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Thread Number: 2102
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"Conveyor Belt of Love"

Posted by Snidget on 01-01-10 at 07:29 PM
And it isn't on VH1, believe it or not.
ABC will be rolling this out


For now it looks like a one off thing...we can only hope.

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Posted by foonermints on 01-02-10 at 12:25 PM
»Because machinery-assisted speed-dating is such a tried and true method of matchmaking.«

I was hoping this was about random artificial insemination. Or robots. All shows need robots.

" Conveyor Belt of Love?"
Posted by kidflash212 on 01-02-10 at 11:36 PM
Sounds like something you'd order from an ad in the back of a dirty magazine.

Not that I have any idea what kind of ads are in the back of dirty magazines.

"RE: Conveyor Belt of Love?"
Posted by jbug on 01-06-10 at 02:23 PM

"RE: Conveyor Belt of Love?"
Posted by kidflash212 on 07-10-16 at 10:30 AM
Thanks - I'll be here all week. maybe.

"RE: Conveyor Belt of Love"
Posted by toad8098 on 01-04-10 at 02:22 PM
well, MTV's Jersey Shore now has competition for the worst reality show ever.

"RE: Conveyor Belt of Love"
Posted by foonermints on 01-05-10 at 00:07 AM
I'm taping it in 53 minutes.

"RE: Conveyor Belt of Love"
Posted by kingfish on 01-05-10 at 08:44 AM
How dare they reduce men to glorified meatballs, judged solely on the basis of physical appearance and a 30 second interview by callous women unqualified to judge even a Chili Cheese dip contest and intent only on fulfilling their own selfish wants.

Don't they know we have feelings, too? And that when pricked, we bleed? Don't they know that?


"RE: Conveyor Belt of Love"
Posted by foonermints on 01-06-10 at 00:45 AM
»And that when pricked, we bleed?«

A couple of those words should never be used in the same sentence. *Shudder*

Anyway, I'm completely confused why the tatooed gangbanger/marine failed to impress by coming out twirling his nunchakus. I forget: was he wearing a wife beater?
Plus the kid who preferred to date in the "over 32 cougar bracket." This is a classy show. Who was he fooling?
I honestly can see why the Virgin failed. In O so many ways.

All in All, I'd like to see the conveyor belt sped up, giving the producers more for less. How about 70 guys @ 10 seconds each? That would allow more of these unemployed Hollywood waiters "Actors" to at least keep up their SAG memberships. Plus we'd see less of them, and be able to forget more quickly.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

Posted by foonermints on 01-13-10 at 10:24 PM
I think it's dead!

No listings this week.
Do I win something?

"RE: Hey!"
Posted by Snidget on 01-13-10 at 10:31 PM
Looks like they planned it as a one hour special rather than a series.

You only get points if they took it off the air before the end of that hour.

Posted by foonermints on 01-15-10 at 10:21 PM
I wanted to win something. Maybe 2patch can make you a "meanie" sigpic.
Wait! I didn't last the hour. Does that count?