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"Pirate Master Canceled?"

Posted by HobbsofMI on 07-23-07 at 07:58 AM
I just heard on the radio that CBS has canceled this show and they were making fun of it "being cut adrift".

Looking for a link.

Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Pepe and bouncy by IceCat

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Spanky68 on 07-23-07 at 09:47 AM
I looked at the CBS website, but didn't find anything to indicate it was cancelled. CBS' own schedule for Tuesday has it listed as still being on.

I expect them to cancel it after the season. But I sure hope they make it through this season.

Flashy sig by RollDdice

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Snidget on 07-23-07 at 10:20 AM
I also am hoping they meant that they are not renewing it, rather than setting it adrift mid-season and never showing how it all played out.

Summertribe and the living is easy!

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by michel on 07-23-07 at 12:41 PM
They only have 4 episodes left, it'd be stupid to stop now without showing who won...Unless the last crew had a "John moment" and are still looking for a key in the middle of the jungle!

Could they show a summary of the events of the next three expeditions in "recap" style and give us the finale tomorrow?

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Snidget on 07-23-07 at 01:32 PM
Shows have been pulled mid season.

NBC has cable channels they can send the remainder off to.

CBS might put it on the web if they pulled it off the air.

I don't think the executives feel they need to show the whole season if they felt reruns of something else would get better ratings.

Summertribe and the living is easy!

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by vince3 on 07-23-07 at 02:28 PM
I think most of the CW networks are associated to CBS (at least in those cities that had UPN before the merger.........)

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by michel on 07-23-07 at 02:46 PM
It's still very confusing: Some say it's moved to Innertube, some say the next episode will be next week. Some TV listings have "48 hours mysteries" listed for Tuesday at 10:00PM, some still have PM.(Could it be a confusion with the episode title "24 hour party pirates"?)

Add the fact that I'm watching on CTV, the Canadian network that presents the show and have shown commercials as late as last night announcing it and the contest associated with it and I don't know what's going on. Maybe we'll need a Canadian Spoiler thread instead of an east coast one!!

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Snidget on 07-23-07 at 05:27 PM
The affiliate I get on cable was saying it was on according to their schedule, but on the DVR listings it is 48 hour mysteries.


"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by michel on 07-23-07 at 05:45 PM
CTV has "Law and Order SVU" listed now. How thrilling! Stupid programmers.

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by qwertypie on 07-25-07 at 11:12 AM
CTV is notorious for not showing the final episodes. I can't seem to find On the Lot either.

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by observe on 07-27-07 at 01:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-27-07 AT 02:00 PM (EST)

check farther down

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Sonicbluebird on 07-23-07 at 01:50 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-23-07 AT 03:18 PM (EST)

Oh sure, right when I claw my way up to 2nd place and make my run for the trophey! *wink and a grin*

So far I have seen listings showing 48 hours and some still showing Pirate Master. I wonder if they are letting the local affiliates choose which they want to run.

Edited to add:
My local affiliate is still showing PM on Tuesday and my Directv listings still has PM on Tuesday. When I get home, I will confirm that it is still on the schedule.

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Snidget on 07-23-07 at 02:33 PM
One media market here says 48 hours (WRAL), one says Pirate Master (WFMY) for this Tues and next.

CBS lists it as Pirate Master for this Tues.

Maybe only some affiliates dropped it.

Summertribe and the living is easy!

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by vince3 on 07-23-07 at 02:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-23-07 AT 02:45 PM (EST)

TV Guide.com is saying that the next showing for Pirate Master is next Tuesday, 7/31/07....... at 10pm.

Maybe theyre giving it a week off to stretch it out until the new season begins?

ETA: CBS.com's listings have business as usual tomorrow with BB then PM starting at 9............ *shrug*

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 07-23-07 at 02:57 PM
Time Warner Cable is showing 48 hours in the Tuesday time slot, but that may not mean anything, as it said the same thing last week.

The official PM site at cBS is still saying Tuesdays.

It looks like the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Georgianna on 07-23-07 at 03:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-23-07 AT 03:38 PM (EST)

According to my CBS affiliate (WOWK), 48 Hours is scheduled in the 10:00 PM Tuesday timeslot for the next three weeks.

With a "To be determined" designation for the slot after that time.

The affiliate asserts that the decision is a network, and not a local, one.


"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by dragonflies on 07-24-07 at 07:45 AM
My channel guide says 48 Hours, but the DVR still wants to record it. Weird.

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by mysticwolf on 07-24-07 at 07:44 PM
Same here. And, when I tried to take it off of record it said I couldn't record it because it conflicted with recording 48 Hrs., which I never asked to record to begin with. I had to remove PM from my playlist in order to cancel recording 48 Hrs. (Which it also said was it going to record the next 5 weeks on multiple days.)

Guess I'll re-add it if it's on again next week (which, according to the DVR guide, it won't be). Stoopid network.

Shar's summer
blogging's scary

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Georgianna on 07-23-07 at 06:29 PM
The CBS Network now says that the remaining full episodes of Pirate Master will air online ... and online only ... beginning this Tuesday and continuing on each Tuesday to the show's conclusion.


"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by vince3 on 07-23-07 at 08:25 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-23-07 AT 08:26 PM (EST)

*beep beep beeeeep beeeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*

It's dead, Jim

*Blows Taps*

Putting the remainder of the season online pretty much means that it won't be back..........

Cyg's 3 faces of Vince McMahon...

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by nazpink on 07-23-07 at 10:51 PM
Well, this certainly doesn't surprise me one bit....although I was thinking more along the lines of not seeing this show renewed rather than cut short.

Personally, I think the show could have had far more potential had there been more to it and maybe a better casting. No one wanted Asmyth to remain captain yet no one tried to sabotage the "race" against the "ghost"...which has now put them in a corner because Ben and Jay aren't going to mutiny when there's still enough crew to turn against them once they do.

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Georgianna on 07-23-07 at 11:22 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-23-07 AT 11:51 PM (EST)


You are almost certainly right. And there can be, I think, no legitimate objection to a commercial network's decision to decline to buy or air programming that is unprofitable.

But ...

When the purveyors of serial offerings - programming that asks the viewer, not for an hour's investment of time and interest in order to know the answer to the question posed at its beginning, but for an investment of hours of time and interest spread over weeks - then I think that there is an implicit moral obligation - a promise made - by the network that it will deliver that answer: where, when and as advertised.

So, I don't think that the question that warrants debate in this instance is whether or not Pirate Master was, or was not, good - or profitable - television. The time for the handsomely-paid executives at CBS (whose business it is to know such things) to make that decision was before they asked me, and millions of other viewers, to follow them to Pirate Master’s conclusion. Via sequential installments. On my television screen.

What I hope will be debated here and in other forums and in the boardrooms and hallways of several networks is whether or not American audiences will continue to 'buy into' a genre that, at the networks’ discretion, is a larceny.

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by vince3 on 07-23-07 at 11:45 PM
I think the biggest loser in all this just might be either The Amazing Race or Kid Nation. Now, Kid Nation is supposed to start this fall in a decent time slot on Wednesday and it's supposed to be very good, since CBS decided to move it to the fall from its' original summertime slot, but some of the fans that might've watched this show just got burned by the cancellation of Pirate Master. Likewise, the Race, which is taking a small break (more likely then not to get a "decent" timeslot, or at least one that's not on Sunday....) its' fans might've also been watching this show and might not put that much faith in the 12th edition making it to the finish line on TV if they decided to pull the plug on Markie-Mark's pet project and put it online.........(granted Bruck's the mastermind of the CSI franchise, but......if they did it to Markie-Mark, what's stopping them from doing it to Bruck?)

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Georgianna on 07-24-07 at 02:25 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-24-07 AT 02:27 AM (EST)

" I think the biggest loser in all this just might be either The Amazing Race or Kid Nation ... if they did it to Markie-Mark, what's stopping them from doing it to Bruck?"

You know, irony was rampant on a field of hypocrisy at CBS today ...

On the same page announcing the network's decision to summarily dismiss its Pirate Master audience for the inconsequential number of demographic undesirables that they are, the trumpets were sounding to herald the latest award nominations for Jericho and The Amazing Race.

Embarrassment, I have to assume, is now a foreign concept there.

But then I knew that when the third CSI and Katie Couric (who should never be left unattended in the company of adults) hit the evening schedule.

So, I would certainly agree that there doesn't seem to be any ethical deterrent sufficient to stop them from doing what they will to consumers and producers alike. And that's why I have no intention of watching the first installment of Kids' Nation: it sounds far too suspiciously like a program that I would like. A lot.

I won't, spineless addict that I am, be able to resist The Amazing Race, should CBS decide to show a few installments just for the hell of it, or ...Survivor.

And that's the one that scares the dickens out of me. I am much too old to get along swimmingly with tattooed young ladies in jumpsuits and much too young to be sent home with an ankle bracelet and a gift certificate for the Scooter Store.

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by vince3 on 07-24-07 at 03:03 AM
On the same page announcing the network's decision to summarily dismiss its Pirate Master audience for the inconsequential number of demographic undesirables that they are, the trumpets were sounding to herald the latest award nominations for Jericho and The Amazing Race.

Jericho or Germicho as some peeps call it? The same series that took a massive fan petition to put back on air after the ratings weren't good enough for them (CBS)? The Amazing Race has been in this boat before, and I think a combination of a strong Race 5 and its' first Emmy was what saved it the first time. *sigh* I'd roll my eyes at the hypocrisy, but I think they'd either roll back into my head or out of my head before I was done............

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by foonermints on 07-25-07 at 01:39 PM
Who be callin' the beloved Jericho such an awrful name? Yarrr!

PirateBastarrdnever to reSurface. *Runs*

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by cahaya on 07-24-07 at 02:47 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-24-07 AT 02:50 AM (EST)

What I hope will be debated here and in other forums and in the boardrooms and hallways of several networks is whether or not American audiences will continue to 'buy into' a genre that, at the networks’ discretion, is a larceny.

Let's call it RTV burn-out. There are still hardcore fans for the long-running biggies (Survivor, Big Brother and Amazing Race) and even these shows have been seeing declining ratings. Kid Nation is supposed to bring some novelty into the RTV genre, but I have a notion that it won't fare very well at all, maybe even as poorly as Pirate Master. Then we have a whole host of RTV-style elimination contest shows, more than I can count on both hands, ranging from talent acts, singing, dancing, movie directing, cooking, dating, and more, ad nauseam.

The only flies I foresee in shows like Kid Nation are those on the carcase of a prematurely canceled show. What demographic is going to remain interested in a bunch of brats on the playground? Parents rule the remote and buy those Fords, not the kids. With so many kids, too, who to identify with? Nah, pass.

One problem with RTV series is in its asking the viewer to make an emotional commitment for an entire season, cheering for those contestants who they want to see stay on and booing those contestants they dispise but who have the wits to keep themselves in the game. I know before I get too involved in an RTV series, I ask myself "Do I really want to watch this for a whole season? Is it interesting enough to commit to watching every week?". If you miss some episodes along the way, you feel like you've lost track of the game and you lose interest.

Then we have the Black Eye network panic-button mode of operation. A slip in the ratings and the show goes *poof*, unless a large fan base sends in tons of peanuts screaming for the return of the show. Geez, the least the network can do is to suffer a minor defeat with poor ratings for a few weeks rather than to alienate its fan base in the long term. After a mid-season cancellation, I wouldn't trust the network to carry through in its promise to air an RTV series for an entire season, and thus I'm far less likely to commit to watching it to begin with. Kiss your new show bye-bye unless you've really got something that attracts my interest. A minor tactical ratings defeat becomes a strategic loss in the ratings war.

So, boo-hiss on the Black Eye network for canceling Pirate Master, even as mediocre as it was. Some creative mixing around of the format might have saved the ship from sinking. But the only creativity the Black Eye execs seem to have is a single flourish of a red pen. And forget it, if they think I'm going to watch it on the web. I've got better things to do than spend one hour a week watching a YouTube redux of the same thing week after week.

Piracy on the high seas and flying of the Jolly Roger by agman

Good post and good question, Giorgianna.

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Snidget on 07-24-07 at 06:27 AM
Well at least they didn't run everything but the grand finale and then shuffle the very last episode off to nowhere land like NBC did to Last Comic Standing. (the finale did air on Comedy Central, and it was really surprising NBC brought it back).

I know the networks are in a bind, but this consistent screwing over of the viewers (as they have done the finish out the season on the internet to scripted shows before) is not going to help them get ratings and launch new shows.

One of the reasons I was very picky about what new shows I watched this year (and funny two I didn't want to get invested in ended up being two that did well enough to get a sophomore season) because I didn't want to get caught up in a story line just have the show yanked after a couple of episodes.

I do think there is reality TV burnout. There are so many shows that it gets tiring getting geared up to watch yet another one and keep up with it enough to enjoy the game.

The problem is reality TV and game shows are cheap so they will probably continue to put way too many of them on the air and lose more market share meaning they will screw the viewers over even more.

Summertribe and the living is easy!

Can we send them parrot droppings until they put Pirate Master back on the air?

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Max Headroom on 07-24-07 at 07:48 AM
The reality TV craze reminds me of the hoopla around Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. That show was a breakout hit when first aired by ABC and Regis Philbin's "Is that your final answer?" became part of everyday slang. ABC was seduced by big ratings and overdid it on the show, running it as often as five nights per week, and eventually burned it out. But before it disappeared, the other networks created a handful of poorly-thought-out knockoffs which nobody watched.

It seems like reality TV is following the same script. Start with big winners in Survivor and Big Brother and throw in a surprise Emmy-winner in Amazing Race. Then create dozens of forgettable knockoffs and bemoan the fact that nobody watches them.

They're killing the goose that lays golden eggs. Again.

RIP Pirate Master. At least you were moderately fun.

Posted by foonermints on 07-25-07 at 09:09 PM
Do you mean that "Show me the Monkey Money" wasn't destined to replace
The Price is Right?
*looks down*
It's not fair!

»a handful of poorly-thought-out knockoffs which nobody watched«
Whistles and strolls away..

Posted by RudyRules on 07-24-07 at 01:11 PM
Isn't there SOMETHING you can do?

I'm a doctor not an evil MB dammit!

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by byoffer on 07-24-07 at 11:08 AM
I wonder if it will still air on TV in Canada. Because if not, there will be some pissed off peeps...

You guys better be detailed in the spoiler thread!

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Bravehart on 07-24-07 at 11:38 AM
Ahoy mates!

Here is the CTV Canadian link to watch the show, I don't think they have an American blackout.


"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by byoffer on 07-24-07 at 11:57 AM
Thanks Bravehart. That link worked, but they don't have ep 9 up yet.

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by vince3 on 07-24-07 at 12:45 PM
They do have a blackout for anyone outside of Canada.........

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by byoffer on 07-24-07 at 01:02 PM
The blackout is on the CBS site. The site Bravehart linked was for CTV ,the Canadian affiliate. There doesn't seem to be a blackout there.

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by vince3 on 07-24-07 at 01:09 PM
I tried the CTV site (I had already seen it on CBS, I was curious to see what the Canadians were gonna see...), went looking for the Pirate Master episodes then had a black box saying "This content is not available outside of Canada, your internet connection appears to have originated outside of Canada"

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Bravehart on 07-24-07 at 04:37 PM
KObrien mentioned in The Fantasy thread that the show played at 3:00 am Tuesday on the CBS site....but Canadians can't watch that site so Canucks can watch the CTV site. As for the dial-uppers...it's already on the spoiler thread! Very interesting...at long last.

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by cycles2k on 07-24-07 at 08:22 PM
Thanks for the link Bravehart. Still waiting for this weeks episode.


"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by jbug on 07-24-07 at 01:03 PM
And where does that leave the few of us still on dial up?
Those video links come thru in little bits and pieces.
I'm po'd. Can you tell?

Honored by Tribe

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by RudyRules on 07-24-07 at 01:23 PM
Yup I have stooopid dial up too!
Oh well, I guess we will have to read the re-craps!

Another Sharina orignal!
"Them people had to be pretty dumb to make their camp in a riverbed." - Rudy Boesch

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by Max Headroom on 07-24-07 at 02:08 PM
Or pass through the east coast internet spoiler thread.

Or skip it entirely.

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by cahaya on 07-24-07 at 05:14 PM
Which vince has been kind enough to post for us after wading through the feeds.

"RE: Pirate Master Canceled?"
Posted by agman on 07-25-07 at 10:01 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-25-07 AT 10:04 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 07-25-07 AT 10:02 PM (EST)

I would have been nowhere last night had it not been for Vince's post *attempts girlfan scream for Vince*eeeeeeaaaaaayyyyyyy it's hiiiim it's Viiiiinnnnccceee.

Seriously Vince, thanks for posting all of this for us! You rock dude!!!
And Cahaya, thanks for pointing that out! You rock too

"And 1 Hr. ago"
Posted by mysticwolf on 07-24-07 at 08:05 PM
Australia confirmed that it's been cancelled mid-season. http://abc.net.au/news/stories/2007/07/25/1987495.htm?section=world

Looking at CBS's site and schedule I see that 48Hrs. is scheduled to be shown from here on out.

It wasn't the best show, but I think it deserved better.

I really think that with 1 change it could have worked. The crew needed to be able to mutiny either without having the support of any officers, or - more difficult, but still potentially doable - with the support of any 1 of the officers.

As it is, no mutiny can possibly happen. No way will the crew convince all of the officers to join them at the same time. Why would they?

Shar's summer
blogging's scary

"Episode nine summary - for those who are interested"
Posted by bdemoney on 07-25-07 at 08:36 PM
Per the CBS website (for those who are still interested) here is the recap for episode nine...

Episode 9: 24 Hour Party Pirates

From Captain to Castaway: Azmyth is Cut Adrift

The competition is halfway over, so the final eight Pirates find reason to celebrate. After a night of feasting and frivolity, the Pirates embark on their latest Expedition. Stripped of his Officers, Azmyth competes against Jay and Ben on the Expedition. The Red Crew is victorious, thus ending Azmyth's reign as Captain. When Christa assumes the Captain's position, she receives the entire treasure, but struggles over whether or not to share it with her shipmates. Jay tries to help when he comes up with a devious plan that could earn Christa extra money while leaving Kendra penniless and adrift. After conferring with each member of the crew, Christa marks Kendra and Azmyth with the Black Spot. At Pirates' Court, the vote is unanimous: the competition's strongest player, Azmyth, is cut adrift.

"It was a little surprising, the unanimous fact of the vote against me," Azmyth notes as he floats out to sea. "I thought that Jay and Ben, at least out of all of them, might have had my back. You know, the cards fell as they did and even though I helped them out in so many ways, with me on board, they weren't safe, I guess."

Still a Chance for Mutiny

Everyone raises a glass to Jupiter, the latest Pirate to be cut adrift. "Seeing Jupiter gone, I hurt inside," Azmyth says, showing regret for his decision to mark his friend with the Black Spot.

Nessa and Jay discuss what must be done about Captain Azmyth. Jay tells Nessa he has no pact with Azmyth and Nessa points out that Jupiter had always been the biggest roadblock in getting rid of the Captain, so now that she's gone, Mutiny is definitely a possibility. "Azmyth's right where I want him," Jay notes. "He's isolated, he's targeted because he's a physical threat. He's in a really sad position."

"Could Burnett's ego be behind the cancellation?!!"
Posted by michel on 07-25-07 at 09:32 PM
Maybe it wasn't CBS who pulled the show off the air. I suspect EPMB had something to do with it. Here are two possible reasons:


A strong woman in charge and she couldn't be portrayed as a b*tch. Burnett's worse nightmare.
(OK, maybe I just wanted a reason to post the picture.)


AZIMUTH!!!! Burnett didn't want to be called Sue!

"Petition to bring it back!"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 07-26-07 at 11:03 AM

*Note: I didn't write this petition, just thought I'd pass it along

Summery sig by Sharnina

"For those having trouble"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 07-26-07 at 12:35 PM
I can't help the dial up people,

But, if you have dsl or cable, and are using mozilla and you cant get part 4 to play -

1. Go to your control panel, and clear out your temporary files

2. Use IE instead of mozilla, and check "Windows Media Player" as your screen of choice.

This does work. Mozilla and Quicktime would not load part 4. When I switched to IE it worked just as easily as the other three segments.

hope this helps.

*grumbles: still think cBS should have let it run its course. grumble.*

"RE: For those having trouble"
Posted by observe on 07-27-07 at 02:06 PM
I stopped watching when Joe Don was cut adrift.

"RE: For those having trouble"
Posted by Snidget on 07-27-07 at 03:03 PM
2. Use IE instead of mozilla, and check "Windows Media Player" as your screen of choice.

Where do you do this?

The player settings on IE won't click, actually the only button that clicks there even after clearing the temp files is the help button. I can expand or contract the listing but clicking the watch now or the player settings buttons gets me carp.


"RE: For those having trouble"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 07-27-07 at 03:06 PM
When you first come into the watch now window, you should get a blue window that asks you where you want to play the episode. It gives you four options, WMP being one of them. Click on that.

"RE: For those having trouble"
Posted by Snidget on 07-27-07 at 03:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-27-07 AT 03:16 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 07-27-07 AT 03:16 PM (EST)

I don't get that, it goes right to having the player on the right, the list on the left and the player settings button does zippo when clicked.

Doesn't matter what show I try to go to it just sits there and will let me click help and the buttons on the top that say recommended, etc that let me scroll through what is available.

Now I have used innertube before on IE before I used firefox, and it worked at one time so maybe I'm past that screen altogether, but it SHOULD let me get into the settings page and change them, you would think.

Summertribe and the living is easy!

"RE: For those having trouble"
Posted by Snidget on 07-27-07 at 03:19 PM
In firefox I can get to the settings and it looks like it is asking me to update the Windoze media player.

So I am trying that.

But why IE will not LET ME get into the freaking settings panel is very annoying.

Summertribe and the living is easy!

"RE: For those having trouble"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 07-27-07 at 03:24 PM
I really don't understand why it is doing that either. I'm really sorry that I don't have any other suggestions.

"RE: For those having trouble"
Posted by Snidget on 07-27-07 at 04:22 PM
Now I can get Windoze Player 11 to download, but I think it wants 10 and only 10, for some reason it says 10 won't work with my windoze.

Guess I'll just have to watch whatever parts will be visible in Firefox.


Summertribe and the living is easy!

"RE: For those having trouble"
Posted by michel on 07-27-07 at 04:34 PM
As a Canadian viewer, I can't see the full episode but I can see the webclips. If you go there, you'll find a clip for "Pirate's court" which is 10 minutes long and should cover most, if not all, of the 4th segment. In fact, by watching the webclips in the right order, I think I saw almost all the episode!

"RE: For those having trouble"
Posted by Snidget on 07-27-07 at 05:13 PM
I could watch those.

Azmyth sure was as pompous in leaving as he was as captain.


"RE: For those having trouble"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 07-29-07 at 03:22 PM
*smooches* It worked like a charm! The only problem was that I had to sit through it three times to watch it.. (no one should have to do that!!)

stoopid cbs!