT 11:54 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 08-13-00 AT 11:50 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 08-13-00 AT 11:49 PM (EST)

Okay check this out. I'm a rookie at this but I quickly put the mirrored image of Rudy at survivorhunter.tripod.com/crudy.jpg next to the "One Survivor" pic from CBS opening sequences. Check it out and see what you think:

"RE: Here's the comparison~!"
Posted by mdock88 on 08-14-00 at 00:10 AM
im gonna have to agree with ya it does look like the same body type just a bit skinnier, so it very well could be rudy, but it may be an actor that has the same features of rudy. i just dont know

"the pic from the open scene is also the BOOK Cover.."
Posted by BadAs on 08-14-00 at 00:15 AM
Not a pic of any real survivor on the show..

"RE: NOT the same pic as the Book Cover, compare again~!"
Posted by Wallflower on 08-14-00 at 09:52 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-14-00 AT 09:54 AM (EST)

BadAs, it may be the same person but not the same pic as on the book cover. Here I've superimposed the book cover onto the other comparison.

See how the arm is away from the body on the book cover. The person on the book cover also looks exactly like Rudy's bare-chested silhouette, to me~!

Posted by jurymember on 08-14-00 at 00:22 AM
If anything it strikes me that it's a woman..check out the hips and waistline. Also, I don't think there's a cliff overlook with a deciduous tree on the island. This is just a marketing department making an artful representation of what a marooned survivor might look like.

"photo analysis"
Posted by jurymember on 08-14-00 at 00:13 AM
The only interesting thing I can come up with in looking at that slide show is that only two of the castaways are looking directly into the camera: Susan (both eyes) and Kelly (one eye). The rest are looking off-camera. This does not support my theory that they are the next two booted off...if one of them does NOT go this week, then I may have to rethink my SEAN wins theory...maybe MB did give a clue in this photo portfolio...

"RE: Very Intriguing Photo on Survivorhunter.tripod.com"
Posted by TheDazzler on 08-14-00 at 01:24 AM
I've always thought it looks like Soozan rather than any of the other castaways. Although I'll definitely go with the idea that it's just an actor/model. Don't think it's Rudy, though... just don't see it. I agree with Jurymember in that it seems like a more feminine form.

Whichever way, I seriously doubt it is the winner.

- Daz

"I still think its Rudy"
Posted by Wallflower on 08-14-00 at 09:13 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-14-00 AT 09:24 AM (EST)

Thanx for all the input guys~! I really appreciate it, BUT, I still think its Rudy and I'm not even a big Rudy fan. I thought the pic on the cover of the book looked altered to make the person appear androgynous. It still looks to me like a little ol man with no shirt on and those long shorts look the same in both pics. The shorts are giving the impression of big hips. Explain the shorts away, (No not Richard's, keep em on~!) and I'll stop thinkin its Boesch.

Its nice to be able to contribute which is something I can't do on SS.com. Maybe us newbies can shed a new perspective on clues that the long time posters have given up on. Oh and thanx for not calling me a moron just for having an opinion.
Is it Wednesday yet? sigh.......

"Keep up the good work!!"
Posted by BadAs on 08-14-00 at 01:31 PM
some of us don't have access to post screen captures. the only moron here is ME, I finally figured out how to post a pic, DOPE "see file upload" 7 " image links enabled" and I totally suck with paint shop pro.

Keep posting, the more the better, Only Devil's Advocates here not true lamers or flamers!!


"RE: Keep up the good work!!"
Posted by RDIheath on 08-14-00 at 04:34 PM
The picture on the cover of the book I do not believe is rudy or any of the other survivors, I also do not believe that it is an actor trying to imitate any of the survivors, that picture looks distinctly like an african tribal woman, with the braids the skirt and such, and I KNOW that I have seen that picture/ image elsewhere.

"RE: Keep up the good work!!"
Posted by Pumpkin on 08-14-00 at 05:01 PM

You are too funny! Thanks for all the entertaining posts.


"Thanks PK"
Posted by BadAs on 08-14-00 at 05:52 PM
I have to throw in some humor sometimes, otherwise my brain would explode after all the logic posts I attempt.


"RE: Keep up the good work!!"
Posted by Wallflower on 08-14-00 at 06:42 PM
Why thank you for the kind words BA. You are ever so gracious. Last nite was my first time to post and I felt comfortable doing so. But today I am reading new posts elsewhere on the board that have an "elitist" feel and are kind of condescending so it was with trepidation that I checked the new responses.

Low and behold there you were to reassure, welcome and praise a new member without having to agree or disagree with me. As for the screen capture, all I did was hit the print screen button when the first pic came up on the slide show. Then it just was a matter of pasting it into Paint Shop. Twas nuttin shucks.

Anyway I had fun putting the pics together. Thanks.

"RE: Very Intriguing Photo on Survivorhunter.tripod.com"
Posted by Denton on 08-14-00 at 08:37 PM
The picture of the lone Survivor standing in the darkness doesn't look like any Survivor to me at all.
To me, it looks like MB copied and pasted parts of different Survivors bodies into one photo to throw people off.

"RE: Very Intriguing Photo on Survivorhunter.tripod.com"
Posted by jurymember on 08-14-00 at 09:11 PM
Denton, that has got to be the most creative analysis I've ever heard....love the theory!