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"The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."

Posted by Estee on 02-05-12 at 11:33 PM
Super Bowl survivors start here.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by Estee on 02-05-12 at 11:45 PM
Y'know what I missed? The coaches fighting over a singer they want on their team. This is one of the many things X-Factor was missing: the sense that the coaches were personally invested in contestant success -- or at least cared if their singer won. The battles are back, and at least for that much, it's good.

Posted by Estee on 02-06-12 at 00:04 AM
I'm curious as to how much of this was beating the bushes for semi-demi-established performers and how much was 'We already had our open auditions and these are the people our screening panel asked to come back when the judges were in town.' Some of it may just be Insistent Terminology, but some of it is plants --

-- but it's not as certain others aren't guilty of the same.

"RE: Invited?"
Posted by Snidget on 02-06-12 at 07:57 PM
Well, I think they did mention last time about inviting people rather than doing the big cattle call thing, I think they are trying to separate themselves from the OMG any store clerk could be the next big star (even if they've been performing for years and we will pretend they never had a voice lesson) thing of X-factor and Idol.

The we are looking for hard working singers who need a break tends to set the bar quite a bit higher just to get on the show and does give them a different feel from Idol, etc.

Makes sense to have some open auditions as some people are good and haven't gotten any break at all, but I think it sets up a different standard and probably attracts people from a different population than the any average joe could be a star mythos.

"Twelve per team this season."
Posted by Estee on 02-06-12 at 00:12 AM
Too many? That's forty-eight to introduce -- not a fast process if we get even a little face time for each -- and a lot of head-to-head battles. Plus it doesn't guarantee avoiding last season's 'We didn't pick enough people: cycle them through again' routine.

"Mouseketters forever!"
Posted by Estee on 02-06-12 at 00:20 AM
Hopefully NBC reruns this so you can get that one for yourself.

They're advertising available downloads of full performances again, so that's carried over.

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by Loree on 02-06-12 at 03:18 PM
I watched lastnight. I enjoy their version of the auditions alot more than Idol's. I like watching their faces while they listen. And at least they have some good singers on this show. I could do without the sob stories though. And Xtina doesn't know when to quit talking. She keeps blabbing long after anyone is interested in listening. I also think she was probably told in her earpiece who that guy was. She seemed to have a lightbulb moment that came out of nowhere.

"I may be my headache talking"
Posted by Snidget on 02-06-12 at 09:10 PM
But I would not have turned around for any of the judges during that Prince massacre medley.

"Jamar Rogers"
Posted by Snidget on 02-06-12 at 09:52 PM
Idol Audition. Danny Gokey's Bestie from Church
Voice Audition. Meth addict with HIV.


"RE: Jamar Rogers"
Posted by Estee on 02-06-12 at 11:48 PM
Um... he took not making it to the end really hard?

I know the natural suspicion after FakeThis is for him to have come up with the best sob story possible, but it's more than possible for someone to have that kind of crash. I think this is one of those cases where we wait on the Worsters to funnel their research skills and see what turns up.

I'm not saying 'Get a blood test', but I'm not turning any authenticated paperwork down either.

The reality world is not a trusting place.

"Round 2 auditons"
Posted by JessicaRN on 02-07-12 at 03:09 AM
It seems like they are going out of their way to divulge everyone's professional background ahead of time, and that's good enough for me.

I'm liking this even more this year, perhaps because I know more what to expect. Even though the auditions are very drawn out, the editing makes it seem pretty concise.

I also like the judges interactions, but not their group singing!!

All of a sudden, I realized how pleasant it is not to have teenage girls screaming and booing through the judges comments. It was especially bad on the X-Factor.

Also, realized that the X-Factor lost me with their horrible productions. If I remember correctly, down the road, don't they try to add dancers, etc onto these performances? (I hope not)

"Again, out of nowhere"
Posted by Tummy on 02-07-12 at 09:46 AM
I'm reminded of Vince3. He truly left an impact around RTVW.

Hopefully, cahaya shows up around here.

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by samboohoo on 02-07-12 at 10:27 AM
Not really watching, but I did catch a bit last night. I really liked the couple that sang "American Girl," and I also liked the guy right after them.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by Tummy on 02-07-12 at 11:38 AM
This is my favorite out of the singing competition shows. The chemistry between the judges and the quality of singers and just the premise of not judging on looks during the first rounds is what would choose this show above AI and X.

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by Loree on 02-07-12 at 03:07 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-07-12 AT 03:08 PM (EST)

Jordis Unger (Rockstar INXS) is in the previews for next week wearing a red blazer. She had been telling everyone on her FB that she auditioned but can't tell if she made it. The fact she is talking about it means she probably did get picked. Most of the houseband for The Voice are the same guys that were the houseband for Rockstar. So she will have the familiarity with them.

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by Tummy on 02-07-12 at 04:12 PM
I'd rather see Dilana than Jordis.

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by weltek on 02-13-12 at 02:10 PM
Awesome-I loved Jordis!

-Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by whimsey on 02-13-12 at 09:35 PM
That is great news! I am looking forward to Jordis.

"Plant Report"
Posted by Snidget on 02-07-12 at 08:23 PM
mj's big blog


Although given they admit they invite people to the show it makes it less planty than other shows where they pretend everyone just happens to show up for the cattle call on their own.

"RE: Plant Report"
Posted by Tummy on 02-08-12 at 01:20 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-08-12 AT 01:26 PM (EST)

I think that they admit they invite people and give you the backstory on most every one, pretty much negates any claims of planting. Stacking the deck - yes. But I'm ok with it, they are seeming to attract the same level of talent that Rock Star did.

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by samboohoo on 02-14-12 at 12:07 PM
I really don't need another TV show addiction, but I am starting to get hooked. I think I will at least hang around for as long as The Line does.

And, super excited you can download the songs from iTunes. American Girl is my new must have.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by Tummy on 02-14-12 at 12:39 PM
I'm hooked because of the chemistry between the judges, although Cee Lo seemed a little off his game last night. Until he saw the Amazon Warrior Princess anyway.

I'm going to marry Blake when I grow up and have an affair with Adam.

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by weltek on 02-14-12 at 12:41 PM
Awesome. I'll marry Adam and have an affair with Blake. Call me when you are ready.

-Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by Tummy on 02-15-12 at 02:27 PM
*ring, ring

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by samboohoo on 02-15-12 at 10:35 AM
You almost had to share Blake until Grayson returned. And in a police uniform? My god, arrest me man, please.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by Tummy on 02-15-12 at 02:28 PM
I'm going to have to watch online. Stupid college basketball.

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by Estee on 02-15-12 at 06:52 PM
E! airs repeats. The next ones are -- Saturday at 6:00 p.m. EST, then ten in the morning on Sunday.

"The 5th Coach Game"
Posted by weltek on 02-20-12 at 01:58 PM
If you are on Facebook, you should be playing The 5th Coach game because hey, we like to judge DAWs. It's kind of what we do. If you are a FB fan of The Voice, you'll see the link on their page. I also sent FB invites to lots of you so check your FB invitations.

-Handcrafted by RollDdice

"First battle rounds"
Posted by Tummy on 03-06-12 at 11:26 AM
They picked pretty much opposite what I would have. While Adley's personality grates on me I thought she wiped the floor with the 17 year old.

"RE: First battle rounds"
Posted by weltek on 03-06-12 at 02:46 PM
The Adley-RaeLynn battle left me dumbfounded with the choice. I think Blake just has a soft spot for unique voices and doesn't think about the full package.

I agreed with every other choice the judges made last night. I think Adam's pick of Beautiful Day was awful. That was not a great performance, and I think the song was partly to blame.

I was blown away by Jesse and Anthony. Best battle of night!

-Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: First battle rounds"
Posted by Loree on 03-06-12 at 03:50 PM
It has become clear that the coaches already know who they want before they ever sing in the battle rounds. It is a formality for the show and the audience. I also noticed that Blake's choices both had his wife Miranda as their mentor. And both of Xtina's choices had Lionel as their mentors. I wonder if that is a plan that will continue to play out.

"Battle Rounds"
Posted by samboohoo on 03-21-12 at 09:16 AM
Not sure where we are in this, I only catch it here and there.

Watched Monday night when C-Lo's two were up - the freaky girl with the freaky voice vs. the two brothers. No way that girl should have won based on her voice. She won based on her outfit and look. End of discussion. Her singing was not good, and her screeching was horrible.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: Battle Rounds"
Posted by Pretty_Kitty on 03-21-12 at 10:02 AM
Unfortunately I watched the whole thing. Freaky girl has an attitude problem and she cant sing at ALL. I look forward to her getting annihilated by a good singer further on down the road.

"RE: Battle Rounds"
Posted by susang on 03-21-12 at 01:49 PM
I enjoyed the bow-tie guy, Pip

"RE: Battle Rounds"
Posted by mindy23 on 04-20-12 at 10:18 AM
>Not sure where we are in
>this, I only catch it
>here and there.
>Watched Monday night when C-Lo's two
>were up - the freaky
>girl with the freaky voice
>vs. the two brothers.
>No way that girl should
>have won based on her
>voice. She won based
>on her outfit and look.
> End of discussion.
>Her singing was not good,
>and her screeching was horrible.
>Right on!! If I have EVER HATED a contestant, it was her!! Cee Lo is a perv, and the only reason that girl ever stood a chance is because of her looks....ya think?
>>"navy"] Samboobree, brought to life
>by Arkie

"Final Battle Rounds"
Posted by samboohoo on 03-27-12 at 09:08 AM
Well, The Line is done and so am I most likely. I thought the match-up and song choice were interesting and a little strange, although I found other song choices for other match-ups much worse. I really liked them. What I didn't like about this match-up was that, IMO, it leaned toward showcasing the rapper guy. He had more solo time, and I felt like they were more his back-up singers.

I always questioned why they picked Christina in the first place, and I wonder if they now question that decision. They should have totally gone with Blake. Perhaps he will pick them up after the show ends.

Adam had one match-up last night that he didn't like. I didn't either. The two girls. I thought it was awful.

I enjoyed the last one of the night - the rocker dude and the other guy, and I thought they were pretty evenly matched. I hated to see either of them go.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"Live Shows-Elimination 1"
Posted by weltek on 04-04-12 at 11:10 AM
Team Blake: I'd have ditched RaeLynn and either Erin or Charlotte if I were America and Blake. Glad Blake saved Jordis. Clearly the right move, in my opinion.

Team Christina's saves were a little more on point. I was shocked that she chose to save Ashley. It was the right choice. Ashley showed she was hungry for it and was going to fight. I still thought Christina would choose Moses, so was pleasantly surprised.

-Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Live Shows-Elimination 1"
Posted by mindy23 on 04-06-12 at 12:37 PM
All I have to say, as if anyone really cares, is: I really don't like Christina or Cee Lo; I'm totally tired of them, and their biased opinions, their obvious toned-deaf winner picks, and as of today, I am deleting this show from my DVR.

I thought these contestants were supposed to be "semi-pro's" to begin with. Well, let me tell you, IMHO, American Idol contestants, even some of the cast-offs, have been BETTER! Some of these people, nerves or not, are just BAD! Take Cee Lo's pick of that crazy model who screetches like chalk on a board?? Anyway, that's it for me.

Ce le vie....or however you say/spell it. The Voice has lost one more viewer.

"RE: Live Shows-Elimination 1"
Posted by agman on 04-10-12 at 10:05 AM
I agree, Christina is a real jerk to many of the contestants, she only likes hers and she nit picks all the rest!....She was a total beyotch on lasts nights live show!!!!!

"RE: Live Shows-Elimination 1"
Posted by weltek on 04-10-12 at 12:42 PM
I actually think Christina is growing on me. Maybe I like her beeyotchy side. It's certainly better than the awkward sense of humor side she showed last year. I feel like the judges are being honest and constructive.

The quality of the song choices and quality of stage performances has gone down since last year, IMHO. We have a lot of good singers, but not a lot of good performers this year. Maybe the field is still too wide and I'll be blown away when we hit next week and the field is narrowed.

-Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Live Shows-Elimination 1"
Posted by agman on 04-11-12 at 10:15 AM
I didn't see much of it last year, but did that have these over the top stage perfomances last year? That Band was also SOOOo lound imho!

"4/16/12 Surprise Eliminations"
Posted by djandy on 04-17-12 at 10:54 PM
I was sorry to see Jordis go. I thought Blake did her a disservice by making the rocker sing a country song. I'm enjoying Lindsey Paveo and Raelynn.

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by Tummy on 04-24-12 at 10:22 AM
Xtina's coming off as a jilted girlfriend when Tony's on stage. Just sayin'.

I don't have a favorite this year. If I had they would have been booted by now anyway.

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by weltek on 04-24-12 at 01:55 PM

I feel like we are finally at a point where it's mostly deserving artists there. I think Adam booted Pip over Matai (I know I spelled that wrong) because he knew America could save Pip and he'd be stuck with him. I don't think America will save her and she'll get booted tonight.

From the auditions, I thought James would be more versatile. I don't know if it's his coach's song choices, or if he's limited in range, but he was a pretty big disappointment for me.

Katrina is growing on me a lot. And Chesea (again, spelling?) is pretty kick@ss.

-Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by samboohoo on 04-25-12 at 09:44 AM
Is Pip the one who sang, "Somewhere Only We Know"? I was totally enjoying his rendition until he went all soprano at the end.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by Tummy on 04-25-12 at 11:55 AM
Yes - he is/was.

I've kind of gotten on the Juliette bandwagon. I'm glad she was saved. And glad Katrina was saved, although I doubt she can win it.

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by Tummy on 05-02-12 at 10:52 AM
I'd like to see Tony win it just to pi$$ Christina off.

I don't have a favorite to win. I like pretty much all of them, although I can't remember who Blake's person is.

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by agman on 05-02-12 at 01:25 PM
>I'd like to see Tony win
>it just to pi$$ Christina

ROFLMAO I feel the same way!!! She is so friggin rude to him. I think somehow he makes her feel insecure.(Maybe she had a crush on him back then and he didn't feel the same way! )

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by Tummy on 05-04-12 at 11:28 AM
I've said the same thing about the crush! Get outa my brain.

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by agman on 05-07-12 at 01:26 PM
>I've said the same thing about
>the crush! Get outa
>my brain.

I'll be out soon, there's not much to see!!!!

Super siggie by Tribe

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by Tummy on 05-08-12 at 11:32 AM

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by djandy on 05-02-12 at 04:26 PM
Juliet Simms is my only favorite left in the competition. I hope she wins against all the boys.

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by agman on 05-09-12 at 10:04 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-10-12 AT 12:36 PM (EST)

And Jermaine is da winna!

Super siggie by Tribe

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by Pretty_Kitty on 05-09-12 at 12:55 PM
Unlike that other singing show I thought all of these finalist were great. Im not going to lie Im a little sad Juliet didnt win but I never buy the albums anyway so what do I care really. (do they still call them albums?)

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by agman on 05-10-12 at 10:15 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-10-12 AT 12:35 PM (EST)

I agree, I like Jermaine the best, but I would have been happy with any of the 4 winning.

"VFTW caricatures now on eBay."
Posted by Estee on 05-09-12 at 05:17 PM

"RE: The Voice Season #2: auditions begin."
Posted by miser2 on 05-23-12 at 09:45 AM
NBC's 'The Voice' producers looking for talent for upcoming season. Open calls and auditions begin in July 2012 across the country. You can apply at http://NBCrealitytv.com.