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Original Message
"Feb. 19 Episode"

Posted by mrc on 02-20-09 at 12:41 PM
My observations:

1. Addison's arc on GA reminded me of how good she was on GA and how bad PP is.

2. Dying or not, Izzie is still annoying the crap outta me.

3. What was up with Bailey's hair?

4. Derek annoyed me, and Meredith annoyed me more for not standing up to him.

5. McSteamy needs to gain some weight, but he's one of my faves now, as is Korev.

6. Hey, look, it's George!

7. Callie needs a better storyline, but at least Arizona is a nice-looking, likeable person.

A Slice of Manga

Table of contents
  • RE: Feb. 19 Episode,flipxcyd, 01:46 PM, 02-20-09
  • RE: Feb. 19 Episode,agman, 10:45 AM, 02-21-09
  • RE: Feb. 19 Episode,aquariaqueen, 02:15 PM, 02-21-09
  • RE: Feb. 19 Episode,byoffer, 09:00 AM, 02-24-09

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Feb. 19 Episode"
Posted by flipxcyd on 02-20-09 at 01:46 PM
Derek so deserved that beating from McSteamy, although I do agree he needs to gain some weight.

"RE: Feb. 19 Episode"
Posted by agman on 02-21-09 at 10:45 AM
Please hurry and kill Izzy off!

Man this patient is a pain in the a$$!

"RE: Feb. 19 Episode"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 02-21-09 at 02:15 PM
Loved the episode, but Bailey's hair change was offputting.

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away
from those who are willing to work and give to those
who would not."
Thomas Jefferson

"RE: Feb. 19 Episode"
Posted by byoffer on 02-24-09 at 09:00 AM
ditto to everything MRC wrote.

McSteamy could kicks McDreamy's a55, although 2 surgeons fighting like that is incredibly stupid for both. I had a neighbour a few years ago who did eye surgery. He couldn't even use a wrench to adjust the height of his kids' bikeseats. I happily did that while he protected his hands.

Izzy can't go soon enough, and George is already gone.

Derek as God is a weird story line. I guess that could happen to doctors, but it is weird to see as presented.

You forgot to mention Christina and McGI. small advances in their relationship. He was discharged - any chance he isn't still a licensed doctor?

Lexie broke my wookie.