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"Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"

Posted by Cathy the Canadian on 06-19-07 at 04:46 PM
Wes Craven will be the guest judge this week.

Who will be eliminated from our last group of five?

Andrew (Polished)
David (Love at First Shot)
Shira Lee (Beeline)
Marty (Dance with the Devil)
Kenny (Edge on the End)

I think Kenny is safe for at least one more round, if only because people are curious to see what he'll do next. If his next film is as incomprehensible as his last two, though, I think he'll be gone.

I wonder if Marty turned viewers off with his cocky attitude.

But I think David will be the one to go. His film was the least interesting, and the least original, IMHO.

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"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by Loree on 06-19-07 at 08:02 PM
Looks like Marty did turn the voters off. Bye Bye Marty.

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by Bebo on 06-19-07 at 08:47 PM
Good riddance Marty. I thought he should have been gone last round.

And this round we should finally say bye-bye Jessica. Zach and Will followed up their previous efforts quite nicely.

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by ulalame on 06-20-07 at 04:29 AM
I wish he'd gone last time he was up . . . we would have maybe had one of the two more creative female directors in the competition still here.

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by cahaya on 06-19-07 at 09:07 PM
Again, hosted by the icy-veined vamp with the ultra-Colgate smile. Although she was wearing a short black negligee (or whatever it was), it had no arousal factor that'd happen with practically anybody else wearing it.

Glass Eye by Will

Interesting concept, tells a story, a bit fun to watch, good shots, might have switched color/b&w the other way. Characterization was a bit cardboard and the lost eye acting/effect totally unconvincing (should have used makeup). (**1/2)

Blood Born by Jason

Sort of other worldish with the "wellroom" and "sickroom" as if a parallel universe or something, but confusing with the story unclear even at the end. What was this about? Abrupt ending. Clues, but little clarity, and rather depressing to watch. (*1/2)

Sunshine Girl by Zach

Yes, a bit sappy, but sweet and fun to watch with pleasant surprises. Unique, magical idea carried through in a complete story, with nice characterization by the girl actor. Well-directed. (****)

Lost by Mateen

A table conversation that really didn't have to happen. Made me wonder why the phone call and the offer to talk. Not really convincing acting, and the guy showed little expression throughout. All scripted talk, no action, didn't hold my interest.(**)

The Orchard by Jessica

Scary to who? I half expected the trees to come alive and wrap the man up in arms of branches - the wicked Wizard of Oz tree was more convincing! Amateurish, with obvious editing effects of otherwise very ordinary shots. (*)

A Sharnina Production

Bye-bye Marty (no loss except to himself), and this week it should be Jessica, possibly Jason.

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by Cathy the Canadian on 06-19-07 at 09:16 PM
I agree with Cahaya as to Will's actor - he had a hard time keeping his eye closed. It even fluttered open a bit a few times. I didn't really think it was all that funny either - but it was interresting.

Blood Born - I hated the ending. It was too easy in a way. He needed to be more creative. And yeah, don't tell us you want to make possitive films, then show us this depressing story.

Sunshine Girl - agree with judges - hated the music. The girl was really good, which helped the film be good.

Lost - all he needed for this to make sense was to have the GUY call the GIRL and ask to meet. Her calling him was confusing. Why would she? I think he had really strong actors, and they were more impressive than his film making.

The Orchard - This is just so plainly bad, I can't believe Jessica didn't know it was bad. Man, the pregnant pause at the beginning when the guy is looking over the tree, and then... nothing. The whispering tree thing was kind of cool - but it's nothing new.

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by ulalame on 06-20-07 at 04:35 AM
Glass Eye was redundant. We already knew that Will could do cute, silent films.

Jason's movie was incomprehensible. For that alone, he deserves to lose.

Zach's was the best of the rest. It was cute and well-produced. Not really a drama without special effects like he promised, but was decent for what it was.

I actually think I would have loved Mateen's film if he'd had a different male lead actor. The female lead was excellent. . . that's probably why he spent all his time focusing in on her. But overall, Mateen's film was weak because of the male lead.

Jessica, jessica, jessica. I wish you'd gone the first week and we could have seen the work of either of the two chicks who went before you, rather THAN you. You are too sophomoric. Experimental has its place. Just not in a competition for "America's Favorite Filmmaker!"

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by Loree on 06-19-07 at 09:12 PM
I agreed with the judges. Zach was my fave. And Jessica should go home. I didn't even understand her's. I think Jason must have alot of fans that are attached to this show. Last time I thought his film was about a disabled person rather than a nerd. Yet he had the highest votes in his row of peeps. This time the crowd loved his and booed Carrie for dissing it.

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by emydi on 06-20-07 at 09:18 AM
all 3 top vote getters were in this group weren't they? zach, will and jason?

they really want Jessica gone...that was just plain awful...the tree should have grabbed the saw and hacked off the guy's leg...or better yet go behind camera and get jess

Then to top off the drek she fights with Carrie and then with Wes Craven about what horror is! .did she watch the show last week with Marty and see his philimination like a half hour before?

WooT!! Kenny was safe!! GO VFTW

why don't they just put us out of our misery and give Zach the money? although a million dollars is nothing for a movie...I thought originally it was a prize for the director and then they get a job...but it's a just a million dollars to do a movie...zach the fx guru needs at least 100 x that for it to be up to standards today...

in the next 2 weeks...6 do comedy (wow, we haven't seen that) and horror (how can anyone top Jess tho?) and the ones that haven't done comedies do that and the other 6 do horror....this will be painful...hopefully zach gets horror and we actually see blood

"Letting the public vote..."
Posted by Cathy the Canadian on 06-19-07 at 09:20 PM
I think that was a mistake for this show. It's going to turn into a popularity contest, and the film making is going to become secondary.

Spielburg should have been on the panel of judges, and the judges should have made the decision.

At the very least, they could have followed RockStar's formula, and had the public vote, but the final decison still be the judges (like it was the band's in RockStar).

I'm afraid we're going to see someone like Jason or Kenny win, because the public will like them as people, and want to root for the under dog, and the really talented film makers will be sent home.

Then, when they make their big movie (if they do), no one will remember them, and no one will come.

"RE: Letting the public vote..."
Posted by ulalame on 06-20-07 at 04:45 AM
I agree with you 100%. I've posted this before, but if ever a show called out for "Dancing with the Stars" type voting, this show is it. Limit America's votes, and let them represent half the vote, and the Judges score the other half.

It's ridiculous to have America vote for the best of anything. Given the perameters, America voting for their favorite in a pap-yet-fun summer show like "So You Think You Can Dance," I can live with, but it's the worst extention of democracy that I've ever seen to have America vote for their "favorite" filmmaker. Especially when the winner will get 1M. But then, maybe they will let the show run long enough for Zach to win~

How are they actually going to divide the teams into Comedy and Horror for the next two weeks? They didn't tell us that, and how they do it could be so F-ed up. And why didn't they have Wes Craven as the "guest" judge for the Horror week? He was wasted this week.

I give this show my vote for the most ill-conceived reality show ever.

"RE: Letting the public vote..."
Posted by Cathy the Canadian on 06-20-07 at 03:53 PM
Yeah, I also wonder how they will decide who gets comedy and who gets horror. To do comedy well is friggin' hard! It's much easier to scare someone than to make them laugh.

Why give them a theme at all? Why not continue letting them decide what stories they want to tell?

"Thank you for listenning to us!"
Posted by Cathy the Canadian on 06-19-07 at 09:22 PM
And knocking off the stupid American Idol impression! I was so happy they just announced Marty's departure with little fanfare. Keep it up!

"RE: Thank you for listenning to us!"
Posted by cahaya on 06-19-07 at 09:31 PM
The vamp still needs to shorten that pre-announcement silence though. It's totally still cam and dead air what seems like a full 15 seconds (although it's probably closer to 8-10). More a yawn than reaching some kind of climax.

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by Vixxxen on 06-19-07 at 11:38 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-20-07 AT 00:29 AM (EST)

1. Zach definitely had the best movie. He is the most gifted director of these 5 in all areas.

2. Enjoyed Will's glass eye movie. Quite original. The actor wasn't very good though when he slapped himself and lost the eye...that was lame. I didn't make the connection with the guy seeing thru the eye on the floor at first (director's fault- they said it should have been b/w to differentiate). Had some funny moments.

3. Jason, while the story was interesting I thought the ending ruined it. He's trying to preach about no drugs or violence because he's Christian and what does he have in his movie? Admirable yet his movie seemed to glorify it to me.

4. Mateen has no visual style especially if he is told by directors to make it a movie not a soap opera. His script was nothing new and boring.

5. Jessica is still too new to directing as I think she is just out of school. Her movie was soooo bad. I kept hoping the tree would grab the man's saw and start cutting him up...but...no...nothing gory or exciting...anything exciting just give me some horrific bloody scenes. She just relied on a ordinary shots and creepy music (if you can call it creepy). Awful. I think she's toast.

How about a Female movie director in the judging chair? Penny Marshall, Jodie Foster, Nora Ephron, Jane Campion. I bet they would have great constructive criticism to offer.

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 06-20-07 at 02:53 AM
LAST EDITED ON 06-20-07 AT 03:05 AM (EST)

Ah, and now another episode of “On the Lot:” the show that goes to great lengths to show viewers that even Mark Burnett can have a really bad idea, and that Steven Spielberg will run away faster than a teamster runs toward green room donuts when the chips are down.

First up, a hostess dressed for her real gig; On The Casting Couch.” I mean really, the second Ra saw her he told me that her dress just screamed “easy access,” and told me I needed a dress just like that the next time we go off on one of our weekend jaunts.

Next, Uncle Foreshadow shows us a group gripe session, led by Marty. “Just who do these people think they are?” he scoffs, reminding us again about how brilliant his vision is. Oh I don’t know Marty – how about 3 successful people who have survived, prospered, and worked in the business you are attempting to break into? At least the production gods are with viewers tonight; we only have to sit through one 11 second pregnant pause before the guy who believes he is on the fast track to usurping King Stevens crown is given the hook.

Now on to the next 5 movies, which proved to be just as dismal a group as the previous weeks offerings.

Bunny’s pics for the week:

1. Sunshine girl. Zach gives us a cute, heartwarming story of an innocent child who proves that she really IS the center of the universe when she pulls the sun out of the sky, tries to use it to color the sun in her picture, and promptly looses it under her bed.

2. Glass Eye. Will answers that age old question: What would happen if a glass eye was suddenly set free from the bondage of it’s human slave master? I liked this movie, but agreed with Gary that the black and white world should have been the world of the glass eye. The actor was mediocre, but the editing actually helped to play that fact down.

3. Blood Born. Jason spends his entire bio telling us that he is a good Christian, with good Christian values. He drones on like a bad commercial about how movies don’t have to have sex and violence in them to be good. Of course, his movie begins with sepia toned cut shots of a drug addict. Enter the Doctor telling said drug addict that he is really a miracle whose drug filled blood actually saves lives. We are then treated to Miracle Man leaving the clinic feeling redeemed and getting gunned down. Drug related? Sure it is – the doctors and pharmacists paid some thug to kill the miracle cure who could put them out of business. At least I think that was the point – come to think of it, when asked, Jason couldn’t even explain the point of this movie.

4. Lost. Great title, Mateen. The plot was lost, the motivation was lost, the actors were lost, and the viewers and judges were lost with this movie. Where was the payoff? Where was the story arc? Why should we care that some broad called some guy up so she could meet him in a café someplace and “stick it to him” that she had finally found and married a guy better than he had ever been? Why should we care as she droned on using clichés such as “first and foremost” while proving herself a redundant hag out to rip his heart out with a spoon? And, why should we care that this guy whose woman dumped him 6 months ago and hasn’t contacted him since would come to this meeting armed with an engagement ring?

5. The Orchard. Why, oh why didn’t you use the branches to twine around the guy like a cage, grab the saw, and start hacking away? You set us up for it with the heavy breathing, the pointy twigs on the branches sticking up, and great pov shots! The least you could have done was have the tree twitch, fall over, and kill the guy! Instead, you let the guy walk away with the saw!

Oh, and Jessica; you should have taken into account that the last person to stamp his feet and whine that the judges were old hacks with absolutely no understanding of film making wound up getting the hook at the beginning of the show. Way to go, showing a horror film with no horror to the King of horror films, and then telling him he didn’t understand horror stories.

ETA my sigpic, which is far more scary than The Orchard

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by gumnut on 06-21-07 at 03:20 PM
Hi Everyone, this is my first post.

Jessica has absolutely no creativity talent. We saw that in her “Light Bulb” attempt, and now the “Orchard”. Going to film school does not make everyone a Director.

During the showing of the Orchard, even my golden retriever growled “Why doesn’t the branch of the tree grab the tree cutter” (wuf, wuf, wuf)?

For goodness sake, the entire orchard could have come to life and chased the man to his doom. The man’s legs could have turned into a tree, with roots channeling into the ground, keeping him in the orchard, awaiting the next victim. Anything!

I am also not going to nitty pick about why a beautiful tree, in blossom, in a huge orchard, needed to be cut!

Love Zach. He has the talent.

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 06-21-07 at 04:48 PM
A newbie!! Yay!!

Nice to meet you.

"For goodness sake, the entire orchard could have come to life and chased the man to his doom."

And what a great idea! The movie was called The Orchard why not use the entire orchard?

And I agree with you, why on earth would you be chopping down a perfectly healthy tree, when the blossoms indicate that it would eventually bare fruit?

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by qwertypie on 06-23-07 at 10:32 AM
LOL - Sunny Bunny I thought the same thing (why prune healthy branches?).

Now, what would have been really great, was to change this into a comedic horror -- using shots like a cliched horror movie and show green sap (OK, I know sap isn't really green), oozing, spurting, splattering as if another horny teen got the heck whacked out of him at the haunted campground.
Or showing logs getting burned with lots of screaming. Or have the pruner taking a knife out and slowing whittle a branch he cut off. Or show a tent caterpillar infestation. Or a box of toothpicks.

I can visualize the movie in my head.

This could have been the perfect short for next week for either the comedy or horror.

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by qwertypie on 06-23-07 at 10:42 AM
OOH! OOH! OOH! And show some stupid teen carving his initials into the trunk.
And have a shot of people ripping fruit from the tree and gorging themselves (and show a shot of their faces messy and dripping with fruit goo)

I am getting way too into this

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by Cathy the Canadian on 06-22-07 at 04:17 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-22-07 AT 04:21 PM (EST)

Let me be the first second to welcome you to the boards Gumnut! This is a really nice community - you'll like it here!

So, yeah, I'm really starting to wonder how Jessica even got on the show. Has anyone seen her audition tape? This couldn't possibly have been it, could it?

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by gumnut on 06-22-07 at 06:50 PM
Thanks for the nice welcomes from Sunny Bunny and Cathy the Canadian. I have been lurking for a while and finally decided to take the jump and make a comment.

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 06-23-07 at 01:10 AM
Well then, you really need to come over to the Off Topic board, get your crap basket, and increase your DAW count!

"Jessica's movie"
Posted by moonbaby on 06-20-07 at 03:25 PM
If I had been there watching it live I would have been laughing so hard I'd cry. Too too terrible, LOL!

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by toddE on 06-23-07 at 01:58 PM
I like the idea of the show. I don't like the Idol-style voting, but I guess it's fair since directors have to make a profit to survive.

It is poorly executed, like everyone says. It seems haphazard. Like they're rushing to get the show out, but since there is very little "live" element, that should not be the case.

For example, wtf with showing their audition movies at this point? Shouldn't that have been the very first episode? And, although I actually kind of agree with them, if these audition tapes are so crappy, why were these guys chosen?

Also, as I read elsewhere, why do they also have to write their own scripts? No wonder the results are generally disappointing. If they're aspiring directors, don't make them write. If they want to rewrite the scripts they're given...fine.

Start with the auditions, then give either give everyone the same script to direct, or have them choose scripts a la Rockstar. Audience votes bottom 3 or 2, judges choose (again like Rockstar). Have guest directors match genres each week.

Finally, I think I'd prefer Jess to stay over Jason, since at least her idea was good. But OTOH, she did Ffff it up. Jason's whole gig is unappealing to me, though.

"RE: Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19)"
Posted by Cathy the Canadian on 06-25-07 at 10:15 PM
I completely agree. This needed to follow Rockstar's format - not stupid American Idol's.

I like the idea of everyone getting the same script. it would be interesting to see all the different interpretations, and it would really give the non-cinephiles in the audience a lesson in just what a director does.

I also agree that expecting them to write as well as direct is a bit much. At the very least, they could give them loglines to follow. This is how they could have followed the Rockstar format - instead of songs, log-lines.

I'm still wondering (as I said somewhere above) how the heck they're going to decide who gets comedy and who gets horror next week. Maybe they'll finally do it like Rockstar and let them decide? Yeah, probably not.