Elvis has left the building. Presley remains. There's probably something ironic about that...
I've grown to love all of these dogs, just not the masters! Absolutely HATE hearing that squeaky voice of what's-her-face; the girl with the beautiful silver schnauzer? The one who won't let ANYONE touch her precious dog?? OMG-please do something really stupid so you can get thrown out of the competition ASAP!! But just don't hurt that dog!I felt bad for Elvis-he really had come a long way. Too bad the judges didn't see his progress over the days he was there. I'm sure that the British judge, especially, would have given him Top Dog points for that. Oh well. Someone had to go...
Looks like a show-mance is going to happen in the dog house, and it couldn't happen between 2 nicer people with 2 nicer dogs, either! At this point, all I can say is all the dogs are amazing (well, poor Bella Star with THAT woman! But she's still amazing!). Love Star, and her master! They are the all American Original!!
It's going to be a tough competition I think. I was really worried about the bulldog last night, Tillman. LOVE that dude to death! But he's limited with what he can do-just like a Shar-Pei I once had. Their form really does constrict them. But aren't they just so darned cute??? Love this show!!
Star has the best eyes among the canines. You could turn the show into an hour of looking at her face and people would still tune in.Poor Tillman. I adore him -- I adore just about all bulldogs: it's their perpetual 'the worst has already happened and this is it' attitude -- but he is going to have problems. Typical member of the breed in that there's two things he takes seriously: protecting his family and food. (And Ron's been ordering him not to touch the food.) I don't know how much he can bring to the training.
There's something about Brandy's voice that digs into the eardrums and then pierces inwards. I think she's decided the best way to get Beacon listening is to reach the same pitch as your average dog whistle.
Like her partner, I'm not sure Bella Starlet's all there. Her expression has a perpetually checked-out aspect to it: nobody home and they turned the lights out before they left.As for Elvis -- dog sure could clear a room, couldn't he?
JD takes failure surprisingly well. Are we sure he's a reality show contestant?
I agree. I love all the dogs. But some of the masters leave a bit to be desired. I find myself feeling sorry for the dogs at times because they are stuck with their masters.
I would so take Elvis home with me. He was soooooo cute!I love Tilman. And when the judges criticized his owner (names?), his frown looked just like Tilman! Talk about looking like your dog!
The lady who tore open the hoop cover? that's sad. Didn't she see the other dog do it? Didn't have confidence that hers could?
Butch bobble by Tribe
I don't think Laurie's so much protective of Andrew as she is trying to ease him through the competition by modifying the rules as she goes along. That's a woman who's very used to being right -- or at least to not having anyone tell her she isn't. She ripped the hoop cover? So? Was there a sign up saying not to?
At first I was surprised Laurie was put in the Dog House. But by the end of the episode I understood.I was worried Tillman would be sent home and I would miss him. Glad he was saved.
The reason she wasn't disqualified is because she did nothing wrong. The rules of the contest were that the handlers could modify the paper on the hoop however they wanted to. Look at the paper on the hoop she used during practice. It's the same as the one she used during the competition. Ohh, that's right, they didn't tell us what the rules are, huh? Wow. What does that tell you? That they wanted everyone to THINK she cheated. And everyone bought it hook, line and sinker. Chalk one up for the producers!! They gave you someone to hate and now maybe you'll keep watching!
First rule of editing: you can't include what didn't happen. Laurie tore the paper on the hoop and was called on it by the panel. Unless someone at the production company is incredibly good with computer simulations, we're seeing some version of actual events. The contestant took the action, the judges noticed. That's it.The rules of the contest were that the handlers could modify the paper on the hoop however they wanted to.
Ohh, that's right, they didn't tell us what the rules are, huh?So if you know the rules when they were never told to anyone else... Hmmm. Is there a major contract breach in progress here?
First rule of living in the real world - you can't make up something that you didn't see. Did you see her tear the paper? No, you didn't. Hmmmm, is there a breach of reality going on here. You saw her walk up and say "this isn't right." And then they cut away. Wallah, new hoop appears with a totally different opening. Wow. And all the gullible people believe exactly what they want you to. Perfect.
*walks away**momentarily glances back*
Oh, and just for future reference? It's 'voila'!'.
You think people never make anything up? End of discussion.
Reading between the lines?All I said was The lady who tore open the hoop cover? that's sad. Didn't she see the other dog do it? Didn't have confidence that hers could?
I didn't mention disqualification. Did I mention rules? Did I say I thought she cheated? Did I say I hate her?
Interesting interpretation you have there.
LAST EDITED ON 07-25-08 AT 12:41 PM (EST)I wasn't surprised to see Elvis go. That dog is cute but marginally trained, he didn't really belong with some of the others. And when Dave hung him by his collar when he slipped off the see-saw, I figured that anyone else would have to screw up pretty badly to beat them out for eviction.
Lauri almost did though, changing an obstacle was a bit arrogant, and I wouldn't have been surprised if she had been disqualified.
Yeah, that high voiced chick has just got to go.
Estee - do you have Rudy tied up somewhere? I thought last week was a fluke with you doing the summary, but two weeks in a row of GAD? And now no sight of Rudy. You do don't you?Love this show and I'm happy the Oklahoma boy's are doing so well. Though Tillman and Ron are probably my favorite to watch, Dude.
Agman took me to the islands
Here I am!!!
I escaped from ST's evil clutches.
I am on vacation actually and have limited access to a computer.I loved David's line: "Elvis has left the building!"
This episode was right up Bill's alley... he understates things about himself and his dog but he and his dog are United States Dog Agility Association champions.
Brandy did surprisingly well this episode, despite the high pitched shrieking.
Surfkitten Summer Sigshop 2008
"Them people had to be pretty dumb to make their camp in a riverbed." - Rudy Boesch
I escapedUh-huh. Of the two of us, which one supports indefinite confinement without trial or formal charges? :p
but he and his dog are United States Dog Agility Association champions.Any idea how many pairs are professional competitors? Do we have any canine-off-the-street teams at work, or is this just another type of dog show for breeders?
I can't wait until episode 4. Wait, I think I missed by a few years!