Please keep all details on how Adam and Cee Lo's teams will attempt to one-up the performances done by Blake and Christina's teams here until well past midnight Eastern...Also, we'll (probably) find out who won the Viewer's Save for both Blake and Christina's teams as well as the Coach's Save... Thereby eliminating 2 members of each team.
Voting will begin again at 11pm Eastern with the phone numbers provided during each team member's performance, voting at's The Voice homepage, as well as downloading the performer's song from a special section of ITunes... Voting period will probably again end around 10am Eastern on Monday.
Howdy, howdy!Wonder what the format will be with announcing the results from last week along with live performances for this week. Last week's live performances pretty much filled up the time slot, so we're probably going to be spared a lot of results filler.
Winning the Viewer's Save is: Beverly McClellan!Christina will use her Coach's Save on: Frenchie!
Racquel and Lily are therefore eliminated...
-- and take a look at what happens when the ballots get a little closer to fair.If Christina had taken any longer to make that decision, Team Adam would have played her off. And if Carson thinks that was five minutes, Ryan can play him off.
Yup, yup, the two powerhouse ladies make it through, and the two I would have picked to make it through. Christina has a pair of serious contenders here. The other two (Racquel and Lily) were good, but not particularly unique and outstanding. Christina was a bit long and drawn out about making the decision and it seemed that she had to be pushed a little to state her choice without getting any more verbose about everyone than she was.Interesting that America chose Beverly, as it makes me wonder what the voting demographic is like compared to AI. My guess is that the Voice voters are a little older, a little more sophisticated, and probably happier without the possibility of someone sending hundreds or thousands of votes that would drown out their own votes. So, thumbs up for the voting format. (Let's see if I say that after the next round of results.)
it makes me wonder what the voting demographic is likeI can pretty much guarantee you none of them were debating in New Hampshire last night.
It's an interesting question. There's no WGWG to vote for in Christina's group and power voting under this system requires a few thousand friends. Beverly's advancement represents something -- but I can't pin down what.
I agree the voting demographic is a little older, given the premise of the show (it's not about the look, at least initially).I did not and would not have voted to keep Beverly. Her head shake is annoying the ##### out of me. But alas, I do think the voting was a little more fair than Idol, so I'll accept this and move on. I can't imagine Beverly will be THE VOICE.
-A Tribetastic Creation
The results for Team Blake will be at the end of the show...
Not bad, keeping the live performances in one chunk flanked by results.
Boogie-Woogie Bugle Boy
Talk about a risky maneuver... There will also be choreography too...Bugle boys on stage, girls in retro outfits, flag and bugles on the video screens...
That was the single most improbable song pick in the history of reality TV singing competitions.*blink*
That did just happen -- right...?
...and it seems you can thank Adam for pushing Cee Lo to go for that maneuver, too...
That was a Fraudville act.All style, no substance and zero i-tune downloadability.
Well I didn't like it. Interesting that Adam talked CeeLo into that song.Their voices were grating to me.
Voices? Oh, yeah, those. Agreed. 90% of my attention was so much on the saccharin candy, that I hardly noticed the song voices. And what of it I did notice came though as "there's no way I'd listen to this on a CD."
Interesting that Adam talked CeeLo into that song.The judges are free to sabotage each other. Not all of them are taking advantage.
Agree-cute song choice, cute look, no downloadability (which does matter somewhat for votes), grating vocals. Please let them go next week.
-A Tribetastic Creation
Black Horse and the Cherry Tree
Sounds like they were a little intimidated by the girls' performances last week...
Pail drummers, harmonica player, she's got a guitar, and backup singers... video screens have a black horse and the 'cherry trees' as well...1-855-VOICE-02
After Blake gave his comments, he downloaded the song to his IPhone (which doesn't count for voting purposes, since it was before the voting period and the whole, 'he's also a judge' thing...)
I like her voice. Glad Adam talked her into doing something a little more than sitting on a stool.
LAST EDITED ON 06-14-11 AT 09:41 PM (EST)Comes out with an acoustic with a capo on F for a rather upbeat song. No make that a loudbeat song. Those plastic pail drummers did their part in drowning out her voice. And for all the fast hard strumming she was doing in about 3 chords, I hardly heard a single note out of the guitar. Poor arrangement, in my opinion, that overpowered her voice and acoustic play.
I agree it did drown out her voice a bit, and my guess is that Adam coached her to focus on her vocal performance and stage presence more than the guitar. Other than the background drowning her out a bit, I think she did a fabulous job.
-A Tribetastic Creation
Did you notice Carson saying we can get the full version of each performance from iTunes? Sounds like the sold edition comes from rehearsal footage -- but also covers the actual length of the song. Interesting trade-off.
Yup, and almost certain to be more polished with a little bit of soundboard work to give it better balance. That last performance, for example, probably would sound a lot better in i-tunes that it just did live on TV.
Any takers to try it out and report back?
-A Tribetastic Creation
JoleneAnother girl that got intimidated by the performances from the previous week...
She's sitting on a mini-stage out in the crowd, strumming on a guitar...
Swaybots sighting!
She's abandoned her guitar and heads onto the stage.
Video screens have chandeliers/candelabras on them... with more candelabras on stage, to boot...
Not bad. Starts with a few acoustic bars, then goes on stage sans guitar. No background instruments or choreographic dancers, which would have detracted from her song. Shows good vocal range and ability to mix it up. While I didn't really care for this version of the song, I think she did a good job with it, particularly for not having to rely on background to hide any faults.
I said, "Am I unamerican for not liking this song?" last night.She did a good job, but as someone else noted, I got bored with it.
-A Tribetastic Creation
She started out good but then I got a little bored with it.
She's been in my top 3 from the beginning. I was hoping for a more fun song but she did this well.
She's my fav in this team and got my votes!![]()
Stop and Stare
Adam gives Devon some tips on grabbing the mikestand. He's worried about his confidence...
Leather jacket and tie as he tries to get through it.1-855-VOICE-04
Interesting that Adam's listening with his eyes closed, even with his chair facing the stage...
I could spend twenty minutes doing various parodies of those lyrics to describe just how many fatalities were created during that three-note pileup. I won't. He's not a stupid man. He knows he just stabbed himself.
I was wincing during the song. He sounded to me like he was off at times.
Ugh, that was so flat and monotonous, all a few notes within a single octave. Some singers can get away with it, maybe, but with his tone that eventually got on my nerves, it came out as someone I'd expect to see competing for a high school talent show. Thumbs down, dude.
There were good parts where I thought "he can do this and keep my interest" and then there were pretty bad parts where he was flat.It might not have been the best song choice. I don't know. It isn't going to guarantee he moves on, that's for sure.
-A Tribetastic Creation
... and I have a question -- Do you think any of them have a chance to move on?
LAST EDITED ON 06-14-11 AT 09:57 PM (EST)Out of the lot so far, I'd say only Vicci has a chance, Casey a bare maybe. I guess they're saving the dessert for last.
Everyday People for their Team Song.I missed where their team meeting was, on the wrong channel...
Well, that was entertaining, if at times almost comical with Cee Lo with his huge 'fro. Kind of a throwback to the psychedelic age. Vicci looks sharper and more in her element here, nobody else really stood out.
I enjoyed watching Adam and Blake laughing.
Sex On FireThis is out of his comfort zone, for sure...
They quickly slicked his hair back after the Team Song, as well as got him into a black suit, too...Two female fire dancers are also working it around the stage... Video monitors showing fire graphics.
That had no reason to work and did anyway.
I just don't find Nakia sexy and he kind of scared me when he came out on stage.
You have to admit, they are mighty quick with the flawless stage settings and wardrobe. And going back to the group song, even the camera work was choreographed.As for Nakia, well... not bad, although not my cup of tea either. Careful there, dude, getting too close to those dancers with the twirling fire batons, or you'll go down in flames! (Yeah, I thought this during his performance.) And the red tennis shoes were a distraction, dressed in a black suit and white shirt. Oh, I forgot about the vocal performance. Let's leave it at that.
According to tvguide last week the songs with Blake and Christina were taped before the live show. So I think CeeLo's probably was too.
Ok, that would make some sense, with the team performances taped in advance, my guess prior to the live show with the audience already present. Otherwise, I'd be imagining a very, very fast robotic stage and wardrobe crew!
Surprisingly really liked it. Nakia is working this competition hard. He has guts.
-A Tribetastic Creation
Jesus Take the Wheel (Carrie Underwood)
To add to the degree of difficulty, Adam suggests raising the key...Jeff dedicates the song to his deceased mom, and again just before he started 'This is for you, Mom'
Again, Adam's spotted listening with his eyes closed... Later on, finally spotted with his eyes open... and smiling.
Cave/winter-like graphics on the video screens this time, snow falling as well...
While he's not the best stage performer, nor does he connect with the audience and camera that well, he has a genuine and great voice, with wide range and expression. In short, he wouldn't sell out a concert, but he might have some superb audios. Compared to what we've heard so far tonight, I'll give him a thumbs up.
I was distracted doing other things. I didn't really pay attention to him.
I don't care for this song, and don't find him marketable as a singer. Good voice, but that's it.
-A Tribetastic Creation
Their meeting is at Adam's place, eating outside. We get to hear a few questions from his team members that give them advice.Team Song: (I Get By With A) Little Help From My Friends
Stained Glass on the video screens, Church Choir on this stage's version of the Steps of Doom before they file onto the stage.
Looks and sounds like they're trying too hard. Not bad, I guess, but I had expected something either more entertaining or more vocally polished. Cee Lo's group performance wins the night just based on entertainment value, and maybe even vocals.
Addicted To Love
I think the biggest problem/question for this choice is: Can this song withstand being countrified?1-855-VOICE-07
He's got some girl dancers in tight jeans and cowboy hats that start on stage, head into the crowd walkways and then yo-yo back and forth the rest of the song...
Kill it with fire.
Yeah, they should have swapped in those twirling fire baton dancers for this set.
Can this song withstand being countrified?NO
LAST EDITED ON 06-14-11 AT 10:58 PM (EST)Well, here's our token Texan country dude who'll never have as many downloads as quirky Scotty. There's nothing really unique about this guy -- he just sounds like a C&W guy you'd hear in a band in an Amarillo bar with Ford F-250's parked outside and couples jostling on the dance floor with the occasional fistfight over in the corner. Nah, I'll pass.
(eta) Patrick from last week was a lot better and still didn't make the cut.
It started bad then didn't sound too bad. Then he went off again. It was interesting.
Band pimpage, again somewhat deserved.Angel
Strength/weakness: his wide vocal range... It's good to have that range, but he also wanders a bit too much...
Sitting at a piano on stage, violin section just off to his left.1-855-VOICE-08
We'll see this guy either voted in or saved next week. Excellent vocal range and control, and totally into it in a nearly flawless performance. Even though I'm not a huge fan of this kind of song, I like this guy and I'm curious what he'll do next. Both thumbs up.
He's good. But I was bored.Glad Mark Burnett brought back most of the RockStar band as the Voice Band.
I thought that was the same guys (with a few swaps)!
-A Tribetastic Creation
Javier has a real chance of winning this. Last nights song choice was a little boring, but nice. He needs to really sell himself with a more up-tempo song next time.
-A Tribetastic Creation
I know he is good. But all those runs I just got bored. And I get the feeling Adam doesn't care for him that much. Javier doesn't really pay attention to the coaching. He does what he wants.I think I like Vicci and Casey the most this week.
I thought he took Adam's advice to tone down the runs (is that even the right term?), but I have absolutely no vocal knowledge other than what my untrained ear hears.
-A Tribetastic Creation
Results for Team Blake will be after the break...We get to see some snippets of the performances: Cee Lo's team first, then Adam's...
Winning the Viewer's Save is: Dia Frampton!Blake will use his Coach's Save on: Xenia!
No guys have advanced yet!
Patrick and Jared are eliminated.
Yay, Dia.She was my pick of this team last week, but I had a hard time deciding between Jared and Xenia to pad a few more votes with. Looking back on it, I think I'd rather have seen what Jared would come up with, but I can see how Blake preferred Xenia. The downside to this is that he's got two somewhat similar gals, much in the same way Christina's got two powerhouse ladies.
I like it the way America gets a choice and it really puts a lot of pressure on the judge/coach to make a choice of their own.
Wow-huge surprise to save Xenia. Blake needs to invest some serious time with her, and I admire him for choosing her. I hope he can really help her shine next week. OTH, I think he knows Dia is his team member to beat and wants to see her go to the finals. This was also his way of securing that.
-A Tribetastic Creation