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"Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?"

Posted by FlamingCactusIT on 02-26-07 at 03:14 PM
This show looks pretty interesting. It involves adults answering elementary school questions for up to $1,000,000. Jeff Foxworthy is host. Anyone else going to watch? I know I will.

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"RE: Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?"
Posted by Snidget on 02-27-07 at 09:37 PM
Watching it so far.

Pitiful first contestant got three questions right, but only with help on each one.


"RE: Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?"
Posted by mocha madness on 02-28-07 at 03:20 PM
Nothing new about this idea....it was ripped off from the Howard Stern radio show. He did this many years ago on his show. I doubt if I will watch it...it is another old concept being recycled. I wonder if the producers will give Howard the credit he deserves for originating it.

"MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!"
Posted by bystander on 02-28-07 at 09:49 PM
OMG. I wanna HIT something watching this show. Where's Howie Mandel? I never thought I'd ever think that DEAL OR NO DEAL was a better show than ANYTHING.

"RE: MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!"
Posted by Denalio on 03-01-07 at 00:38 AM
I don't know why I am still watching it at this moment, but I must have many masochistic tendencies. I have never felt more love for Alex Trebek than I do this very moment, BUT ONLY because when the contestant answers a question on Jeopardy there is not this ......uh...... after these ads..... pause.......delay....... uh........... call the banker...... is this your final answer?.......and now finally the correct answer is revealed bullcrap that is soooo prevalent in game shows these days!!!!!!


"RE: MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!"
Posted by udg on 03-02-07 at 01:14 AM
The more they delay, the fewer questions get answered, and the less money they have to give out. I think I'd really enjoy this one if the pacing were better. So. D@mned. Sloooooowwwww.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

"RE: MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!"
Posted by mysticwolf on 03-02-07 at 02:17 AM
Yep. Speeding it up would absolutely make it better. I like it, but the delays are most counterproductive.

Maybe it would work if companies used it to showcase actually innovative commercials. But, as is? Interesting! *snore* *snore* *snore* *snore* Cool! *snore* *snore* *snore*...

Not likely to make it overall. Hope the kids are getting *something* good from appearing on it. Viewership isn't likely to increase their recognizability, so unless something changes, no DAWdom for them. Hope they're paid well.

A Tribal Christmas blogging's scary

"RE: MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 07-10-16 at 12:10 PM

"RE: Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 03-01-07 at 11:50 AM
Looks like I'm in the minority, but I am enjoying this show. My kids watched it last night and they loved it too. It's funny to watch adults falter over things they should know. (reminds me a bit of Jay Walk All-Stars) I'll keep watching. I like the fact that they've incorporated kids into the show.

sig courtesy of Cygnus

"RE: Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?"
Posted by mysticwolf on 03-01-07 at 07:19 PM
We're enjoying it. But, we enjoy the vignettes on Leno when he does much the same type of thing in a man-on-the-street way, too. Or, Ben Stein, on his show. Same stuff, really.

But, as you say, the best part is including the kids. Wonder what they get out of it?

Love the look on the kids faces when it's a super-simple question that they puzzle over. Like the girl in the promo who reacts when the guy is puzzled by "What is 2*5?" That one's supposed to be on tonight.

A Tribal Christmas blogging's scary
But, the pauses? Yeah. That's really annoying.

"Kudos to Fox"
Posted by Fishercat on 03-01-07 at 06:15 PM
They have beaten out most reality shows for gathering morons in a single place. I'm sorry, but the only question last night that should give anyone some issues was the Dewey Decimal System. Even then, the last time I had to deal with that consistantly was in the 5th grade and I knew it.

Seriously, it's one thing to struggle on some of these questions. Off-day, hard question (was there really one on REM Sleep? That's middle-high school level around here), etc., but most was incredibly simple...

"RE: Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?"
Posted by Wasabi on 03-04-07 at 11:20 AM
There was a similar show on GSN where you had to answer questions from 1st grade to high-school. And once you "graduated" you won money to be used for education for you or anybody else. A lot of people used the money for their kid's college fund or going back to school themselves.

So, it's hardly a fresh idea. We tried watching it but it was so dragged out, we ended up taping it and watching it next day with our 1st-grader. And even in fast-forward mode it was still boring. I don't think this show has a long life at all.

"RE: Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?"
Posted by Agman2 on 03-09-15 at 10:27 PM
Actually, I'm much smarter than a fifth grader!

"RE: Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?"
Posted by Agman2 on 01-12-16 at 11:44 AM
I always wondered where they got these "fifth grade" questions from. They didn't match up with any fifth grade course study I've ever seen!