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"Step It Up & Dance"

Posted by tribephyl on 04-03-08 at 04:12 PM
C'mon all you dance fans! The premiere of Bravo's newest, usually classier, reality rip-off is tonight.
Instead of Food and Clothing... This time it's Dance.
Will it arabesque into a grand jeté?
Or will it break a leg?
I see we have some LegWarmers but what about Jazz Hands?
Will we witness yet another failed attempt at the dreaded Argentinian Tango? Are we ever to see them krump?

Where's qwerty? And Sage? And Bullzy?
And and and...

Sooo many questions.
What are the answers?

I hope it's good. It'll give me an excuse to fashion a new siggie.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Step It Up & Dance"
Posted by frodis on 04-10-08 at 03:54 PM
I watched it, Tribe.

I'm not entirely sure where this show is going, but I'll hang on for the ride. I usually really enjoy Bravo's shows.

The woman who left the stage during the Spice Girls dance should have been sent home on principal. I know that she wasn't on the elimination team but sheesh.

The dancers really should have suspected that something was up when they went out dancing the first night. No "night out on the town" is ever anything but a secret challenge. See: Top Chef, Project Runway, etc. for previous examples.

What is up with Elizabeth Berkeley? Maybe her makeup is just a shade too "natural" for my taste. I think she looks positively strange. Her head looks like one of those cartoon antelope skulls with the high cheekbones and big sunken in eyes. Very odd.

A springy surprise from Tribe!

"RE: Step It Up & Dance"
Posted by ginger on 04-30-08 at 05:35 PM
I think Elizabeth is doing her best Padma imitation.

I am actually watching this show. I just wish the editing during the dancing parts was less choppy. I do enjoy seeing the different types of dancers struggle with unfamiliar forms (Oscar's uberfrenchy little hissy fits regarding "Stomp" for example were quite amusing).

Plus, Prince is one of the contestants.

Wait, that's not Prince?

"RE: Step It Up & Dance"
Posted by Agman2 on 03-09-16 at 05:18 PM
Bravo is long gone so this show is also long gone.