it's backkkkkk! This time around, all the teams are new businesses. The show is giving them fheir first truck which they have to return when they're booted. Food channel, Sunday nights.
Unleash the incompetence!This implies teams with little to no experience in working together. Who don't know what it really takes to make a food truck operate. Their menus and concepts have not been tested by time and customers. No idea how to time their orders, handle a lunch rush, or source out supplies in a new city. Not a single concept of where they're supposed to park. Working with equipment they haven't used before, which may not be suited to their needs -- and given the way this sadistic show works, subject to being turned off by remote control at any moment. And if they get through it all, the first prize money as it currently stands? Is not enough to buy their own truck.
I would not be the least bit surprised if Host DeSade told them they had to walk home.
Week 1 -- Los AngelesWeek 2 -- Flagstaff, AZ
Okay, caught up.So the winners get the 50k and the hard-driven truck to go with it. I'm still not sure about the value of the prize: we're already seeing equipment breakdowns and I wouldn't believe any warranty that stated a duration beyond the first time you hit the ignition. The Ozites got killed by their own late start times and what may have been the false belief that AZ residents would be willing to pay $10 for a burger -- actually, given that it was Arizona, they were lucky not to be arrested just for showing up -- but they were aided and abetted in their low totals by that grill breakdown, not to mention the 'a-vegan we will go' Speed Bump.
Worried about the Seoul truck's long-term capabilities. Unless the crew wants to risk part of their till or hits a big pre-supply cash award, they will never be in a position to get that sausage press. (Similarly, the waffle group is stuck on one iron.) It was their decision to not go for the most needed equipment, and they're managing so far -- but ultimately, they remain a sausage truck with no sausage.
Really not sure about the waffle truck. They may do better when they reach environments more friendly to their menu, but having one cook in the group is going to cost them as soon as the right Sadism Break hits.
Atlanta is annoying me. Miss This Is My Whole Life seems to have escaped from a Basketball Wives attitude call. Any link-up twist is going to kill that one, and she may refuse to park with other trucks just because she can't chance giving them help. This is one of the few shows where alliances can actually work to the benefit of all involved: one truck is an island, two trucks is a small draw, and four is a food court -- but I suspect she sees one tiny pool to be divided by the number of fish swimming in it.
The Alaskans don't seem to understand alliances either -- especially the part about when to break them. Well, what do you expect from the Palin voting pool, not to mention someone who believes a city with a population of less than eight thousand is a good place for a food truck revolution?
I figured the Jersey team had been cast for stereotype, and every public appearance they make brings me that much closer to being right. All we need is one direct confrontation against another truck and they'll be the refuges from VH1. But so far, they're keeping it to themselves...
The pizza truck is the stereotype.
And given the nature of this show, I'm still expecting one challenge to be 'We have just set your trucks on fire. First team to put it out wins.'
Not really sure what Host DeSade thought they were supposed to do for drumming up business after they were immobilized. Can't use the social network when you don't have your own pages yet or know where to find the town's -- and it's short notice anyway. Can't go door to door. Probably can't get the truck loaded onto a flatbed and hauled to another location. Can't realistically wander the city and hope to play Pied Piper. Can kick him really hard and the other trucks might pay to see it...So what could a truck do next week which would force an immediate and total shutdown? My best guess is health code violation.
Nice to see it have a second chance