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"Cheryl Kosewicz found dead in home"

Posted by vince3 on 07-29-07 at 10:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-29-07 AT 10:56 PM (EST)

From the front page:

front page link


They're suspecting it's suicide, especially since her boyfriend committed suicide nearly two months ago, and she didn't take it well.

This may sound insensitive, but I wonder if the cancellation of Pirate Master was the final straw?

ETF3: the link in case it was too wide for some peeps.... third and final attempt!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Cheryl Kosewicz found dead in home"
Posted by Spanky68 on 07-29-07 at 10:24 PM
I didn't think asking the obvious question was insensitive. Kind of eerie that both she and Nitro were the 4th contestants out.

"RE: Cheryl Kosewicz found dead in home"
Posted by Snidget on 07-29-07 at 10:38 PM
Rachel from Hell's Kitchen was the sixth out so the curse isn't solidly on the fourth one out.

Don't remember if that got ruled a suicide or not, but it sounded that way at the time.

"RE: Cheryl Kosewicz found dead in home"
Posted by Snidget on 07-29-07 at 10:25 PM
Yikes, that is really sad.

Here is the link that shouldn't be too wide.


"RE: Cheryl Kosewicz found dead in home"
Posted by vince3 on 07-29-07 at 10:57 PM
Thanks, I finally figured out what I was missing in my attempt to shorten the link. It helps to put the word "link" in the brackets.........

"RE: Cheryl Kosewicz found dead in home"
Posted by whoami on 07-29-07 at 10:40 PM
Wow! This is just to weird.

"RE: Cheryl Kosewicz found dead in home"
Posted by Max Headroom on 07-30-07 at 08:15 AM
What a sad story. I'm sorry to hear the news.

"RE: Cheryl Kosewicz found dead in home"
Posted by qwertypie on 07-30-07 at 11:54 AM
Makes you wonder how effective all the rigorous psychological testing the contestants supposedly go under is.

"RE: Cheryl Kosewicz found dead in home"
Posted by Bebo on 07-30-07 at 12:25 PM
No amount of rigorous psychological testing of Cheryl would have been able to predict that her boyfriend would kill himself or how she would react to it.

"RE: Cheryl Kosewicz found dead in home"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 07-31-07 at 05:16 PM
How very sad indeed. She was a smart, lovely young woman who had everything to live for. Just goes to show you that underneath it all, we are all very vulnerable. May she rest in peace.

"RE: Cheryl Kosewicz found dead in home"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 07-31-07 at 05:29 PM
This is indeed a tragedy. I was lucky enough to get to meet Jay this weekend at Cocoa Beach and he is a fabulous guy, his wife is a sweetheart too. Words can not express how sad I am for Cheryl and her family and all of her friends.

"RE: Cheryl Kosewicz found dead in home"
Posted by michel on 08-01-07 at 05:27 PM
It's hard to find words for such a tragedy. My thoughts go to her family and everyone who knew her.

"RE: Cheryl Kosewicz found dead in home"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 08-01-07 at 09:22 PM
Such a sad series of events, a horrible tragic waste.

And those trouts over at cBS didn't even give it a mention on the site, or somewhere in the episode feed.

"RE: Cheryl Kosewicz found dead in home"
Posted by x0ji11y on 08-07-07 at 06:00 PM
That's just terrible!! Sooo sad... I hope she rests in peace and i feel bad for her friends and family.