Anyone else out there watching this? Love to hear thoughts on these egotistic chefs!! Though, i do have a fave or two.
Yes, this redneck girl is loving it too!I think it is more interesting to me this time because we are a bit familiar with the chefs. Each has been on one show or another in the last year or so that they are not strangers.
I know Robert Irvine had to be hurting when he was eliminated. He is a competitor and hates to lose!
The only chef from the start that I would not have considered in the same league as these others was
stick, stiff, stuckuh, Spike. I think it was planned that he be eliminated first regardless of what he cooked. He was there to be first out - he never belonged there to begin with.
Thanks Agman 2010
Tennessee girls have fire and ice in our blood! We can ride 4wheelers and horses, be a princess, love with a passion, throw left hooks, fish and hunt with the guys, and if we have an opinion you're gonna hear it! Proud to be one....
I'm enjoying it! I was so worried that Marcus Samuelsson was going home during the first episode. Thank goodness it was Spike!I was THRILLED when Robert Irvine kicked it. He's such an @$$hole on Restaurant Impossible (not just to the people he's there to "help", but to his own staff!). Schadenfreude: I has it.
My favorites are Samuelsson, Burrell, Falkner, and Zakarian.
Thanks to tribephyl for the sigpic!
Glad to hear/see others out here like this show!! I'm a burrell fan. I love worst cooks in america. I also like mcmillan and gaurnachelli (or however the hell you spell her name) I want that canadian guy gone (just cuz i don't know who he is) and that arrogant french/italian chef...can't remember his name but he beat out irvine.jbug...haven't seen you on the boards...are you hiding or am i just missing you???
I'm all over OT; where are you?
D'Abby Special
STUPID FACEBOOK!!! all i do is play their stupid games....damn addicting!!! are you not in the survivor forums?
Tennessee girls have fire and ice in our blood! We can ride 4wheelers and horses, be a princess, love with a passion, throw left hooks, fish and hunt with the guys, and if we have an opinion you're gonna hear it! Proud to be one....
i'm such a blond!
so bummed to see chef beau go...i liked him. but chef z (won't even try to spell his name) isn't as arrogant as i first i guess it's ok he won. still rooting for anne burrell, though.what did ya'll think of the competition?
And where have you been?
My favorites are Samuelsson, Burrell, Falkner, and Zakarian.I lost Samuelsson and Burrell! Now I'm wondering if my list is jinxed. It wasn't supposed to be a boot list!
I'm holding out hope for Falkner to win. She seems to be getting a winner's edit, and I'm afraid that's just to keep the real winner a surprise.
Thanks to tribephyl for the sigpic!
Personally, now that Anne is gone, i'd rather see zakarian or gornaschelli win but i have a bad feeling it'll be the arrogant ##### or faulkner that make the final two.