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"The Sing-Off: Season #2."

Posted by Estee on 12-06-10 at 08:18 PM
NBC: Reports Of Our Cheapness Have Been Understated.

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"RE: The Sing-Off: Season #2."
Posted by Loree on 12-07-10 at 03:44 PM
I watched this. They seem to have more talented groups this season than last. Although seeing Nicole as a judge annoys me more now after DWTS.

I think the judges got rid of Pitch Slapped before the viewers could vote. They were one of the more attractive groups and fans might have voted for their looks rather than their singing talent.

Groove for Thought kind of bored me. I am not a big jazz fan and they were not that interesting to watch. I could have listened from the other room. I like the more visible groups that entertain me.

In the second bunch of 5 it was easy to figure which group was going home. The judges did not say as many nice things about them while they seemed to be overly crazy about the other 4 groups. And the looks on the faces of a couple of the young men told the story that they knew they were going home.

Too bad they didn't find at least one all-female group. There are several all male groups and then they sent home one of the groups that did have females in it.

"RE: The Sing-Off: Season #2."
Posted by Estee on 12-07-10 at 04:47 PM
I might have voted for Pitch Slapped just because of the name. And of course they dumped the Jerseyans first. It's a rule: no positive examples from the state until all the Shore people are forgotten.

Which may take a while. Stoopid Snooki.

Although seeing Nicole as a judge annoys me more now after DWTS.

But she'll be so good at failing to ID the ringer...

"RE: The Sing-Off: Season #2."
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 12-08-10 at 07:10 PM
I was glad to see U of Oregon well represented, but when the Whiffenpoofs took the stage.....dayum!!!

"RE: The Sing-Off: Season #2."
Posted by JessicaRN on 12-08-10 at 10:57 PM
I have to admit that I like this show, especially for this time of the year. I enjoy the two male judges, especially Ben Folds, who I had to look up last year.

I really enjoy listening to voices that blend and I do have a bias towards male voices, because female voices can get kind of "tinny" sometime.

There was a lot of diversity among the groups.

"Second show"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 12-09-10 at 02:00 AM
I was loving the Whiffenpoofs before, but IMHO they were the weakest of the second group.....BUT.....had they judged all 8 choirs together, they'd still be there. Much better than the U of O group as well as a couple others. Unfair to judge the groups the way they do.

"RE: Second show"
Posted by Estee on 12-09-10 at 09:08 AM
I've been keeping it simple. Tune in for the group number, enjoy, then change the channel. Everything's sweeter without judges involved. And more melodic.

(I'd still pay for the Season #1 rendition of Under Pressure.)

"RE: Second show"
Posted by Loree on 12-10-10 at 01:50 PM
It sounds like the W'poofs were booted out in part because of their attitude. I read Ben's blog and he mentioned that they seemed to look down their noses at the songs they were singing.

I think the Backbeats survived because they didn't want to send anymore women home yet. And I do agree the grouping has been unfair to some groups. They should be all judged against each other.

"RE: Second show"
Posted by JessicaRN on 12-12-10 at 01:18 AM
I know that the W'poofs are iconic and their style doesn't appeal to me, but I thought they came across with a cocky attitude. Maybe getting into an elite group at an elite school makes you very "self-confident".

I'm loving Ben and Shawn. Didn't realize that he was blogging, so I definitely want to go read it.

Posted by udg on 12-20-10 at 10:29 PM
Who's watching?

Is it just me or were the Back Beats and Sara Bareilles having some major issues in their song? It was almost like they were singing in two (or three) different keys.

I fast forwarded through the Cheryl Crow thing.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Finale"
Posted by Loree on 12-21-10 at 10:17 AM
I felt the finale was the weakest episode of the season. I didn't care for the Sheryl Crow song either.

I think the right 2 groups were the F2. I would have preferred SCS winning. But Committed probably needed the win more. I think SCS got the exposure they needed and will be fine.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by agman on 12-12-11 at 05:16 PM
I completely agree!

"RE: Finale"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 12-21-10 at 11:48 PM
I really like this show- I think both final 2 groups were really good

Syren 2007

"RE: Finale"
Posted by Loree on 12-22-10 at 00:23 AM
Committed peaked early. Then I found them boring after awhile. Everything they did sounded the same and I didn't get the feeling they were as excited after awhile.

Street Corner Symphony continued to get better and I liked all their performances.

I am still trying to understand why Sheryl Crow was playing her guitar. It seemed to defeat the purpose of the show.

And I hope the 2 females from the Backbeats don't return next season with another group. Two seasons in a row should be enough for them.

"RE: Finale"
Posted by JessicaRN on 12-22-10 at 02:52 AM
I recorded this and the finale did kind of a weird thing where it repeated a couple of performances, but it might have just been my box.

I enjoyed this show, especially during this time of the year. I could put it on and do other things, but still enjoy it. I actually learned a lot from Ben.

I also think the SCS will probably do better than Committed, although I have never heard anything through the year about the guys from last year, except when they were on this year.

Nick Lachey is likable, but he is kind of a stereo type of a host. I forget that he was not of DWTS, which has really jump-started a lot of careers.

"TSO: Season 3"
Posted by susang on 10-24-11 at 01:22 PM
I haven't been watching Season 3 on a regular basis. Season 2 was better.

"RE: TSO: Season 3"
Posted by JessicaRN on 10-26-11 at 12:30 PM
I enjoyed it when it was a shorter, more original show. Now it started with too many groups and the groups seem more "showy" than they originally were. Once again, two hours of accapella (sp?) music is too long.

I do like the judges though. They give very thoughtful critiques and don't yell over each other.

"RE: TSO: Season 3"
Posted by agman on 12-12-11 at 05:17 PM
It seems like every singing show dies when groups are pulled in.

"Holiday special"
Posted by udg on 12-20-11 at 04:08 PM
I didn't watch S3 at all, except for the holiday special, which I enjoyed. I missed the first 20 min or so, but I absolutely loved their version of Mr. Grinch! I watched it 3 times before deleting the recording. There was a second song that I rewound and watched twice, but I can't remember what it was.

Thanks to tribephyl for the sigpic!

"RE: The Sing-Off: Season #2."
Posted by kidflash212 on 07-10-16 at 11:54 AM
Who won?