I caught a new show today called Jamie's Kitchen on TLC. It is about Jamie Oliver's project of taking 15 unemployed young people and formally training them for a year and have them run a non-profit restaurant. I liked the concept and Jamie Oliver was very likable. Of course there is the slight problem of sometimes understanding the English dialect, but the show has potential. Think Hell's Kitchen only with less obscenities and a little more kindness.
I heard about that show too. I wanted to see it. Hope to catch a rerun.I think he did something like that before in the past on a British series. He seems very into helping others and he sure isn't an ##### about cooking like other screaming chefs. Good for him I say!
Tivo recorded this show for me. Seems interesting; I think this has been done before by him. Kinda funny how the radio station asked him to guess how many times he said, "beautiful" in one episode. Also, "lovely". Those British guys I tell 'ya.But I do admire Jamie for giving back to the community.
Survive or Perish
An arkiegrl sig
Are you guys from the states? Maybe this didn't run there.This was on the Canadian food channel a long time ago. It played quite often, and it's quite old. The restaurant 15 is still up and running as far as I know.
It is a good show, and Jamie is very likeable.
If TLC runs Jamie's School Dinners, you should catch that. It's even better. When he found out what kind of junk they were serving in school cafeterias, he went on a personal mission to make it better, and single handedly revolutionized the cafeteria food in England's schools. Just amazing.
That show never really got cookin.
Reading this thread is making me hungry!