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Thread Number: 1927
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"Total Drama Island"

Posted by Estee on 06-05-08 at 08:00 AM
Cartoon Network's first reality series premieres 6/5 at 9 p.m. Eastern. (Yes, Canada did it first. Yes, the North already knows who won and now. We'll just have to deal with it.) If casting gives us a bunch of two-dimensional characters, at least there's a built-in excuse...

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Total Drama Island"
Posted by bullzeye on 06-06-08 at 04:43 PM
I can't say that I have ever watched an episode myself, but my son was a huge fan!

Chiseled by Abman Agman!

"RE: Total Drama Island"
Posted by Estee on 06-20-08 at 06:00 AM
Any series which announces it's about to hit its contestants with the most boring book in the world and promptly starts reading to them from The History Of Canada -- pop-up edition -- has something special going for it.

"RE: Total Drama Island"
Posted by bullzeye on 06-20-08 at 09:52 AM
I would take offense to that if it wasn't so true.

Chiseled by Abman Agman!

"RE: Total Drama Island"
Posted by Estee on 07-03-08 at 08:52 PM
All right: Heather can go home any time now. Any. Time.

"RE: Total Drama Island"
Posted by vince3 on 09-11-08 at 10:16 PM

They get down to individual play, and then they bring back Eva and Izzy? and they then show the confessional votes?

Ai ya.

"RE: Total Drama Island"
Posted by Estee on 09-12-08 at 11:11 AM
If you pay close attention to Izzy and Eva's evictions, you'll notice Chris doesn't tell them that they can never come back, ev-er...

"RE: Total Drama Island"
Posted by vince3 on 09-12-08 at 11:22 AM
He never got the chance for Izzy's because she ran from the RCMP..... supposedly.

"RE: Total Drama Island"
Posted by vince3 on 12-19-08 at 08:34 AM
Season 1 is over.

Owen ended up winning, but then during the after party Chris gives him a chance to win a million, risking the $100k to do so. The million is in a suitcase (which looks like it was stolen off of Deal or No Deal...) and a game of chase between various alliances ensues culimating in the suitcase being eaten by a shark, and 14 of the campers declared as tied for the win. The get to compete in Season 2: Total Drama Action, which Cartoon Network will start airing Summer 2009. The winner of Total Drama Action will win the million, supposedly.

The 14 continuing on: Owen, DJ , Heather, Duncan, Leshawna, Geoff, Bridgette, Gwen, Lindsay, Izzy, Trent, Beth, Harold, and Justin.

The other 8, will watch on the sidelines, and might participate in a talk show of some kind.... (probably something like Big Brother's House Calls)

"RE: Total Drama Island"
Posted by Estee on 12-19-08 at 10:17 AM
Now waiting on the DVD set.

I feel Cartoon Network stretched out the airing schedule way too much: they should have just done it as one new episode per week, the occasional marathon to catch people up, and done. As-was, this took a month and a half longer than it should have -- which made it harder to track the series: after a while, I stopped checking back to see when the next portion was coming on. Given that, I'll take the events in one extended dose when they become available -- and if: CN isn't always reliable about releasing series.

Duncan without Courtney? There went half the fun. Plus Justin's a total waste of a slot, and no one should trust Harold enough to let him get past round one...

"RE: Total Drama Island"
Posted by vince3 on 12-19-08 at 10:23 AM
Courtney did find out that the "camp" was actually a backlot/zoo/something that had a wall near a fast-food drive-thru, though.

"RE: Total Drama Island"
Posted by ohmyheck on 12-21-08 at 06:13 PM
The rumor is that Courtney will fight her way onto season 2. Half your fun is back.

"RE: Total Drama Island"
Posted by Agman2 on 04-06-16 at 10:32 AM
You shouldn't pay attention to rumors!