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"I Survived a Japanese Game Show"

Posted by KwietOne on 06-25-08 at 00:22 AM
Looks like it's the same production company who does Big Brother. After this show? I need some tylenol for my headaches. I also feel my blood pressure going up. Imagine the host yelling all the time.

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"RE: I Survived a Japanese Game Show"
Posted by Seana on 06-25-08 at 01:14 PM
That was hilarious. I watched it with DD (9) and my cousin and we L'd our A's off. The Big Bug Splat elimination? *bigsnort* And I loved at the beginning when the contestants found out they were going to Japan. They were just so excited and excited to be there. It was nice to see. I missed the reward/punishment bit, unfortunately. We'll try it again next week, if I remember, since it's a holiday.

Agman made it so!

"RE: I Survived a Japanese Game Show"
Posted by KwietOne on 06-25-08 at 02:02 PM
I'll be watching it again, but I'm turning down the volume. The reward was a helicopter tour over Tokyo. The punishment was operating a rickshaw taking customers around the block. It was funny watching Cathy (the Staten Island Diva) pulling a sumo wrestler around the block.

The Bug Splat was very funny. LOL

"RE: I Survived a Japanese Game Show"
Posted by skyhoneybear on 06-26-08 at 11:32 AM
I loved this show. Anything like MXC. I wish Time Warner carried some there TV channels, those shows are hilarious!

Created by PhoenixMons

"RE: I Survived a Japanese Game Show"
Posted by Agman2 on 03-11-16 at 04:07 PM
I never watched the show so I can't say I loved it! Actually I could say I loved it but that would be a lie because I never watched it so how would I know if I loved it or not?

"RE: I Survived a Japanese Game Show"
Posted by brvnkrz on 06-26-08 at 01:51 PM
I love the Japanese game shows so I couldn't wait to watch this. We were howling until tears were rolling down our faces. Loved it.

An Arkie original.