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"Dec. 4th episode"

Posted by MPVLOST on 12-05-08 at 11:35 AM
This show has gone down the crapper and fast.

The whole izzy/denny thing is pathetic, although based on spoilers I've read it may take an interesting turn soon.

Mostly, I hate that they got rid of Hahn (who was awesome) and brought in that rude Doctor with the personality of a brick wall.

Virgina Dixon or whatever the heck her name is, hate her.

During last night's show, I wanted to reach through the tv and smack her when she kept saying to the girl that her sister was gone and they needed the organs for other people.

Going commando for now, but thanks Grit for the sigpic I was using for awhile.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Dec. 4th episode"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-05-08 at 01:30 PM
Totally disagree with almost everything you said.

After reading a few spoilers I've just decided to go along for the ride on the Izzy/Denny storyline and enjoy seeing Denny.

Hated Hahn and don't miss her. At all.

Love Dixon, well I don't really love her, but I love that they are introducing a character with Asperger's syndrome with extreme symptom's. I used to work with a guy exactly like her, genius smart with no filters, after hating him for a while I adjusted and we worked together well. I think her's is going to be an interesting character to watch. I love Mary McDonnel.

Not sure though if I'm going to like Little Grey with McSteamy.

Christmas at Agbeach 2008

"RE: Dec. 4th episode"
Posted by agman on 12-05-08 at 02:14 PM
I'm glad Hahn's gone also. I thought she was a dork! I'm still unsure about the new doc, but will keep an open mind on that for now. As for the Denny/Izzy storyline.....So far, I just can't handle it but after reading the spoilers, I'm willing to wait and see what happens.

Tribe styled my Fro

"RE: Dec. 4th episode"
Posted by MPVLOST on 12-05-08 at 03:40 PM
I must have missed when they said she had Asperger's syndrome. I know somebody on another message board that has that.

Okay, maybe I'll give her a second chance before officially hating her. I was thinking they were just making her be a rude character, which seemed dumb.

Going commando for now, but thanks Grit for the sigpic I was using for awhile.

"RE: Dec. 4th episode"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-06-08 at 04:51 AM
I don't think they have said it, but she's so extreme they don't really have to. They've written her pretty much textbook.

Christmas at Agbeach 2008

"RE: Dec. 4th episode"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 12-06-08 at 02:46 PM
I love that they added the new cardiologist.

Her character is pretty spot on. And face it, in real life, surgeons have the worst of bedside manners. In the end, you are paying for their expertise that they accomplish when their patient is under anesthetic.

And they gave you an extra hint that she does understand her surroundings when she told the chief she needed more money!!!!

I have a son with autism, not Aspbergers, but with many similarities. I am glad they are showing that they can have/lead productive lives.

"RE: Dec. 4th episode"
Posted by Glow on 12-08-08 at 12:03 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-08-08 AT 12:03 PM (EST)

"interesting" is definitely not the word I would use for the Izzie story. It's a stupid and stolen from daytime television story. I can't wait until they kill Denny off... oh wait. Not only does the story suck but so does Katherine Heigl's acting. She's been phoning it in for years.

Poor Karev.
Speaking of Karev, I LOVE that Christina chose him.
Speaking of Christina, I LOVED the Owen and Christina scene in the boiler room. Highlight of the hour by a mile.

I'm glad Hahn is gone. The actress felt out of place on the show.

This Dixon character will be interesting to watch. It's hard to watch her be so blunt with families but at least it's not a stupid storyline.

that was me that made your siggie, and you're welcome

"RE: Dec. 4th episode"
Posted by agman on 12-08-08 at 06:41 PM

>that was me that made
>your siggie, and you're welcome

Someone is a "dead duck" right about now