LAST EDITED ON 10-07-11 AT 02:04 AM (EST)On Sunday nights on the History channel. With "Boston" Rob Mariano and Monster Truck's Dennis Anderson. I really liked this show. In fact, I watched it a second time so hubby could see it. In the premiere, they used 9 forms of transportation to get from Los Angeles to Lake Titicaca in Peru. Their friendly rivalry is fun to watch. They'll also be going to Brazil, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Tanzania, Dubai, India, and Thailand.
I wanted to watch this and had no idea when it would start. Thanks for reminding me. Now I will go and figure out how to watch Episode 1.
Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie
Caught the first episode in re-run, kinda fun. Don't think the format is strong enough for the show to go annual, but should do for a one-off series. The Grave Digger seems like a good match for Rob on a round-the-world just for goofs show. Recording the second ep for later viewing.
I'd like to put a road train in Manhattan for one day just to see ten million people stopped by one vehicle.
Doesn't that happen a lot anyway?Episode 2 was okay, nice to see Rob still has a sour stomach. Next time Dennis should make him eat milk toast.
Finally got around to watching the final show. Fun romp around the world, though the producers put a lot of things in their paths in order to make it all work; and have educational neat things to show off their smarts. Rob and Dennis were a very good match for this stuff.
no more Boston Rob for me