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"Great American Road Trip"

Posted by dajaki on 05-31-09 at 10:33 PM
Has anyone heard anything about this NBC show? I checked the NBC website, and it's listed but nothing comes up when I click the link. It's 5 families, each w/ their own luxury touring bus, traveling Rte. 66 from Chicago (eastern terminus, right?) to LA. Per one of the crew, it is set to air in July.

Anyway, my family and I were at Meteor Crater, AZ today and they were filming there. I didn't see any competition between the families, but I assume there is some because 3 of the teams were wearing color-coded football jerseys. A 4th team was out of uniform and scarfing down Subway while a camera crew filmed, and I didn't see the 5th team.

The families I saw were the Montgomerys (African-American, 1 woman, 1 man and two boys - preteen and mid-teen wearing yellow), the DiSalvatores (Caucasian, wearing purple, 1 petite mama, 1 dad w/ scraggly hair and two kids - at least one of which is a preteen boy the other of which was behind a tree from my vantage point - dad and younger boy were having private confessional when I walked past them), the Favereys in light blue (not sure of their family make-up or racial background, perhaps Hispanic, as I only saw 3 members which included a teen girl and a woman - different tree blocked 3rd person). The family that was eating was either the Cootes (who may wear orange at some point to match the lettering on the tour bus as do the above 3 teams) or the Pollards (red), but included 2 younger girls, a man and a woman w/ lots of eye make-up.

The three teams in the jerseys were sitting in the courtyard of the museum structure, each at a separate picnic table. I guess they were instructed not to communicate with each other because there was no conversation occuring between the tables.

The crew was pretty large. There were easily 50 people running around with still and video cameras, walkie-talkies, etc. One of the Meteor Crater employees told me that they'd be filming most of the day (we were there from about noon-2:30) and were staying at the RV park at the I-40 exit tonight.

If they stay as close to old Rte. 66 as possible, what other stops do you think they've made along the way? Other AZ sites along Rte. 66 are Petrified Forest NP, Flagstaff (Museum Club, NAU), Williams (Grand Canyon RR), Ash Fork and Seligman (not much there), Grand Canyon Caverns and Kingman.

Here's to hoping that this isn't a re-invention of TAR Family Edition.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Great American Road Trip"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 06-03-09 at 12:18 PM
We did the old Rte 66 a from OK to CA a few years ago. Oatman AZ with the wild donkeys may be a place they stopped. Clark Gable and Carol Lombard honeymooned there. Though I wouldn't want to travel that part of the "old gold road" in a big RV!

Mangalicious by The Slice

Posted by dabo on 07-04-09 at 04:04 PM
Premeire Tuesday July 7 8PM Eastern
followed by America's Got Talent

"So basically..."
Posted by Estee on 07-08-09 at 07:52 AM
...it's exactly like TARFE, which rhymes with barf, which stands for 'a complete waste of one hour of your life', except that...

* The grand prize is ridiculous. My running network joke for the summer has been NBC: We're Cheap And It's Paid For -- and they insist on proving me right every five minutes. A hundred thousand dollars? Pre-tax? For the entire family? Wanna bet there's no prizes for second place on down?

* The host looks like an escapee from the rejected cast line for Best Week Ever. Sounds like one, too. Isn't even remotely that funny, but you can't have everything. Or with this series, anything.

* There is, as the host was so careful to explain, no racing element. You get there when you get there, and no one cares about how long it took. So why all the shots of people passing each other? Because they had nothing else to fill the time with.

* Every family was cast to fill a stereotype. How many stereotypes can you name? How many can NBC name? Is it more or less than the total number of viewers?

* The challenges are stupid (with one ripping off TAR in its own right). Wow, you have to climb over a cabinet. Feel that physical strain. Smell that humor. Win a prize on the financially petty side. Close down traffic for several hours and inconvenience thousands of people.

* Cast introductions? When we have so many people to deal with, we surely don't need to introduce all of them. In fact, as a working number, 'hardly any' will do...

* In the end, we're watching an extended commercial for an RV rental company.


Next step: the Honor Of Appearing Of NBC contestant fee.

"Thank you"
Posted by realitybites on 07-08-09 at 02:16 PM
I want to thank you for saving me from wasting endless hours on this third-rate TAR wannabe ("Treasure Hunters" and "Highway 18" were second-rate, IMHO). I owe you one.

"RE: Thank you"
Posted by Agman2 on 04-06-16 at 10:34 AM
She only takes cash though. You can ask about money orders if you wish.

"RE: Great American Road Trip"
Posted by dajaki on 07-08-09 at 12:12 PM
Okay, so that did suck. And to agree with and add to Estee's list . . .

*Reno Collier isn't a great host. I don't think Phil's hosting Emmy is in any danger of changing hands to this guy.
*Kids just can't emotionally handle the pressures of a reality television production (I'm not happy right now!). Leave the family element out of all future races.
*From what I saw at Meteor Crater, the Ricos are the next family to go, followed by the Cootes and Pollards in some order.
*The Presidential Obstacle Course was weak but it could have been great if mom wore the head of the VP and you had to get all the votes to the ballot box in the fastest time. And the family had to dodge donkeys and elephants at some point. And drunk convention delegates were involved.
*Thought the Pollards had 2 girls - my bad. The son was trapped in the corner of the Subway booth and I didn't get a good look at him because I was distracted by mom's make-up. Yikes!
*The DiSalvatores - Ewww and Ick.
*I hope the Montgomerys win.

"RE: Great American Road Trip"
Posted by Estee on 07-08-09 at 12:21 PM
As far as kids not handling the stress: some of them do better than the supposed adults. (See any season of Endurance for details.) The one good moment of the whole premiere was the instant spoiler being yelled out the RV's window.

Looking at your spoiler vs. the show's format, you may have been at an End Of The Road challenge. (It's amazing: we finally have a first-person eyewitness in-production spoiler and no one cares enough to make a forum around it.) Given the distance involved, this also potentially means either some major mileage being covered between challenges or a non-elimination somewhere along the way -- more likely the former.

The DiSalvatores are meant to be the Paolos. All we need is some more yelling. Plus screaming. And a few fistfights would be helpful.

I was surprised no one tried to make multiple vote-gathering trips within the three-minute limit. Especially with a Bush head on premises to provide inspiration.

I think contestant longevity may be directly linked to the length of their introductory shots. Did the Montgomery family get more than twenty seconds?

"RE: Great American Road Trip"
Posted by dajaki on 07-08-09 at 01:12 PM
I've seen Endurance. Maybe the problem is that w/ TARFE and GART, the kids are with their parents.

"RE: Great American Road Trip"
Posted by Starshine on 07-10-09 at 10:36 AM
Love TAR and TARA (lack of Hebrew and Portuguese kept me away from TARB and TARI) so I thought I would give this a bash.

Why oh why oh why did I put myself through it?

TAR is a race(ish)

Treasure Hunters was a race with difficult clues (although the good news for the Lairdbot is that on this showing he has been overtaken as worst.host.ever).

This is not a race, with stupid tasks, and teams who make the Paulos look normal.

Sigh, same time next week?

Arrrr Cap'n!

Just another Sleeperbloke

Something or Other

"RE: Great American Road Trip"
Posted by JessicaRN on 07-10-09 at 12:33 PM
Just watched half of it before I hit delete. I think I'll sit this show out. It was painful and dull all at the same time.

"RE: Great American Road Trip"
Posted by dabo on 07-10-09 at 11:53 PM
I really don't know if I'll bother watching this again. On the one hand I like the idea that it is based on challenge performance instead of being a race. On the other hand it is really really cheap and opposite NCIS reruns.

"Episode #2: The Great American Fail."
Posted by Estee on 07-14-09 at 07:15 AM
How many ways can a series prove itself stupid? Let's count just a few.

* A non-elimination leg on the second episode. If you're going to pull this trick, you do it in the premiere: 'None of you are used to the rules and twists just yet plus the audience still hasn't really met everyone, so we're going to call this a dry run. Next time counts.' But to do it on the second leg? Moronic.

* Of course, maybe they needed an emergency NEL because they set an episode in Branson, the most socially repressive city 1952 had to offer. Is it any surprise that the Southern team won a talent challenge where no one on any team could have even made it to a AI rejection special? It's even less of a surprise that the bottom three turned out to be a non-Caucasian team plus the East Coast residents with the most audible accents. Did you take a good look at those audience shots? 'If we see one hint of that devil music, we're going to kill everyone in the building. And by 'devil music', we mean anything involving four strings or more, plus wind instruments. Nothing has ever been blown in Branson. And we mean nothing.' That challenge was over before it began, much like this series should have ended prior to launch.

* And the prize we're fighting over in this idiotic event? The luxury which will make everyone's vacation time that much better? The experience of a lifetime added to the memory books?

One night in a Best Western.

Now if you've been on one of MB's islands for thirty-three days and someone offers you one night in a Best Western for your Reward, you will likely claw your way through a pile of soon-to-be dead bodies for a chance at a lukewarm shower. But these people have been riding around in RVs. Showers are available. Mattresses have been a lock since Day One. They have air conditioning. And the best anyone can do for a prize remains one night in a Best Western. Because the RV seats don't come with the vibrating option.

NBC: We're Cheap And It's Paid For.

* Tonight's special guest star: Yakov Smirnoff.

It's almost enough to make you miss the Weavers.

"RE: Episode #2: The Great American Fail."
Posted by dabo on 07-14-09 at 10:15 AM
But you have to give NBC credit for moving it to Monday to capture all the depressed Big Bang fans still reeling from the unacceptable relocation of Big Bang.

"RE: Episode #2: The Great American Fail."
Posted by dajaki on 07-14-09 at 11:31 PM
I didn't watch - forgot it was on. Guess I didn't miss much.

"RE: Episode #2: The Great American Fail."
Posted by catsnotkids on 07-17-09 at 09:11 AM
You missed nothing. This show is awful. Just a bunch of annoying families acting out extreme stereotypes. Did the casting director go around the country looking for the most stereotypical families? No creativity or anything unexpected here.

It's even worse than TARFE. And way worse than Treasure Hunters. At least TH had some nice looking folks on it, so we had some eye candy. The people on this show have zilch in the looks category.

A shame, since I lost CBS with the digital switch-over (no Big Brother for me this summer!) I'm trying shows on other channels. This one isn't even close to making the cut - I'd rather watch my cats sleep than this crap.

"RE: Episode #2: The Great American Fail."
Posted by Loree on 07-18-09 at 05:12 PM
And I was looking forward to at least watching one of the whiny families get the boot. But they didn't even eliminate anyone. That bugged me more than anything. What reality show does that on the second episode? If they wanted to do that they could have done it on the first ep. Strange.

"RE: Great American Road Trip"
Posted by dragonflies on 07-27-09 at 12:02 PM
I came across this show, and watched Episode 3. Determined that I am joining the ranks of "Can't stand this show" quickly. First, they eliminated the one team who seemed nice and semi normal. The rest are a bunch of dysfunctional idjuts. At least the parents are.

Nuff said. Nuff watched.

another agman masterpiece!

"RE: Great American Road Trip"
Posted by Estee on 07-28-09 at 07:27 AM
So now that we've caught up to Dajaki's spoiler, let's all be very glad there were no severe head injuries inflicted by flying objects. At least for the spectators. The host could have done with a few.

By the way, in case you're wondering, the answer is yes: that is what Southwest's 'C' seating is like.

"RE: Great American Road Trip"
Posted by weltek on 07-28-09 at 12:12 PM
Have you actually managed to watch more than 30 minutes of this show? Really?

-A Tribetastic Creation

"RE: Great American Road Trip"
Posted by Estee on 07-28-09 at 04:31 PM
Not consecutive minutes...

"RE: Great American Road Trip"
Posted by dajaki on 07-28-09 at 08:46 PM
Okay, so now I can drop this show entirely. We must have gotten to MC after the challenge (I hope they meticulously cleaned up the shattered pieces of crap).