This clone of premiered lastnight.This show resembles Outback Jack more closely than others or as at least one person puts it The Bachelor meets The Simple Life.
Matt (why are the new bachelors always named Matt!) is the farmer with the all over tan, (farmer's tans are passe, who knew!) and hasn't found a use for underwear.
10 bimbos, nope I haven't bothered to learn their names yet, though I do know there are two Ch/Krista's. The one with the CH got to go on a one on one date with Matt.
There was a challenge - gather chickens and throw them into a coop. One girl didn't even bother *snort. And she doesn't get kicked off, imagine that.
A girl with dark brown hair goes home.
And that is about as much content as the show actually had.
Ba-da-ba-da-bump Bum bum Green acres is the life for me.....
Agman took me to the islands
Outback Jack was actually fun.Plus he and Natalie are still together.
I loved Outback Jack. The DD and I still use Natalieisms. She left for bootcamp in the middle of it so I had to write a summary every week for her and grab every Natalieism used.They had a baby recently didn't they?
Agman took me to the islands
A little further back than you might think: Hunter Bella Grace Dale, born Nov. 13, 2006. Their second baby is due in August.I take all the credit.
The one reality romance show I summarized a finale for -- and they're still together. No curse here.
This guy lives only about 10 miles from me, and farms very close to where my husband does.
“I love Jesus but I drink a little”. Gladys Hardy
All right, I guess I'm in the minority...but I love this show. Josie is from Orange County (like Hoobie!), but makes me embarassed to share a planet, let alone a state with her. She's this season's train wreck, and I'm so glad that she didn't get the boot week 1.
I saw a clip of the elimination process on The Soup and fell out: lifting chickens to see if you got an egg? best.elimination.ceremony.concept.evah.![]()
The 2nd week, whoever did not get BINGO was eliminated. Funny show; Josie is a piece of work!
Compliments of the Agmeister
LAST EDITED ON 05-10-08 AT 07:05 PM (EST)LAST EDITED ON 05-10-08 AT 07:04 PM (EST)
Josie should have her own show. Kind of like I Love New York, but trashier.
They could call it Rack of Love: Real Airhead of Orange County. Ann Coulter could be Sister Patterson, and the gimmick (besides Josie herself) would be that the poor hamsters - um, I mean the contestants - would have to plan the dates.
Then after the date, Josie and Ann would read the contestant for trash and send him home on a greyhound bus.
Of course this idea is totally offensive to everybody who lives in Orange County, but Lord knows if ever a population should be used to being stereotyped and represented as witless scum on reality - (and non-reality) TV shows, it is those folks.
Also, I am confident that both Josie and Ann are more than capable of being just as offensive to any and all other groups and demographic sectors, and the producers could insure this by making every effort to have the contestant pool be every bit as diverse as the population of Los Angeles itself, so that no ethnic group would be left trembling in righteous indignation, and writing letters about feeling left out because Josie failed to insult the Lithuanians or the Koreans, etc even once, and what are they, chopped liver?
And every show should have a short segment where Josie shares one of her very own Fashion Tips.
One man's conspiracy is another man's business plan
This show just gets better and better
I am enjoying this show for some odd reason. I don't think most of the women really want to marry the guy. But they want to win. What other show has women in a tractor race?
First thing to come to my mind "Footloose".
“I love Jesus but I drink a little”. Gladys Hardy
One thing about this show is it has the BEST elimination ceremonies EVAH! *snort~Take your bottle of moonshine and pour it into your glass. If your cup runeth over you get to stay~ Holy heck, that was funny.
And next week, they snuck the moonshine home and all get drunk
I only caught this once so far.... the time he used the moonshine for the elimination.
Those city gals running around in the corn field were funny!
And the square dancing? looked like fun.
If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the bug's kitchen!
Agman? It's getting hot in here!!!!
I am waiting for the day he boots Christa. Can't stand her.
At this point in time I would have to say Amanda will win. The editing is showing her in a good light. All the other girls are being edited as jealous & rude.
I keep expecting Amanda and Brooke to be the final 2. Don't know why. Just a feeling.
I get the same feeling. But I also get the feeling while watching this that every single person on this show is an actor on a Warner Bros set.
Agman took me to the islands
Out of ANY reality show this one would have been the most fun to summarize! OMG. The elimination ceremonies get funnier and funnier. Imagine having to stick your hand up a cow's butt to find out if she's pregnant or not to find out if you're going home....I never laugh this hard.
Agman took me to the islands
Can't believe I missed this one! Watched SYTYCD instead.
A mole is a mole is an Agmole
Interesting result at the elimination tonight.
Yes it was. I was really ready for KC to go. There has been something about her from the very beginning that just didn't sit right with me. Then after her elimination, it looked like her true colors came out. She was not crying and upset; but had an "entitled to be there" attitude. Or something. I just never trusted her true intentions. (But I really liked her friend who came to visit. She struck me as a genuine person.)I did feel a little sorry for KC tho - when she missed hitting her cans - and after seeing the other girl was going home - she ran over all chipper and happy and knocked the cans off - thinking of course she was going to see 'sittin pretty' but was shocked to see that she also was going back to the city.
I'm wondering if either of the 2 girls left are really ready to live on a farm (the same thought on any of the whole group).
Lots of people get bored with country life after being used to all the things available to do in a city. But then some learn to love the simplicity of country life.Good luck to Matt.
Snidget put me on the cover!
I always thought Kanesa talked like a little girl and it bugged me. I was not surprised to see her go home. But I was surprised that Amanda was sent home before Christa. I hate Christa.This show was filmed in July 2007. So I wonder what the odds are that the relationship worked out. Either they have been kept apart that long or they would have been found out. Just seems odd. I am guessing he picks Brooke. Christa has had the bitchy edit and they usually don't pick the bad girl at the end.
Anyone suprised with his final pick? I really thought Brooke was going home, and by the way the show was going so did she.
Piggly Wiggly
I expected Brooke to win. Christa was shown in too bad a light to be the winner.
I guess I really don't know about that, I only caught the last three episodes. From what I saw it just seemed to me that he was more into Christa. I really don't care for either one actually but I was still suprised.
Piggly Wiggly
According to an interview on - they are together. She is getting ready to move to Mo. to be closer to him. They are not engaged and are just gonna try to have a regular relationship and see where it goes.In the interview, Matt said that Ms. B pulled away from the pack early in the show and he had to work at not showing her too much attention.
I wish them well.
Not that it really matters much - but....
I couldn't see Crista living on the farm - too much city still in that one. I have this thing about facial jewelry (it just looks so uncomfortable) - and I kept waiting for Matt to ask her if she'd be willing to remove the studs. LOLBrooke seemed much more likely to adjust. I felt sorry for her that she thought she got the fun date and Crista got the romantic date. But I expected her to be more in tears tho if she really thought she was going to be leaving and if she really really cared for him.
It was sorta tough that Crista had to stand in front of the whole town and be rejected. Matt could have gone inside - made his choice - and emerged with his future bride - saving the rejected the embarassment.
Again tho if Crista really cared for him, I would have expected to have seen more tears. She didn't really seem upset at losing him - just at losing the 'game'.
Another thought about these kindof shows.
If someone gets there and after a few days or a couple of weeks or whatever decides they really don't feel any connection to the person, has anyone ever volunteered to be sent packing? Wouldn't it be cruel to completely lead the 'bachelor or bachelorette' on to the end - be chosen as the 'bride' or 'groom' and then say, "I'm not really interested in you."
Snidget put me on the cover!
I never really thought Matt was that into Christa. And he always seemed happier with Kanesia and Amanda. Christa was shown as the nasty one throughout the series. I wonder if Matt sent Amanda and Kanesia home when he did to avoid hurting them at the finale. It really was not easy to be the girl that had to stand in front of the locals and be dumped. Once he realized he wanted Brooke I think he picked someone that he didn't mind hurting as much to be the final 2 with her. He saved Amanda and Kanesia from the embarressment by sending them home the week before. Everyone was shocked they left over Christa. But I think he was doing them a favour. He probably thought Christa had a tougher personality and could take the rejection easier. Brooke was the better match for him.
that's interesting - I hadn't thought of it that way. Could very well be.
LAST EDITED ON 06-26-08 AT 01:07 PM (EST)In the end Matt picked the woman he knew couldn't outshine him. It appears Christa had a brain and she plans on using it & not be subservient to any man. So I say good for Christa. And Brooke welcome to Stepford where men lead and women follow. Shouldn't be hard for you since you've been following Matt like a puppy dog all season.
Brooke moved to Missouri to be with Matt. Not sure what happened to her arm.
Good write up Tummy, I got your back on the next one.