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Forum: DCForumID18
Thread Number: 97
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Original Message
"Huge huge spoiler..."

Posted by flash_forward_forever on 06-28-01 at 01:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-28-01 AT 02:50 PM (EST)

Fx3 There's nothing to see here

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Messages in this discussion
"What the hell?"
Posted by Survivorerist on 06-28-01 at 02:26 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-28-01 AT 02:51 PM (EST)

Thank you for your cooperation...


"Just turn right when you see that big church sign.
Just go straight, and you'll be on your way."
- Adam Gregory "Big Star"

"RE: Huge huge spoiler..."
Posted by George Tirebiter on 06-28-01 at 02:27 PM
Oh look! sleeevie's back!


Posted by AyaK on 06-28-01 at 03:34 PM
fx3 (yes, I remember whose second screen name this is), I read this post when it was still here. I enjoyed the plot -- that's exactly how MB said such situations would be handled in S1, and we don't know anything about the rules for this situation in BV (though I think we've all been presuming that the S2 rules would apply).

Since you have chosen to delete the "spoiler" (I hope that doesn't mean it was a fake --- does it?), I won't give any of the information away here. If this is the plot line that the episode will actually include, feel free to do it ... but (as an aside to Svist) make sure that there is lots of dialog!

"RE: Influences"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 06-28-01 at 04:28 PM
This sort of thing troubles me deeply in that it reveals my loss of short term memory. I did read the original spoiler, yet my mind went blank when I saw it deleted only 2 hours later.
That should relieve Surv at least where I'm concerned.

Oh, but then I took my gingko biloba drops and I remembered, but only because AyaK talked about the rules, so that finally the tie-breaker thing came back, and then I remembered who lost.
So thank you AyaK for leaving the breadcrumb trail for my poor brain.

"RE: Huge huge spoiler..."
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 06-28-01 at 05:07 PM
Well, this was the first spoiler posted by Mr. Flash Forward, just prior to Episode 1, when Surv had been assigned to Dalton's tribe.

It seems our mystery poster can not only hack into Survivorerist's website, but has obtained Surv's high school yearbook photo through some sort of stealth operation.

I both trust this source utterly and trust it not a whit.

"RE: Huge huge spoiler..."
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 06-28-01 at 11:20 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-28-01 AT 11:24 PM (EST)

Ahem, Survivorerist--
That was more than a huge huge spoiler, that was a correct spoiler, damn it, our first straight from the horses mouth leak and you censored it! First you let your alter ego blab the real bootee and the real facts, and then you make him delete it?

Allow me to give you the number of Sybil's therapist...

Edited to comment: that'll teach me to assume automatically that every post claiming to be a "huge, huge spoiler" must be a big fat lame hoax.

"RE: Huge huge spoiler..."
Posted by Survivorerist on 06-28-01 at 11:31 PM
>>>First you let your alter ego blab the real bootee and the real facts, and then you make him delete it?<<<

Actually, ofg, if you click reply with quote to the original message it's still there, hidden in an html tag. Wanted to see if anyone would notice that...


"Just turn right when you see that big church sign.
Just go straight, and you'll be on your way."
- Adam Gregory "Big Star"

"RE: Huge huge spoiler..."
Posted by Ronnet on 06-28-01 at 11:42 PM
>LAST EDITED ON 06-28-01
>AT 02:50 PM (EST)

>>All-Night Tribal Council]
>>PepeLePew was voted off, causing
>AyaK to cackle like a
>madman. The vote, which
>resulted in tie after tie
>after tie, took seven hours
>to complete. After the
>first 3 hours, AyaK asked
>the tied castaways how many
>votes they had cast against
>them previously, but none of
>them could remember. Eventually,
>it was PepeLePew who succumbed
>to the infernal flame.
>Click link for more...]
>Fx3 There's nothing to see here

Surv - you are just too cool!

"RE: Huge huge spoiler..."
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 06-29-01 at 00:18 AM
Well this will teach me not to reply withOUT quotes.

>LAST EDITED ON 06-28-01
>AT 02:50 PM (EST)

>>All-Night Tribal Council]
And so forth and so on. Damn, I thought deleted meant well, outta here. This is more like the bootees on Love Cruise.

"Love Cruise?"
Posted by AyaK on 02-01-02 at 12:46 PM
Nah, this was way cooler than Love Cruise.