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""I'm a super good screwer!""

Posted by Jadens Mommy on 01-31-07 at 10:43 PM
That was said by Cecile. The girls had to use tools to build a dog house and also learn about tools and building for the elimination round. Nice choice of words.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: "I'm a super good screwer!""
Posted by nazpink on 01-31-07 at 10:57 PM
I recall Megan making that statement, but I could be wrong.

"RE: "I'm a super good screwer!""
Posted by Loree on 02-01-07 at 08:06 AM
It was Megan that said it.

Ceecee was too busy trying to make her dog house classy not trashy. *choke choke*

"Um yeah"
Posted by Coconut on 02-01-07 at 12:15 PM
In what universe is Cece "classy not trashy"? Maybe it's just my fundamental hippie, but I was under the impression that orange fake n'bake, peroxide blonde hair, and hoochie outfits came firmly under the "trashy" classification.

Arkie butters my popcorn.

"RE: Um yeah"
Posted by byoffer on 02-01-07 at 03:51 PM
orange fake n'bake, peroxide blonde hair, and hoochie outfits

I could not imagine a better description of her.

"RE: Um yeah"
Posted by weltek on 02-02-07 at 11:55 AM
True dat.

"RE: "I'm a super good screwer!""
Posted by Jadens Mommy on 02-01-07 at 12:33 PM
Sorry. I get the girls' names confused.

"RE: "I'm a super good screwer!""
Posted by nazpink on 02-01-07 at 02:29 PM
I find that one can do just about anything and call themselves/style classy if they have some money <cough look at Paris Hilton>.

Oh, and it's ok Jaden.......these girls are pretty much the same person anyway.

"RE: "I'm a super good screwer!""
Posted by LisaPles on 02-01-07 at 03:32 PM
>Oh, and it's ok Jaden.......these girls
>are pretty much the same
>person anyway.

Forgive me for disagreeing NazPink but I think Megan is nowhere near as much of a loser as Cecile. I agree that they are both total airheads (hence being cast). Each show I despise Cecile more and more. All I have to say about her is that she is a complete troll - personality and looks. She is gross.

"RE: "I'm a super good screwer!""
Posted by nazpink on 02-02-07 at 00:07 AM
Yeah, I have to admit that Megan is no where near as bad as CeCe, not even on her bad days! At least Megan has "seen the light" during Cece's drunken Niels bashing and choking a dog with those ridiculous bracelets. Maybe Jenny Lee and Cece are a better comparison although Cece still takes the cake.

"RE: "I'm a super good screwer!""
Posted by LisaPles on 02-02-07 at 09:02 AM
>... CeCe... choking a dog with those ridiculous bracelets.

Nate is my hero for stepping in to remove the bracelets from the dog's neck. Cece has the maturity level of a five year old.

"RE: "I'm a super good screwer!""
Posted by MKitty on 02-02-07 at 05:00 PM
I agree..I was HORRIFIED when she started piling the bracelets on the poor dog without a care in the word...thank god that Nate CUT them off the poor animal... What a stupid, stupid, self-centred thing to do. IT's all about her, and manipulating all around her (including her pets...which she would probably dispose of if she tired of them...)

"RE: "I'm a super good screwer!""
Posted by amea_gari on 02-05-07 at 02:33 AM
My first post on this forum! I didn't know there was one for this show.
I love Nate. I loved him before he got the haircut. What a kind-hearted, peace-loving, dignified and fun guy.
But if this is him putting his foot down-- I mean I wanted to see him smack some sense into that twit partner of his. What did he say "I think I'm going to need to go ahead and remove the bracelets" or something? How about "Listen you stupid twit this is a living creature, stop treating it like your effin' barbie doll." She's never going to learn until someone takes a firm hand with her and cuts her down. Maybe she won't then either.

Wasn't it also Ceecee who did the same thing to one of the 'geeks', putting makeup on him and barettes in his hair then parading him downstairs? Sick woman.

"RE: "I'm a super good screwer!""
Posted by Loree on 02-05-07 at 08:17 AM
We don't even know if it was Nate's idea to remove the bracelets. Someone behind the scenes could have told him to go and take the bracelets off the dog. I can't believe the show would let her keep those on the poor little dog.

"There were four great lines right in a row!"
Posted by udg on 02-01-07 at 09:02 PM
"What is shocker?" "What are tools?" "What is domicile?" "I'm a good screwer." I just about died laughing.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

"RE: There were four great lines right in a row!"
Posted by nazpink on 02-02-07 at 00:08 AM
And to think they go to college.....lol....I've never steped foot into a college class and yet it seems I know more than they do. Mommy and daddy should request their money back, with interest.

"RE: There were four great lines right in a row!"
Posted by weltek on 02-02-07 at 11:56 AM
Yes, her ignorance doesn't bother me as bad as you might think. I think it's because she actually tries, unlike some of the girls.

"RE: There were four great lines right in a row!"
Posted by Jadens Mommy on 02-02-07 at 01:48 PM
"What are tools?"

I could not believe that!!! What are tools???!!! What the hell??