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"Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "

Posted by Snidget on 12-05-07 at 08:02 PM
Please keep all discussion of tonights "I Fought The Law and Sophia Won" that hopefully avoids morphing into "I Shot The Sheriff" on this thread until it airs on the West Coast.

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"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Snidget on 12-05-07 at 08:06 PM
Hopefully I'll get it seg capped tonight. If they stop suddenly I'm slumped over my keyboard...soooo sleeeeeeeepy.

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Snidget on 12-05-07 at 08:17 PM
Recaps, Taylor bad attitude, get the arcade, spell over town, Taylor DOES dishes, goes to arcade, Gold Star to Hunter and Sophia is made the sheriff.

Day 35

Sophia is marking off a piece of land and you can't go inside unless you pay 5 cents.

Sophia wants to know why she can't just be insane. As soon as she roped it off everyone else wanted to walk across it.

Council goes to read the journal. Do you know what exists beyond Bonanza. Go explore, people who lived centuries. They have a map for a long hike. Sheriff Sophia is in charge and she will decide when the arcade opens. If they aren't back for the showdown Sophia will choose and they don't like that she wasn't elected. Cries of "all equal".

Mike says Sophia is bossy enough already.

(cue the credits)

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 12-05-07 at 08:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-05-07 AT 10:30 PM (EST)

I'm with Ra on the west coast, so I'm sure this will be fun for him. I sometimes complained if he watched it "live" at 8 eastern instead of waiting to share it together fresh when it came on pacific.

ETR sigpics

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Snidget on 12-05-07 at 08:28 PM
Sophia is checking on the jobs before opening the arcade.

They are hiking and talking about how Sophia might be doing. They are going past the old mine to meet people who have been there for centuries.

Look, it's an igloo, not really it is a teepee. Greg asks for advice about dealing with kids who not listen. He says support the kids and She says to set an example.

Back at town. She wants it open soon and she tells them what she wants to see done to get the arcade open. So they think she is being fair. She isn't giving people crap so she isn't getting it.

Sophia thinks they oiled the machinery and it is working and she opens the arcade. Sophia talks to Taylor and notices she was working. She hopes Greg gets lost and eaten by coyotes because Sophia is doing a good job.

A group talks about how they want to spend the last four days, just playing video games. Jared and one of the other kids takes a hike and they find a skeleton. No carbon dating to date the cow.

Council still gone at night fall and the Chief tells some stories and advice about leadership and living well. They talk about investing in the future and it sounded like maybe give one of the younger kids the gold star.

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Snidget on 12-05-07 at 08:43 PM
Showdown time. The council is out exploring somewhere.

Have you heard of the homestead act. Jared knows.

Each district will have homestead with alpaca chickens and a house. Move the homestead west a piece at a time and then the chickens and the alpaca. Must carry it over the revine and to a new plot of land. First district rebuilds gets upper class. They have one hour and if they all make it they win a reward for the whole town.

Red gets the roof first then Green then blue, yellow tips the roof on the new fence.

Red bringing one wall Red bringing two.

Red gets second wall, blue and yellow having problems and they only seem to have 4 people carrying a wall.

Red has 6 people to get the third wall. Jared showing some leadership.

Green brings the last two walls, red catches up and they have to put the house back up.

20 minutes left. Green and Red putting up the walls.

Everyone is building.

Green has the house, need to get the chickens and alpaca.
Red finished next.

Yellow is struggling, For blue on of the background girls is taking a leading role.

10 minutes left.

Sophia says an alpaca is a cross between a sheep and a giraffe. Guyland's folks were elephant trainers.

Yellow still struggling with the house.

Green and Red have the alpacas and are off to getting the flags.

Green is the upper class
Red is the merchant class

5 minutes left.

Blue finally gets the roof on and is getting the animals and then the flag.

Blue is the cooks.

Yellow knew they were laborers and trying really hard to get the reward. House is up, go get the rest.

2 minutes. Everyone is cheering for them.

10 seconds and the flag is close



They get the reward

Laurel helps uncover the reward.

A Monument to the kids to stay in Bonanza city.
Laurel thought she was going to cry reading it. I'm crying.

Second choice.
Hot Air balloon Ride. Ride over the city to reflect on their time.

Leave a legacy or reflect on your time.

Mike says once in a lifetime, or for all time.

Sophia is the decider and struggling with the decision and we go to commercial.

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Estee on 12-05-07 at 08:50 PM
Very surprised by Sophia's choice here, partially because I would have gone with the monument -- but I thought she'd be the one to think of time.

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Snidget on 12-05-07 at 08:57 PM
Yep the memory of the balloon ride is cool, but you can do that other times and other places.

Taking your kids or grandkids to see the monument is much more lasting for me.

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by brvnkrz on 12-06-07 at 08:36 AM
I would have gone with the monument too. My guess is that the monument was already made and so they are going to leave it there anyhow though.

Nothing says Holiday Joy like a Brestee sigpic

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Snidget on 12-05-07 at 08:56 PM
Sophia decides. She says the balloon ride is cool, but the monument will always be there.

She is going to go with the hot air balloons.

Zach congratulates her operatically.

Getting dark, so back the the bunks.

Didn't catch her name but one of the girls has shown a lot of progress.

Hot air balloon ride time.

5 balloons takes them over the city. They can see the whole town. Mike was scared but thinks it is awesome. Sophia says they will be home in 4 days but will remember this all her life.

The council returns as the balloons set down. Ok we had our adventures, time to get back to work.

Blue is having its first time in the kitchen.

Greg says Alex is one of the smartest kids in town and he's thinking of him for the gold star.

Jared discusses teleportation. He says if he had the star he'd have the money to go to college to invent stuff like that.

They ask for gold star nominations.

Alex getting nominated by Sophia.
Miglay (I think that is the girl that was stepping up).
Jared getting nominations.

Jared comes in with hat over his head and nominates himself. He's been really working hard, and getting it would mean so much.

Zach is crying about things and Greg thinks it isn't real, and Zach is upset. Zach is sick of being treated like crap. He goes back into the nomination place and tells them they are the most terrible people he has ever met in his life.

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by michel on 12-05-07 at 10:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-05-07 AT 10:29 PM (EST)

Great job Snidget, just wanted to point out that the background girl that showed leadership and progress was Migle, one half of the "Paris and Nicole" tandem with Natasha that everyone complained about a few episodes back.

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by dabo on 12-06-07 at 02:06 AM
Oddly enough Migle Drasutaviciute is one of only two castmembers who have headshots at imdb (Taylor is the other).

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Snidget on 12-05-07 at 09:07 PM
I was trying to tell you something I was passionate about and you laugh. They say they are taking him seriously. Greg says I get you believe the star and we respect that and respect you.

Red council leader gets in Greg's face about it. Blaine says he works hard. Greg says he forgets that he is 10.

Greg wants Alex.
Jared is also really smart.

Tough decision.

It is time for the town hall meeting.

How did it go for you Bonanza city. They say we don't know about each other and the arcade gets in the way, lots of yelling about it.

What do you want to do about it council. The arcade will be locked for good. Some kids sad but most cheering. Greg says we need more bonding time. Campfire and story telling is the night's activity.

Gold star award.

Greg says tough decision. May not be the strongest or biggest but is the smartest.

Alex gets the gold star. Jared looked sad, but he'll just win a Nobel prize.

Alex says even when older kids challenge you don't give up. He says he doesn't have any use for it, it is a lot and not a lot. It's a paradox. What will your parents say. They will be shocked I won this. Mom would say keep it as gold prices are going up. Off to call his family.

Mom and Dad say it is hard to believe how much he's grown up.

They close the arcade and build a fire.

Anjay says it is the one place he ever fit in. *sniff*

Jared is studying a scorpion.

Next week....Season Finale.

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Snidget on 12-05-07 at 09:10 PM
Bigger Challenges, Bigger Surprises, Bigger Gold Stars.

Will they keep it together or will the world they built go up in smoke?

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Puffy on 12-05-07 at 09:14 PM
Thanks, Snidget!

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by jbug on 12-05-07 at 09:50 PM
Greg at the village - "so what goes around comes around" But he still doesn't know how this applies to himself

Personally I'm tired of listening to Mike - he's becoming too overly dramatic.

Saw some kids here tonite for the first time. Wish there was some way they could share the camera time a little better.

Glad ALex got the star - maybe he can get some dental work & braces? That tooth is so cute - but somethings gotta get fixed soon!

Agman is definitely on my list (& twin Cyndi too)
'Getting older softens you into learning that love, kindness, and forgiveness are far more important than one's opinion.' Sagebrush Dan

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by michel on 12-05-07 at 10:40 PM
"Saw some kids here tonite for the first time. Wish there was some way they could share the camera time a little better."

I agree completely. Poor kids, hoping to be on TV but never being shown.

Taylor's "I hope he gets eaten by coyote" comment made me think of Susan Hawk's jury speech. After JR, that's another one Taylor wouldn't appreciate me comparing her to!

Jared's "Pelvis has left the building" when he carried the cow's bones out of the ravine was corny but so unexpected, I laughed a little.

Sophia could get hired tomorrow as restaurant manager! I've seen a few real ones who know less than her.

This is a show where the reunion should be in 5 or 10 years That could be fun to see. They should leave the monument anyway.

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by CTgirl on 12-06-07 at 01:35 PM
A reunion would be fun to see. If Jared doesn't win the Nobel Prize, he could be a late night TV joke writer! His Pelvis has left the building was corny, but it was funny and it made me laugh too. His unexpected comments have helped make this show.

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by dabo on 12-06-07 at 02:13 AM
For the final show Zach ought to lead another revolution, they should get rid of the council and make Sophia mayor of Bonanza.

Bigger gold stars (plural)! Here's hoping all the kids get a piece of the pie in the end, even Taylor.

"Favorite kid by far is..."
Posted by moonbaby on 12-06-07 at 09:00 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-06-07 AT 09:01 AM (EST)

Sophia! She was a standout from the start but confirms it every episode.

I was pretty disappointed that Zach did not get the gold star. He's worked so hard the entire time-another kid I really like. I hope he gets one next week. They look gi-normous!

"RE: Favorite kid by far is..."
Posted by dabo on 12-07-07 at 01:56 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-07-07 AT 01:57 AM (EST)

Zach may be suffering from considerations other than who is working hard, he's the only child of a millionaire tax lawyer.

Not saying it's right, the award should be determined by merit, but he probably doesn't need any help with a college fund.


"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Molaholic on 12-06-07 at 10:03 AM
If I may be Jared (or Alex) for a moment:

The "Gold Star" -- 2 lbs (32 oz) of gold = $20,000 ... breaks down to $625/oz

but today, gold is closer to $800/oz, so that star is now worth $25,600.

Not bad investment (but then, the peak a couple of weeks ago was $850 -- $27,200)

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by flystorms on 12-06-07 at 10:26 AM
Geeze there were some hilarious quotes out of the kids this week (paraphrased).

"Pelvis has left the building" (my laugh-out-loud fav)
"An aplaca is a cross between a sheep and a giraffe...I think"
"Look it's an igloo"
"There's no carbon dating in this town"

There were a couple more, but can't remember them off the top of my head... anyone?

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by CTgirl on 12-06-07 at 01:39 PM
I was sure Sophia would choose the monument, but she’s been more like a mom than a sheriff to those kids and I don’t think she wanted to disappoint them. I bet the monument gets left behind anyways.

Having a challenge without 4 of the strongest kids was a good twist. It was nice seeing how all the kids have bonded over the experience. Alex and Jared are so intelligent they must have trouble making friends, and it was touching to see Anjay saying that he fits in better in Bonanza than at home. I liked the way DK called Greg out over his two-faced behavior.

I’ve always wondered why the town couldn’t work together to help the last place team finish in time to get the reward. I guess it’s the nature of a reality show, but it’s more of a pioneer spirit to pitch in and help each other out. The girls on the yellow team (Taylor’s minions) complaining during the reward were hysterical and so typical.

More gold stars next week! Woo hoo!

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by fedcamper on 12-07-07 at 03:18 AM
I guess the idea of a "for all time' monument was to test the kids' values, but who's kidding who? Even if they did choose the monument, it would be there until the land is sold or used for something else, no doubt in a year or two, and after that, it would be gathering dust in some storeroom until it eventually hit the garbage pile. She made the right choice- it was much more realistic!

"RE: Kid Nation Episode #12 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Agman2 on 01-15-16 at 05:49 PM
Is it just me, or is this the dumbest show of all time?