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Posted by cherlynn on 07-12-07 at 04:02 PM

Somebody please get captain "spiderbraids" out of that uniform and phony accent. The red team doesn't stand a chance with his leadership and "crew" of yes-men. Let's cheat our way to the top why don't we and fool ourself that our crew loves us.

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"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Spanky68 on 07-12-07 at 11:59 PM
Welcome to the RTVW boards, cherlynn.

Azmyth is no favorite of mine (though I play him quite well in teh Be the PirateMaster game). But I fail to see how he "cheated his way to the top".

Yes, he and the "triad" are doing something borderline immoral in trying to tire out JD and Louie before the challenge. But they didn't do that until this episode and had won several challenges.

I seriously doubt that they are under the illusion that the crew loves them. But Azmyth in particular done and said some astonishingly dumb things (like tabbing JD as a fearsome threat instead of trying to paint him as a hated former captain at the Pirates' court and putting his foot in his mouth with his "sides" comment). So you MIGHT be right. If they really are that dumb, they won't be in the chair of power long, whether there is a ghost tribe or not.

Judging from how many of them have freaky hair, makeup and facial hair, I would guess that those hairstyles were either provided or encouraged by the production crew to make them look more interesting.

Flashy sig by RollDdice

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by CTgirl on 07-13-07 at 08:26 AM
Judging from how many of them have freaky hair, makeup and facial hair, I would guess that those hairstyles were either provided or encouraged by the production crew to make them look more interesting.

Or that's why they were cast in the first place which would partially explain their lack of brains!

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Max Headroom on 07-13-07 at 12:19 PM
It's stunt casting at its finest. I'll never understand why the producers turn down hundreds of people who want to be on reality shows, instead picking people they saw at Starbucks who had a "look" they liked.

Why should Pirate Master be any different??

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 07-13-07 at 01:36 PM
I just cant put my finger on why I don't really like this show, I just know that around the 1/2 way mark, Ra and I seem to lose interest in it. It isn't the obvious costuming of the pirates, making them dress up is kind of a fun idea. It's not the treasure hunting, we like that too. The host is likable, although it bothers both of us that no one ever seems to TALK to him, or call him by name. If the credits didn't roll his name at the end, I would never have known what it was.

And it isn't even the obvious stunt casting. We knew going in that MB was going to choose less then steller thinkers, that's his MO.

There is just something MISSING from the show.

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by flystorms on 07-13-07 at 03:09 PM
I completely agree with you, bunny. I can't quite figure out why I'm not lovign this show. It has so much potential to be good. Maybe it's the cheezy staged set lighting for the cutting ceremonies? Maybe it's the characters? Maybe it's just not knowing the game or what will come next? Not sure. I'm an avid Survivor fan and had huge hopes that this would be the new "big" show, but so far my reaction is merely...meh.

I'm not excited about the ghost tribe concept either. It was bad in Survivor, so I can't imagine EPMB trying to rehash it in this new light. Maybe these people will be the ones "voting off" the remaining pirates? I wonder if they've been sequestered away from each other?

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by michel on 07-13-07 at 03:46 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-13-07 AT 03:52 PM (EST)

>"Maybe it's just not knowing
>the game or what will come next?"

I once heard a sport commentator (cricket if I remember) say that if you'd know the rules, you'd be able to appreciate any sport if it's played by the best players. I guess Burnett wasn't watching then! Now, not knowing the rules makes it like that "Friends" episode where Chandler invented a game of cards, "cups" I think he called it, with weird rules made up just so Joey would win. For all we know, there could be a jury awarding the final treasure to one of the Final 2 or 3 Pirates. At least, Survivor started as a simple game. Only later did the twists come in.

We also have the problem of not having "the best players" but some aren't bad. Louie is funny and has a good background for this. Jay's portrayed a lot like Brian H. Christa and Nessa are quite athletic. Laurel, who started as a Courtney clone that wasn't delivering the laughter, is now showing more moxie than the fire dancer ever did. Seeing her laugh at Azmyth and putting him in his place has been moderately amusing. Of the eliminated crew, Cheryl and JD had impressive credentials for the show and Joy was likeable.

We just had too little time for discussion on the boat, it's all about the expeditions and the money. Even the expeditions have come down to a free for all with everyone digging in the same place. The crews shouldn't be able to follow each other but solve the clue before being allowed to go on. Water in the telescope...too bad, you have to fix it and spot the clue before going on.

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 07-13-07 at 04:29 PM
Oh cool, another Newbie!!! Welcome to the boards, Flystorms.

Maybe it's the cheezy staged set lighting for the cutting ceremonies? Nah, we are used to that, most TC areas look like a Pier One Imports store blew up in them.

If I was going to try and figure it out, at least some part would be that it's boring after they all go out on their ONE challenge. And do we get to see anything remotely new on these treasure hunts? No. See Azhatt row, see Rupert2 run, see Kendra not swim. Yawwwn!

They need something else to do besides run around different islands, wear funny hats, and speak with really, really badly done accents.

It just seems like the show should be called "Castaway" as in MB had to do something to fill the spot so he castaway any semblance of thought and just tossed a formula onto the screen for a few weeks.

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by agman on 07-13-07 at 06:18 PM

I think part of the problem is that the contestants are too limited in what they can do to put themselves in a better position in the game. I thought it might be like survivor on the water, but no, you can't form alliances that well because you never know which crew you may be in.

Because of this, it's almost impossible to get much stategy going. From what I've seen, the contestants can only react to situations once the hunt for gold is over. The only ones I ever see doing much planning are the Captain and his two officers.

The game seems to be that they have all the power and it's next to impossible to get them out unless your crew beats them. The problem for this show for me is that the balance of power never seems to shift, and there are only a few things that can ever accomplish that. I don't have a great plan on what they should do if there is ever another season of this, but I think they need to have more reason for the crew to be plotting with each other. Possibly the problem is that one crew has won so many times, there's no one left to upset the apple cart. *steps down off soapbox *

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Sidecar on 07-13-07 at 06:29 PM
Stay on that soapbox, I think you are right! The whole revolving crew thing sucks, there is not way to get a good alliance going and hard to come back after being on the bottom. I fast forward through the challanges, no sense in watching, you know who will win.

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 07-14-07 at 11:54 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-14-07 AT 11:58 AM (EST)

"I think part of the problem is that the contestants are too limited in what they can do to put themselves in a better position in the game. I thought it might be like survivor on the water, but no, you can't form alliances that well because you never know which crew you may be in"

Actually, the whole revolving crew thing I think was a good idea, and his (MBs) thinking was most likely that since EVERYONE has figured out how to work Survivor, that this would practically eliminate pagoning. But you are right Sidecar, they didn't really think through the logistics of how a crew could bounce back once they ended up on the bottom.

I'm wondering if they thought crews would mutiny more often. Perhaps they believed that 1) Winning crews would rotate Captains, even if the same team won the booty each time, or 2) they believed that the Captain would rotate his officers. Had either of these things occurred, mutiny might happen more often. As it is now, keeping the same Captain and officers, along with paying off cooks etc, gives the losing crew no option of mutiny.

Perhaps if this show is picked up again, they should have the pirates actually compete in a challenge that would determine the two officers, then the Captain would not be able to "stack the deck" (pun intended) quite as easily.

I also agree with Michal that the they have totally botched up the treasure finding. Having everyone go after the same clue in the same area has made this a rather elaborate game of follow the leader rather than searching for treasure. As for the hunts themselves, they are not even all that challenging (well, except from an athletic standpoint.)

John assumed that the compass was going to be an integral part of the game play; that is why her rather stupidly tried to use them as bargaining chips in the first episode. As far as I can tell, they were really just props for effect, rather than valuable searching tools. You dont need them if all you have to do is follow a river, a coastline, a well honed mountain path, and the team ahead of you.

*steps down off own soapbox* lol

ETA: thanks for the great post, Cherelyn!

Or, he didn't really have much to do with figuring out how his shows would work, opting instead to have his minions "follow the formula" that had worked well with Survivor and other rtv shows. That is of one of the many things wrong with On The Lot, as well.

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by agman on 07-14-07 at 12:30 PM

>Perhaps if this show is picked
>up again, they should have
>the pirates actually compete in
>a challenge that would determine
>the two officers, then the
>Captain would not be able
>to "stack the deck" (pun
>intended) quite as easily.

Bingo, Bunny, I think you may have hit the nail on the head with that! If the captains can't stack the deck, it will give more opportunities for contestants to get back into the game.

They sure need to do something, IMO the show really isn't working that well now. Of course that is only my opinion.
I also liked Michal's comment about how the pirates go about finding treasure. What a mess! Now that we have it figured out, what do we do? Any suggestions? *steps back up on soap box to see if Bunny will laugh again*

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 07-14-07 at 01:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-14-07 AT 01:50 PM (EST)

*steps back up on soapbox* LOL, at this rate, we are going to get ever such a good aerobic workout!


Well, perhaps if the two random crews were to initially go to separate areas to get the actuall clue to the treasure. Each one takes off toward the same beach, but once there, they have to split from each other. Since no one would know who's ahead (since this show lacks the blow by blow commentary of the host) it would put even more pressure on the crew to find the clue and figure it out quickly. The odds of both crews finding the same clue at the same time are very low.

The treasure itself would be in the same place for everyone.

problem: Production would have to find locations that were approximately the same distance from the actual treasure.

Fun stuff: If a player like Azhatt were to assume command and muck up by not sharing the directions with everyone else, there would be no way for them to just say "screw the clue, just find the other team" which would end um... badly.

The other option might be to have two separate chests, each containing the same amount of money. Send each crew on their merry way to find it. Team who finds it first, shoots the blunderbuss to let it be known that the challenge is over.

He who finds it first, wins the booty, the losing team has to give the chest back to Cameron, unopened. He needs something to do anyway.

Problem: Production would have to find locations that are close enough so that the teams would clearly hear the gun go off, but far enough away so the teams don't know how close the digging has become. And they (production) would have to practice with production crew to make sure that the treasure could be found in an equal time frame.

Fun stuff: Players such as Kendra and Joy who hold up the hunt, would find themselves cut adrift sooner than later.

MaxHeadroom mentioned in another thread to make part of the hunt less brawn and more brain, or balance. If teams had to solve a puzzle or riddle rather than cut underbrush to get to the actual clue, then a "random" team of athletic but rather dim witted players would be at a disadvantage. It would also stop one athletic player from carrying the entire crew, and give less athletic players a chance to catch their breath while contributing to the treasure hunt.

That's all I can really think of at the moment. *steps down off box*

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by agman on 07-14-07 at 08:16 PM
huff, puff,....Outstanding points as...Huff puff..usual Sunny, but I just can't ..deep breath...keep getting on and off that soap box! *sits down to wipe the sweat off brow* I think I will just sit here and agree with everything you said!

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 07-14-07 at 09:35 PM
Here luv, have a pint on me.

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by agman on 07-15-07 at 00:35 AM

Well, thank your very much. Don't mind if I do!

Siggie requested by DS--major star wars fan

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by joejasmine on 07-16-07 at 12:14 PM
You make some great points. I think they could each seek the same treasure but maybe have to collect team specific clues along the path. These clues could be for a special key they each hold that will unlock a lock on the treasure. Only by solving the clues will they be able to collect the treasure.

Also, what happened to the sabotage points?

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 07-16-07 at 01:16 PM
I'm not sure about the S-points. Sabotage seems to have been dumped in the last couple of shows, perhaps because the follow the leader effect is so strong. If the crew behind you is right behind you, then it doesn't work as well, because they see it coming and can adjust to it.

Welcome to the boards!

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by byoffer on 07-17-07 at 10:34 AM
Wasn't the last sabotage the one that created a rock-slide that almost trapped one of the contestants? Is it possible they stopped because of the danger?

*steals soap box*

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 07-17-07 at 11:14 AM
like I dont have more soapboxes? lol

Yes, it is possible that the rock slide finally killed it, and the stick one the week before was dangerous too, because the crew almost got trapped inside it. I think production thought that the sabotaged team would be so far behind that the blocks would be something to be climbed over once they got to it. Because they were right on the heels of the team in front, it became dangerous.

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Spanky68 on 07-17-07 at 11:44 AM
To solve that problem, they could have a preliminary stage of the treasure hunt challenge where one side wins and gets a short head start on the swimming or rowing. Like a shooting contest using cannons or muskets from that period (at targets, not at MB or Daddeo).

Flashy sig by RollDdice

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by agman on 07-17-07 at 12:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-17-07 AT 01:01 PM (EST)

>*steals soap box*

Yoffer, so you're the one who stole my soap box. I thought Bunny borrowed to for her aerobics class! I wish you hadn't taken it, I was in OT minding my own business when I saw a post I just had to make, but NO I couldn't cause I didn't have my soap box to stand on!!!

Siggie requested by DS--major star wars fan

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Sonicbluebird on 07-17-07 at 11:48 AM
Yup definitely something missing. The show seems to be the bastard child of big brother and survivor.

The challenges:
They shouldn't be follow the leader. Make them have to earn their reward. I would love to see them have a fake treasure/dead ends where if you didnt get the clue right, you could end up really wasting your time. What fun would it be for them to get the clue wrong, spend their time digging up the treasure chest only to open it and find out they didn't win and they have to go back and figure out where they went wrong. Bet that would stop the follow the leader stuff, not to mention make it a brains and brawn challenge.

Down time: What makes reality shows fun are the personalities. I don't love any of these people, except maybe Rupert and he isn't enough to carry the show. There isn't a clear villian, where is Johnny Fairplay when you need him? The host isn't asking critical questions to stir the pot.

Why not make the pardon more dangerous? Say instead of just being safe from the vote, make it so if the captian black spots you, you get to swap places with one of the officers. So the captian gambles when he blackspots members of the crew and people are more interested in bidding on it becuase if they hold it and are blackspotted they now get to be an officer with the monetary advantages the position holds.

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by catsnotkids on 07-18-07 at 09:59 AM
I want to see more variety. Every episode has essentially the same challenge:

Row the boat
Run through jungle
Get wet somewhere
Run along shoreline/water
Find Treasure

is throughout, of course...

The challenges just aren't creative enough.

The strategy now is hopeless - with Azsssmuth in such tight control, it's not all that interesting watching the remaining members of the team getting picked off. What strategy is there in figuring out who is going next when the final three is determined?

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by agman on 07-18-07 at 10:13 AM
I was really hoping the ghost crew would win last night. I am getting really bored with this show for the same reasons as you. Had the ghost crew won, maybe Azmyth would be gone and things might have gotten stirred up......

Keelhauled by tribe

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 07-18-07 at 12:00 PM
Oh, but they would have been stirred up, except for 2 reasons:

1. Sending Louie to do Jay's job. It was no use sending lovable Louie to try and "daddy talk" Ben into switching sides. Jay was ready to mutiny, and as an officer HE could have pressured Ben into turning against Azzhat far more effectively than Louie. After all Ben never has thought for himself, and would have followed Jay like a puppy.

2. Of course, even if they had sent Jay to browbeat Ben into playing along, Jupiter kissing tushie by declaring that "no one was happy" during dinner, and laurel (not to be outdone) chiming in her two cents alerted Azzhat, and blew everything out of the porthole.

On the other hand, that little stunt those girls pulled totally hid the fact that Nessa was the kingpin of the plan.

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by agman on 07-18-07 at 12:57 PM
Jay does seem to be the key to this whole thing. They need to play on his greed strings(not heart strings) to get him to go along! If they could get jay involved, there is no doubt in my mind that they could have gotten dan to go along. Now with Jupiter gone, I think this could really happen. *steps off his replacement soap box* Byoffer still hasn't returned the one he stole from me. My aerobics training has gone out the window

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by michel on 07-18-07 at 01:01 PM
I'd say this was the first interesting episode of the season: For once, the crews got separated during the expedition. If only Azmyth and Jay didn't give confessionals about the expedition dressed in their uniforms, we might've had some suspense! More importantly, we got hints that there are things brewing under the surface with Jay and Louie playing their own games. It could all depend on which, of Louie or Jay, the women trust more...Or could they go with the less threatening Ben?!

We did see Jay and Ben talking just before going into a commercial break, we just didn't hear what they had to say. The editors didn't let us hear the officer's talk to keep the suspense.

I'm guessing Jay and Ben decided it was too early to make that move with women outnumbering the men and they probably let Louie know that going down 3-5 wasn't a good idea. Louie and his girls got rid of Jupiter, ironically the one that killed the mutiny plans for the last 2 weeks and Azmyth's only supporter left in the crew!

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by AZ_Leo on 07-18-07 at 01:20 PM
I thought it odd that they did the ghost crew when the teams were 9 & 7. I'm wondering if that was originally supposed to happen when they would both be at 8 but the producers realized just how dull it was becoming and moved the twist up an episode.

A tribephyl original

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by agman on 07-18-07 at 01:54 PM

That would not surprise me one bit. I think they are worried about ratings. Big Brother has taken their time slot. Judging from the posts I have read(and adding my own feelings in also of course)This show is becomming quite dull. I think they should hire Sunny Bunny and Michel to rework it and bring it back to life

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 07-18-07 at 02:22 PM
smooch! And for that you get a brand new soapbox!

After all, I like doing aerobics with a friend.

"! "
Posted by Agman2 on 05-04-15 at 04:41 PM
I can't do aerobics now like I could back then

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by udg on 07-18-07 at 12:25 PM
I keep waiting for the pirates to realize that mutiny at the Pirate's Court isn't the only option. They could also mutiny during the treasure hunt, and throw the entire Triad out of power. All it takes is ONE person to say, "Hey, if the red team wins, we'll split the booty with everyone, except the Triad."

Alas, it is not to be, but I keep watching, just in case.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by agman on 07-18-07 at 12:59 PM

That would be awesome. But I wonder if anyone is brave enough to try it?

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 07-18-07 at 02:10 PM
Funny you mention that, because ra and I said the same thing. However, last night that wouldn't have worked, because Fabio lost the key. But yes, they need to get everyone together and discuss how to throw the next challenge. New Captain, give Azzhat the next black spot and vote him out!

And while we are on the subject of that stupid key, why didn't the ghosts stand in a straight line starting at the rope,and moved along as one unit till they found it? Had they all worked together, rather than sending out one or two people at a time while the rest of them complained or called Fabio an idiot who should have drowned at birth etc? Had they worked together, they might have found it.

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by michel on 07-18-07 at 02:39 PM
I wonder if the ghosts would've been allowed to grab the treasure box first, then head back to look for the key? Pirates don't usually play with rules, do they? Imagine the Black crew's confusion when they would've reached the tree but didn't see the treasure box.

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 07-18-07 at 02:55 PM

Brilliant idea!

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by CTgirl on 07-18-07 at 04:27 PM
Chaos is so much more fun to watch than giving the white crew a snorkel mask (since when do pirates travel with scuba gear? )

"RE: PirateMaster"
Posted by Bravehart on 07-17-07 at 01:19 PM
Well I'm lookin a lil too full of grog this week so Cap'n Spiderbraids and crew fer another week at sea.