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"Reality TV shows with substance."

Posted by livsforluv on 07-10-08 at 09:51 AM
The only "reality" TV show I'm into right now is that show Flipping Out. I just like how he's literally crazy and mean most of the time, but does a great job on his houses. I know there's still not that much substance in the programming but I can't think of any other shows worth watching. If anyone has any good recs please let me know. Summer is here and I'm bored.

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"RE: Reality TV shows with substance."
Posted by pantsonfire on 07-11-08 at 11:35 AM
I heard about some show about the subway musicians/performers in new york city. Don't know too much about it though but it sounds like it could be a pretty good show.

"RE: Reality TV shows with substance."
Posted by parachutes on 07-13-08 at 08:09 PM
I think you are talking about NYC Soundtracks.. It's a new show on the MSG Network. On Sunday at 8. Definitely checking this one out if I can.

"RE: Reality TV shows with substance."
Posted by pantsonfire on 08-11-08 at 01:18 PM
Yeah thats the one... Thats show is so cool and I have even see some of the preformers when i go through the subway. The shakerleg guy is pretty cool I just voted for him to move onto the next round of the show because they are letting viewers pick their faves today: http://www.msg.com/votesoundtracks/

"RE: Reality TV shows with substance."
Posted by kidflash212 on 07-10-16 at 12:21 PM
Sybil? Is that you?

"RE: Reality TV shows with substance."
Posted by riverrocker on 07-11-08 at 03:29 PM
We watch Flipping Out, too. Interesting study in human behavior.

IF you can stand the "icky" or "yucky" factor, we've found Verminators to be extremely interesting. We've learned some scientific facts that we never knew. The people are "normal" and dedicated to doing their jobs and doing them well.

Not since we caught several episodes of Crime Scene Cleanup--NOT a show for the weak of stomach!--have we seen really thought-provoking "reality" shows. Most are just for fun, fluff, and fantasy, but there are some out there that are interesting--but just my opinion.

"RE: Reality TV shows with substance."
Posted by JessicaRN on 07-11-08 at 04:20 PM
Try Hopkins. It is a few weeks into it, but you might be able to watch it on demand or online. It has both the medical stuff and the personal stuff also. It's pretty fascinating.

"RE: Reality TV shows with substance."
Posted by livsforluv on 07-29-08 at 03:38 PM
Heard about that one. Gotta figure out where I can watch it first!
NYC Soundtracks I watched the other night. Good show. There's nothing better than waking up to music on your way to work in the morning!

"RE: Reality TV shows with substance."
Posted by mindy23 on 07-31-08 at 08:04 AM
Having been a nurse for 30 years, I am really into the medical shows, like Medical Mystery, Trauma in the ER, etc. Most of those are on the Medical Channel. Not for the weak of stomach, either, but very interesting, and also told by the docs who actually experienced these things, as well as the families and patients.

"RE: Reality TV shows with substance."
Posted by NewFan on 08-11-08 at 03:48 PM
Oh I love "Trauma: Life in the ER" but I haven't been able to find it for a couple years now. I like that it's real footage. I hate reenactments.

"RE: Reality TV shows with substance."
Posted by Agman2 on 01-12-16 at 12:50 PM
Meh, I'll pass.