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Forum: DCForumID103
Thread Number: 7
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Original Message

Posted by newsomewayne on 11-01-06 at 04:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-01-06 AT 04:30 PM (EST)

I thought the scene with Hiro and his friend discussing Hiro's inability to help the gamblers survive Nikki's attack was very interesting. Hiro seemed very excited about the possibility of a do-over.

For starters, we know Hiro is good. Second, we are being led to believe that DL is good, or was innocent of what put him in prison,or at least has some redeaming qualities. We also know that whoever it was Nikki killed could have helped DL clear his name.

So, will Hiro return for a do-over sometime in the future (if that term has any meaning here)? Will he come back in time to help DL here so that perhaps DL can/will help Hiro at a later date?

I think it's both possible and likely.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Yeah, little people do all the work and a fat, bald guy takes all the credit.
“I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,”- Ephesians 1:18

Table of contents
  • RE: Do-overs,Captain_Savem, 11:40 AM, 11-02-06
  • RE: Do-overs,Das Mole, 07:23 PM, 11-02-06
    • Do-over,TenPin, 01:30 AM, 11-03-06
  • RE: Do-overs,silentJ, 10:28 PM, 11-02-06

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Do-overs"
Posted by Captain_Savem on 11-02-06 at 11:40 AM
I really haven't been able to comment this week since I only caught bits and pieces of the last episode and nbc.com still won't let me watch it!! Grrrr....

Handcrafted by RollDdice, yo.

"RE: Do-overs"
Posted by Das Mole on 11-02-06 at 07:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-02-06 AT 07:24 PM (EST)

Sorry. I messed up and didn't mean to post.

Posted by TenPin on 11-03-06 at 01:30 AM
That's OK...

We'll give you a do-over


"RE: Do-overs"
Posted by silentJ on 11-02-06 at 10:28 PM
Mole: Maybe if you ask nice, Hiro will go back at stop you from posting.

The problem I have with the "do over" thing is that if it was going to happen, it would have happened,but it didn't, so it won't. ("I hate temporal mechanics"-Miles O'Brian) When samuri Hiro (with gung-fu grip) gave Peter the message, it was in a current timeline. Anyone saved by Hiro of the Future would already be saved by the time it's too late. This is way time travel is such a difficult subject for any storyline.