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"Mr Personality - First episode"

Posted by Loree on 04-21-03 at 01:49 PM
Who is planning on watching tonight?

I saw Charlie (from Bachelorette) interviewing Hayley on EXTRA on Friday. And Monica Lewinsky was on ET this weekend. Monica also didn't get to see the men until they were unmasked. So she was as clueless about their looks as Hayley.

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"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by joannie on 04-21-03 at 04:29 PM
Count me in! Since "Married by America" is over, I need a train-wreck to take its place!

"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by AZ_Leo on 04-21-03 at 05:57 PM
I'll just wait to hear what all of you have to say before I waste any time. I do actually have some standards when it comes to reality TV.

"Whitehouse Look-a-like Setting... "
Posted by IceCat on 04-21-03 at 09:10 PM
Is it just me?

Does the white colored house with the rounded entrance roof and white pillars look like it was chosen to look like The Whitehouse?

I mean... Lewinsky as host and a Whitehouse look-a-like as the setting. That's just too damn tacky!

I'm not even from the U.S. and I'm offended!

Posted by SurvivinDawg on 04-21-03 at 10:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-22-03 AT 10:03 AM (EST)

Hayley ain't exactly the bees knees, and Monica Lewinski is big-time heavy. If these guys think she (Hayley) is a catch, then they've given new meaning to the term "desperate". Move over, Rob and your Magic 8 Ball... you and I are no longer the Most Desperate Men In The House!

About the only thing I liked was the guy who called it right about the astrologers (although he made a bleeding fool of himself at the end). Sheesh!

Edited to add: I really expected the sarcasm from Fox, a'la Joe Millionaire... but this isn't being done as well as that...

So when will cigars be given out? Oh-- sorry about that....

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by Loree on 04-22-03 at 00:08 AM
I think the mascot guy needs to go and hang out with Brook from The Bachelorette. Why get so angry about being booted? It's not like either of them were in love and dumped. They got their 15 minutes and it's time to move on.

That motivational speaker or whatever he's called is the guy that creeps me out. I have visions of him sticking around & being the one we will love to hate.

So do they travel to Paris and other places or was I seeing things in the previews?

Do they boot a few guys out each week or do they all hang around for the rest of the show? And what was up with all the women they had hanging around their house?

"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by WhatareyouNUTS on 04-22-03 at 00:37 AM
What are you nuts?
Monica hosting Mr. Personality
I saw that and it ruined the show for me.
Apparently the Brian Gadinsky found attractive the
same attributes our scum bag past president did.
I refuse to watch her. She is a disgrace! Would of been better off with Rosanne Barr!

"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 04-22-03 at 00:42 AM
>Would of been better off with Rosanne Barr!

That's another upcoming reality show:

Roseanne to star in new ABC reality program


"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 04-22-03 at 06:14 AM
The party never stops... on Reality TV!

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 04-22-03 at 07:48 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-22-03 AT 07:52 AM (EST)

Now, now Hilary, just calm yourself down, breathe deeply.

Sorry, couldn't help myself, just kidding. Actually, I thought she was pretty humorous. Especially during the previews when it showed the guys with the gals and then it showed Monica looking all shocked and all. Like she hasn't been there, done that.
I WAS starting to think Monica and Haley were telepathetic (typo meant) when they'd look at each other after each gift was given.

I'm just wondering what color Linda Tripp's mask is and what name she's going by, I personally think she's number 17, number 17, number 17 (this is me sending out subliminal messages).

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"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 04-22-03 at 08:11 PM
Holy Cow Ahtumbreeze, my son thought that number 17 was Linda Tripp, too!! (they can do amazing things with liposuction and surgery, but I don't think they could change her horrible voice!)

"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 04-22-03 at 09:15 AM
I thought this show was hilarious. Watching guys with masks on trying to impress a woman ... too funny.

Mascot Guy: LOL. With a temper like his, I wouldn't want to be at a game he's mascoting. Can just see him as a giant bird beating up some little kid in the stands.

Motivational Speaker Guy: Scaaaaaaaaaaary! Did you see the look on Hayley's face every time she spoke to him? Was like she was hypnotised. I'm gonna call him Creepy Guy from now on.

Lawyer Guy: Too cocky. I know she said she likes confident men, but he's just too full of himself.

Loser Guy: This guy doesn't have a job, doesn't know what he wants in a girl or where to live. Sheesh! Loser with a BIG L!

I was really surprised how plain looking most of the guys were. I think she eliminated most of the good looking ones. Nice to see the average looking guy get a chance, but I still like to have some nice eye-candy. Thankfully they have the masks on LOL.

I was pleased to see Monica's role understated. She stays in the background. Not in-your-face.

Next week will be fun seeing them try to be romantic with those goofy colored masks on. I'll keep watching this show. Even DH watched it last night and had a good laugh. Especially when that one guy said that he likes to please a woman over and over again, then he likes to please himself. LMAO! Don't think that came out the way you meant it to dude hehehehe

"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 04-22-03 at 10:02 AM
Well, clearly they chose plain looking guys on purpose, since that is a premise of this entire show.

As to Mr. Subliminal... this is one of the things I thought was scripted... more sarcastic humor by Fox.

Especially when that one guy said that he likes to please a woman over and over again, then he likes to please himself. LMAO! Don't think that came out the way you meant it to dude hehehehe

Hayley didn't seem to care for that (didn't she eliminate him?)... but Monica's eyes just seemed to light up!

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 04-22-03 at 10:26 AM
True, the show is based on a guy's "personality". However, I would have thought there would be an even mix of plain and good looking.

Hayley didn't seem to care for that (didn't she eliminate him?)... but Monica's eyes just seemed to light up!
LOL. Monica sure seems to be enjoying the whole thing.

"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by GeorgiaBelle on 04-22-03 at 01:20 PM
First I agree with you about the show being hilarious.

As far as the lawyer goes most attorneys I know (that are good) appear very cocky. If you can handle their blatant cockiness and get around attitude then you usually find a good person.

I hope he has chance. He is my pick waaaaay over Mister Creepy Guy the manipulator. THAT guy bugs me.

But please either one over Mister Unemployed. Please, please, please!

"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by TourGirl on 04-23-03 at 09:45 PM
I'm not 100% sure, but I think the lawyer might be the one who brings one of the hula girls to his room. Don't quote me on that, but I think it's Mr. Blue Mask Man, and I think that's the lawyer.


"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by wildchickenhunter on 04-22-03 at 09:32 AM
Didn't really watch, just flipped over during commercials.....
I heard a rumor though....And it explaines why they got Monica to do the show..each one of the losers get a years supply of Turtle wax and a BJ from Monica.......

"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by true on 04-22-03 at 10:13 PM
Go ahead and laugh at me, but I actually thought Monica did a good job with the hosting duties. It will be interesting to see how she does through the rest of the episodes. Not only is she Host, but also Confidante to Haley. LOL!

"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by smiley on 04-23-03 at 08:30 AM
OMH...I taped the show on Monday night and watched it last night. It was so fricken funny. I think Monica did a good job but I have one question....where the hell did fox find these losers LOL.

Number 7. I like to please my woman again and again and again and then I like to please myself

Yeh I guess there will be alot of that going on now you got dumped LOL

"Lawyer Boy"
Posted by Loree on 04-24-03 at 02:39 PM
Here is an article about Lawyer Boy #1


"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by Femme on 04-26-03 at 11:29 PM
I actually liked it. (I just watched my tape of it for the first time.)

These guys are a riot. "You're not allowed to talk about your financial status!" and there's millionaire boy dropping hints about all that he can give her. Then there's the motivational speaker who wants to control her. Too funny that it's working.

I like it. I think she's pretty Dawg, and kinda funny. (You just miss Trista, don't you?)

I will definitely watch next week. Too hysterical. I loved the way they force the guys to unmask at the end. How degrading. It's perfect.


"We are men of action; lies do not become us."

"RE: Mr Personality - First episode"
Posted by hawkssouls on 04-30-03 at 10:38 AM
after watching mr personality i must say i feel sorry for haley ..all the men that she has selected are selfcentered and only worried about winning the show and getting into her bed..how sad ..Not one of the contestance truly knows their inner being. They know not how to speak from the heart. Hayley hasnt yet opened her inner eyes either altough they wear mask she is still looking at the outer person and the behavioral traits of these men like they are test animals..to truly find true love one must first connect with their inner being..able to open up as to who they are within...i feaqr she will either go with the self arrogant will or the over possesive chris..or the fumbling fool...brian is one who would quickly betray her for the next skirt to walk in front of him..truly the selection of these men has been terrible...
my dearest hayley....listen to the soul who now speaks to you ..this is what i seek and who i am...i am one with inner passion to share.. gaze upon my green eyes and look deep within my soul..open the ears of your heart and listen to the beat of mine..for our souls must come together and feel out the others..i am a soul of passion...only willing to give commitment and devotion to one of equal desires..as i gaze into your eyes i search your very soul in search of this equality...the shell that your soul resides in is of little concern if our souls can reach the stars and soar the heavens together...there is no worldly possesion that can give your soul the peace and tranquility of lying next to one who is one with you in the sharing of the breath of life that we are givin..i bid the well on your journey to find what you search for and am but a guardian that watches from afar. close your eyes and feel my presence around you seeking to guide you....you are not some possesion and you have no possesion to one you seek...find the one that flows through life in harmony with you .flows the inner path of love and passion....i bid thee farewell as i take flight but kno i am but a whisper of wind away...hawkssouls