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"Possible new show"

Posted by rs on 11-10-06 at 09:52 AM
Hey everyone, I read this stuff all the time, but have never posted - until now. I have some inside info!

As you heard Mark Burnett Productions and CBS just announced its new ‘pirate-themed’ reality show for summer ‘07, but word is there is another one making the rounds that is 'totally awesome'. A friend of mine who has seen the deck says it takes place in the British Virgin Islands and is really smart with lots of cool twists! An 'Amazing Race', meets 'Survivor', meets 'Big Brother'

It's been presented to ABC and CBS, but CBS already had the other one in the works. Not sure why ABC didn’t jump all over it - but then again, look at what they green-lighted this summer! Not sure if NBC or FOX has seen it - but proably will.

Supposedly, the creators are a couple of 'non-hollywood' types . .

Will try to get more more.


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Possible new show"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-14-06 at 02:26 AM
Where did you read this? Got any links?

"RE: Possible new show"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-14-06 at 02:33 AM
Nevermind. Found some links here at RTVW. (and elsewhere.)

Sounds interesting. Like a CombatMissions at sea.
Planned for a summer release. I must say I'm looking forward to another fun summer.

"RE: Possible new show"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-14-06 at 02:34 AM
Oops. Nope. Just realized, you were talking about a different show.
Well then, back to my original question.

"RE: Possible new show"
Posted by rs on 11-14-06 at 09:01 AM
Yeah, that's the CBS/Burnett show. I am trying to get some more info on this one because it sounded great.

My college buddy saw the concept, deck, treatment - whatever they call them from a producer friend of his in LA back in June - right after it was at ABC. He said it had boats and islands and had a lot of cool, new stuff. I thought it was the CBS show, but its not.

He's supposed to give me a call. Will post more when I find out.


"RE: Possible new show"
Posted by uglier than sarah w on 11-14-06 at 12:09 PM
sounds cool

"RE: Possible new show"
Posted by Agman2 on 04-08-16 at 03:31 PM
never happened.

"RE: Possible new show"
Posted by kidflash212 on 07-10-16 at 03:50 PM
too bad

"RE: Possible new show"
Posted by ArnoldKumar123 on 11-21-21 at 01:19 AM
Helo I found Ur Nam uglier than sarah w Randomly so I am Curious if U hav Books, Games, Internets, Musics, Radios, Stereos, Televisions, Etc in ur Posesion becuz I hav Questions about Vague Events Etc?(~~~~).

"RE: Possible new show"
Posted by ArnoldKumar123 on 11-21-21 at 01:14 AM
Helo I found Ur awesom Nam tribephyl Randomly so I am Curious if U hav Books, Games, Internets, Musics, Radios, Stereos, Televisions, Etc in ur Posesion becuz I hav Questions about Vague Events Etc?(~~~~).

"RE: Possible new show"
Posted by ArnoldKumar123 on 11-21-21 at 01:12 AM
Helo I found Ur awesom Nam rs Randomly so I am Curious if U hav Books, Games, Internets, Musics, Radios, Stereos, Televisions, Etc in ur Posesion becuz I hav Questions about Vague Events Etc?(~~~~).