LAST EDITED ON 10-05-09 AT 01:18 PM (EST)I love watching Michael Simon on Iron Chef.
Last night, I caught myself paying more attention to each chef and thinking if I'd enjoy watching them or not.I've never been a fan of Chef Freitag. And alst night she sure seemed to be frowning a lot.
The guy (Nate Appleman)who won the challenge (had to cook with unlaid eggs - eeeewwww) also did not appeal to me.
Slicey took out the wrinkles '08 of all the participants (was going to post pics but they're pretty big)
I found it interesting that the guy that got Matzho never really paid attention to the making of Matzho Ball Soup when he was a kid!Also, the ingredients in the 2nd half were pretty much damn near impossible on all fronts. I think the only thing that saved the woman that got switched from Stinky Tofu to Sea Cucumbers is that the Grashopper dude's pork was inedible and he only used the Grashoppers as a garnish..........
The one who got Unlaid Eggs wrecked the place in that challenge! Carnage: Stand Mixer, destroyed and Pasta Machine, almost broken.....
Also, it's always seems interesting that with all the technology and that, that you have to wonder if they test the equipment before they give them to the chefs. Last time there was issues with freezers and an ice cream machine, among others....... this time, the sorbet/ice cream machine didn't seem to work in the time advertised, as well....... This is besides all of the infamous malfunctions that happen during the actual Iron Chef battles......... Although in the last new episode, that one should really fall on the student chefs, because they never moved their "ice cream" into the blast freezer..........
Loved this show. I didn't see the last season of it.There are two chefs I've seen before, probably on the FN show Chopped, right? I think it's the frowny lady chef and the guy who got the crickets. ANyone else recognize them?
Can't wait to see who ends up winning, but the dude who won last night is too much of a whiner to stay.
Most, if not all, of these chefs have already had a battle inside Kitchen Stadium as a Challenger Chef...... Their success then, though...... might be varied. I'm pretty sure that Freitag lost, and I think that the Indian chef might've lost as well, but I'm not as sure for him.......
I was kind of surprised at how some of them could not say anything nice about the other's dishes. There was one with dark hair who complimented, but not the others. And Chef Freitag's faces were made to be quite obvious, kind of like children do. I guess I got spoiled with Top Chef Masters and their respectful attitudes towards each other.I appreciated the chef who's sorbet became a drink instead. I'm always amazed at how quickly they can think on their feet to come up with very creative solutions.
Unlaid eggs and FALLOPIAN TUBES. Not even with pasta and cream sauce and cheese, dood.I like this, too. I like watching real chefs do challenges. It's a little like "Chopped" but with familiar faces. And Alton!
This has become one of my favorite shows, too. Mostly because I love seeing Amanda Frietag being judged, after all her stinky remarks on 'Chopped'! LOL.But I also love how they think on their feet, take the most unconventional items (some I would never even consider FOOD), and turn them into something edible. It's really fun to watch them!!
I loved it when the one chef got that prickly fruit thing that stunk up the whole kitchen, and everyone was getting a good whiff of it, and he said, "it's the gift that keeps on giving!". Everyone who passed him, was like 'dude, what IS that??' LOL!! Love this show-Alton makes it even better, too, with his quick wit.
Would not want to be the judges who have to eat that stuff, though. And it really shows on the old man's face, too-is he constipated or what??
I haven't watched last night's episode yet (10/25).
I saw the opening part only.Why is The Chairman always being shown at an airport in front of American Airlines airplanes?
In the opening last night, they used a plane as in
'the secret ingredient has just been flown in from Mexico.'Is the airport stuff supposed to relate to cuisine around the world theme?
I imagine that during the time that this show was being taped, was also during the 4-week training period before DWTS started production. Also at that time, I think, they were also taping some new Iron Chef America episodes, and since they're taped in New York, he needed to fly across country a few times....... Plus you have to imagine that during that time frame he went home to see his wife and kids a couple of times......![]()
Down to 3 now. All 3 men. A bit surprised that they didn't keep Frutag so Iron Chef would have another female chef.I will enjoy watching Iron Chef with any of these 3 on the show.
Glad Chef Frutag is gone. I would not have watched her.
Will Mario be leaving as an Iron Chef, since he has kind of broken his ties with the Food Network. Or is Michael Symon only on for one year. Or perhaps this is such an intense show, that the chefs need another one in the rotation. I couldn't imagine doing this on a routine basis. I heard Rachel Ray say that she would never do it again.
The Iron Chef America that they showed the week before the Next Iron Chef premiered had a different opening than the "new" episodes that have been shown since, didn't have Mario as an Iron Chef, and had at least one of the Next Iron Chef judges on the tasting panel...........I have a feeling that they unintentionally gave us a couple of spoilers in that episode, the least of which is that Mario will be replaced........ On the Food Network website, when Next Iron Chef first premiered, they had Flay, Symon, and Morimoto as guest judges during the show...... I think Cat may or may not have still been pregnant at the time of taping Next Iron Chef, or just started to recover from said pregnancy.......
Besides, it's been two years since the first season of Next Iron Chef..... they would've been down to 4 Iron Chefs already if Symon only had a year contract...... Heck, they even got Symon to do a season of Dinner: Impossible during Robert Irvine's exile from Food Network......... so I don't think Symon's going anywhere anytime soon........
The newest and bestest Iron Chef America:Chef Garces!! After an hour of beating, grinding, cutting, deep frying, BBQ'ing, and every other method that can be done to ribs of every kind, HE and HE alone showed that he had what it takes to be the best of the best!
IMHO, Meta should have not been there, but the judges were impressed with his presentations, I think, more than his flavors, in the previous episodes, and that got him further than most. Also, Chef Mullens, with his RA acting up, would have more than likely, had to drop out, or struggle with intense pain, and probably not be able to go much further. So, there you have it.
If I recall correctly, Garces won the vert first challenge of the series. So, it seems fitting that he went on to win the very last and be labled Iron Chef. Can't wait to see him on some of the 'throw downs'!!
I think the judges were a little hard on him. Jeffrey's "I wouldn't pay for that food" was ridiculous.Chef Garces rightly won. Congrats to our new Iron Chef!
-A Tribetastic Creation
Considering that Jeffrey has probably rarely paid for a meal in the past 25 years, he considers paying for the food himself his highest compliment, when in fact it just shows how privelidged and rude he really is........
LAST EDITED ON 11-23-09 AT 11:59 AM (EST)The hype machine has already started for the first Iron Chef America show of next year: Super Chef Showdown!
It's a Tag battle pitting Iron Chef Mario Batali and Super Chef Emeril Lagasse (BAM!) vs. Iron Chef Bobby Flay and White House Executive Chef Cristeta Comerford...... The Secrect Ingredient is of "National Importance" and so is the Special Guest!
Also, next Sunday will be Flay - Morimoto 3, this time each Iron Chef will have ice carvers to help them with their presentations!
I watched Flay & Morimoto & their ice carvers last night.
I liked it. The secret ingredient was eggnog!Morimoto won by 1 point. Flay had him beat in flavor but lost out in presentation.
I think what put Morimoto over the top was the team up to make a cold smoker using one of the ice blocks.......
Well, with a few weeks out, the commercials are in abundance for the Super Chef Battle on the 3rd of January, and they've revealed that the Special Guest will be Michele Obama..... considering that she's the special guest, and that there is a mention on the 'net about her vegetable garden being ready for winter today....... I wouldn't be surprised if the theme ingredient was grown in her garden prior to the match......... or ingredients, possibly.........
First off, I thought a Jose Garces victory was a foregone conclusion. I never had that feeling about Michael Symon's win.Garces is one of the most successful regional chefs in the country. In just five years, he has opened several restaurants and Philly and expanded to Chicago., I don't think Batali is leaving, but I don't think he really wants to do many appearances, either. He did not appear on the show at all during the 28 episodes of season 7, and so far, his special appearance in the Emeril/Michelle Obama show discussed above is his only appearance during season 8 (the current season).
Regardless of whether or not Batali is truly gone from the Iron Chef roster, we will soon see Garces's Iron Chef debut.January 17th. His outfit color is dark brown with a red stripe.
That goes with Mario's white, Morimoto's silver (his IC Japan color), Bobby's dark blue, Michael's black and Cat's light blue........
One interesting thing to note from the Super Chef Battle: the Chairman wasn't actually present for the battle. I'm suspecting that the battle might've been taped while he was still scheduled to be on Dancing With the Stars, and it might've been on one of DWTS's live nights.......... either that or one of his other various appearances...... Alton got to play Chairman for the day, basically, while also doing his color commentary position as well....... just like in IC Japan, where in one episode Yukio Hattori (the color of the 2-man crew) had to play Chairman for the day when the guy who normally played the part had a performance on stage that day..... (the Chairman was seen skulking about at the end of the episode, the (at least dubbed) storyline excuse was the IC's losing streak and he was embarrased to show his face because of it......)
Not about the 'next' iron chef but....They had a big ep with 3 of the iron chefs & the White House chef cooking with the special ingredient - fresh vegetables from the WH garden.
However, they picked the veggies too early - a week before they were going to cook. So they had to get their veggies from another source. The ones from the WH were all wilted and yucky by then....
Elvis in In The House - Capt'n 2010
I think the original plan might've been to do the Kitchen Stadium taping the same day, but something happened that prevented it from happening. Because the next available day for that studio wasn't until a week later, they donated what was picked from the White House garden to a local food bank, and used locally sourced replacements. From what I been seeing on the web, they got the exact same types of produce from the White House garden and no more for their "White House" baskets...... I just find it ironic that they had a tape delay, and the Chairman ended up unable to be in attendance on the new taping day!
I don't want to know how one cooks with unlaid eggs. Yuck