Can I get an opening post for this thread? Opening-opening-opening -- opening post right over there! Anyone want to go for a second post? Anyone out there? Come on, chickens. Second post-second post-second post...
Watch someone drive the thread up just for fun.
I suspect some people go to Dave's store just to yell that at him.And the rest just go to yell at him, period.
Sorry, I was having an Auction Hunters flashback.
You tell me how many posts I'm allowed in this thread, and that's how many I will post.
Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie
I ran across this again and I think all of them fame has gone to their head. I know not every locker is a hit, a small percentage probably are, so why are they showing hit after hit on lockers this year.Plus why do none of the rest of the people there bid? Rigged now?
sig Syren, bouncy by IceCat, bobble head by Tribephyl, and snoglobe by agman
On a given day, we see about a third to half of the auctions available. Naturally, they're going to focus on the ones where the main characters win (unless Mark shows up). As for hit after hit -- we're two episodes into the season. The red ink is coming.The entire cast has complained that fans of the show appear at the auctions just for the fun of bidding them up. (Also, see above.) Wonder how many lockers got dropped on them when the main five cut out ahead of imagined schedule?
As for fame going to their heads -- I did see an online review of Jarrod & Brandi's thrift store which was complaining about how high the prices were. For a thrift store. Apparently three dollars per CD is unthinkable in California. Who knew? Other people said that if you were polite, you could get an autographed picture with no fuss and the store had DVD sets available, but that was about it for visible fame-riding.
Then again, it's hard to trust online reviews. I saw someone bashing Dave's store with such fury that my first instinct was 'troll'. Supposedly this person had seen urns used for storing pet ashes being resold as vases, screamed at Dave about it, and got thrown out of the shop. Dave's a lot of things, but among them is 'dog lover'. I don't think that's a line he would cross.
Well it seems like you seen one you've seen them all and maybe they are playing up more than before. This Pawn Starts, etc. lost my interest.
sig Syren, bouncy by IceCat, bobble head by Tribephyl, and snoglobe by agman
Ouch. We've seen Dave walk out of the auctions before this -- it took him a while to get used to Barry -- but Jarrod losing his #1 assistant? That's going to sting, and the pain isn't going to fade for a long time.I thought last night's episode emphasized the wrong bits. For auctions, I was a lot more curious about Darrel walking in on 1000+ DVDs than I was to know about the Pez dispensers -- and for buyer personal life, watching that walk-out should have been the focus of the episode. What happened? That was like witnessed a manic-depressive see-saw bouncing on springs. How do Jarrod & Brandi go on without their lead sorter? Jarrod said one bad week can sink the whole thing: was this it? Stay tuned.
The other ongoing storyline is Darrel's relationship shuffle with Brandon. Is this a sign of Darrel As Jerk, which we've gotten occasional glimpses of in the bidding plus post-locker incidents? Is he trying to get Brandon to fly on his own, which isn't easy when he personally keeps shooting his son down? Too nice a locker for Brandon's first win... Dave didn't even go there when Dave Jr. was initially striking out on his own. There are ways in which this has been a very ugly season, and Darrel's supplied most of the mud mask.
*snicker*Barry is becoming more inspired in his gambits. The pity with that one is that it's only going to work once -- but oh, wasn't it glorious while it was in operation. I'm starting to become really curious to see him show up on another reality series. Say, Survivor. He might just wipe the floor with the entire field.
I'm not joking.
And it's nice to see Dave take a slime bath every so often. I realize he has a business to run, a family to support, and times are tough -- but that 5k Barry got out of his hide stands as partial payment for a very few of the times he's run Barry up for the fun of it. If you can't take the karma, get out of the chi. And no one gets out of the chi.
Love Barry...he makes the show!
Sometimes the locker is crap.
and saying the show was fixed and the lockers were planted with items. Doing my best Gommer Pile *surprise surprise surprise*
sig Syren, bouncy by IceCat, bobble head by Tribephyl, and snoglobe by agman
So what about Dave's personality indicated that he wasn't the type who would sue at the drop of a YUUUP! hat and would only believe it was possible for people other than himself to succeed if they had help? I might believe a seeded locker or two, but not all of them -- in particular, Darryl's recent artwork hit was not in A&E's budget. Scripted confessionals? Not a surprise. But to plant all the goods every time? Not happening. Dave's accusations may have a little grounding in fact, but having him as the source makes it hard to take every last bit of bluster seriously. Would you be surprised if he'd asked for a higher salary, told he was replaceable, and went on a revenge rampage?Some basic in truth? Sure, that's more than possible. But personally, I think someone finally got a locker dumped on him.
One thing hitting me early in Season #4: the bids are out of control.
It wasn't real? Shoot, I'm disillusioned.
Still dubious about the figures they give as valuations...Enjoying the Texas version more now, when Mary bought the car because "her father could fix it up" I laughed and laughed.
Yet still they made a profit!
The market value is always what someone's willing to pay. Find me someone willing to fork over that amount of cash on the spot... (One of the reasons we see Barry take spot offers: sometimes, finding the right buyer is too much trouble.) I've noticed Victor in particular forever lowballing his estimates: he expects little and is presumably seldom disappointed.I feel like the Texas cast is still trying to find their chemistry. The personalities don't conflict on the same level as the California group, and casting keeps switching elements in and out, hoping something will ignite. Some of them are interesting people individually, but the sparks aren't there.
On the other hand, the bidding is a lot saner.
That piece has always been humorous to me..."... we have a sofa, I'll get $350 for that..."
"'s a drill and some bits - 50 bucks..."Yeah. Right.
>Issued by "Q" and RollDdice
Chase me out of the facility, willya?Two immediate standouts: the bidding is saner (for now) and I don't believe JoeP's street shoutout for a second. Plus if you can run a pop-up sidewalk store without drawing three hundred tickets a month, you're either a police officer who's slumming, having sex with one, related to one, or you're a deity incarnate.
I have doubts about that last.
For those who missed the OT thread: I was onsite in one area when filming rights were being arranged for the series.
No standouts for me.You really thought that a fur coast with no obvious issues was going to sell for $200?
There's a limit to what some people are willing to pay for the honor of having paint thrown on them. honor him, the show will take a $1500 coffin and pay $17,500 for it.
The new season begins tonight, and the commercials feel somewhat -- empty. We have Jarrod & Brandi, Darryl, and Barry. Naturally, we're not going to have Dave, although I've heard -- from Dan via media article -- he's still showing up at some of the auctions. (Because as the logic goes, if you feel they're rigged with good planted items, why wouldn't you try for a few treasures?) But remember all those new faces the editors were trying to sell us on during the second half of last season? Their attempt to find The New Dave doesn't seem to have gone well, because none of those people are featured in the ads.I dunno. Maybe -- despite all previous evidence -- most of the world doesn't like costing people money just for fun.
At any rate, Dave shouldn't be Yupping up at any auction with cameras present, so we are entering a post-Hester world -- one where prices might be a little lower and the last-minute screw-you bid is not endangered, but its father isn't feeling well. Arguably no great loss -- but can the show survive without its stock villain?
Perhaps RussHell would like to try his hand at yet another trade.