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"the next iron chef - super chefs"

Posted by krismiss2us on 11-15-11 at 08:09 PM
Anyone else out there watching this? Love to hear thoughts on these egotistic chefs!! Though, i do have a fave or two.

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"RE: the next iron chef - super chefs"
Posted by jbug on 11-16-11 at 12:45 PM
Yes, this redneck girl is loving it too!

I think it is more interesting to me this time because we are a bit familiar with the chefs. Each has been on one show or another in the last year or so that they are not strangers.

I know Robert Irvine had to be hurting when he was eliminated. He is a competitor and hates to lose!

The only chef from the start that I would not have considered in the same league as these others was stick, stiff, stuck uh, Spike. I think it was planned that he be eliminated first regardless of what he cooked. He was there to be first out - he never belonged there to begin with.

Thanks Agman 2010
Tennessee girls have fire and ice in our blood! We can ride 4wheelers and horses, be a princess, love with a passion, throw left hooks, fish and hunt with the guys, and if we have an opinion you're gonna hear it! Proud to be one....

"RE: the next iron chef - super chefs"
Posted by udg on 11-17-11 at 02:00 AM
I'm enjoying it! I was so worried that Marcus Samuelsson was going home during the first episode. Thank goodness it was Spike!

I was THRILLED when Robert Irvine kicked it. He's such an @$$hole on Restaurant Impossible (not just to the people he's there to "help", but to his own staff!). Schadenfreude: I has it.

My favorites are Samuelsson, Burrell, Falkner, and Zakarian.

Thanks to tribephyl for the sigpic!

"RE: the next iron chef - super chefs"
Posted by krismiss2us on 11-17-11 at 08:24 PM
Glad to hear/see others out here like this show!! I'm a burrell fan. I love worst cooks in america. I also like mcmillan and gaurnachelli (or however the hell you spell her name) I want that canadian guy gone (just cuz i don't know who he is) and that arrogant french/italian chef...can't remember his name but he beat out irvine.

jbug...haven't seen you on the boards...are you hiding or am i just missing you???

"RE: the next iron chef - super chefs"
Posted by jbug on 11-18-11 at 02:22 PM
I'm all over OT; where are you?

D'Abby Special

"RE: the next iron chef - super chefs"
Posted by krismiss2us on 11-18-11 at 06:40 PM
STUPID FACEBOOK!!! all i do is play their stupid games....damn addicting!!! are you not in the survivor forums?

"RE: the next iron chef - super chefs"
Posted by jbug on 11-18-11 at 09:49 PM

Tennessee girls have fire and ice in our blood! We can ride 4wheelers and horses, be a princess, love with a passion, throw left hooks, fish and hunt with the guys, and if we have an opinion you're gonna hear it! Proud to be one....

"RE: the next iron chef - super chefs"
Posted by krismiss2us on 11-18-11 at 10:29 PM
i'm such a blond!

"RE: the next iron chef - super chefs"
Posted by krismiss2us on 11-21-11 at 08:34 PM
so bummed to see chef beau go...i liked him. but chef z (won't even try to spell his name) isn't as arrogant as i first thought...so i guess it's ok he won. still rooting for anne burrell, though.

what did ya'll think of the competition?

"RE: the next iron chef - super chefs"
Posted by kidflash212 on 07-10-16 at 11:51 AM
And where have you been?

"RE: the next iron chef - super chefs"
Posted by udg on 12-06-11 at 03:05 PM
My favorites are Samuelsson, Burrell, Falkner, and Zakarian.

I lost Samuelsson and Burrell! Now I'm wondering if my list is jinxed. It wasn't supposed to be a boot list!

I'm holding out hope for Falkner to win. She seems to be getting a winner's edit, and I'm afraid that's just to keep the real winner a surprise.

Thanks to tribephyl for the sigpic!

"RE: the next iron chef - super chefs"
Posted by krismiss2us on 12-09-11 at 10:48 AM
Personally, now that Anne is gone, i'd rather see zakarian or gornaschelli win but i have a bad feeling it'll be the arrogant ##### or faulkner that make the final two.