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"Elections, phase two."

Posted by Estee on 11-15-07 at 09:27 AM
The weird part: did you notice we've got four gold star winners running against the current Council? DK, Blaine, Greg, and Michael -- $20,000 collectees all. (At least they don't have to worry about the whole 'and who said the Council can win?' aspect.) The color-coded ballots seem to indicate the districts are only voting for their own again, so we're looking at a small voting pool -- and races of:

Anjay vs. Greg. Anjay's in major trouble here: his district is visibly unhappy with him, and he's had Olivia undermining whatever he does for a long time now. I think his only possible saving grace is Greg's flipflop personality: is the older kid the father figure of the town, responsible, hard-working, and comforting to the younger ones -- or is he a bully who just doesn't have the energy to keep it up full-time? The answer may actually be 'Greg is a boiling cauldron of hormones', but Anjay can use the second possibility if he thinks of it. Even so, I think Greg could take this seat without much of an effort.

Zach vs. Blaine. Zach has more of a future in theater than Jared: he mustered the perfect 'et tu, Blaine?' face when that hand went up... As the editing (and confessionals) was so careful to note, we barely know Blaine as a separate person: he's been fading into Greg's shadow for most of the series. Is he mature? Wise beyond his years? Does he have leadership potential? No idea. But what we've seen from Zach is that he isn't a tremendous improvement over Taylor. There's some boost here just by virtue of not being Taylor -- but he hasn't turned into the leader the yellow district needs. The voters here may decide to experiment with the unknown, figuring anything might help -- and that means Blaine wins.

Guylan vs. DK. I've been worried about Guylan-as-leader from the start, and it's mostly been because he's homeschooled. Guylan doesn't have experience in being around a lot of kids for several hours every day, and there's times when that lack of time has visibly hurt him. (He has potential -- but he needs more practice.) By contrast, DK is a natural bridge between groups, moving among all the kids and cliques without seeming effort -- and he has practical experience in working with others, from school through being part of a large family. The red district arguably has less reason to be unhappy with Guylan than some of the other districts have for their leaders, but they're still unhappy, so... seat change: DK joins the council.

Laurel vs. Michael. So the next question would become 'Are we about to make this a clean sweep?' Laurel's been rubbing people the wrong way since Day One, but she's generally had the support of her district -- in part because the most charismatic kid in it wouldn't say a word against her. Now she's starting to rub them the wrong way, and said kid has decided to finally say something about it. The only reason Michael didn't take the seat in the first election is because he didn't want it. Now he does -- and name a kid in the greens who wouldn't move a ton of rocks to give Michael what he wants. Full change: Michael could get this in a landslide.

And yes, this means all males in the power chairs. Well, at least they're that much closer to representing a real-world government.

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"RE: Elections, phase two."
Posted by gofrank151 on 11-15-07 at 11:13 AM
While I agree with your projected outcomes, I don't agree that Laurel has been rubbing people wrong all along. I think shes incredibly well respected - until this week when she got under the skin of the other leaders for not taking on a new member or losing one.

I can't think of anyone in green that would have been happy about moving to another group, thats for sure... but they would have welcomed a new member.

I think michael was a little upset with her for not being more open minded about it? Or he could just be taking over the seat to get her a gold star.

"RE: Elections, phase two."
Posted by brvnkrz on 11-15-07 at 11:57 AM
Yep. I'm pretty much in agreeance with you on everything.
I think that DK will take the seat with a landslide because Guylan said that if he could go back, he would not be on the council. I wonder if he will even put up a fight for the position.
I didn't care for how they did the transfers/mix up. Just one person? I thought they would have mixed it up a lot more.

RIP, Bill Walsh

"RE: Elections, phase two."
Posted by Snidget on 11-15-07 at 12:20 PM
Yep, I was thinking like 1/4 to 1/2 of each team traded around. However once Laurel did her nope we are perfect just as we are and I'm not losing anyone thing then it became hard for the other districts to do much in the way of swapping kids around. I think if she'd been on board they could have gotten more of a redistribution.

"RE: Elections, phase two."
Posted by Estee on 11-15-07 at 12:27 PM
Which brings up the question of what the kids would have been happiest with: total stability, a minimal shift along the times of what we got, 1/4 to 1/2 the population changing showdown sweaters, or a total reshuffle.

"RE: Elections, phase two."
Posted by Snidget on 11-15-07 at 12:52 PM
I think no matter what they did there would be a fair amount of unhappy. What went down came off as very unfair and arbitrary and I think that is what set a lot of the kids off.

I'd have been tempted with Laurel being that way to have said we will hold a meeting and vote on changing up the districts. If the vote says change things then we all have to change things, if the vote goes no change then none of us change.

I'd also have been tempted to do a give each kid a paper to rank the districts they want to be in. Start with everyone in their first choice and see how it lines up (you probably need pretty even numbers) then start moving people to their second choice or third choice.

"RE: Elections, phase two."
Posted by michel on 11-15-07 at 12:40 PM
Estee, I agree, full sweep.

Blue: Anjay doesn't stand a chance. Greg may be a bully but the Blues feel they have been short changed. They'll want the most powerful guy up there.

Yellow: Taylor hates Zach who dethroned her. Her clique votes for Blane.

Red: They need DK who should've been there at the first vote. Guylan got a good experience but it's enough.

Green: Micheal was Laurel's powerbase. It was only because she had his support that no one opposed her. Sophia wasn't much of a Laurel fan but she followed Micheal. Now, Sophia will speak her mind.

"RE: Elections, phase two."
Posted by mattben on 11-15-07 at 02:02 PM
Cogent election analysis there, Estee. I agree completely.

*snort* at The answer may actually be 'Greg is a boiling cauldron of hormones'

and re Zach: There's some boost here just by virtue of not being Taylor -- but he hasn't turned into the leader the yellow district needs. The voters here may decide to experiment with the unknown, figuring anything might help

You have my vote. And I need a Kid Nation sigpic that can fit on a stick.

"RE: Elections, phase two."
Posted by MizJazmine on 11-16-07 at 03:23 AM
Estee excellent analysis and I agree with you!

Yep I noticed that they were all gold star winners.

Anjay vs. Greg. I think Greg will probably take it but I do wish Olivia (who I'm not too fond of) would have raised her hand. I do think she's a lot more "savvy" than the two boys, and who's to say she couldn't of won it?

Zack vs. Blaine. Okay the look on Zack's face cracked me up! Yep the exchange kid is gonna get his seat! Another one of those tailored made life lessons! hahahaha

Guylan vs. DK. Yep I saw the same thing with Guylan too. I do think these two are genuine friends. I do see a respect between them which I think is going to make for an easy transistion.

Laurel vs. Michael. I have to admit that I was rollin' when Michael put his hand up. It was interesting to see the look on Laurel's face. I thought someone from the green district should have ran in the last election because I think it's a good experience and Laurel shouldn't be the only kid from the green district to have that. I do think and from seeing the previews that this election may be more emotional for this group than the others, not because Michael is running but because of the element of surprise that ANYBODY from this district is choosing to run. Then that could all just be editing! Who know but the the editing folks! LOL

Yep the gubberment is moving in the all male direction, but what's funny to me is that I think Zack kinda leans toward the male dominance/strength thing and...well...he's getting his wish! LOL

"RE: Elections, phase two."
Posted by Snidget on 11-16-07 at 09:22 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-16-07 AT 09:23 AM (EST)

I had a thought (dangerous as that is) about the Gold Star kids being the ones to step up for the elections. Especially with the give us your nominations thing the counsel has been doing for getting the Gold Star those are kids that have some sense that they may have the votes to make a decent challenge. People thought highly enough of them to nominate them for a gold star, so they may have the votes. While there is a "time for a change" I'm not sure people feel secure in the anyone but who we got. No one wants to challenge if they don't have a chance.

I wonder if Michael might have put his hand up because I think he may notice that other districts are bothered by the green district and sees that the whole we don't have an election for a new leader and we don't swap members like the other districts and all of that may be damanging to the town even if Laurel can't or won't. I know she is very loyal to her people, but I think some people do think it can't be a town divided into the Green District which plays by different rules and the other three and keep working well. I mean it is great the greens all get along and all of that, but do they want to be separate and isolated from the rest of the town because people are tired of we have to do things you refuse to do. Much like people got tired of yellow for the same attitude about doing chores. Green may do their chores, but that shouldn't be a free pass to not have to suffer some of the other things other districts are going through.

"RE: Elections, phase two."
Posted by michel on 11-16-07 at 12:24 PM
I agree with your assessment of the green district. They call themselves the perfect district and that is misleading. Only Morgan won a gold Star for her work with the green kids. Mike won it for his charisma in uniting the town. Sophia for speaking her mind and doing yellow's work and Kennedy for her talent show. They are great when it comes to talking but not that great when it comes to doing. True politicians!

Don't get me wrong, they have good work ethic and do their share but they are not outstanding. Weren't they the ones that carried the least amount of rock even if they were SAYING they were carrying as much as they could to help the town. Haven't they been the team to lose the reward a few times. They need a shake-up.

"RE: Elections, phase two."
Posted by dabo on 11-20-07 at 11:26 AM
Greg v Anjay: Anjay is certainly in trouble but Greg's volatility is his biggest problem. Greg will always play to his emotions, and he's upset over losing buddy/sidekick Blaine on top of everything else. Anjay's only real asset is that he has shown he can handle the pressure, though basically he survives it.

Blaine v Zach: Zach has a chance to hold onto his chair by playing politics, which he is good at, though this time his opponent has few negatives. Does his district want to reunite the Greg/Blaine dynamic in the council, would Blaine really work for his district or fall back into his sidekick role cementing the district's second-class position?

DK v Guylan: Guylan might as well throw in the towel.

Michael v Laurel: Up until last week Laurel had been the producers' good lieutenant on the council, always finding a way to follow the book, while at the same time managing to direct the gold star considerations in favor of her own district. Last week she saw the book as a threat to her district, but mainly because she thought it meant breaking up her team. When it turned out her team was safe she could have gone ahead and brought a misfit to join, but by then she'd backed herself into a corner. Though it looks bad for her right now, I think she has the best chance of retaining her seat, her incumbent "council leader" position makes her the best one to keep Greg from becoming the defacto council leader.

"RE: Elections, phase two."
Posted by mattben on 11-21-07 at 12:20 PM
I agree with your analysis, dabo.

It'll be fun to watch tonight. I might even whip off another summary for the politico/socio aspects of this. There's so much to comment on, and I don't have to really rag on the players like we do on the other reality shows.

This show's like a mini-UN or mini-US Gov't thing. Wasn't sure I'd like it at first, but now it's a petri dish swipe under my microscope.

We have to accept the PC "issue du jour" aspect of the editing.

"RE: Elections, phase two."
Posted by kidflash212 on 07-10-16 at 02:57 PM
What was this show about?