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Thread Number: 1957
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"Waiting for the post on "Greatest American Dog" ep. 4??"

Posted by mindy23 on 07-31-08 at 08:11 AM
I don't want to take away anyone's starter post, or give anything away. So, I'll just sit here and wait patiently-in my 'sit, stay' position, until Estee or Rudee comes along and starts the post, or pees on it, whichever comes first.......

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Waiting for the post on "Greatest American Dog" ep. 4??"
Posted by Estee on 07-31-08 at 08:26 AM
I'm not touching it. It looks like tofu.

"RE: Waiting for the post on "Greatest American Dog" ep. 4??"
Posted by Snidget on 07-31-08 at 08:36 AM
Congrats you got the starter thread. No point having a second thread on this episode.

I watched the rerun of SYTYCD last night so I'll have to watch GAR on the DVR later.

"RE: Waiting for the post on "Greatest American Dog" ep. 4??"
Posted by Agman2 on 03-11-16 at 04:32 PM
Yea, what Snidget said.

"RE: Waiting for the post on "Greatest American Dog" ep. 4??"
Posted by RudyRules on 07-31-08 at 09:36 AM
Episode 4:
Tofu... Mindy23 takes it, Estee leaves it.

I saw it last night but I can't really do a recap right now, especially since I don't have it taped here on vacation and so can't look back at it.

come on, you can do it!

I'll just get it started...
Tillman farts in pool, drinks pool water... regurgitates it all.

Surfkitten Summer Sigshop 2008
"Them people had to be pretty dumb to make their camp in a riverbed." - Rudy Boesch

Posted by kingfish on 07-31-08 at 11:14 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-31-08 AT 03:05 PM (EST)

First, a contest to see how well they knew their dog. Big surprise, no one had a clue, and the Galaxy and friend got the Gold Bone.

Ahem. The "Gold Bone". Nuff said.

And, as winners, they get a special (sorry, I have to gag a little right here) room, and they got to put the Boxer and his friend into the dog house.

A short segment involving Tillman in the pool, farting bubbles, drinking the fart water, and urping up water, with a running commentary by Tillman's friend to the delight of all those in attendance. And in TV land. Me anyway.

A retelling of the events later had Bill (the old guy) in stitches. Tillman is an hilarious, lovable beast.

The elimination contest: a picture taking event where each dog was to have his picture taken in a pose that was to represent a word, or a state of being. Examples; worried, angry, happy, curious, lazy (which Tillman drew), and various others.

Short story, with no objective basis for judgement, the judges made arbitrary decisions, one finding that Tillman's picture was the worst picture of a bulldog he had ever seen. This was the middle judge, the one who looks into a mirror every day and actually does see the worst picture of a bulldog.

Beginning of the Editorial:

Tillman, the English Bulldog, and friend got screwed.

Tillman's word was lazy. His challenge was to pose for a picture which graphically imparted the message "Lazy". Tillman's friend was critised for not working harder to pose Tillman in a lazy pose. Dorks. The dog was Tillman! And the word was "Lazy"! It was a gimmee!

Tillman, in any inert pose is the epitome of "lazy". He was shown from behind in a chair, with his head resting on the back facing the camera, with his eyes either closed or very droopy, and jowls laying out in either direction on top edge of the chair.

I, personally, got "Lazy" from that. In spades.

End of Editorial.

The other dogs had other words, and various degrees of success depicting their word. Galaxy won the top prize with a point (like a bird dog pointing at a quail), which very nicely imparted "sneaky", and he will get his picture published in the 'Dork' middle judge's magazine. Galaxy, in a lot of ways, is clearly the class of the field.

Tillman and friend were evicted.

And fun just left the game.

"RE: Continuing..."
Posted by Estee on 07-31-08 at 11:26 AM
Y'know, if Tillan was human and displayed all the same character traits and behaviors, we'd be plotting his demise, burial, banning him from reincarnation, and the party thread for his reality show departure would be at two hundred posts and climbing.

But he's a bulldog, and I miss him...

"RE: Continuing..."
Posted by RudyRules on 07-31-08 at 05:38 PM
The RR family will miss him as well.
I am surprised he made it past some of the more difficult previous challenges successfully, only to lose because his owner, Ron, was too lazy to get a creative picture of Tillman being himself... lazy!


Surfkitten Summer Sigshop 2008
"Them people had to be pretty dumb to make their camp in a riverbed." - Rudy Boesch

"RE: Continuing..."
Posted by Estee on 08-01-08 at 04:55 AM
That's one of the few times I've been really fooled by the editing. When Ron drew 'lazy', I agreed with J.D.: no way Tillman was going home that week, and he'd probably win the challenge.


"RE: Continuing..."
Posted by jbug on 07-31-08 at 06:07 PM
Didn't you forget something?
Tillman gave one last special message as he left the room; as only Tillman could.

Butch bobble by Tribe

"RE: Continuing..."
Posted by kingfish on 08-01-08 at 07:47 AM
Tillman's best trick - farting on cue. There should'a been category for that, I think the middle judge would be more than capable of appreciating the nuances of that talent.

I like Star's picture too. But when old Bill was despairing of what to do for his shoot, I remembered my dog (RIP, he went to tirebiter's heaven) and how he would react when ever the word 'Vet' came up. Just like that. You would get a good 'stubborn' picture, AND a good 'panic attack' picture.

I always had to physically carry him into the Vet, and restrain him.

"RE: Continuing..."
Posted by jbug on 08-01-08 at 09:18 AM
Butch knows that trick too.
He gets so excited to ride in the truck; but when we get to the traffic light at the court square where his vet is located? His excitement changes. We have to carry him inside; if put on the sidewalk outside? He can plant his feet and pull backwards like there's no tomorrow!

He also pulls this stunt now and then when it's time for his last walk for the night; he'll already be in bed under the covers; he refuses to come out. I have to attach his leash and tug to get him off the bed. Butch could do a very good stubborn pose.

Butch playing ball with Agman

"RE: Waiting for the post on "Greatest American Dog" ep. 4??"
Posted by Puffy on 08-01-08 at 01:19 AM

I liked the old guy's dog, Star's "stubborn" picture.

Surfkitten Siggie Shop
2007,thanks to Smokeysmom

"And and and...."
Posted by kingfish on 08-05-08 at 01:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-05-08 AT 02:25 PM (EST)

I forgot the Pièce de Résistance...

Tillman's friend's comparison of the snorts of one of the Judges to Tillman's snorts. Touche'! Then she (the judge) began snorting as she laughed. I think. I could have imagined those final snorts because I was snorting pretty loud myself.

Of course, Tillman's farts were the real pieces of resistance, but still.....

"RE: Waiting for the post on "Greatest American Dog" ep. 4??"
Posted by Loree on 08-06-08 at 06:01 PM
Tonight's show won't be the same without Tillman. Couldn't he just come back for a visit?