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"Clash of the Choirs"

Posted by Cyndimaus on 12-04-07 at 03:27 PM
Anyone planning to watch? I admit it intrigues me and I will probably watch to see how the show will be. I sing in my church choir so I guess that's why it has some appeal to me.

Christmas cheer by Agman

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"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Gothmog on 12-17-07 at 00:00 AM
A good friend of mine is in the Cincinnati choir, and I've heard some of the behind the scenes scoop from her. Sounds like they're going for the jazzy Manhattan Transfer-like style, which should be interesting.

So, I hope people will vote for the Cincinnati choir to keep her (and it) on the air as long as possible.

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 12-17-07 at 01:54 PM
How fun to know someone! I hope they do well! I'm looking forward to watching tonight.

dressed up for the holidays by Tribe

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Pretty_Kitty on 12-17-07 at 08:20 PM
i'm watching. I love chior music. and maybe just maybe it will get me in the holiday spirit.bah hum bug. I was torn between this and Duel but think im gonna give this one a shot.

"1st night reaction"
Posted by Gothmog on 12-17-07 at 10:46 PM
Well, I liked hearing the choirs, but the show? not so much. I hate that they pulled out every sappy trick in the book. Let's see, how many sob stories can we showcase? Bleah.

My friend wasn't given much face time--probably because she's too normal. And I guess they have to have, you know, some people who can actually sing and dance, and not just people who can pull at the audience's heart strings.

And, maybe it was just me, but the American Idol-like "make-fun-of-the-auditioners" seemed a little meaner here. (Although I did have to laugh at all the idiots who butchered the stars' songs in front of them.)

And I miss Randy, Paula, and Simon. The post-performance commentary was pure pablum.

That said, here's my take on the choirs, in the order of how I liked them:

Patti LaBelle/Philadelphia: "Whole World"--clearly the class of the group. Absolutely blew me away.
Nick Lachey/Cincy "Unwritten"--good selection, good performance, but weak on the solos, and they were out of sync when they broke into a line. Very nice overall sound, though.
Kelly Rowland/Houston "Freedom"--Nice and safe, but didn't energize me.
Blake Shelton/Okla City "Life is a Highway"--Good song and good energy, but mediocre singing. Soloist was out of tune.
Michael Bolton/New Haven "Living on a Prayer"--Terrible song choice, and an absolutely wretched delivery, including the soloist. Buh Bye.

From the song selection my friend gave me, I'm surprised Cincy started with this song, but maybe they have a theme for each night. At any rate, I hope Cincy stays around to showcase one piece in particular that I'm looking forward to. But I'd have to say I think Patti LaBelle's group will run away with this--unless they have no range beyond their great Gospel/Soul sound.

"RE: 1st night reaction"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 12-18-07 at 01:27 AM
Overall I enjoyed the show. We're past the tryouts/sappy stories and now hopefully we can just enjoy the choirs.

I thought they all did well, especially given the time they had to pull it together.

I personally voted for Nick Lachey's choir, mostly because of the charity he's supporting. I had a daughter in a NICU six years ago so I have a soft spot for this charity.

I look forward to watching the rest of the shows.

dressed up for the holidays by Tribe

"RE: 1st night reaction"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 12-18-07 at 03:25 AM
That sappiness made me so ill that I shut it off before Ms. LaBelle made her presence known. Given your ratings, I should have stayed tuned. But, I couldn't take that parading those guys around in their uniforms just to get votes. Being a vet myself and having been exploited for my presence in a uniform, I have no doubt those guys hated it, too.

Bolton's choir was strained and amateurish. Too busy puking during the cowboy's choir, and Kelly Rowland's choir was okay — I really like Nick's choir a lot.

But, based completely on objective musicality, tonality, performance abilities, and readiness, I'd have to give it to Bolton's choir cuz I love his sexy eyes. What!?

Handcrafted by RollDdice

Uh, just how hard did they have to look to find people of color in Connecticut?

"RE: 1st night reaction"
Posted by Gothmog on 12-18-07 at 08:21 AM
I'll bet you liked his open shirt, too.

In talking with my friend last night, I learned something else--the singers were only given 5 choices of songs to sing at the audition, one of which was the national anthem, and one of which was a hit from the auditioning singer. That's why we heard the same songs over and over, and that's why so many of them butchered the singer's song--they were set up to be made fun of on TV. Not cool, in my book.

"RE: 1st night reaction"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 12-18-07 at 09:55 AM
That does suck. I also wondered if the contestants were pre-screened, if the stars were only there for show and had very little input into the choices, and if the choirs directed by someone else (rehearsals, training, etc.)

And yes, the view was interesting.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: 1st night reaction"
Posted by Gothmog on 12-18-07 at 12:51 PM
The stars had a lot of input into the choices (both of the contestants and the songs). In my friends case, there were about 50 people left after two rounds of auditions (which Nick Lachey was NOT present for), but he was there for the cut from 50 to 20. The Cincinnati group worked with another conductor (from Michigan--he also arranged their songs to fit the composition of the choir) for a couple of weeks with Nick popping in and out, but it has been with him solid for the last week+. They also had a choreographer from New York come out, but my friend thinks every group had the same choreographer.

Nick had a major role in chosing the pieces as well--there's one in particular (that I'm looking forward to) that he chose because he sang it himself in high school and knows what a crowd pleaser it is. They had a number of pieces that the group was considering, but they were restricted too by which ones they could secure the rights to. As far as I know, from what my friend said, Nick and the guy from Michigan together them made all of the musical selections, and none of the groups knew what the other groups were going to sing (except the producers kept track of everything so there wouldn't be any repeats).

"RE: 1st night reaction"
Posted by DearAbby on 12-18-07 at 01:58 PM
Thanks for providing the "inside info" from your friend. BTW, I agree with your rankings. Cincy was good, but Philly is in a class by itself. I've never been a Michael Bolton fan, and his choir didn't impress me either. They should be the ones going home tonight.

Decorated for Christmas by agman 2007

"RE: 1st night reaction"
Posted by brvnkrz on 12-20-07 at 08:24 AM
I absolutely loved flight of the Bumblebee, Goth. That is the song that made my ears perk up and really start to pay attention. I can't even imagine how hard it was to get all of them to do that song so well. Fantastic.

Nothing says Holiday Joy like a Brestee sigpic

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by MKitty on 12-18-07 at 02:53 PM
LOL....I ONLY caught the Patti LaBelle portion and thought her choir was great. Maybe now that they have all the story lines out of the way..we can get on with some really good singing. I really loved Patti's choir, but didn't really see the others. I'll have to tune in or tape tonight's show (as tonight is also the finale of Biggest Loser and I cannot miss that!! LOL)

*Christmas Cheer from Sharnina*

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Gothmog on 12-18-07 at 10:13 PM
Quote of the day: My friend's mother, talking about my friend not being seen much on last night's program: "Maybe I should have beaten her as a child so they'd be more interested in her story." Heh.

Ok, my reaction to the 2nd night.

Well, I think Cincy is in trouble. I just finished voting for my hometown team but I doubt it will help. I was underwhelmed by Team Lachey tonight. And I still hate the superfluous commentary from all the celebrities. But at least, the sappy stories were cut down a lot. (Still, you'd think they could find a way to fit more than 8-10 minutes of singing in an hour show. Even AI doesn't have that much filler.)

My rankings:

1)Team LaBelle: (some Temptations song I've forgotten the title of) Still the best group, though no longer in a league of their own. Soloist was good, but I wasn't as impressed with the unison of the choir as back-up. They're a choir, they should be in parts more. And I didn't like the song, but that could be just me.
2) Team Bolton: (Ain't no Mountain High Enough) They brought it tonight. Which is good, because their performance last night was wretched. Soloist (same guy as last night) was still out of tune, but we found out afterwards he's been fighting a cold.
3) Team Shelton: (Taking it To the Streets) Same as last night--good energy, good song, mediocre singing and dancing.
4) Team Lachey: (Friends in Low Places) This performance left me cold. I didn't like the song at all. The solo was ok (good until an ending that was forced and oversung) to start, but when the song reached the title line, the basses couldn't hit the low notes. Wrong key for them. Brought the performance to such a halt that the fast-paced ending couldn't recover. Yecch. And I know they have better, flashier songs in their repertoire. They might be saving them for the longer performances tomorrow, which would be too bad if they don't even make it that far.

So I hope y'all voted to keep them around, even if they did stink a little tonight. Dog knows they'll need the extra help.

Oh, and Team Rowland is out. Which I can live with, but they weren't the worst last night.

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 12-19-07 at 00:51 AM
I'm pretty much in agreement with you tonight.
I liked LaBelle's Belles tonight. Could be because I didn't hear last night's performance, so I had no expectations. I thought it was a unique interpretation of that song, which is what the other teams lacked. I had goosebumps and damp eyes when it was done.

Team Yuppie was a pleasant surprise. I don't think Bolton has directed a thing in his life, and I kept watching for the real choir director directing from the audience. Unfortunately, it wasn't a unique interpretation of that song. Nicely done, but no musical surprises. On the other hand, I was ready to call the competition off and hand the award to LaBelle's Belles, but we may have a fight on our hands.

Team Redneck: zzzzzzzzz. I would have put them in last place as a tie.

Team Home Team: Who chose this song anyway? Didn't they actually hear the choir before they had them sing this one? There was no way the basses could hit those notes. Amateurish and lame. I felt sorry for the choir — it wasn't their fault.

I think this would be interesting as a weekly show with real judges. The weekly bit would give the choirs a chance to up their game and adapt to the competition. The real judges would also push the quality up a notch.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"Dec 18th, 2nd episode"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 12-19-07 at 09:57 AM
It was a fun show to watch, I missed the first episode. A nice break, but I don't think it's a show that could last a long time. A week is probably just perfect.

How about the silver fox??? She wanted a piece of Bolton, not to be his grandma!!! LOL

A Blessed Christmas season to all who welcome the Newborn King into their lives.

"Dec. 19th, night 3"
Posted by whimsey on 12-19-07 at 08:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-19-07 AT 08:56 PM (EST)

I really have begun to like this show. I'm glad it is only one week, though. I can't imagine the cost of housing and such for these choirs for a season. That's a lot of folks.

Three songs each tonight, after the one voted off is announced. And a teaser for the stars to sing.

"RE: Dec. 19th, night 3"
Posted by whimsey on 12-19-07 at 10:17 PM
Never thought I'd see the day a singing competition would come down to Patti LaBelle and Nick Lachey - which I think this one will. At least I hope so.

I think Miss LaBelle is pretty much unstoppable, I like Nick for the win. I just like his choir better. Once a gain, it comes down to popularity, not ability.

Team Lachey was amazing on their first song - unbelievable. Didn't think such a thing was possible. Great job.

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Tiggertramp on 12-19-07 at 09:02 PM
Tonight is very interesting.

Gothmog...Team Cincy was absolutely drop your jaw AMAZING. That is quite possibly the most difficult piece to sing and keep together AND have it all on key. They were fanfreakingtastic.
I think they will be tough to beat with that performance.

But I agree, overall, Philly is really darn good.

I love the singing, I hate the show crap. And I wish there were judges that are not the leaders of the other choirs. They are busy being nice, or having a beat your chest match.

Excellent siggy by JSlice, Worm by the Fab IceCat And Icey bounced me! Yippee!!
I wish I were a glow worm, A glow worm's never glum...Cuz how can you be grumpy, When the sun shines out your bum??

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Loree on 12-19-07 at 11:04 PM
I just enjoy the Cincy choir the most. Yes, Patti is outstanding. But I always feel like she has these select singers that are fantastic and they do most of the singing while the others are just hanging in the background. With Nick's choir I feel like everyone is contributing.

I wish they would just let them sing and quit with the sob stories. I am getting tired of listening to all the personal stories and trying for the sympathy vote.

"Wow! Just wow!"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 12-20-07 at 00:05 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-20-07 AT 00:24 AM (EST)

I was blown away by all of the choirs tonight. The OK City choir was astounding too. All three.... just wow!

ETA: Oops. I thought this was an hour show with each choir performing once. Missed LaBelle's Belles second number. Oh well, it's being recorded.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Gothmog on 12-20-07 at 08:30 AM
Well, i'm glad Cincy made it through to this round, so they got to sing more songs. I think they redeemed themselves tonight, with interest. But I'll have to admit, I could barely watch some parts. That host has got to be the worst ever. And I'm with Loree, the showcasing of the sob stories for the sympathy vote was just too much. If I didn't have a connection here, I wouldn't have made it through 4 minutes.

My take on the performances:

1) Team Lachey--ok, I know I'm biased, but I'll say they were the best ones out there, and it's because of their range. I knew they were gonna do Bumblebee (that's the one I was looking forward to--my friend told me about it after their first rehearsal, saying Lachey picked it himself from his high school days, then she told me "don't post that online, because it's supposed to be a secret."), but the other two were good, too. I think they were the most "choir" like of the bunch, and they showcased their talent well. The Mariah Carey song was fun, and the Lachey song was palatable and not overdone.

2) Team LaBelle--well, they have one genre: Gospel; and one singing style: belting. Impressive at first, but wears thin. Awfully fast. I mean, how many tearful, emotional songs can one sing? or take? And the "thank you Jesus" stuff got on my last nerves. LaBelle's "Somewhere over the Rainbow" was way too screetchy for my tastes. Still, you gotta admire their talent; I just wish they had more range.

3) Team Shelton--I liked Home, their first song, and his hit at the end was ok, but the "Joy to the World" was bland, and the mix with the 3 Dog Night version was forced and icky. And they just don't have the overall talent of the other two groups.

I'm pretty sure, though, that it won't matter how well anyone performed, Team LaBelle will get it anyway. My friend tells me that this has been her baby from the get-go, and she's been a powerful mover and shaker behind the scenes. But I'm happy, at least, that my friend got some more face time tonight, and I even saw her dad and brother in the crowd shots.

One more behind-the-scenes tidbits from my friend: each choir was given a color scheme (theirs was silver and black), with which they could build costumes from their own wardrobe, but the producers also had lots of other stuff in their colors backstage for them to wear as well, if they wanted. She said on the first night, Rowland's choir came out and the producers sent them back to the dressing room because they looked too slutty. Heh.

Thanks again, everyone, for indulging me, especially if you voted for Cincy.

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 12-20-07 at 09:09 AM
What does your friend look like?

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 12-20-07 at 10:47 AM
Another good night. I'm with you, I could do without all the sob stories. The singing was good, though.

Can't wait for tonight. I really do hope team Lachey wins but I think you are right about team LaBelle. Although maybe Nick has a whole bunch of fans voting.

Decorated by Agman

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Loree on 12-20-07 at 10:49 AM
My guess is that alot might depend what age group is doing the majority of the voting. A younger fan base would probably vote for Nick Lachey over Patti. Older fans would probably favour Patti.

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by bullzeye on 12-20-07 at 11:39 AM
Well, I was a bit lukewarm to team Cincy until last night. That rendition of "Bumblebee" was one of the most creative things I have ever heard. I was blown away - alternating between laughter, and stunned silence. I am definitely cheering them to go all the way. I didn't realize Nick had that much talent.

I agree however, that the momentum is with team Philly. They seem to be the ones that are pulling at the heartstrings and I believe that will get them the win.

Gothmog - please pass along our congratulations to your friend. I have no idea who she is, but she is part of something truly amazing!

Have yourself a very Agman Christmas!

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Gothmog on 12-20-07 at 06:30 PM
Thanks for all your compliments; I'll pass them along to my friend. I'm glad you liked what the Cincinnati choir accomplished.

Here's a photo of Team Lachey, with my friend indicated by the arrow. She's got long, straight dark hair, and is usually in the back row (probably because she's taller than average).

One thing about Nick Lachey is that he is indeed talented. He's been studying music since he was small, and went to the Cincinnati School for Performing Arts (CSPA), which is not easy to get into.

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by bullzeye on 12-20-07 at 07:00 PM
So cool! I'll be looking out for her tonite! Strange how I feel a connection to someone I have never met through someone I have never met. What?

Interesting about Nick. I always just assumed he was Jessica's eye candy - a lackee to the talent. I am glad that I was totally wrong on that assumption.

Go Team Cincy!!

Have yourself a very Agman Christmas!

I can and will cheer for your choir, but please don't ask me to cheer for the Bengals ok?

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Gothmog on 12-20-07 at 07:38 PM
>a lackee to the talent.

Ok, that made me *snort*. Nicely played.

>I can and will cheer for your choir, but please don't
>ask me to cheer for the Bengals ok?

No worries. As a transplanted Chicagoan, I have no allegiance for the Bungles and take much delight in expressing my Schadenfreude for the hometown losers fans

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by whimsey on 12-20-07 at 08:36 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-20-07 AT 08:39 PM (EST)

I actually voted last night. I hope it wasn't a jinx, Goth.

Team Cincy deserves it for the Bumblebee performance and the focused, carefree (yeah, I know) attitude they seem to have. Contrast that with the juggernaut that is Team LaBelle - how could I not vote for Team Cincy!

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 12-20-07 at 09:16 PM
I've been crushing on the guy in the second row to the right of the blonde (our right). Can you ask your friend if the feeling's mutual? Have her tell him that I tend to ignore restraining orders.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by mysticwolf on 12-20-07 at 08:47 PM
Goth? Thanks so much for coming into the bar and posting to tell us about your friend. We might not have watched except for that - particularly since my choir rehearses on Wednesday nights so dh would have to tape it for me.

But, watch we have, and both of us have enjoyed it greatly. And, yes. Cinci's been getting 40 votes per night out of our household - and they've mostly not just been because of your friend or our being Ohioans. They're good.

We've been impressed with all of the choirs, but one thing I've liked best about Cinci is that they've sung as a choir. Although Patti's choir has been good (and I see in this thread that you've ranked her above the hometown crowd on some), she's mostly done it as a lead vocal with backup singers. That's not the kind of choral performance I appreciate as much.

I do have one request. If you could ask your friend and PM or e-mail me the details of the sheet music they used for Flight of the Bumblebees? I'd really appreciate it.

We sometimes do tonal pieces in our choir, and I think that they'd really love this one. If I can get the details I may be able to persuade my director to give it a try. (Particularly if I supply the sheet music. )

Thanks, Agman.

May the Peace of the Season infuse your heart, and may you, and all you hold dear, profit by it.

Posted by mysticwolf on 12-20-07 at 10:13 PM
Cinci wins! A real choir wins out over a powerhouse that used a single lead singer with backup vocals. Woo Hoo!!!!

I couldn't be more happy. Big congratulations to your friend and the rest of the choir!

Thanks, Agman.

May the Peace of the Season infuse your heart, and may you, and all you hold dear, profit by it.

"RE: Whoo!!!"
Posted by DearAbby on 12-20-07 at 10:17 PM
I'll ditto that! A very deserving win.

2005 tribe's Holiday Siggie Shop

"RE: Whoo!!!"
Posted by Loree on 12-21-07 at 00:21 AM
I was happy with the results too. Cincy just seemed like they were having the most fun and they sang as a choir. Patti seemed too competetive. She was more interested in winning than having her group just enjoy the experience.

"RE: Whoo!!!"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 12-21-07 at 01:28 AM
I am really really shocked. Thrilled, but shocked.
I noticed the relationship between the choirs and directors as well. Patty seemed to stand like the diva goddess before her choir, whereas the other two seemed to be embraced by their choirs.

It also showed the cultural differences when it comes to choirs. I was a national judge for African American choirs for a few years. Their choirs tend to follow the call and response approach to performance. There is a lead singer and the choir is the backup for the singer. The traditional approach to European-influenced choirs (read: white) tend to incorporate the entire choir as a musical unit, with occasional soloists. For the most part, the choirs reflected the cultural heritage of their directors in these shows, IMHO.

On another note, I was moved when the hostess lost it and began to bawl. It showed this show still had its humanity. All its glitches and mess-ups were just part of keeping it good.

And a Tribey Christmas to us all.

Posted by bullzeye on 12-21-07 at 09:46 AM
Yay for Team Cincy! Yay for Gothmog's friend! Yay for Gothmog!

I really loved last nights performances, and I think a lot of that had to do with knowing Gothmog's friend was in the choir, and knowing who to look for. I kept saying - "There she is!", every time the camera showed her. I am really really happy for your friend and for the choir. I think they sealed their win with "BumbleBee" and rightly deserved the win. Huge kudos for Nick for taking that chance.

I agree with the others in terms of Cincy singing as a group, and not as a bunch of back-up singers to a solo artist. That also played into how much I was cheering for them.

Thanks Gothmog - you made this a lot of fun!

Have yourself a very Agman Christmas!

"RE: Yay!!!"
Posted by BOYmeetsREALITY on 12-21-07 at 10:08 AM
I really loved watching this show!


I'm only bummed that TiVO only got the first hour of the FINALE! UGH!

Not sure if it was NBC's fault or not, but it was only scheduled for 1 hour, so that's all TiVO got. Hopefully they will replay it someday, as those choirs certainly deserve to be seen again!

KUDOS to NBC and all those involved for some great Holiday programming! Hopefully it will become a new Holiday Tradition to do it every year!


"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 12-21-07 at 10:29 AM
Yay for Cincy! I'm so glad they won. I really did enjoy their performances overall. But I did like hearing all the choirs. I think it's great they all did so well in such a short amount of time.

Thanks for sharing about your friend, Gothmog. Made this experience that much more enjoyable.

Christmas cheer by Agman

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by whimsey on 12-21-07 at 01:27 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-21-07 AT 01:27 PM (EST)

Excellent Team Cincy!!! Well deserved win.

A great finale show. I especially liked the Team Rowland performance for the Dad - in American Sign Language. Shed a tear for that one as well.

Again, congrats to Goth, Cincy and Lachey.

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by bullzeye on 12-21-07 at 02:14 PM
I will admit that performance choked me up as well.

Have yourself a very Agman Christmas!

I am such a wimp.

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by mysticwolf on 12-21-07 at 05:42 PM
You weren't the only one. Both dh & I shed a few tears for that one. It was a superb gesture.

Thanks, Agman.

May the Peace of the Season infuse your heart, and may you, and all you hold dear, profit by it.

"Retrospective thoughts"
Posted by Gothmog on 12-21-07 at 06:01 PM
Well that was fun! Fun, Fun, FUN!!

Thanks for everyone who watched, and supported my friend and hometown team. (I have one of those silver and grey "Team Cincinnati" shirts. They were made by Nick's dad--Nick being the guy who sang the solo on "Low Places", not Nick Lachey)

I was so surprised that Cincinnati won, and evidently Patti LaBelle was too. Well, surprised in the sense of "more than a little miffed." When the winner was announced, she was on stage mouthing "I can't believe it" and "uh uh" as they wrapped up the show. When the other choirs rushed the stage and there was congratulations all around as the cameras turned off, she disappeared into her dressing room. It wasn't until about 45 minutes later that she finally calmed down and came out. My friend's dad said she eventually came into the Cincinnati staging area, where they were still celebrating and packing up, and became a little more gracious. She posed for some pictures and let the Cincy group treat her like a diva for a bit, but it sounds like she never had anything close to "congratulations, you deserved it" leave her lips.

But you know what? She didn't deserve it. Her group was talented, but their songs were all in the lead and back-up format. They weren't a choir, they were Pips to her Gladys (or whoever in her choir played Gladys when they sang). And their Pip parts weren't very difficult (many were just repetitions of the same phrase over and over). I think Cincinnati might not have had the lead talent (indeed, their soloists were their weakest parts), but they blended well and sang like a choir--in fact, they were the only group to perform real choral pieces (like Wonderful World), in which the solos were incidental, not the focus.

None of the choirs really had much idea what the others groups were singing, so they didn't know what the others were going to show up with, so I think they had to guess at what to prepare, and Lachey and his Michigan composer/partner picked a good mix. That's what deserved to win, in my eyes.

As for the show, it was so painful to watch (aside from the singing). You could tell that NBC had no idea what to do with this thing. They had an identity crisis from the get-go: they couldn't decide if they wanted to be mean and harsh like AI (which they did during the auditions) or be anti-mean (as in the post-performance commentary). And the sappy stories! Good grief. The biggest tragedy with that is that it made the genuinely good stories (like the deaf father) seem trite and gooey as well because of all the others. (Side note: My friend was one of the people who had rehearsed the solo in the middle of Wonderful World, but I'll bet they gave it to the woman who's child had died so she could tell her story at the end of the song. She was a weaker singer, but had a better story. Such is reality TV.)

And that host has to be the worst ever. She didn't know how to banter, how to ask questions, how to shut up. She basically didn't know anything--not even how to walk up steps in a long dress without tripping. She would start interviewing the wrong people, and cover up her mistakes with awkward and unfunny jokes. Horrible.

I'd like to think these problems would be corrected next time, but I'll bet there isn't going to be a next time. Patti was a mover/shaker for this, and she'll probably take her producing toys and go home.

Meanwhile, My friend comes home today, after an exhausting night. Nick Lachey chartered a boat for them (and their families) to take a late-night cruise around Manhattan, with dinner and dancing. And he gave them all nice jewelry from Tiffany's. All planned before they knew they had won. He not only knew all his choir members by name (which I suppose you might reasonably expect) but he knew their relatives as well, as my friend's dad verified. He'll certainly make good on his promise to have them sing something on his next album. Class act all around.

Mystic, I'll ask my friend about the sheet music for Bumblebee--if she still has it (they might have returned it all by now).

Thanks again, everyone, for indulging me. It was fascinating to me, even if it wasn't the most polished (or watched) tv show out there..

"RE: Retrospective thoughts"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 12-21-07 at 08:38 PM
Thanks Gothmog for your sharing. I had planned to watch it anyway, but your insights have made it invaluable.

I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't happen again due to Ms. LaBelle's snits.

As for NBC and their clunkiness with it (like not know how to mike choirs, so that some of the songs really came out inbalanced), I wonder if this was originally supposed to go to a minor network like WB or something, but the writers' strike brought it to a network.

As for the Pips parts not being all that difficult: a friend of mine sang in a black gospel choir. He said it was the most boring gig he ever did. All they did was sing the same words over and over and over. Although he loves the music, he will not sing in one of those choirs again. I saw him try to sing black gospel, but the poor guy was so white bread that it just didn't work.

And a Tribey Christmas to us all.

"Oh puh-leeeeeze. "
Posted by Gothmog on 12-22-07 at 00:03 AM
Look what the Philly paper had to say about the results:

Team LaBelle Sings The Blues

"The winner? A choir from Cincinnati, led by singer Nick Lachey.

Yes, Philly, we lost to Jessica Simpson's ex-husband.

And it's going to seem like sour grapes, but from where we were sitting, Lachey's "choir" seemed like a backup group, chosen as much for appearance as for vocals (and indeed, he promised the other night that if his singers won, they'd get a backup gig on his next album)."


Well, no, team Lachey was the REAL choir, with your hometown divas nothing more than a solo and backup group. Yeah, that Bumblebee thing was backup material, all right. And nice of you to throw out that Jessica Simpson reference, as if it's a good reason not to take him or his choir seriously. But you're right about the sour grapes...

"LaBelle, who admitted she was surprised to have lost, since her fellow celebrity "choir masters" had all predicted a Team LaBelle victory.

"I learned to grow up in that second. It just made me a bigger person. It made me feel like a champion," she said.

But a not-undisappointed champion, perhaps.

"I thought it was about singing, not popularity," she said."


Um, helllloo!?!? What part of this "voting-for-your-favorite-choir" process didn't you understand?

And in another write-up:

LaBelle politely asserts Philly really won

"Patti LaBelle sounded politely miffed shortly after Philly finished second on last night's finale of Clash of the Choirs.

After initially asserting, "It was a ripoff -- somebody stole it from me," she backed off a bit.

But only a bit.


Mostly, though, the ever-pleasant Patti preferred to sound a positive note.

Would she demand a rematch? "Tomorrow, I'm going to say congratulations to my boy," she said.

"I'm still a winner, you know what I mean? I'm not taking anything away from Nick Lachey ... I'm 63, he's about 2. ... It's called Clash of the Choirs, not Clash of the Popularity," she said."



"RE: Oh puh-leeeeeze. "
Posted by Loree on 12-22-07 at 08:06 AM
What Patti has done is shown she does not have any Class. She needs to stop believing her own hype and admit the audience did not believe her choir was the best.

"RE: Oh puh-leeeeeze. "
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 12-22-07 at 11:43 AM
I wondered if she had changed from her days from hogging the mike at Live Aid, where she screeched at fifty thousand decibels and drowning out the rest of the singers. But, I guess not. Bumblebee a back-up song? As you said, Gothmog, "Oh puh-leeeeeze."

And a Tribey Christmas to us all.

"RE: Oh puh-leeeeeze. "
Posted by AyaK on 12-22-07 at 12:29 PM
Eh, it just sounds like Patti LaBelle. Some of you may not remember, but Patti LaBelle and the Bluebelles were one of the big groups in the first Motown wave, with Nona Hendrix and Sarah Dash and Cindy Birdsong until she jumped to the Supremes to replace Florence Ballard.

If dealing with Diana Ross's hyperinflated ego seemed like a better gig to Ms. Birdsong, you know Patti LaBelle had to be something less than collegial.

It became obvious to everyone when "Lady Marmalade" hit. Although Nona Hendrix had been the group's musical director for years, Patti acted as if she was a solo act after the single went gold. Finally, both Nona Hendrix and Sarah Dash had enough of being treated as insignificant, and both quit.

It seems pretty clear that Ms. LaBelle's view of the world hasn't change one iota since then.

"RE: Oh puh-leeeeeze. "
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 12-24-07 at 06:19 PM
Ha! If Cindy Birdsong preferred Diana Ross, then Mme. LaBelle must be true horror story! I'd like to read a tell-all biography about her.

And a Tribey Christmas to us all.

"Even my 7 year old thought LaBelle was shrieky!"
Posted by udg on 12-22-07 at 03:07 PM
Gothmog, I didn't know you had a horse in this race until after the fact. I actually just clicked the thread to find out who won after the 2nd half of the finale didn't get recorded. I wanted LaBelle gone after the 2nd night. Her first night was great, but after that, not so much. My 7 year old said, "She's just screaming," during Over the Rainbow, and I totally agree. I'm very glad Team Lachey won!

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Clash of the Choirs"
Posted by Agman2 on 03-23-16 at 10:37 AM
Too much singing for my taste!