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"Flipping Out -- Anyone Else Watching?"

Posted by TxMom2011 on 06-25-08 at 01:05 PM
Love this show... is there a thread somewhere I missed?

Don't bite me Jeff!!!

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"RE: Flipping Out -- Anyone Else Watching?"
Posted by batts on 07-01-08 at 04:19 AM
I'm watching it.... Some of the funniest stuff on this show.

Lvoed the portrait of the maid. LMAO at her reaction to abstract art.

This show is hilarious.

Tonights episode, Jeff will place hidden cameras to watch the new guy work. Uh, ohhh...

Are you Bite me Jeff?

"RE: Flipping Out -- Anyone Else Watching?"
Posted by Agman2 on 03-11-16 at 04:12 PM
Of all the reality shows I've seen, it was one of them.

"RE: Flipping Out -- Anyone Else Watching?"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 07-01-08 at 10:11 AM
I love this show.....

Where to begin????

I would be ticked if I were Zoila too! That piece of crap for a gift? And in her uniform? What were you thinkin'?

Zoila's education is worrying Jeff, lol.

All the therapies for the animals...priceless.

"How much would I get collecting unemployment?"

I think Jeff has good vision in remodeling, however, most of his properties are "too cold" for me. Not homey, but tasteful.

Can't wait for him to set up the "nanny-cam".

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it" - Albert Einstein

"RE: Flipping Out -- Anyone Else Watching?"
Posted by emydi on 07-01-08 at 02:14 PM
I love this show!!!

He's so narcissistic...but at least this year he realizes it a bit more.

...didn't you just have Christmas off?

"RE: Flipping Out -- Anyone Else Watching?"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 07-01-08 at 04:04 PM
I loved that when he asked Zoila if she just got Christmas off, in regards to having her birthday off. I wonder if she has any family.

And I have to give Jeff credit, he feeds his employees lunch, and not always the cheap stuff either.

“I love Jesus but I drink a little”. Gladys Hardy

"July 1st episode"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 07-02-08 at 09:06 AM
First of all, how cute is Ryan's little girl? And telling her how to set up the doll house!!!

Oh, my gosh, the two Chris's are getting paid way too much, even though he has a list of things that most would consider nonsense...it's all rather easy. One person could probably do all of it, especially since Zoila is the housekeeper.

I sure can't wait for the surveillance cameras to be in action, however, I think wayyyyyy too many people know about them. I was a little surprised that Zoila new about them, but Jeff does trust her.

“I love Jesus but I drink a little”. Gladys Hardy

"RE: July 1st episode"
Posted by emydi on 07-02-08 at 01:38 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-02-08 AT 01:41 PM (EST)

yes, it seems that jenni finds too from the preview for next week. The new chris wants to work for Ryan as a designer...too bad that will never happen...

Also...when Jeff went to Ryan's office...you mean everyone has a desk and their own computer? Where's your sassy Nicaraguan maid?!

eta: When they were looking at the new house to buy and jeff heard kids screaming..."that just lowered the price $50,000.00" yeah $50K per kid...

"RE: July 1st episode"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 07-02-08 at 01:48 PM
good ones....

“I love Jesus but I drink a little”. Gladys Hardy

"RE: Flipping Out -- Anyone Else Watching?"
Posted by riverrocker on 07-15-08 at 11:58 AM
We set the DVR so we don't accidentally miss a new episode of this show. It's like watching a "disaster" in slow motion; you don't want to watch it, but you just can't help yourself. He must pay Zoila VERY well, or why would she put up with all that?

You are right about his designs being "cold"! Yes, they are beautiful, but I would much rather have Ryan do them; he comes off as being much warmer.

Does anyone else think Jenni could be a stand in for Julia Louis Dreyfess? (Hope I spelled her name correctly; don't have time to surf out and see its spelling.) DH and I marvel at the "look-alike" quality, but maybe we are seeing what we want to see.

Can't wait until tonight's episode. Looks like Jenni won't be a happy camper when she sees what her hubby has been doing....and are we strange in thinking that all this "employee/landlord-tenant/friends" routine is a bit too-too?

"RE: Flipping Out -- Anyone Else Watching?"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 07-15-08 at 07:10 PM
Yes, Jenny looks like JLD!!!! She's going to be angry when she finds out the truth. At first, at Jeff, then her husband. However, I have never really thought they had much of a marriage, I wonder if she stays with him. What else does he lie about????

Zoila, God love her, she must not have much family here. I can't wait for tonight's episode, after Big Brother.

“I love Jesus but I drink a little”. Gladys Hardy