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"True Beauty"

Posted by Snidget on 11-06-08 at 12:29 PM
"True Beauty will feature six women and four men living together in a Los Angeles mansion under the impression that they are competing in a beauty pageant-like reality competition series in which they will be judged solely on their physical beauty.

However, unbeknownst to them, the contestants will also be getting judged on their "inner beauty" and will be put through scenarios that will make them reveal different aspects of their inner character. "


They get told what they were judged on AFTER their elimination.

I bet the folks over at "The Soup" are drooling over this one. Tyra and ugly on the inside contestants getting a comeuppance all in one show.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Estee on 11-06-08 at 04:11 PM
While it sounds like a fun concept and gawds know some of the VH1 parade could use this, I'm curious as to how they tried to cast it. If you're playing it fair, you just take the most attractive people you can find on first glance and let them reveal their personalities in the house.

No one's going to be playing this fair.

...migawd, Megan could show up...

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Starshine on 11-06-08 at 05:09 PM
Sounds a lot like Queen Bees (I know that only two of us watched that show) Except in QBs they received counseling to help them become nicer people.

J Slice what a cool lady

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 01-05-09 at 11:28 PM
Well, I just watched and it is clear not one of the beauties ever think the judges are looking at anything but their looks.

The judges use a lot of hidden cameras to do the spying, and the beauties seem dumb enough in most cases not to notice they exist.

There a marked difference in their behavior between when they know they are being filmed and when they are not aware of it.

However, there is a great difference between them all while being filmed by hidden cameras even then. Some, I automatically dislike just from their interviews, only to show some redeeming feature while being spied. Others grated on my nerves all the time.

The first to be let go was one of them. And even when they started to play back the hidden video she tried lying about her actions even with the evidence to show what she did wrong REPEATEDLY.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Estee on 01-06-09 at 07:47 AM
I'm with CJ. Both in that he's my early favorite to win, and because any time a plastic surgeon says "This is the one and only 'scientific' standard of attractiveness, and anyone who doesn't live up to my singular standards doesn't deserve to exist", my first reaction is to render that surgeon into something beyond his own 'help'.

I dearly wish ABC had never aired that segment, but I'm very glad they also showed CJ's reaction to it. Appearance is subjective.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 01-06-09 at 08:04 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-06-09 AT 04:44 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 01-06-09 AT 08:09 AM (EST)

Interestly, there is a scientific measure of beauty.

By doing blind tests (no, not with the eyes close) science has people judge pictures of others while varying the asymmetry of their faces and bodies without telling the viewers. The more even the shape, the more beautiful that person has judged to be. This appears to be universal world wide, no matter which country or culture you examine.

However, that is one set of measurements only. Culture imposes it's own. Weight is a simple one, in the West there is a push to thinner women for example, there are places where plumper is better. Shape of the breast are another. And on my trip to Dominica (not R.D.) I was told thick calfs were what men looked for in a woman.

Amazing Race had a funny segment where two stacked Blonds (large breasts, thin waists)) could not get the local men to look at them, much less help them in their tasks despite all their flirting. Along come the next couple (husband & wife) and when the wife bends over (she is Black like me, big bum), then she suddenly has all the men's attention.

In beauty size and shape are cultural in basis, with symmetry breaking the close ties.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Snidget on 01-06-09 at 08:17 AM
I kind of have mixed feelings.

There is evidence that when you ask groups of people to rate pictures of other people on attractiveness there are certain proportions that generally always rank high across all cultures and ones that always rank low. Things like symmetry and all of that do effect the average ranking of attractiveness. You can measure a person and predict how they will be ranked in one of the look at the photo and rank 'em tests. So while everyone has a bit of a subjective perspective, if you look at "as a whole", which is what statistics always do, there are things that objectively tell you how a person would rank with most panels of people judging them. However the statistics can't tell you anything about how a given individual will perceive any other individual. Statistics are irrelevant at the level of the individual. If you are the one in a million of something that doesn't mean one millionth of you is that way. All of you is that way even if almost no one else is.

I do think doctors can use that to get people to do things to their face when they really don't need them, and I do think there is something to the ANTM "pretty ugly" thing. The whole if you are too symmetrical and statistically pretty there isn't much that is interesting about the face. Sometimes what peaks the interest is the imperfections, and that can make someone more attractive (or at least more interesting to look at) than the perfectly proportioned and symmetrical. Now too far from the statistical pretty in too many ways and you get just plain fugly, but often it is the not quite perfect that we like to look at.

Did I miss the actual number for the bottom two. They acted like they got some insanely ugly number, but I'm assuming they were still all in the top percentile of attractiveness, just a bit below the other people. So it wasn't that they were ranked as ugly, just the least statistically pretty in a pool of people that are all very high ranking. Kinda like being the dumbest person at a Mensa meeting. You are still in the top couple of percentile of all people, just at the bottom of a very select group.

Manga by Slicey!

Posted by Estee on 01-06-09 at 07:59 PM
The plastic surgeon looked at Joel and saw a classic handsome face.

I looked at Joel and saw a pure meathead.

In the 80s somewhere, I think -- Wikipedia didn't record the lowest scores. But Mr. I Induce Suicides said you needed 85 or higher just to keep people from throwing up.

"RE: Subjective."
Posted by MKitty on 01-07-09 at 05:22 PM
Ditto...pure meathead. The vitamin guy...on the other hand...not so bad!

Tribe manga'd my mug

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by jbug on 01-06-09 at 10:52 AM
Funny stuff!

So my question is:
Does anyone here know anyone IRL who acts like these people? Anyone who thinks they are so beautiful they are above all others?

I have a nephew who is drop dead gorgeous - but he never acts like these people. I'd stand him up physically and inner beauty wise against every one of these.

The one who was sent home deserved to go home - what an ugly person! And to be honest - I didn't see anything particularly beautiful about her outer beauty either.

Slicey took out the wrinkles '08

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by MKitty on 01-07-09 at 05:25 PM
Yup, must confess to watching this. It was mildly amusing, so yeah, I'll probably watch it again

I absolutely detested both of the bottom two this week, so would have been happy with either of them going home. Sheesh..al these self centred people in one house..they will likely implode!

Tribe manga'd my mug

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 01-12-09 at 10:16 PM
Is it just me or are all these people just dumb?

I have worked with people who could be rated as 10's (the way the girls flocked around Martin, and how many men would Marlene send flowers) but they were both SMART. I worked with computers with Martin and Marlene could rebuild a race-car engine with her eyes closed. She was dream to have handy when I bought my used truck. The poor dealer did not know what hit him.

Talk about self-centered. Buy clothing for three with only a $100.

The black guy suggests running a scam to claim they are collecting for charity. One of the girls suggest people will give her stuff for free because she has big boobs. Another that clothes will be cheaper at smaller boutiques.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Estee on 01-13-09 at 01:16 PM
CJ's scam would have been more acceptable on a show with a different theme: there would have been people applauding him if he'd pulled this off during TAR. He does have a brain, as do some of the others -- but they're too used to smiling their way through life instead of thinking out a path. The brains will kick in when they're needed -- if they're present at all.

And if you're even remotely top-heavy, you don't get free clothing in that part of Los Angeles because there isn't a local designer who's willing to admit you exist.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 01-13-09 at 05:27 PM
I disagree.

Unless the show's challenge was directly to see what you can get for free none of the reality TV shows encourage lying as a mode of operations.

TAR has had people down to their last piece of clothing in the past and I don't remember anyone needing to lie to make it further in the race.

Survivor has had members lie to fellow competitors, but again I don't remember them scamming anyone outside the competition.

What multi-episode RTS has asked it's players to actively to non-players?

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Estee on 01-13-09 at 06:03 PM
none of the reality TV shows encourage lying as a mode of operations.


...we're just gonna have to agree to disagree on this one and leave it at that.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 01-14-09 at 11:21 AM
No, please correct me if I am wrong.

I did not say people don't lie on these shows, I said the shows are not based on the players using lies on non-players to get ahead. Rob on TAR lied a blue streak, but what task on TAR encouraged lying to the locals?

Please also note, I watch only a few RTV shows all the way thru. So far that has been TAR, True Beauty, Beauty and the Geek.

If you must, show me how cruel the world of RTV can really be.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Estee on 01-14-09 at 11:51 AM
I would say that when it comes to lying to each other, most shows encourage some amount of fabrication -- and Survivor loves to turn it into an art form. But for lying to non-contestants, The Apprentice leads the pack. After all, it's just business -- nothing personal.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 01-15-09 at 04:26 PM
First, I have only watched a few (<10) episodes of 'The Apprentice', but now that you mention it and considering the goals of big money business I can express not a single hint of support that people going on said show being willing to lie to anyone to get ahead.

One reason I don't watch is I am sure that to get to the position in business/salary that the 'Hair-Piece' can raise them to that some (most?) of these people are willing to mess up their own family members to get ahead.

You did not just score a point for your side, you hit it right out of the park. Great counter example!

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 01-12-09 at 10:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-12-09 AT 10:23 PM (EST)

Chelsea does not like the lying. Ashley will not stop however.

Chelsea failed the charity test, but personally I would give her a pass as it it is clear she was very upset about the scamming and that was distracting her.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 01-13-09 at 05:20 PM
While I was all ready for Ashley to go, and never really expected her 'help' the bike rider. I was really surprised that she did not even ask him if he was hurt or needed help. I thought asking 'Are you ok?' as almost a reflex in most people, if even in the selfish sense of think at-least you are better off that the other person. She seemed like she was trying to not even admit he existed as a human being. Maybe it is just me.

At-least unlike the previous girl, when she was being kicked out she did not lie about her actions *while* the video rolled.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by kbrockm on 01-18-09 at 08:53 PM
The way she just stared at the poor bike messenger was awful. I half expected her to laugh at him.

Chelsea really irks me. Unlike others have said, I can't believe she'll make it more than another week or two. She's not even that pretty to me. She could use a pound less eye makeup and she'd be much better!

--The Reality TV Fan

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Estee on 01-13-09 at 01:08 PM
Anyone else wondering if CJ somehow got ahold of the production notes? That speech he made at elimination was too close to being exactly what he needed to say.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 01-13-09 at 05:13 PM
I agree, while I really don't like some of these people things seem to be running a little too pat (predictable) to me.

The bads guys (girls included) always seem to be extra bad compared to the other players. And the people who are kicked off perfectly match their actions.

Is it being edited so we only see the bad of the ones going to the 'Beauty Room'?

Or worse, have a few members finally clued in to the hidden cameras?

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 01-14-09 at 09:40 AM
Or maybe a few actually have a brain, have seen a few reality shows and has used that brain to figure out there's ALWAYS a twist.

Agman took me to the islands

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 01-14-09 at 11:24 AM
Good point, anyone who watched Beauty and the Geek for example (a semi close tie-in to this show) would be aware that more than the raw score has been used to judge the winners.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Snidget on 01-14-09 at 12:54 PM
Well I think they definitely will edit the one that leaves so the story makes sense. If all we see is them being nice and they are being kicked off for being nasty then the story line doesn't work.

I don't know that anyone would have to clue them in as some people will be nice even on TV and I'm sure they did do a bit of casting to make sure at least a few of the people had some redeeming qualities.

I also agree some of them are probably savvy enough to know there is always a twist. Sure they cast plenty of people who have egos that will have them be arrogant pretty people no matter what, but there are enough waiters dropping things on people stuff going on that it wouldn't be shocking for someone to be paranoid enough, or aware of something other than their own abs enough, to think that maybe there is something else being tested here.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by CTgirl on 01-14-09 at 01:48 PM
I am morbidly intrigued by this show!

I'm thinking CJ and Chelsea last for a while since they showed us that scene last week where CJ was writing in his diary and they talked about being fat kids (or something like that). That was kind of a nice side of them relatively speaking. CJ kind of blew the competition this week but I think he was approaching it like a real competition and didn't think it through all the way.

The cast should figure it out (and CJ may already have) but as long as everyone is hating on Chelsea and she's still in it, it may take a while!

Cheryl Tiegs face looks likes its going to break apart and I can't stand Joel. I can't believe he was picked as the most beautiful last week. I think he's fugly.

Mangafied by Slice

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by MKitty on 01-14-09 at 03:54 PM
I agree CT....Cheryl Tieg's is looking TRULY scary! REally, really bad plastic surgery and/or botox or whatever...it just seems contradictory to what the show is really supposed to be about...*true beauty* and here she shows up all plastic queen who looks like she cannot smile or her face will crack. Sheesh!

I personally love it when these superficial and egotistical beotches and jerks have the video shown to them that exposes their ugly side. Yup, we see your ugly ways...and don't think a smile and toss of your hair can get you anywhere..people are looking... LOL..

Tribe manga'd my mug

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 01-15-09 at 04:38 PM
But in truth, he was not picked as the more beautiful, attractive or sexy person. He was picked as having the symmetrical features - which in scientific terms means he is the one to most unlike make a baby cry when first seeing his face.

Some cultures value make-up, some tatoos, some extra long necks, and some thick calfs. None of tests done tested for our cultural likes, just the universal dislikes which are only part of the package.

But what we do see if Joel's huge ego, once he was told the results he automatically expand them to cover EVERYTHING, and now literally goes around thinking he is perfect. What a tool.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 01-15-09 at 04:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-16-09 AT 08:39 PM (EST)

I agree CJ and Chelsea should make it at-least half way thru if not more.

But I am presently rooting for the vitamin guy for two reasons.

1) He had to work for his body and to keep it that way. The others seem to have just luck out and were born with their looks. They take it for granted that people will admire them, and never seem to consider that they too will grow older and things will start to sag. Boy, are they in for a surprise.

And yes, I am including CJ and Chelsea. They have solved their problems in the past, but don't seem to be thinking further into the future.

2) He is more experienced, I am almost sure that things have not always gone his way regardless of his looks in the past. He probably knows failure is possible, the others (with Joey being the worse now) probably are not so well prepared or working at avoiding failure.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by CTgirl on 01-16-09 at 02:30 PM
I'm rooting for vitamin guy too (at least at this point). He's older and he's more mature, so in this game, that's a huge advantage.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by MKitty on 01-16-09 at 05:37 PM
*sits on "rooting" bench between CT girl and Earl*

Yup, me three! I really like the Vitamin Guy (really need to learn his name..LOL) He also had the best plan for the clothes challenge..and was very, very smart to observe Nole and see what he was wearing (resulting in him winning the fashion show)

So, he's smart, nice and totally hot. So far, so good!

Tribe manga'd my mug

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Estee on 01-20-09 at 08:34 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-20-09 AT 08:38 AM (EST)

If CJ was any more maddeningly inconsistent, he;d be Oliver Perez. He's a naturally sweet guy (or someone with a full copy of the production notes) who doesn't give enough effort, invents charities to con people with, distracts his teammates at bad moments, and makes for a lousy leader -- but at least he knows it. And he picks up trash. Kudos. Let me know when he tosses Joel in the proper receptacle. (You'll know it's the right one when it starts to compact.)

And thus we have the first show to see a contestant tossed off for making rude, catty remarks about another player. If they ever start applying this to The Bachelor, we're going to lose the entire pool by Week #2.

'It's the environment! It's peer pressure!' That's funny, Monique: I didn't think you could admit to having any peers...

We have to be fair here, though: Chelsea had the worst picture.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by mindy23 on 01-20-09 at 09:42 AM
I am SO enjoying this concept! True beauty from the inside out-who'dathunk??

As someone said, it's almost as if CJ had notes from the producers, but you gotta love a guy whose goals are to 'go back into that house and show the rest of those shallow ba***rds what true beauty is all about'! Wow! Really??

Was he the chubby, pimply kid growing up who had no friends or what? I dunno. But all in all, some of these people, ie Chelsea, are really hard to believe, and I can't even imagine having to LIVE in the same house with. Under false pretenses, no less...

Can't wait to the very end when some of these super jocks get theirs served on a silver/tarnished platter! Take that, Joel and Brad and whoever else I can't remember because you are totally forgetful and shallow!!

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Brownroach on 01-20-09 at 11:24 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-20-09 AT 11:25 AM (EST)

I caught the second half of this last night. My favorite part was at the end when they took her framed picture off the wall and carted it away in the dumpster. I could maybe get into this show...

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by flystorms on 01-20-09 at 01:08 PM
LOL! Yeah, some nights, this is the funniest part of the show. I love how they get the guys to just uncerimoniously dump the picture. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the very last picture dump, one of the workers was Ashton Kutcher? It would be an awesome pimp.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by jbug on 01-20-09 at 11:32 AM
When this came on immediately following the Bachelor, my first thought was
"hummmmm, Natalie somehow got on the wrong show; she should be on is this hour instead."

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by MKitty on 01-20-09 at 02:24 PM
Yeah, don't you love that even after seeing herself be a beotch, Monique was still in denial that she was a burping and completely selfish hag. Sheesh...even her "keep me" speech was all about how great she was and how she deserved this! Get a clue woman...

Tribe manga'd my mug

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by jbug on 01-22-09 at 08:52 PM
Am I right or not?

Bride of Chucky and Chelsea

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by kbrockm on 01-26-09 at 11:34 PM
You're right! I never thought she was very pretty at all, and certainly not as beautiful as SHE thinks she is! Tonight's photo shoot with the older woman looked just awful!

And how about that Billy? Now, I agree with an earlier poster who said that at 31, this man has some years behind him to make his excellent body even more of an accomplishment in comparison. However, tonight we saw him in front of a mirror, primping and piling on the products. Geez! I don't use that much stuff, and I'm a female!

--The Reality TV Fan

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Estee on 01-27-09 at 08:40 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-27-09 AT 05:09 PM (EST)

I feel CJ was dismissed for the high crime of questioning the show's judging standards once too often (also known as 'once'). And with him departs pretty much all of my interest in this series.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by MKitty on 01-27-09 at 01:22 PM
I was *almost* surprised to see CJ go...as they seemed to have to stuggle to find hidden camera faults with him, as he *usually* passed all the hidden camera stuff with flying colours. However, I guess they just relied on the first day "scam" and the "not sitting down" test. I think he picture was good...and Billy was a lot more "into himself"...but I think they likely felt like hypocrites if CJ came home for a third time.

Birthday flowers from Agdude

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by CTgirl on 01-27-09 at 02:18 PM
I think CJ is "beautiful" inside - he's been compassionate every time he's been tested and he's not shallow (like so many of the others left appear to be). But his attitude caught up with him and he had to go. Too bad, I agree with Estee, he was the most interesting person on the show.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by MKitty on 01-27-09 at 04:29 PM
Yes, agreed about CJ being interesting. He didn't seem to fall into all the other stupid crap that all the others were constantly doing. He wanted to write in his journal, be true to himself and not play the stupid games....you could see how he didn't really fit in with all the other poseurs.

Tribe manga'd my mug

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by mindy23 on 01-28-09 at 09:15 AM
I was really ticked with that decision! First off, what was the photographer thinking, anyway? CJ had an amazing picture with that lady, and he chose that one?? The one of them on the couch was clearly the best-I think he was set up!

Then, the whole attitude of Billy all along has been attrocious, to say the least! OK, so neither of them offered their partner their chairs, but at least CJ did get up eventually, like in 2 seconds, and at least HE had a repore with his partner. With Billy-NADA! It was ridiculous at the least that CJ had to be in the 'hall of beauty' again! BTW, where did they come up with some of these slogans? How cheezy!

Anyway, I agree with the other poster, after his leaving, who is really left that has an ounce of compassion or soul? The rest are so in to themselves, it's pathetic! Maybe Chelsea, because she's been treated so badly, would count, and the beauty queen, but I dunno....I don't get it.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Glow on 01-30-09 at 08:12 AM
I'm with you on this one, Estee. CJ's departure is a perfect example of why I hate these shows. ANYBODY would have helped that little girl (or at least asked her what was wrong). They waited until they had somebody they didn't want to get rid of to use that particular final straw. CJ's actions with the makeup artist or whatever she was should have helped him sail through for, at least, a few weeks. And there is no way you can make me believe that Billy would have helped the bike messenger or picked up that bottle like CJ did. Plus! The picture of CJ laying his head on the lady's lap was stunning. Stun.ning. Billy is full of himself and, if you ask me, he's not all that good-looking. I actually find him somewhat ungood-looking (looking at the two of them side by side only made that much more clear) and his personality makes him completely unattractive.

bah. Such BS. I told DH we didn't have to watch this show anymore. Though Joel is hot and Ray is fun so if dear hubby wants to stick it out, I guess there's that.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by flystorms on 01-30-09 at 02:59 PM
It just hit me who Billy reminds me of. Who was the jerk on Big Brother who teamed up with Evil Dr Will. He owns restraunts out west...can't remember his name. He looks the same and acts very much the same.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by vince3 on 01-30-09 at 03:47 PM
Mike "Boogie", who won Big Brother All-Stars

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by flystorms on 02-03-09 at 01:29 PM
That's it, thanks! I should've known.

BTW, I'm actually going to miss Chelsea and all her odd facial expressions and dumb-blonde remarks. She was such a funny character on this show. You wondered if that one brain cell was lonely in there.

Stupid show. Fun, stupid show. I can't believe I suck into these damn things.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Brownroach on 02-04-09 at 01:18 PM
It really is a moronic, crappy show. And yet, I'm watching...

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by CTgirl on 02-04-09 at 01:35 PM
I agree and I couldn't believe how many people came out of the woodwork over in quepea's thread in OT that watch it too! And I thought I was the only one....

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by kbrockm on 02-02-09 at 11:34 PM
OK, I've never heard the term "murse" before, but if I had, Billy would have indeed been my guess on which of the guys would carry one!

And how funny was it when Joel was fixing Billy's hair in the middle of their nature hike? Yikes!

--The Reality TV Fan

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by MKitty on 02-05-09 at 02:32 PM
Murse? Yes..LOL..I have heard the term "man-bag" but I have never heard the term "murse" That word is still making me laugh....

Tribe manga'd my mug

"Feb 2 "
Posted by jbug on 02-03-09 at 03:54 PM
I'm glad Chelsea is finally gone. That quirky smirk of hers was annoying. Does she think she's related to Elvis by curling her lip up like that? Only the King looked good with the curled lip.

"RE: Feb 2 "
Posted by Glow on 02-06-09 at 01:24 PM
Chelsea was one of the few people I liked on this show.

How exactly does not knowing how to work a video camera make her a failure at their secret inner beauty challenge?

I was waiting for the gardner to spray her right in the face because we know how they fix this crap.

Billy is a tool. I have no idea why these people salivate over him. Dude keeps food in his sock. Who does that? Seriously.

I really wanted to see Joel lose his sh!t during the hall of beauty. He had the worst video because his douchebag partner screwed it up. Clever editing with the life guard. I'm sure that's how it all went down. ugh.

The only person left that could win this and make it not a joke would be Ray. Maybe, maybe Laura. Of course that means Ray (or maybe Laura) is gone next week.

Wow, what a horrible show.

"RE: Feb 2 "
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 02-07-09 at 10:20 AM
I agree with Glow, Chelsea was my favorite and I will miss her rubber face faces.

I'm also hoping Ray wins this.

Agman took me to the islands

"Feb 9"
Posted by flystorms on 02-11-09 at 08:38 AM
Who got sent home last night? There were tornado warnings around here so all we got was storm coverage.

"RE: Feb 9"
Posted by CTgirl on 02-11-09 at 09:11 AM
Ray. They're getting rid of all the interesting people.

We're left with self-absorbed Laura and Billy, boring Beauty Queen Julie and probable winner Joel since they are really ignoring any time he does something "not beautiful." It's so arbitrary. I bet most of us would "fail" one of their tests at this point.

"RE: Feb 9"
Posted by mindy23 on 02-11-09 at 10:15 AM
My DVR only recorded the first 5 minutes of it, for whatever reason, and I could only get snippetts of the show this morning on the webpage. BUT, wasn't it Ray who said the 'loner' kid was going to grow up to be a sniper??

No wonder he got sent home! What a loser! And if I recall correctly, he was the one who was always shedding his clothes just because...IMHO, this show is just for laughs, anyway. They're all the 'biggest losers' of all time!

"RE: Feb 9"
Posted by Brownroach on 02-11-09 at 03:16 PM
I forgot to watch this week. (Wonder why, when this show is sooo interesting.)

Why was Ray sent packing?

I agree with you that Joel will win, I got the feeling last week that he's being given a "positive edit."

"RE: Feb 9"
Posted by CTgirl on 02-11-09 at 03:54 PM
It was on last night (I think a last minute move after Obama spoke?) My DVR caught it or I would've missed it too.

I think Ray was sent packing because of that generic "wasn't trying hard enough" plus during their fitness challenge that was run by some high school kids and their gym teacher, he joked that this lone kid would grow up to be a sniper. The most unbeautiful thing they could point out to him was that his sense of humor could be hurtful. Both he and Laura helped the staged accident victim on the way into the Hall of Beauty. I thought Laura should have gone since she was whining, whining, whining all show but that would've left them with 3 guys and 1 girl for the final four.

P.S. He made that comment during the lunch break. The cool kids were sitting at one table and the lone heavyset kid was by himself. Everyone, including Joel, ignored the lone kid. Julie was the only one who went over and talked to him. The fact that Joel ignored him was pretty much glossed over when he was named winner of the challenge. Positive edit much?

"RE: Feb 9"
Posted by kbrockm on 02-11-09 at 07:24 PM
One good thing about Ray, he took his loss graciously, unlike so many of his predecessors. I think he'll really take some of this to heart and try to change his ways.

--The Reality TV Fan

"RE: Feb 9"
Posted by MKitty on 02-16-09 at 06:35 PM
Goodbye nekkid running guy!! LOL

Tribe manga'd my mug

"RE: Feb 9"
Posted by Glow on 02-12-09 at 03:29 PM
Can I pick them or what? yeesh.

CJ owned this show. He's the only one that deserved this.

"Feb 16"
Posted by kbrockm on 02-16-09 at 11:27 PM
Without giving anything away (It's early on the west coast), I must say that I don't know how the person eliminated tonight wasn't eliminated long ago! How full of yourself can you be and stay on this show?!!

--The Reality TV Fan

"RE: Feb 16"
Posted by mindy23 on 02-17-09 at 09:59 AM
ITA!! I guess she just paled in comparison to some of the others, who were calling people names, pretending to take money for charity, etc. at the time...But I woulda thunk she'd been gone long ago.

And to see her stand there and giggle through the recaps of her rudeness-well, what can you say? She should have been gone week 2. Immaturity is something you have to grow out of, and I'm afraid she's been blinded by her own conceit for way too long.

"RE: Feb 16"
Posted by MKitty on 02-18-09 at 04:59 PM
I have to say..I was soooooo happy to see her conceited azz gone! Holy cow was she vain! Did you see the section where they showed her doing her hair...blowing it out, flat-ironing, this that, two hours later..it STILL LOOKS THE SAME!! So totally self-centred..yikes...just unbelievable..and then yes, giggling through all her bad behaviour in the Hall of Beauty rather than being humiliated or embarassed by it! What a piece of work!

whew..okay, I am done. Jumps back off soap-box

Tribe manga'd my mug

"RE: Feb 16"
Posted by shilfiell on 02-18-09 at 07:55 PM
I have to say that Laura's exit was one of the least gracious ever. She truly believes she did nothing wrong and that's scary. Makes me happy I wasn't born (or bought myself) good-looking! It must be so tough to be happy and nice when you, well, don't have to make the effort.

Gads, I hope Joel doesn't win this. He's got weaselly little eyes and if he wins he'll bring disgrace upon the show when he kills six people in a road-rage incident after the wrap party for the People shoot. I think it's Julia who's getting the most positive edit of all, and she seems to really be a nice person if a little vanilla. I'll have to re-watch the ep where they age-progress everyone's photos, though, to see what she'll look like when the fat pads in her cheeks start to melt away. Still, she's my pick of the final three.


"RE: Feb 16"
Posted by krismiss2us on 02-20-09 at 02:56 PM
I'm rather hoping Billy will win...but that's simply because I'm from Lewiston and am rootin' for my home town.

"RE: True Beauty - last three shows"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 02-20-09 at 08:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-20-09 AT 09:06 PM (EST)

My main problem with the show is that in the last couple of episodes the judges seem to be reaching on who to vote off.

For the photo session, CJ's best shoot clearly was not chosen. It looked like he was being setup to fail. But worse, I totally disagree with the judges about Joel's shot. Having his eyes facing the camera would have just turned it into another Joel-fest picture. I totally lost trust with the judges's judgments of the photos at that point.

For the video shots, I did think Chelsa's video was the worse. But really, why would you not expect the quality of the camera handlers not to vary widely with people who have not experience doing this type of work. There should had had independent video men doing the shooting. Then each video can be judged on it's contents.

For the last show, it is clear Joel is getting a far better edit, but the girl's reactions to the flashbacks shows she clearly should have been kicked off even if the judge's methods were questionable to me.

"RE: True Beauty - last three shows"
Posted by krismiss2us on 02-21-09 at 04:20 PM
I think that the judge's purposefully use the #####-poor shots/videos, etc just to see the contestant's reactions thereto. But that's just my opinion.

I also think Vanissa had a bit of a tizzy fit over Cheryl wanting to get rid of Joel & keep Billy. I hope Billy wins.

"RE: True Beauty - last three shows"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 02-22-09 at 06:01 PM
Than why not do the same for Joel's. They did choose what I consider was his best shot. And Joel is one to lose it if you don't make him look good.

"RE: True Beauty - last three shows"
Posted by krismiss2us on 02-22-09 at 10:41 PM
I think it's his attitude that makes him look less than appealing...he may be the most photogenic person in the world but you can't cover inner-ugly.

"Congrats to the winner"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 02-23-09 at 11:20 PM
Julia really is a beautiful person inside and out. IRL she is actually stunning, but she is truly sweet as well. She is the only one who passed ALL the challenges too.

Many of you know my involvement in the Miss Texas system, so I have known Julia since before the show and have met her many times. Trust me, if you met her you would think she is stunning.

"RE: Congrats to the winner"
Posted by flystorms on 02-24-09 at 09:11 AM
Though all the photos were really good, Julia's stood out to me. Just gorgeous! I was surprised to she her win it though as I thought Billy might just edge her out. I guess the pageant work really helped her shine through this whole process with such vain people. I was even more surprised that Joel beat out Billy for 2nd place. Wow.

"RE: Congrats to the winner"
Posted by krismiss2us on 02-24-09 at 04:30 PM
I think Vanessa had it in for Billy - she didn't want him to win that much was quite clear. She wanted Joel to win. But Cheryl didn't like Joel. IMO, Julia was the compromise.

"RE: Congrats to the winner"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 02-24-09 at 06:24 PM
I would tend to agree, although Nole was a wild card and could have picked Julia too. At the end of the day, Julia didn't fail a single challenge and that is why I believe she won....and why she was the right pick.

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.

"RE: Congrats to the winner"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 02-24-09 at 07:13 PM
I am just glad Joel did not win. His comments while viewing the hidden videos show he did not learn the lassons I thought he was doing.

"RE: Congrats to the winner"
Posted by MKitty on 02-25-09 at 05:59 PM
I am totally shocked that Joel came in ahead of Billy. WTF? He failed so many of the challenges..and Billy was just so much nice (and better looking, IMHO). I was happy for Julia to win..but I totally think Billy should have come in 2nd.

Tribe manga'd my mug

"One Word"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 02-26-09 at 06:26 PM

If she picked the winner, I think it would have been Joel despite his many obvious flaws.

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Glow on 02-25-09 at 09:43 AM
Well that was very anti-climatic. I'll take that over a Billy win though. I realize it's personal opinion and all but that guy only looked good at certain angles. Head-on he was not attractive to me and his naked jelly shot was unflattering (from the neck up). And there's the he's a tool thing. Julia's photo was absolutely stunning. I need a copy of Joel's photo. Anybody know where I can get one? wowza.

Julia should have won out of the three that were left so it's hard to be completely annoyed with the ending of the show. She quietly "passed" all of their hidden "challenges" so she deserved it. (Do you think she'd have picked up the bottle? Helped the homeless guy?) Overall I suppose I liked it enough to continue watching so that's something.

... of course it's entirely possible I only watched the final episode to see Joel's naked jelly photo shoot

"RE: True Beauty"
Posted by Agman2 on 04-05-16 at 10:37 AM
based on the title, it must be about me!