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"Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"

Posted by mocha madness on 01-31-07 at 02:24 PM
There must me two people watching the return of the Real Housewives of Orange County. These people are horrible, and their kids are spoiled, privileged, and obnoxious. The only one I like is Colton, the 14 year old son of Jeana and her ex-baseball player husband.

This kid just wants his Dad to be around for him, and I find it sad because for all the money the family has, and the ways it has and will continue to screw up his older siblings, this kid still has a chance to be a normal and well adjusted.

The real shocker is that Kimberly is not on this cycle because they moved to Chicago to live a less sunny climate. She was the catalyst of having this show on in the first place. However, the producers fail to mention that Kimberly's husband hit a chick at a party...not once but twice, and is charged with simple assault. No wonder they left town. The guy seemed like a quiet milqtoast kind of a guy, but apparently has all kinds of rage built up....sort of like the rage the viewers get from watching these people behave like jerks.

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"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by dabo on 02-01-07 at 02:44 AM
Personally, I think this show is Bravo's attempt to make all other "reality" shows seem worthwhile by comparison. What I've seen of it has always been a turnoff, the indulged (though admittedly fully equipped with their spectaculars) and fatuous lifestyles of the hangerons.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by geg6 on 02-01-07 at 11:26 AM
The commercial they are running for this right now on Bravo is enough to make me scream and run from my TV if this show would ever be on my screen.

It's the one with the platinum blonde with the pneumatic oobies (unless they're all like that. Could be, huh?) who says she's Republican. Except she doesn't know what that is and only says that because her husband is supporting...
incumbents, maybe?...
no, that's not it...
what's that word?...
oh, whatever.

I just want to shoot her.

The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone. — Henrik Ibsen
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. - Henry David Thoreau

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by JessicaRN on 02-01-07 at 12:47 PM
I like the dark haired one who says she has 4 houses, one for each of her children. And then she say, "I think everyone does this." When I watch this show, it actually makes me feel better about myself and my family, even though we only have one house. Money doesn't buy good judgement.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by LisaPles on 02-01-07 at 03:36 PM
Don't you think that when women start screwing up their faces with Botox and lip injections that it just makes them look older?

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by geg6 on 02-02-07 at 02:33 PM
Not just older.

But older and like they came from the freak show.

And like they'd melt if they came into contact with heat.

The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone. — Henrik Ibsen
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. - Henry David Thoreau

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by Pretty_Kitty on 02-01-07 at 05:18 PM
Hate Shane!!! he ruined the name for too!! I was saving it for my next kitten

Lori is the "republican". this woman is clearly losing brain cells with each Botox injection.I understand wanting to look good but she doesn't.
Do you think she's embarrassed that her son's JD?

Someone should tell Colton (who I do like)that it's NOT ok to call someone the "F" word!!!! I can think of many other names to call Shane.
Jo leave your creepy Sugar Daddy have fun and enjoy your 20's!!!

for some reason this show make me emotional

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by michaeldh8 on 02-02-07 at 08:26 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-07 AT 08:27 PM (EST)


'Housewives' son lashes out at his mom.

"In this new season of "The Real Housewives of Orange County," Lauri Waring likens the merging of her family and that of new beau George Petersonto "The Brady Bunch."

I guess I missed the episode in which Carol kicks Greg out of the house and he's forced to borrow clothes from Sam the Butcher. Or the one where Greg, with nowhere else to turn, moves in with Mike's ex-wife. Not only is the truth of the Waring-Peterson merger far more twisted than "The Brady Bunch," it's far more twisted than even what is portrayed on the "Housewives."

I've always saidit was the Housewives' kids I felt sorry for. Last year, I soberly advised them to run away, live on roadkill for awhile and ultimately stow away on an outbound O.C. Fair truck because they stood a better chance of being raised properly by carnies than by their parents. In particular, I wrote, it was Lauri's troubled teenage son, Josh, for whom I felt the worst. His mom bared his problems with pot and truancy for the world to see. Even newspapers protect delinquent minors by not naming them in most cases. What mother would give her son less protection than a degenerate newspaper editor would?

Anyway, about a month ago, Josh turned 18 and he called me. We arranged to meet at the Starbucks at PCH and Crown Valley Parkway, not far from where he's staying with Peterson's ex-wife, Gina. (Imagine what Angelina Joliewould look like if Angelina Jolie had been a little more blessed in the looks department.) Josh has grown into a good-looking, fairly well-spoken young man. He is also a very angry young man – angry at his mom for, in his opinion, exploiting him and then abandoning him in favor of the millionaire developer George and the lifestyle he can provide......"

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by JessicaRN on 02-03-07 at 00:54 AM
Wow, what an insightful article. I think all of these kids have more than most kids could possibly need, yet they all seem lost, angry and adrift. Most of the women on this show disgust me and their children just make me feel sad.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by fedcamper on 02-03-07 at 07:51 AM
The only one who seems really interested in her kids is the chubby dark-haired one (Colton's mom), and unfortunately that seems to be so far in the opposite direction that it's just as bad. She is hell-bent on having at least one of them succeed in a baseball career whether they want to or not. Colton doesn't seem interested and the older one doesn't appear to have the talent or drive. But why should they feel driven when they already have everything they want and their futures are secured with valuable homes? The best "rich kid" story I've heard recently was the grandaughter of Warren Buffet (or was it Malcom Forbes? Anyway, someone MEGA rich). He left no trust funds for anyone. Rather, he gave them a full ride to any college they wanted to earn the degree of their choice, after that, they were on their own. The rest went to charity. You GO!

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by straycat80 on 02-04-07 at 10:43 AM
This is the show I hate to love. It's interesting in a strange way to me to see how the other half live. Watching these womens lifes makes me happy I live in a boring little midwest town where I don't feel I have to be fake or pressured by getting fake boobs, botox, or be obsessed with money.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by AshLanie on 02-06-07 at 12:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-06-07 AT 12:37 PM (EST)

Have watched the show couple of times.

My question is this though:

Doesn't one have to be marry to be considered a housewife?

Half of them are either divorced or as in the case of the young single female who has an older male with kids she lives with.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by jonimoni on 02-07-07 at 11:07 AM
This show is like a train wreck, you know it will be awful but you can't help but look. One instantly knows how messed up these people are because they are not ashamed to have the world see them behave this way. It seems all about the money and not about love. In the end all that matters is family, money is nice but it cannot replace the love your children have for you or you for them. These women look like idiots and are idiots, and they are just happy to have their 5 mins of fame, at what cost?? The love of your kids,their privacy, or your pride? I will admit that though I work everyday and could not compete financially with these women, my almost grown children make me proud everyday and I rather have that than all the $$ in the world. It does make us feel morally superior, and I think that is the point!

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by ginger on 02-08-07 at 12:49 PM
Well, obviously a few more than two of us are watching this stellar fragment of television literature.

I am really looking forward to the Jo-and-Lorie-discuss-schtupping-Slade episode. In fact, I have a crush (*hangs head*) on Slade.

All of these women live in a bubble and only sort of realize it. They are all pathetic in some way and incredibly lucky in others. One of them has my boss' wife's second nose. I think they are pretty representative of the upscale SoCal suburban types and their children will go on to be brainless, surgery-beautiful nouveau nazis who run the world.

Really, it's a great show - it appeals to the same twisted facet of my brain that "enjoys" I Love New York and reruns of Paradise Motel on the Reality Channel.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by Creanie on 02-09-07 at 10:37 PM
I'll admit it -- I'm hooked. I used to live in "the O.C." (though not in "Coto") so this show is a great reminder of why I moved back to the East coast. The people aren't real (and I'm not just talking about their boobs, extensions, etc.) -- their values are all f'd up (they think it's normal to have a house for each kid) -- they show cleavage in EVERY outfit, even when they're going to Juvi Court for their delinquent kid -- I mean, it's a riot watching how they just live in their own little fantasy world. And the gorgeous scenery and gorgeous homes aren't bad to watch either. It's mindless TV with no substance or redeeming value and I love that stuff! Although Ginger, I gave up on ILNY, it was just TOO wacked-out ghetto for me...I just can't stand that ho, her ho-a** Mom, and those clowns they call contestants and that's it.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Keep on Chooglin..Apologies to CCR"
Posted by mocha madness on 02-18-07 at 07:00 PM
Creedence Clearwater Revival had a rocking tune called "Keep on Chooglin", and this train wreck is picking up steam just like CCR. Don't worry if you have missed out, as Bravo keeps showing repeat "blocks" of this show so it is easy to get up to speed.

The Housewives, siblings, and friends are "chooglin" into even more embarassing situations....their behavior is as unchecked as George Bush. Jenna's kid Shane addresses his mother's friend Tammy, at a well attended family barbecue, by calling her "#####"...not once, but muliple times....and no one tells him to apologize and STF up. Remember it is Jenna who posed for Playboy!

Slimey Slade is trying to control his young chick (Jo) with even more lavish spending, and then complains bitterly when she pouts and would rather party with her friends then spend time with her sugar daddy.

Vicki tries to control her daughter who is going to nursing school...."wouldn't you rather be a doctor instead" she tells her. At the same time I am screaming at the tv that she should attend nursing school in Florida....to get as far away as possible from her mother.

Lauri stashs her druggie son Josh in reform school, and leaves with rest of the family to go to Hawaii with her new rich beau...and then calls him up to tell him what a great time they are having in Hawaii...., and speculates that this is excellent motivation for Josh to mend his errant ways....while her oldest daughter (the one who got her car repossesed) disses him even more when it is her turn to talk to him.

This show is picking up....get on the train people, and watch the wreckage as it keeps on chooglin down the tracks.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Keep on Chooglin..Apologies to CCR"
Posted by LisaPles on 02-21-07 at 11:08 AM
>Lauri stashs her druggie son Josh
>in reform school, and leaves
>with rest of the family
>to go to Hawaii with
>her new rich beau...and then
>calls him up to tell
>him what a great time
>they are having in Hawaii....,

Yeah, that was nuts! Talk about lacking sensitivity. His sister was a real b*tch to him, too. No wonder the kid has issues. I think Lauri doesn't want to take responsibility for him and sacrifice her own fun to give him the support he needs.
I thought it was funny that with the lighting on the beach you could see that Lauri and her daughter were wearing gobs of makeup and it looked terrible!

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Keep on Chooglin..Apologies to CCR"
Posted by JessicaRN on 02-21-07 at 11:54 AM
I have to laugh everytime any of these moms utters the words "all kids are like this" or something similar. No, not all kids are driving around in brand new Audi's, getting plastic surgery at 18, calling their Mom's friends crude names based on their enhanced body parts and shopping for diamonds. Their reality is so skewed that it's pretty sick. They should do a show in 5 years to follow-up on these kids (and also to track how their mothers plastic parts are holding up).

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by maryellennaco on 02-21-07 at 06:27 PM
I'll only admit it here... I love this train wreck in waiting! I think they're ALL just plain wack-o, but Lauri & the new boyfriend, new $30,000 watch, new Mercedes, obnoxious little beyotch of a daughter ("I'd look better in your new car than you would" & my personal fav: "I want a new Beamer") is just tooooo over the top. Jo is now thinking she's the newest "singer" in town, and Jeana and all those houses...
They make me laugh, right before I throw up a little in my mouth.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by spice3 on 03-05-07 at 02:45 AM
The OC Register, a popular newpaper in Orange County has a reporter named Frank Mickadeit and he lives in Cote de Caza and writes articles and reports the real life stories of the people on RHOOC. There are also comment boards under all his articles where people who live in Orange County who also know the people on the show weigh in. The editor also attends court hearings regarding George Peterson and his ex wife's custody battle and this George guy in real life is a punk and according to Frank's court reporting this guy is a real jerk. He is the new boyfriend of Lauri's and the reporter has nothing nice to say about her either. This editor guy gives the real scoop, legal documentation and public record info on the people on this show. Check it out.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by maryellennaco on 03-07-07 at 06:12 PM
Ugh, I don't think I could read much more about those wack-o's. Lauri's daughter Ashley seems like a real little beyotch. And oh, did I mention, spoiled?? And why would Lauri just run off and jump into this relationship with a guy she's only known 6 months??
Slade is an idiot. I really cannot take his smirky face much longer. Thankfully, the "finale" is next week.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by LisaPles on 03-08-07 at 11:45 AM
>And why would Lauri
>just run off and jump
>into this relationship with a
>guy she's only known 6

Um, because she smelled money??

My husband and I are always laughing about how gruesome Laurie looks. She looks like she puts her makeup on with a spatula. Even when they show her on the beach or horseback riding she is made up a like a three dollar wh*re! She thinks she's so hot but she's not and it makes her look older.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by JessicaRN on 03-08-07 at 12:47 PM
I thought it was creepy when Vicky surprised her son (really stupid move) and then worried about how it would look when he wasn't happy about it. And all of the guilt inducing comments about everything I've done for him, etc were annoying. All of these women seem to think everything is about them. At least she perked up when she did keg stands with the kids. And she had nice Jimmy Choo shoes to make her feel more wanted by her kids.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by ginger on 03-13-07 at 02:12 PM
She is freaky and desperate. Why in the WORLD would she think that would be a fun surprise for any new college kid?

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by Pretty_Kitty on 03-13-07 at 03:54 PM
Regarding Lauri
the last episode I watched (I usually catch a repete during the week) she was SO Botoxed she could barely move her lips to speak. She looks kinda Herman Munsterish I think with out the botox at least she'd look human and not so Zombie/gouhlish like

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by jonimoni on 03-14-07 at 03:20 PM
It takes Lauri and her daughter a whole lot of money to look so trashy! Where the heck did all of these women get the idea that more black eyeliner makes you look better, younger and more classy?? These women all look, except Jeana(sp), like call girls, they have the same haircut, bad dye job, eyeliner and cleavage. How can they possibly see themselves and their behavior on TV and see no need to change themselves??

Lauri needs to really see what she is doing to her son, I feel sorry for him. Hopefully he will learn that he is unable to get from his mother what he needs, she does not have that to give. I hope he can learn to give those things to himself because this chick is a waste of expensively treated skin and hair!

Oh, and I agree with whoever said that Slade is a jerk! I would hope that all the women in the OC would watch this show so that he can end up all alone by himself, because no one "needs" him. A real woman loves her man and wants to be with him but need implies desperation and an inability to care for ones self. A man who requires a woman to need him must be very insecure and childish.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by maryellennaco on 03-12-07 at 04:20 PM
Uh oh... Finale previews... Lauri: 5 carat diamond ring
Jo: gets dumped by the SladeMaster
Jeana: gets dumped by whatshisface
The rest of em??? There IS a big old wildfire in Orange County... We can only hope....

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by maryellennaco on 03-15-07 at 11:10 AM
And at the end of the finale, it looks like Jo's moved out on her own without her buddy and Slade is looking for a place to live in LA and he's going to be Jo's "MANAGER".... OOOKKKKK...
Is she the only one the guy can get anymore?? After all, he seems to have run out of losers willing to date him in "Coto".. Blech!

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by Pretty_Kitty on 03-15-07 at 05:54 PM
I was going to say the same thing. He's her "Manager" oh come on!! suddenly every reality TV starlet wants to be a pop star. it's vomitous.
I loved all the talking about Slimey and his "date" at the party. I snorted when he said her name was Janice. Who do you think of when you hear that name? Oh. My. God. His little ploy was so freaking obvious. Jo should have made out with Shane. heh heh now That would have made for a finale!
anyone know if there will be a season 3? I cant get enough of this crap.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by maryellennaco on 03-15-07 at 06:01 PM
With you in the vomitous department! When Sluggo said,"Girlfriend's got talent" on one of the last shows, I thought to myself... "Does he have a hearing problem or did he not hear the Music guy say she was all right but needed to kick it up some?" I can't really tell which one of them is a bigger DAW.... And have you noticed that the little boy of Slade's has mysteriously disappeared from the show?
Maybe his Mom has some brain matter.... I think Daddy-o's has gone by the wayside. I kind of hope they too will coast back into oblivion. When we get hooked on these idiots, it only makes them worse. They turn into... CELEBRETARDS...

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by ginger on 03-19-07 at 02:14 PM
The truly sad statement about Slade is that he made Joe look, by virtue of her nonreaction, like a classy, elegant, dignified lady by bringing his Next Pussycat Doll to the party. What a dickhead.

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by jonimoni on 03-22-07 at 04:05 PM
So, did anyone else watch the reunion show? Lauri says she had a bump removed from her nose, but has never had a nose job. Really, she looks like she went to Michael Jackson's plastic surgeon. Look how skinny that thing is!

Then Vicky says she actually had a breast reduction from a D to a C because she wanted people to look at her face and not her breasts. OK! Well, then why does every top she owns show every freaking bit of cleavage she has? Strange bunch....

"RE: Real Houswives of Orange County2...Back Like a Bad Habit"
Posted by Agman2 on 03-07-16 at 05:36 PM
hello everyone. You're probably wondering why I called you here today?