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Forum: DCForumID109
Thread Number: 28
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"Are there more than 3 of us even watching this show???"

Posted by mindy23 on 06-17-08 at 09:21 AM
I know the boards are usually slower during the summer, but I've seen that the "Mole" board is basically hopping, and I assume the "AGT" board will be bursting out after tonight, thanks to the lovely Piers Morgan and his amazing conspirators! LOL!

But wow-only one post on this season?? How about last night? Elimination of Three Town? Anyone?? I'm guessing their ratings and voting system is way down, but that elimination was NOT a huge suprise to me. The lady before them, second in line to go, WAS a big surprise, though. So, I'm thinking there are not a lot of voters these days. In MY case, it comes on fairly late, and with my illness, and hubby just getting out of his 2 week stent in the hospital, staying up late for voting is just NOT a high priority. So, anyway, what are your thoughts on this show, people??

Seems there were more participants last year. Think it will get hotter as the eliminations move on, or are we just in a stale mate? AND, one more question, if you will: What do you all think of the judges this year??? I'll chime in later, after my morning doggie walk....

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Are there more than 3 of us even watching this show???"
Posted by jbug on 06-17-08 at 10:23 AM
Even tho I am a country music fan, I don't get to watch every ep of this. But sometimes, I flip back & forth during commercials of whateverelse I'm watching.

Was Three Town the three guys - one whose hair was in his face?
If so, it was right that they go. I wasn't impressed with them at all.

I like the judges; it's a good combination (especially John ~swoon~)

A mole is a mole is an Agmole

"RE: Are there more than 3 of us even watching this show???"
Posted by Glow on 06-17-08 at 10:52 AM
I'm watching. I guess I'm just not really impressed by anybody enough (yet).
Three Town was definitely the right cut.
I know somebody who auditioned for this show and I cannot believe he wasn't any better than most of these people.

another JSlice masterpiece

"RE: Are there more than 3 of us even watching this show???"
Posted by bystander on 06-18-08 at 10:03 AM
I'm watching on delay cuz I'm usually busy on Monday nights. Not a fan of Billy Ray though. Can he read the que cards any more obviously? Jeeze!

"RE: Are there more than 3 of us even watching this show???"
Posted by jbug on 06-18-08 at 10:40 AM
BillyRay really needs a hair cut. And a style more suited to his round face.
He was a one-hit wonder (who stole the tune for his song from another) who was a has-been and wannabee till his baby girl made it big.

Can you tell I'm not a BillyRay fan?

Snidget put me on the cover!

"RE: Are there more than 3 of us even watching this show???"
Posted by sunshine26 on 06-20-08 at 11:40 AM
>I know the boards are usually
>slower during the summer, but
>I've seen that the "Mole"
>board is basically hopping, and
>I assume the "AGT" board
>will be bursting out after
>tonight, thanks to the lovely
>Piers Morgan and his amazing
>conspirators! LOL!
>But wow-only one post on this
>season?? How about last
>night? Elimination of Three
>Town? Anyone?? I'm guessing
>their ratings and voting system
>is way down, but that
>elimination was NOT a huge
>suprise to me. The lady
>before them, second in line
>to go, WAS a big
>surprise, though. So, I'm
>thinking there are not a
>lot of voters these days.
> In MY case, it
>comes on fairly late, and
>with my illness, and hubby
>just getting out of his
>2 week stent in the
>hospital, staying up late for
>voting is just NOT a
>high priority. So, anyway, what
>are your thoughts on this
>show, people??
>Seems there were more participants last
>year. Think it will get
>hotter as the eliminations move
>on, or are we just
>in a stale mate?
>AND, one more question, if
>you will: What do you
>all think of the judges
>this year??? I'll chime
>in later, after my morning
>doggie walk....

well lets face it! the show sucks this year, no one can sing, what happen to this show???????? i tape it, and watch it late at night, that is after i watch the shows i really want to watch, i wouldnt vote for anyone on NS this year...they should have kept it the way it was

GOOD! this is just a freaking trainwreck!

"RE: Are there more than 3 of us even watching this show???"
Posted by DoodleBug on 06-26-08 at 11:10 PM
I watched the other night and was bored to tears - until my son walked in and said "isn't that Hannah Montana's dad?" LOL! Ugh, nobody can sing this year. I have watched this in the past (not regularly) but I don't think I'll be back this year. Bleh!


"RE: Are there more than 3 of us even watching this show???"
Posted by susang on 06-30-08 at 11:59 AM
I tried to give NS a chance, but admit I was bored.

For me, it does come on fairly late.

"RE: Are there more than 3 of us even watching this show???"
Posted by Loree on 06-30-08 at 02:39 PM
I have never watched this show before this season. I have been trying to give it a chance. But I don't think the contestants are that talented. Is this like other seasons?

"RE: Are there more than 3 of us even watching this show???"
Posted by JessicaRN on 06-30-08 at 03:10 PM
There is no way that I could watch this if I didn't have DVR. Anytime Billy Ray is onscreen I FF or mute. I watch the mentoring sessions, the beginning and end of each song and the judges comments. So essentially a 2 hour show can be watched in 1/2 hour.

"RE: Are there more than 3 of us even watching this show???"
Posted by whimsey on 06-30-08 at 04:09 PM
Other seasons have been markedly better. It is hard to watch the "mainstreaming" of the show. In past season's the caliber of contestant was much better, IMO. This season it seems as though NBC is trying to give it more AI cheesiness.

That said, I'll keep watching.

"RE: Are there more than 3 of us even watching this show???"
Posted by Loree on 07-01-08 at 07:05 AM
OK thanks. I was wondering because I have heard people talk about how great this show is.

I am really distracted by Billy Ray reading his cue cards. He doesn't even try to pretend he isn't reading it. He doesn't look at the person he is talking to because he is reading. And it is obvious the singers are reading the same cue cards BRC is because they always know and start celebrating who is next to sing before he even announces it to the rest of us.