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"7-Eleven CEO Joe DePinto goes incognito on the new CBS show, "Undercover Boss" and talks about it today on Oprah!"

Posted by RobinPR on 02-01-10 at 03:48 AM
Monday, February 1, 5PM/4PM CST on ABC

• Joe DePinto will appear on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” on ABC
due to his participation in the new CBS reality show
“Undercover Boss”

Sunday, February 21st 9PM/8PM CST on CBS

• Joe DePinto and 7-Eleven will be featured on the new CBS show
“Undercover Boss”
• 10+ Million viewers will see 7-Eleven’s CEO working at the coffee
bar, in a bakery, and delivering our fresh sandwiches

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"RE: 7-Eleven CEO Joe DePinto goes incognito on the new CBS show, "Undercover Boss" and talks about it today on Oprah!"
Posted by mindy23 on 02-08-10 at 08:38 AM
Due to the overlap of the Super Bowl, I didn't get the entire episode of last night's starter show, but I was VERY impressed! It was the CEO of Waste Management, and I absolutely loved this show!

I hope it continues for a really long time, and is as impactive as last night's. I guess next week the CEO of "Hooter's" is going undercover, and will discover some really sexists things going on. Duh! Isn't that bascially what "Hooter's" reputation is built on? The rumor is that you can't get a job there unless you have nice, large, boobs.

Well, let's see if this person can do something about that rumor, and the general reputation of "Hooter's"! And let's see what happens when he sees how some of the women who work there are really treated. Should be very, very interesting. Can't wait.

"RE: 7-Eleven CEO Joe DePinto goes incognito on the new CBS show, "Undercover Boss" and talks about it today on Oprah!"
Posted by MKitty on 02-08-10 at 11:43 AM
Because my PVR taped it...and the Superbowl went over I missed the last ten minutes!! What happened in the end??? I really want to know!

*winter delight from Sharnina*

"Waste Management"
Posted by jbug on 02-08-10 at 04:02 PM
The CEO met individually with each one he had worked with.
The guy that 'fired' him? was given a some position in motivating others.

The woman that was doing everything? was promoted; 2 assistants hired to do what she had been dong; she's now an account manager.

The trash pick up woman? was promised that they would work on solutions to make their jobs better

The portapotty guy? can't remember exactly

The woman who rushed to clock back in? Her boss was brought in and told to fix that problem - that it was ruining morale. (I thought it was funny tho that it appeared she rushed to the clock to clock back in yet she went and sat back at the table with "Randy" - after she clocked back in - or did I mis-see that?)

Sparkled by Agman 2009

"RE: Waste Management"
Posted by MKitty on 02-08-10 at 06:58 PM
Ah, great..thanks Junebug!!

Tribe manga'd my mug

"RE: Waste Management"
Posted by pmspml5 on 02-11-10 at 11:26 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-11-10 AT 11:27 AM (EST)

Yes - she did - however - what I thought was ridiculous and it was never mentioned was that because the line went down they were forced to take their lunch hour at that time. So I think the line was still down and they could not return to work anyway.

Also, I liked this show - but I really have a hard time believing some of them had no clue who he was - - His picture would be all over announcements etc. I know I work for a very large company and would recognize my COO unless they really made him look different

"RE: Waste Management"
Posted by kidflash212 on 02-12-10 at 05:38 AM
Not to mention the camera crew following him around.

Capn2patch put me in motion!

"RE: Waste Management"
Posted by mindy23 on 02-19-10 at 09:39 AM
They are told that the camera crew is there to film a documentary about their company or some such...

"RE: 7-Eleven CEO Joe DePinto goes incognito on the new CBS show, "Undercover Boss" and talks about it today on Oprah!"
Posted by Brownroach on 02-22-10 at 12:19 PM
Is this guy going to be on the show again, or just for the one episode (which I missed)? He has my name, with a minor spelling difference.

A tribe glows in Brooklyn

"RE: 7-Eleven CEO Joe DePinto goes incognito on the new CBS show, "Undercover Boss" and talks about it today on Oprah!"
Posted by mindy23 on 02-22-10 at 01:29 PM
The CEO's are only doing one episode about their companies. Next week will be CEO of White Castle.

We never had White Castle Burgers here in Arizona, still don't, except to buy them in the frozen foods department. So, it will be interesting to me to see how the company works, and where exactly it is located.

I'm expecting it's more in the midwest? Anyone??

"RE: 7-Eleven CEO Joe DePinto goes incognito on the new CBS show, "Undercover Boss" and talks about it today on Oprah!"
Posted by Brownroach on 02-22-10 at 03:40 PM
Oh darnit, I missed me. I mean, him.

A tribe glows in Brooklyn

"RE: 7-Eleven CEO Joe DePinto goes incognito on the new CBS show, "Undercover Boss" and talks about it today on Oprah!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 07-10-16 at 10:40 AM
Brownroach - very missed