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"Next Great American Band"

Posted by MKitty on 10-11-07 at 12:17 PM
Okay, so this show is coming up on Friday, Oct. 19th and I am hoping it will replace (in interest) my beloved Rock Star. It looks like it could be good...I hope... I am dying for another "real" talent type reality show such as Rockstar or So You think you can dance, and I am hoping this show will fulfil that wish...

Anybody else interested in seeing this?


*autumnal delight by Agman*

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"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 10-11-07 at 12:55 PM
Yep, I've had this marked on my calendar as soon as I heard the premiere date. I only hope that since it's Fox that it leans more towards SYTYCD than AI. I can't believe they got John Rzeznik from the Goo-Goo Dolls to judge. I have high expectations for this show!

Ghoulishly attired thanks to surfkitten!

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by rockdog on 10-27-07 at 09:55 AM
I wish he would show the bass players more.
The kids need to put shirts on ASAP.

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-27-07 at 10:17 AM
Last night was the first time I watched, and all I could think of is "why am I watching half naked little boys?" It was kinda freaky!!! Like kiddie soft porn....just wierd.

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by rockdog on 10-27-07 at 10:47 AM
Very creepy

One of the members of Trés Bien! looks like Ellen Degeneres to me.

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by djandy on 10-11-07 at 01:18 PM
I hope the performers are as good as Rock Star. I definitely missed it this summer.

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by CTgirl on 10-11-07 at 01:22 PM
This show even has my 17-year-old interested and he doesn't watch anything but Comedy Central. We'll definately put it on our DVR list.

surfkitty sig shop 2007

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by MKitty on 10-11-07 at 01:29 PM
Yeah, I agree with everyone..as long as it is more like Rock Star and So you think you can dance, and NOT American Idol, than I will be really excited to watch. And yes, the fact that it has some serious 'rocker" judges...really piques my interest. Holding out hope at the moment!

*Pumpkin Kitty courtesy of Smokeysmom*

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by bullzeye on 10-15-07 at 01:16 PM
After all the fun I had with RockStar and SYTYCD I will definitely be tuning into this one!

Another Arkie Masterpiece! Is that woman talented or what?

"Count Me In!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 10-15-07 at 05:26 PM
I'm even glad it is on Fridays too. What concerns me is that Fox already seems to be going with the bad auditions already.

On one hand I'm done with that type of entertainment but on other I'm kind of curious to see bad delusional bands instead of solo singers.

Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by arkiegrl on 10-19-07 at 09:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-19-07 AT 09:37 PM (EST)

Well, I missed almost the whole first hour, but I'm liking a lot of what I've seen already. I'm more of a rock girl when it comes to music, but I really liked Denver and the Mile High Orchestra. I also liked The Muggs.

"The 12 Bands"
Posted by arkiegrl on 10-20-07 at 04:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-20-07 AT 05:20 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-20-07 AT 05:18 PM (EST)

I will be back and edit in more background information about the bands as I find it.

Six Wire - country group from Nashville. (Not having much luck finding anything about this group.) It's Sixwire, not Six Wire. That's why I couldn't find anything. Here's their myspace page.

Dot Dot Dot - Rock/pop/powerpop from Chicago. Dot Dot Dot myspace page

The Muggs - from Detroit. Rock/Blues. Bass player had a stroke in 2001, and learned to play his bass lines on a piano. The Muggs myspace page.

Denver and the Mile High Orchestra - one site refers to them as a christian group with big band sound; all alumni from Belmont University in Nashville. Denver and Mile High Orchestra myspace page

The Hatch - Brooklyn. their myspace page lists them as indie/pop/rock.

The Likes of You - from Los Angeles. Listed as Rock/Pop/Soul on their myspace page.

Clark Brothers - Country/Rock/Bluegrass is how this band from Nashville is listed on their myspace page. They currently only have one song listed on their player, which is a gospel/bluegrass type.

Franklin Bridge - Rock/R&B/Alternative from Philadelphia. Franklin Bridge's myspace page.

Rocket - all girl group. Echo Park, CA. Live in the same house (I don't think living with the people you work with/tour with would be so great. 24/7 with the same people? Ugh.) Glam/Rock/Powerpop. The Rocket myspace page (Second time I've seen powerpop. What exactly is that?)

Light of Doom - from California. Rock? Yeah, maybe when they grow up and their voices are deeper. Ages range from 12 - 14. Looks like we know who the 'tweens will be voting for. Light of Doom myspace page

Cliff Wagner and the Ol' #7 - San Pedro, CA - Bluegrass. Their myspace page.

Tres Bien - from Clearwater, FL. Listed on their myspace page as Garage/Powerpop/Soul. I didn't get to see them on the show, but I'm listening to one of their songs on myspace. I like it, but it makes me think of 60's music in a way. Not that it's a bad thing.

"RE: The 12 Bands"
Posted by zombiebaby on 10-20-07 at 06:05 PM

No Zombie BAzooka people.

I like most of these. The glaring exceptions to me off the top of my head that I DON'T care for is Light of Doom and Rocket. Just gimmick bands to me.

While I enjoyed Cliff Wagner and the Ol #7 and Denver and the Mile High Band I just don't see them winning. They are very good at what they do and since both are a genre I do not listen to much it is refreshing to hear. However I don't think they have much of a shot.

Early faves of mine: Franklin Bridge, The Muggs, and Clark Brothers. Dot, Dot, Dot could be good too but I'm reserved about them.

Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!

"RE: The 12 Bands"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 10-22-07 at 10:37 AM
Ok, Dot Dot Dot has a lot to prove to me. Could the lead singer try any harder to be a Lukas Rossi clone? Get your own identity dude.

Being a rocker chick I was seriously impressed with Light of Doom. Playing Iron Maiden and sounded good doing so....awesome. For those that don't know Iron Maiden is some serious hard sh!t to play.

All in all I liked the 12 they chose but agree that the Bluegrass band and Orchestra groups won't last long since it's kind of hard to transition their sound over to other genres. My two favorites so far are Sixwire and the Clark Brothers. We'll see how it pans out though.

I was so thrilled not to be totally disappointed by the show as a whole!!!

Ghoulishly attired thanks to surfkitten!

"RE: The 12 Bands"
Posted by MKitty on 10-22-07 at 04:37 PM
I caught most of it but came in late as I didn't know what time it started.

I quite liked it and will definately tune in this week. I really enjoyed seeing some of the bands and hearing about their backgrounds. Some of the lines I loved: Muggs: "We are the ugliest band in America!" and I really loved when the bluegrass band played "Like a Virgin" when asked for a second offering..I laughed pretty hard at that!

And...don't get me started on the "Kiss" wannabe frontman who lives with his mother...absolutely hilarious (in a very sad and pathetic way )

Yup, should be interesting.

*autumnal delight by Agman*

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by frankie44 on 10-21-07 at 11:46 AM
This forum was difficult to find! I had to use the search engine - it's not listed anywhere. I hope this show doesn't get canceled because of low ratings as I really enjoyed it and the bands had real talent.

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by bullzeye on 10-21-07 at 04:50 PM
You got the search engine to work for you?


Liked the first show enough to tune into next week - some real talent on display.

Another Arkie Masterpiece! Is that woman talented or what?

Welcome Frankie44!

"Ocotober 26th episode"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-27-07 at 10:21 AM
First time watching.....

Was wierded out by the little kid band who had a couple young young members being shirtless.

Loved the bluegrass band more than I expected.

The girl band, the Rockets, the band was good, I didn't think the lead singer does very well. She fell flat much of the time.

A band criticized for being put together at the last minute, wasn't too bad.

What do you all think???

"RE: Ocotober 26th episode"
Posted by Loree on 10-27-07 at 12:49 PM
I watched it. And I don't have a clear favourite yet.

I was glad the judges told those kids to put on shirts. It was so typical of kids too when the lead singer leaned over and said "I told you so" to the shirtless kids.

I agree the lead singer of Rocket isn't as good as the rest of the band.

I like Tres Bien because they make me smile.

I think The Muggs need a lead singer. Their singer seemed to love playing guitar but just threw in a few words when he had to.

I really like the Clark Bros but wish they had a drummer and a bass. I felt they were missing that.

I think Sixwire seemed the most like a real band. It was obvious they have been together for years.

"RE: Ocotober 26th episode"
Posted by geekboy on 10-29-07 at 09:06 AM
I finally got caught up on this show this weekend. couple thoughts...

* Favorites - Muggs, Franklin Bridge, Sixwire, Bluegrass one
* Rocket - i think they're the weakest
* The Hatch - 2nd weakest
* Agree with teh shirtless comments for the kid band...but the band is actually quite good
* Tres Bien - not sure what i think yet
* Dot Dot Dot - hated them in teh auditions, thought they did pretty well this week, but then of course the judges disagree with me. I liked their Dylan interpretation

I'm still not sure if this show will be as big as AI. I don't think Idol can be duplicated.


I love puppies! S. Cowell

"RE: Ocotober 26th episode"
Posted by Loree on 10-29-07 at 12:54 PM
I did not like the lead singer of Hatch. His actions on stage were rather goofy.

"RE: Ocotober 26th episode"
Posted by Agman2 on 03-07-16 at 05:04 PM
I didn't find that to be the case at all!

"RE: Ocotober 26th episode"
Posted by weltek on 10-29-07 at 01:58 PM
Weltek's watching! It's no Rockstar, but I suppose it will do. And besides, we've been boring losers lately with no Friday night plans.

My rankings:
1. Franklin Bridge. While I kind of agree they overarrange sometimes, I think they do it tight and clever. Definitely the type of music I'd love to hear more of.

2. Sixwire. I'm not a country fan, but I can appreciate some good country-rock. It's huge right now, and if they can just get a song on the radio, I think they'll have a huge following.

3. The Likes of You. I really like the polished sound of this band. I agree he needs to lay off so much falseto, but I really like this band and would buy and album. Very Coldplayish, without the piano.

4. The Clark Brothers. I'd seen The Clark Family Experience at a festival years back and thought they were super-talented and fun. Was glad to see these guys and think they do a spectacular job with the instruments they play. Not sure they are "TNGAB," but I like em.

Now for the rest, which are either unforgetable, IMHO, or too unpolished.

Cliff Wagner...meh. I'd watch em at a bar, but definitely not the competition for them. They are some funny fellas, though.

Denver...They do well with what they have. I agree with JR, they need to do something uniquely modern with their style to make themselves competitive.

Dot Dot Dot...Terribly cliche band.

The Hatch: Fairly forgettable band. Not bad, not spectacular...just ok.

Light of Doom: Good for what they are. Lead singers voice unpolished. In a few years, I'd give them another chance.

The Muggs: Horrible lead singer voice, good musicianship. Won't go particularly far.

Rocket: Nolay had a theory she's Ricki Rocket's daughter (from Poison). I could see that, but have no idea. Cute band, average talent. Fun, but not good enough to win.

Tres Bien: Interesting, but not good enough to win.

"RE: Ocotober 26th episode"
Posted by geekboy on 10-30-07 at 01:54 PM
Weltek -

I agree with MOST of what you say. Let me add the following...

* The Muggs

Dicko was absolutely right on this band. They are amazingly tight, and that is critical for a band competition. The lead singer is a FREAKING AMAZING GUITARIST with an average voice...but who cares. Its a band competition, and as a band they are amazing.

My wife made one comment about them, and that was "That is amazing coming from just three guys, and the bass player is on a keyboard."

I think they will go farther than you think.

* Cliff Wagner & The Old #7

I simply LOVE this band. What they have done with cover songs is pretty damn amazing. I think they could be a proverbial dark horse in this competition.


I love puppies! S. Cowell

"RE: Ocotober 26th episode"
Posted by weltek on 10-31-07 at 12:09 PM
Ok, ok, I'll give you that on the Muggs.

I think Cliff's arrangements all sound a little too, ummmm....predictable? Maybe I've just seen to many ensamble bands like this in bars that I can't get away from the "they are fun, but it all sounds the same" thing. Once you figure out their sound, it gets hard to differentiate the songs, IMHO.

I guess it's maybe just a personal preference thing with them.

"RE: Ocotober 26th episode"
Posted by CTgirl on 10-30-07 at 02:40 PM
Weltek - I agree with everything you said even on agreeing on the top 3 bands so I won't rehash them.

Maybe because I listen to mostly rock and alternative rock, I was surprised at the bands they picked for the top 12 (I didn't watch the first week). They filled a lot of demographics, but most of them I don't picture as "The Next Great American Band." We'll see how they grow as the competition progresses.

"RE: Ocotober 26th episode"
Posted by weltek on 10-31-07 at 12:05 PM
So when my iPod goes missing, I should look in your bedroom?

"RE: Ocotober 26th episode"
Posted by CTgirl on 11-01-07 at 12:56 PM
*sneaks into Weltek's house while she's at work, finds she left ipod at home, dances out the door*

surfkitty sig shop 2007

"RE: Ocotober 26th episode"
Posted by DearAbby on 10-29-07 at 08:17 PM
I didn't see any of the audition episodes, either. My early favorite is Sixwire. I also liked Denver and the Mile High Orchestra, The Likes of You, Cliff Wagner, Clark Brothers, and Franklin Bridge.

Fallin' for agman 2007

"RE: Ocotober 26th episode"
Posted by Agman2 on 03-23-16 at 10:25 AM
Hmmm, strange, I know I saw them.

"Nov 2"
Posted by zombiebaby on 11-03-07 at 08:00 AM
The show started out really strong. I love that they are doing originals. (I missed last week)

I liked everyone but: Light of Doom, Rocket, Denver and the Mile High Band, and The Muggs.

Rocket and The Muggs were the weakest IMHO. I was disappointed because I did like The Muggs from the beginning. I even had to admit the kid band was better than these two.

Favorites still are Clark Brothers, Franklin Bridge and Dot Dot Dot. Oh and I liked Tres Bien too.

However the best band and my pick for winner as of now is probably Sixwire. They are not really my type of music but they are really good and play together amazingly. I think the majority of voters go for them.

Does anyone vote? I don't but maybe I will.

Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!

"RE: Nov 2"
Posted by Loree on 11-03-07 at 07:11 PM
I don't vote. I just watch and comment.

Happy to see Hatch didn't make it. I was a bit surprised that Likes of You(?) didn't make it. But I think alot of fans thought they had just put the band together at the last minute.

I think Rocket are dreadful. She can't sing. She doesn't want to admit it. But she is the weakest part of that band. And the Muggs need a singer and again won't admit it.

I know most people like Franklin Bridge. But I find them kind of boring. Alot of their stuff all sounds the same to me.

I think Light of Doom are too gimicky and I think it's time for them to leave. They might be great in a few years. But I don't want to watch little boys play rock music on stage.

I agree that I would not be surprised to see Sixwire win this. They seem the most like a real band and they are good.

I really enjoy Tres Bien. They make me happy. And I also get a kick out of Dot Dot Dot. I think The Clark Brothers are also talented.

The rest are all in the middle somewhere.

"RE: Nov 2"
Posted by DearAbby on 11-03-07 at 09:42 PM
If Sixwire continues as they have the first two weeks, I expect they'll win. I was surprised The Likes of You didn't make it. I was also surprised to see Rocket get through. I didn't like Dot Dot Dot or Light of Doom last week, but they both did better this week, IMO.

Fallin' for agman 2007

"RE: Nov 2"
Posted by CattyChat on 11-04-07 at 10:49 AM
I'm finally caught up with this show. I've had it recorded, but hadn't sat down to watch until last night. First I must say that I miss the talent on Rockstar.

With that said, I am actually enjoying the fact that there is such a diversity of style between all these bands to hit on pretty much every taste across the country. I have found myself really enjoying bands who play styles of music I have had absolutely no interest in at all.

My faves are: Sixwire, Clark Bros. and Tres Bien.

My Least Faves:

Rocket: I actually like the arrangements the band plays, but the lead singer is H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E. They shouldn't have made it past week 1, IMO.

Dot Dot Dot: I am so unimpressed with this band. They are average and nothing more. The band needs to tighten up and the lead singer is weak. He murdered the Elton John song. Pathetic.

Franklin Bridge: These guys are local and I have never heard of them. Although there are hundreds of bands in the Philly area. I am with Dicko that they are overranging and all over the place in their style. Dicko hit it right on the head that it sounds as though you are listening to 2 channels on the radio at the same time. I would have thought they had a lot of potential, but the lead singer's retort to the criticism that "Well, the ladies love it," shows his arrogance and this is why this band was never signed. Well, this lady hates it. They suck.

I was really surprised that "Likes of You" didn't make it through. I thought they were pretty good & the lead singer has a great voice. I think the comment about them not being a "true band" is what hurt their chances. However, I would have rather have heard them this week instead of Rocket, The Muggs or Dot Dot Dot.

Other misc. comments:

Light of Doom: The little delinquents-in-training just make me uncomfortable watching them. I have to admit that they play really well, though. Heavy metal is not really my taste and it just doesn't sit right on these pre-pubescent boys. Wish they played a different style of music or were 5-10 years older, as they are talented.

Hatch: I was very unimpressed with their performance last week. They are very average. I was actually shocked people didn't vote them through on looks alone. Great job to whomever has been voting. The guy's comment about "300 people in Nebraska decided," was classless and it made me even more happy they were cut so soon.

The Muggs: Need a lead singer, but they are better than my 3 least faves.

Ole #7: Totally not my style of music, but I do really enjoy them. They are fun and tight. I hope they stick around for a bit.

Denver: I enjoy big bands and I'm glad they are in this thing. They are in the middle for me -- the band leader needs a little more charisma, but I hope they stick around for a bit.

Survivor China ~~ Black Fighting Wind ~~ really, guys??

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 11-12-07 at 11:15 AM
Surprisingly I'm really enjoying this show. The voting audience seems to be the best I've seen yet for a reality show. I love Dicko's "Death by Singer" line. So freakin' true. Also I didn't like the fact that both these groups talked back to the judges. Hey, piece of advice. When leaders of the field you are trying to get into give you advice STFU and listen. Truly amazing. So, so long Rocket and The Muggs. You shall not be missed.

Now, for next week. Based soley on marketablility and how big of a listening fan base they would have I'd have to axe the novelty bands this week. It's time for Cliff and Denver and their groups to hit the trail. I really enjoy them both on this show but don't see them as the "Greatest American Band".

My favorite and pick to win it all is Sixwire. But, I am really enjoying all of them that are left. Those kids amaze me every week that they can learn a new song and sound awesome performing it......at 12 & 13!!!!

Oh, and for the record....I hate the name Dot Dot Dot. I'm glad the bands improving but dang that name sucks.

Oops, I lied. There is one band that I'm not keen on and that's Tres Bien. Not because they suck or anything but because I really hate that style of music. I am not a Beatles fan or any fan of music that resembles them.

surfkitten made my autumn leaves fall!

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by weltek on 11-12-07 at 12:54 PM
I agree that I will not miss the Muggs nor Rocket.

I agree that Dot Dot Dot is a horrid name. I didn't care for them at first because they were too schticky for me. However, I think they are growing, as was said.

Light of Doom also is improving, but please don't make them TNGAB.

Franklin Bridge is still probably my fave, although it sounded as if they screwed up a few lyrics this week.

I agree that Sixwire is great and bound to be a finalist.

Denver is growing on me, although they still need to make it more original and not so five-years-ago.

I like Tres Bien well enough. I like that style of music and they are ok, but forgettable.

I feel like I'm at a 40th anniversary party whenever I hear Cliff.

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by Loree on 11-12-07 at 01:36 PM
The voting public got it right. The exact 2 bands I wanted gone were sent packing. And yes, they were the bands that talked back to the judges and thought they knew more than they did. The Muggs so-called singer especially annoyed me. I think he would never let anyone else sing because he wants to be the leader. Too bad. And Rocket would probably be successful if they got a lead singer who could sing.

I still find Franklin Bridge boring. They remind me of a band that wants to get together and jam and just play their own parts. But the singing is secondary to them. Talented musicians but just missing something as a band.

I really hope Light of Doom are booted next week. Yes they are talented kids. But I really wish they were older. Too bad the show didn't have an age limit to enter. I just don't enjoy watching kids play heavy metal unless I was still 10 yrs old.

Ol #7 or whatever that band is called needs to go too. They would probably be fun at a party. But I just don't see them as the NGAB.

I am enjoying Denver and the Mile High more each week. I think they would be great to hear live. Not sure they would sell many CDs though.

The Clark Bros are very talented and probably have the best singing. But they still seem like a trio to me that needs to plug in. I miss not having drums.

Sixwire have a very good chance of being the winners. They really already seem like a band. Not many things to fault with them.

My DH really likes Dot Dot Dot. They are his faves. I admit I always watch them and I am never bored with them. They also listen to advice and use it.

Tres Bien are my enjoyable band. They make me smile whatever they do.

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by geekboy on 11-12-07 at 02:25 PM
I must be either ahead of (or behind) the curve, because i disagree with a lot i'm reading here.

First, i think teh voting public got it right last week. So long, Rocket. I will miss the Muggs because that guy is a damn good guitar player, but he royally screwed up the Elton John song.

Of the remaining, here are the thoughts off the top-o-my-head:

Sixwire: Tight, professional, but i'm not seeing any risk-taking so far...but do they need to?

Franklin Bridge: cocky, arrogant, damn good musicians, trying too much to be Prince & The Revolution. I think their popularity is slipping

Clark Brothers - I am more impressed everytime they perform. They are so emotive with so few instruments to back them up.

Cliff Wagner - I simply LOVE this band. Their song choices are the best of anyone's. I hope they stay around, but i suspect they will be leaving.

Light Of Doom - What can I say. They had their best week, even though they metal-icized Billy Joel which could be taken as sacriligious. I think they need to spread their wings a bit and show some diversity. Perhaps take it down a notch?

Tres Bien - I'm not sure what i think about this band. They're fun...but is "fun" worty of TNGAB?

Dot Dot Dot - They're growing on me. They have shown humility. They have shown growth. The guy can sing, even though he appears to be lost in the 80's. I would like to see them do a ballad.

Denver - I'm over them. *brings forth Simon Cowell's spirit* They're performance last week made me feel like i was on a cruise ship.

If it was up to me, Denver and Tres Bien would be gone. We'll see.


I love puppies! S. Cowell

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by dragonflies on 11-16-07 at 01:12 PM
Geekboy, I agree with 99% of your critique. the 1% for me is that I don't LOVE Cliff. I like them, but that is it.

I also think I heard the host say that 7 bands would be playing, so only 1 elimination?


Enjoy the day God gave you - the late Jessica V

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by djandy on 11-12-07 at 03:53 PM
I finally watched these shows this weekend. I too miss Rock Star.

I usually don't care for country music, but am enjoying Sixwire and the Clark Brothers. I also like Franklin Bridge and I'm enjoying the Denver Band probably because it reminds me of the horn playing of Chicago.

The #7 will probably go this week, and Light of Doom should go. The pre-teen boys make me cringe because they're trying to be too grown up by going shirtless and playing heavy metal.

I like Tres Bien ok, but it is middle of the road for me. Dot Dot Dot should go next week.

Now if the writer's strike would just bring about the return of Rock Star...

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by zombiebaby on 11-13-07 at 08:36 AM
Even though I originally liked The Muggs I was glad they went and the voters definately got the correct two bands to leave.

I love Tres Bien and I seem to be in the minority here.

I also hated Light of Doom, but damn they impressed me this week. They deserved to be there more so than Rocket. I can't really get behind them making it to the finals though. That lead singer has some stage presence already. The others are fine musicians.

Sixwire is comprable to Melinda from AI. It's their show to lose. People might get bored with such perfect outings.

Denver is my least favorite. I would have been happy if they were gone last week instead of The Muggs. The lead singer is just bland. White bread with mayonaise.

I love the Clark Brothers and think they have the most talent of anyone. Whether that translates into most votes is probably an uphill battle for them. They should outlast Cliff Wagner though.

Franklin Bridge started out as my favorite and they are still up there but they need a "Wow!" performance.

Dot Dot Dot is gaining momentum and oddly the lead singer does not bother me at all. I like him.

I hope they do another edition of this show for the summer.

Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!

"Nov 16"
Posted by zombiebaby on 11-17-07 at 07:41 AM
All right I'm gonna have to admit. Light of Doom have completely grown on me. I still don't want them to win but they deserve to be there. They have shown me they are more than a gimmick band.

Dot Dot Dot was my favorite tonight.

I am completely blown away about how much the lead singer for Sizwire resembles Sawyer from Lost.

Johnny Reznick? What did you do to your face?

FRanklin Bridge were my original favorite but they slipped each week while LOD has gotten better.

Still like the Clark Brothers.

Denver really needs to go next week. I had Mayonaise Singer.

Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!

"RE: Nov 16"
Posted by Loree on 11-17-07 at 10:08 AM
Unlike Sheila E I think the fans did get it right this week. Franklin Bridge had become boring and repetitive to me.

Quite a few of the bands were kind of boring lastnight. I don't think Denver could have done that song any slower. I usually don't mind them. But they almost put me to sleep lastnight.

Cliff Wagner also didn't bring their usual energy. I am ready for them to go home.

I still want the Clark Bros to get a drummer. They are so good and love their singing. But I really want them to get a drummer. They must have a drummer in their family with all those musicians. Just my opinion of course.

I enjoyed Dot Dot Dot. I think they keep improving.

My DH refers to the lead singer of Sixwire as Sawyer's (Josh Holloway) not as good looking brother.

I still smile when Tres Bien perform. And although they are good I am waiting for Light of Doom to go home. I am scared they could win.

"RE: Nov 16"
Posted by geekboy on 11-18-07 at 09:06 PM
What a great, great episode this week. Best yet, IMHO.

Thoughts off-the-top-o-my-head, after watching last night.

Light Of Doom - I actually understood the singer this week for the first time. Dicko was right - they are improving, but i don't think its enough to win. At least they cut down on the 'metal-icizing' of the song.

Dot Dot Dot - This band is ALSO improving tremendously. I hated them at first, and now they are one of my favorites. I am loving the guy's vocals lately.

Sixwire - I agree, they have to step it up and step out of their comfy box a bit to win over new fans. They are tight...but is that enough?

Tres Bien - i liked their performance this week, but I think they are one of the next to go.

Cliff - I truly LOVE this band, but like Sixwire, they need to step out of that comfy box and spread their wings some. I hope they stick around, but i'm worried.

Denver - I am so over this band. My wife loves them, but i simply do not. Time to go, Dever. You bore me immensely.

Clark Brothers - Huge huge WOW here. That performance gave me goosebumps. I think they could have a real hit with that song. They were the best of the night, and they impress me more each week. My favorite to win it all, even over Sixwire.

Franklin Bridge - they are a great band, but i think their "cockiness" (for lack of a better word) did them in.


I love puppies! S. Cowell

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by djandy on 11-25-07 at 00:24 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-25-07 AT 02:03 PM (EST)


The Clark Brothers blew me away! I keep rewinding the DVR to listen to their song again. I can't believe that they can be that intense with only 3 people, and one of them's playing an old fashioned mandolin?/lute?/guitar. Best performance of the season and my new hands-down favorite.

I liked that Sixwire added the electric guitar bits too. Maybe because it was Rolling Stone week where it was more Rock 'n Roll, but I enjoyed this week more than any other.

Rose from Dot Dot Dot IS the best part of the Band. But you can tell that the lead singer is offended every time the judges point that out.

Light of Doom did need some more harmonies in that song. They are getting better, though.

Tres Bien is still having fun. As much as I enjoy hearing the Denver Orchestra, I'm afraid they'll be the next to go after this last performance.

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by Loree on 11-25-07 at 11:05 AM
I wonder if Denver Mile High are sticking around more because they have a dozen members than because they are so truly popular. Thinking about it they have 12 members and each of those have families and friends that are voting. Compare that to the Clark Bros who have one family voting for them. Denver could stick around awhile just because of their built-in fan base.

I really liked Denver at first. But the last couple weeks they have started to bore me. I would like to see them and Light of Doom go next. They are both more gimmick bands.

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by CattyChat on 11-26-07 at 08:11 AM
I didn't really get into this show until the last couple of weeks, where I not only watched but even voted a little.

Clark Bros -- Unbelievable! These guys give me chills when they perform. They are the epitome of IT!! They bring so much passion and soul into every one of their performances, I don't even notice there's no percussion, it's just 3 guys on stringed instruments. I'll be disappointed if they don't win.

Tres Bien -- I've been liking them more each performance. They really have fun and the front man has a lot of charisma.

Sixwire & Denver -- They have been sliding for me each week.

LOD -- They still creep me out and kind of annoy me. I still have to give them credit for being talented musicians for such a young age. They can play, but they don't have the maturity and talent to rearrange songs and the lead singer is pretty weak and who knows how he will sound after his voice changes. If only they were a more mainstream "pop rock" type band, at least I could justify them being in the competition as something for the kiddies. However, I doubt heavy metal is that popular among mainstream kids across the nation.

Dot Dot Dot -- For me, overrated (like Franklin Bridge was). The only difference between Dot(3) and FB is that Dot(3) has actually listened to the criticism and tried to improve. Unfortunately, not enough time for them to improve as much as they need to. Other than Rose, the rest need to be replaced.

Unless something changes in the coming weeks where Clarks lose all their talent or one of these other bands all of a sudden break out --- Clark Brothers FTW!!!!!

It was Autumn & incessant piped the quails from shocks & sheaves;
like living coals, the apples burned among the withering leaves.
~~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"My thoughts "
Posted by geekboy on 11-26-07 at 10:39 AM
Another great competition week with a great theme, the Rolling Stones. Here are my thoughts after finally watching it.

First, it was sad to see Cliff go. I loved that band, but i knew it would happen eventually.

The Clark Brothers - they are simply amazing, and get better each week. i will be SHOCKED if they are not in the finale and don't take it all. They are what this show is about - finding some group that is unique and incredibly talented. They've shown versatility, charisma, humbleness, and amazing talent.

Tres Bien - i think the lead singer's voice is my favorite of the show. They also have steadily improved and shown more versatility.

Dot Dot Dot - yet another band that has grown and I like them more each week.

Sixwire - FINALLY they stepped out of that comfy box of ballads and countryish songs. They needed to do what they did this week, and they did it very well.

Denver - another sucky week for them. I don't know why they are still around. Everytime they play, i keep thinking 'cruise ship act'.

Light Of Doom - i think they took a fall this week. Both my wife and I thought they were VERY out of tune. I did not like it at all.

if there is any justice in the world, Light of Doom and Denver will be the next two bands to go. The other four are SO MUCH BETTER than those two, they deserve the final four spots.


I love puppies! S. Cowell

"11/30/07 Show"
Posted by djandy on 12-01-07 at 05:16 PM
I still like the Clark Brothers, but they weren't as great as last week. I think it's because Austin went back to the country guitar instead of the electric guitar. It will be interesting if they add more Clark Brothers to the band -- I wonder if any of the Clarks are drummers.

My rankings:
1.) Clark Brothers
2.) Sixwire
3.) Dot Dot Dot
4.) Light of Doom
5.) Denver MHO

I was really surprised Tres Bien went before Denver MHO and Light of Doom. Good luck to them.

"RE: 11/30/07 Show"
Posted by Loree on 12-01-07 at 06:24 PM
This is the first week I have not agreed with the public. I think they got it wrong. I would like to have seen Tres Bien last longer than both Denver and Light of Doom. I am still worried Denver will stick around for awhile because of their dozen family members and friends voting for them.

I still say the Clark Bros need to add a drummer. I sure hope they take Dicko's advice. They have the best singer of the competition. But I get bored with them sometimes because of their lack of a drummer.

"RE: 11/30/07 Show"
Posted by rockdog on 12-02-07 at 01:31 AM
1.) Sixwire (I loved the bass solo. Lead singer looks like the guy on Lost)
2.) Clark Brothers (Please get a drummer. But can they play more than two songs without getting worn out?)
3.) Denver MHO (Boring)
4.) Light of Doom (Every song sounds the same. Send them to Kid Nation)
5.) Dot Dot Dot (A want a be Adam and the Ants Tribute band)

I was for Tres Bien.

"RE: 11/30/07 Show"
Posted by CattyChat on 12-03-07 at 10:24 AM
I too was very disappointed to see Tres Bien go, especially before LOD. I guess I should have voted for them, but I don't have time to vote for 2 hours and I just throw a few votes to Clark Bros in every week.

My rankings:

1. Clark Brothers -- even with only 3 of them, they give me chills with each of their performances. Fantastic!!

2. DMHO -- I can't believe I ranked them this high, but this was their week.

3. Sixwire -- They are really good, but are not standouts to me like Clark Bros & Tres Bien.

4. LOD -- Singer's vocal lessons are paying off and the musicians have talent, but I am not into preteen heavy metal bands.

5. Dot Dot Dot -- They were a little better this week, but they do nothing for me. Poser band with weak lead singer.

At this point it's only the Clark Bros I want to see win this thing. I would love them to get a record deal and come out with something in the style they have been doing on this show --an infusion of their Christian/Bluegrass/whatever into a more mainstream genre. Any and all of their performances on this show in their full version would be great on an album. I'd buy it.

The massy trunks are cased in the pure crystal; each light spray,
nodding & tinkling in the breath of heaven, is studded with its
trembling water drops that glimmer with an amethystine light.
~~William Cullen Bryant

"RE: 11/30/07 Show"
Posted by geekboy on 12-03-07 at 02:23 PM
I thought this week's show was a bit weaker than the previous two weeks. I was surprised Tres Bien went, as it seems you all were also. My rankings, with commentary...

(1) Clark Brothers - they amaze me week after week. They DO NOT need a drummer. Their uniqueness and brilliance is because they are NOT your 'normal' band with a guitar/bass/drums/vocals. The trio as is makes them as special as they are.

(2) Sixwire - as always, tight and polished. I like that they've taken my advice and rocked out a bit the past couple weeks adn stepped outside of their comfort box. "Hot Legs" - who woulda thunk it? Brilliant.

(3) Dot Dot Dot - they've grown on me for a couple reasons. They take the judges advice, and sometimes pull it off. They pick the perfect songs. They have an amazing guitarist and bassist. The one thing against them - the singer needs to cut the caffeine and bring it down a couple notches. They're still a great band, though.

(4) a tie between Light of Doom and Denver. They both need to go.

* Denver - i'm so tired of this band and i can't see why the judges heap on the praise week after week. Yes, the musicianship is there, but just musicianship DOES NOT make a band. My problem is with Denver. To me, he is the epitome of 'lounge singer' and he sounds the same week after week. I thnk they need a new singer.

* LOD - its time. you are out of your league right now. In a few years when you can appreciate music beyond the scope of Iron Maiden, then come back. You are stuck in a genre, and can't step out of it. The past two weeks, accept it, you've sucked. Goodbye.


I love puppies! S. Cowell

"RE: 11/30/07 Show"
Posted by zombiebaby on 12-06-07 at 10:25 AM
I'm just gonna ditto geekboy this week.

I agree completely about Clark Brothers. I hope they do NOT hire any more musicians. Later on after the competition if they feel the need to when they lay down tracks they can do that. But their sound is what got them this far and it is that uniqueness that draws me to them. Please don't cave to the pressure!

I would also have Sixwire and Dot Dot Dot tied on my list.

Denver? Completely bland.

Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!

"RE: Next Great American Band"
Posted by Loree on 12-07-07 at 09:49 AM
I was reading an article about this show. The writer wished they had kept the idea where they had to also play original music. He figures it would have really helped Franklin Bridge and Tres Bien stay in the competition. Turning it into a cover band show is what he thinks kept Light of Doom and Denver in the comp. He just hates LoD and Denver.

"12/7 show - Top 4"
Posted by geekboy on 12-07-07 at 10:39 PM
First off, I _love_ Queen. I was worried about this episode, but at least there were only 4 bands to potentially ruin Queen songs....

Also, i had a couple of bizarro predictions that came through in a good way.

The first thing i told my wife was "I hope someone does my favorite Queen song 'These Are The Days Of Our Lives'...and out come The Clark Brothers who do just that song. All I can say (again) is 'Wow!'. They took the song, reworked it as a country/bluegrass vibe, and they made it work. I have to admit, the drummer helped expand their sound. These guys just have to win. Their original was a bit corny, but who cares. They are damn fine musicians who have grown. I like that.

Let's skip forward to Sixwire. Before they came out I said to my wife, "I wish they would do 'Fat Bottomed Girls' and she gave me a strange look. And they do 'Fat Bottomed Girls' and also do it very well. They are the most consistant of all the bands. And their original kicked some major butt.

So, in summary, The Clark Brothers won the "Queen Competition" and Sixwire won "Original Song Competition". On to 'the other two'.

Light OF Doom - totally crucified 'We Will Rock You', and played some noise that they called an original.

DMHO - Did some Queen song i didn't recognize, and an original. They both sounded the same as all their other performances, and twice more I was taken on a cruise ship ride. Blah.

Dot Dot Dot should not have gone home. Its now a two-band competition.


I love puppies! S. Cowell

"RE: 12/7 show - Top 4"
Posted by Loree on 12-08-07 at 09:11 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-08-07 AT 09:13 AM (EST)

Well... the public did it again. They keep Light of Doom and DenverMH. I have not agreed with them the last couple weeks. First Tres Bien and now Dot Dot Dot. I am running out of bands to even bother watching this show for.

Yes, Sixwire or the Clark Bros deserve to be the winner. But I have a sick feeling that we could end up with a final 2 of LofD and Denver. Those 2 bands making it into the final 4 has kind of ruined this show for me and made it a bit of a joke.

At least the judges didn't act all nicey nicey to the LofD kids this week. They were honest and told them they needed to step it up if they think they deserve to still be in this competition. I really believe their parents all wanted to be in a band and are now living their lives through their kids. But they do not deserve to still be in this show. They seem to have one type of playing and they do it over and over. Talented for their age. But not for this competition.

Denver was a band I enjoyed at first. But they did not deserve to make it this far either. Every song sounds the same and they do not listen to the advice. They get upset with any negative thing said about them. I still think they are only still in this competition because they have the most band members and that generates alot of local voters for them. I mean how many people are actually voting for this low rated show? It reminds me of The Lot. As the ratings go down the only people still voting are the ones that pretty much know these people. And Denver has alot of family when you add it up and translate it to votes.

Sixwire and The Clark Bros deserve to still be in this competition. And either winning would be a good band to record a CD and push them for fame. But if the other 2 win it will be a joke. Who other than their immediate family/friends who are already voting for them would buy their album?

"RE: 12/7 show - Top 4"
Posted by djandy on 12-08-07 at 03:37 PM
The Clark Brothers are still my favorite, but I wish they'd use the electric guitar instead of the country guitar. "Gimme Shelter" was incredible, and I enjoy Rock better than Country/Bluegrass. Their songs did sound better and fuller with the new drummer and bass. I guess there wasn't any Clark Brothers that played the drums and bass (or they were out of practice). I enjoy Ashley's fiddle playing, but it looks very awkward trying to watch him sing and play fiddle at the same time.

Sixwire had a good original, and I still enjoy them.

LoD has reached its peak, and I agree that there's no melody only noise.

DMHO has not continued to grow and evolve. Maybe a different singer or some harmonies would be better?

LoD and DMHO have GOT to go. I would only be satisfied with a Clark Brothers or Sixwire win.

How many more weeks does this go? Do they announce a winner after Final 3 or Final 2?

"Voe for the Worst"
Posted by zombiebaby on 12-09-07 at 02:58 PM
Has thrown their support behind LoD.

A show like this is one they just might be able to influence more than AI.

I would prefer LoD over DMHO. But still am rooting for Clark Brothers.

Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!

"RE: Voe for the Worst"
Posted by geekboy on 12-10-07 at 10:08 AM
As I've stated on the AI forum many times, i do not believe VFTW has any effect at all on the voting results for Idol, or this show, or any other. I think they like to THINK they have an effect, but I just don't buy it. Its a fun distraction, but nothing more.

Light Of Doom has the 'young teen girl voting' effect, but they are at a point where that percentage of the crown cannot overtake another contestant. I would not be surprised at all when they go next week, leaving DMHO in the final 3.


I love puppies! S. Cowell

"Dec 14th show"
Posted by Loree on 12-15-07 at 12:50 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-15-07 AT 12:51 PM (EST)

Finally we got rid of Light of Doom. But I still fear that DenverMH could have enough people voting that they squeak in for the win. It is obvious the judges like the Clark Bros the most and Denver the least.

I hope Sixwire wins. The Clark Bros have the best singer. But they do so many of those mournful type songs that I would get bored or depressed if I had to listen to them for a whole concert or CD. They reverted back to no drummer. At least Sixwire mixes it up more and keeps me awake.

ETA for spelling

"RE: Dec 14th show"
Posted by MKitty on 12-15-07 at 07:22 PM
I have missed the show the last few weeks and missed the Clark brothers having a drummer...damn!

I am soooo glad that LoD is gone. They were mildly amusing for a while..but they really needed to go.

I am thinking that Sixwire are tight, great musicians, but they don't excite me. Denver really bores me. I LOVE the Clark Brothers, but I do also worry that they only have two sounds...manic or mournful. Having said that...I do think they are incredibly talented, but I wonder how varied they can sound.

All in all..I am still hoping for a Clark Brother's win...

*Christmas Cheer from Sharnina*

"RE: Dec 14th show"
Posted by geekboy on 12-15-07 at 10:40 PM
Great show this week. I'm actually going to miss this show....

I don't think DMHO have a chance of winning. I think its between Sixwire and The Clark Brothers. If I had to make a prediction, i'd say The Clark Brothers are going to win, but i think it could go either way. Sixwire has shown great versatility in genres and style, but for me, The Clark Brothers are the true originals out of all the bands and i think they do deserve it.


I love puppies! S. Cowell

"RE: Dec 14th show"
Posted by djandy on 12-18-07 at 06:22 PM
I too am hoping for a Clark Brothers win. While I wish they'd play more Rock (I was hoping for a rock version of the Eric Clapton song), I do appreciate their musicianship and musical ability. They all play at least 2 musical instruments, and 2 of them sing as well. I actually voted last week.

"Finale - 12/21/07"
Posted by djandy on 12-22-07 at 11:55 AM
I'm glad The Clark Brothers won, and that Sixwire came in second. I hope they both get recording contracts. It will be interesting to see when and what style of music The Clark Brothers will have on their album. I am, of course, hoping for more Rock and electric guitar, but it will probably be mostly Country. To me they were just in my upper group of favorites until they blew me away with Rolling Stone's "Gimme Shelter". After that, it was no contest.

I enjoyed the Christmas songs medley that all of the top groups participated in. And I liked when they mixed up the musicians from different groups for different songs. Overall, it was a great finale filled with music instead of slow moving filler and dramatic pauses. Any chance the show will be renewed?

"RE: Finale - 12/21/07"
Posted by JessicaRN on 12-22-07 at 01:32 PM
I agree about the finale. I really enjoyed it and thought they squeezed a lot into an hour, compared with AI. I enjoyed seeing Sheila E again after all these years. Her band put to shame the female band that was in the competition. From the beginning the Clark Brothers intriqued me, because I'm not sure what kind of music they played. I like Bluegrass, but that's not traditional bluegrass or country. Hopefully they will put out an album outside of the Christian music realm. Plus they have the cute, young guys looks. Sixwire has a really smooth sound, but I wonder if they are too old to just be making it the music industry. Denver left me cold. Liked his band, didn't like him. This competition turned out exactly right.

"RE: Finale - 12/21/07"
Posted by dragonflies on 12-23-07 at 08:51 PM
I was thrilled with the finale. It was entertaining, moved rather quickly, and highlighted everyone that participated. Plus my top 2 bands were the final 2. What more could a person ask for? Maybe that the host goes away, if they do renew it.

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Enjoy the day God gave you - the late Jessica V