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"Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"

Posted by PagongRatEater on 10-16-07 at 05:10 PM
All I gotta say is that they have to start some kind of interesting story arch that ties the season together or this show is going to follow Lost, Housewives and Meatloaf down the dark spiral of the sophmore slump.

It's started out slowly but is moving toward becoming painful. Great TV this is not. Maybe we were spoiled last season, but I am not impressed. Frankly, I don't have enough time to watch shows I don't adore and this is moving slowly but surely to the bottom of the Tivo list.

Anyone else with me here?

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"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by J I M B O on 10-16-07 at 05:26 PM

I'm with ya.

They seem to be consumed with how many new characters they can weave in, and how many new abilities they can conjure up. Sure, I'm "slightly" interested in exactly what BurgerWorld chick can do...but I'd trade that in for some story arc in a heartbeat.

Sylar, Peter, Hiro...that's who the show should be about and we're getting a whole lot of other fluff.

I dunno, maybe it'll all tie in later on and be even better with the hero additions.

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by zombiebaby on 10-16-07 at 07:42 PM
2 weeks ago I would have agreed completely with you. Last week about 95%, this week maybe 80%. I have seen some improvement. But there are storylines that I just cringe when I see them...

Peter in Ireland
Hiro in Japan
Claire in California
The twins in Mexico

Other stories I dig...I am cautious with Syler now that he has hooked up with the Boredom Twins. But Mama Petrelli is the storyline that is bringing it for me. NOLA chick is definately promising.

Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by fanfromseason1 on 10-17-07 at 10:51 AM
With action shows or shows with extended plots your gonna have slumps. Star Trek is good example. Every show can't be fantastic. Gotta build to get somewhere.

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by geg6 on 10-17-07 at 11:06 AM
Nope, sorry PRE, but I still think this is one of best shows on TV. But then, I don't hate Lost the way everyone else does, either.

I like good writing with challenging stories. This show gives it to me in spades. Certainly, it's about 3,000 times better and more interesting than 99% of any other drama on TV. In fact, it's pretty much the only drama on network TV (at least until Lost is back) that I'll stoop to watch. I actually wish it wasn't on network TV because of their failure to stand up for anything different or challenging or that actually expects an audience to think and delay gratification.

They'll fvck it up for sure. Eventually. But they haven't yet.

"And now the whole nation -- pulpit and all -- will take up the war-cry, and shout itself hoarse, and mob any honest man who ventures to open his mouth; and presently such mouths will cease to open. Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception." Mark Twain

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 10-17-07 at 05:29 PM
I shouldn't be surprised that you disagree with me. However, do you really find this season in the same ballpark as last season? Has a show ended and you wished you could jump in a time machine to next Monday because you are that excited to see what happens next?

And don't get me wrong, I'm not jumping ship - it just seems that the story quality this season is a far cry from last IMHO.

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by dragonflies on 10-17-07 at 11:56 AM
Sorry PRE, but I disagree as well. I still love this show. It still has held my interest 99%. Yea, the twins are boring, but now that they hooked up with Sylar, it should get more interesting. Especially given that he seems to have lost his powers. And killing that chick didn't bring them back, so we have a new twist.

Plus as long as they keep showing my boy Milo, I'm good. And next week looks to be Petercentric. Whoo Hooo!


"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by geg6 on 10-17-07 at 01:37 PM
Can we just share the brothers?

I'm soooooo jellus of Natalie Maines.

"And now the whole nation -- pulpit and all -- will take up the war-cry, and shout itself hoarse, and mob any honest man who ventures to open his mouth; and presently such mouths will cease to open. Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception." Mark Twain

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by dragonflies on 10-17-07 at 04:09 PM
Sure, you can have Nathan, I'll take Peter. That's sharing, right?


"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 10-18-07 at 08:20 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-18-07 AT 08:28 AM (EST)

Yes there are story lines right now that I go huh? The twins and them finding Sylar (who was in a middle of a forrest and then pops up in the middle of the Mexican dessert. Hiro in Japan (see the on-line comic for even stranger things about him there). But Peter, Mica, Matt, Molly, Nathan, etc. do have me hooked. The first two weeks were kind of ok but last week got me hooked into wanting that time machine for the next Monday. And you can't forget the twelve now.....who is good...who is bad...who is everyone.

Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Pepe and bouncy by IceCat

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by trigirl on 10-18-07 at 10:05 PM
I would have agreed with you until this week. Finally a week when I screamed upon seeing "...to be continued..."

bouncey by Ice

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-20-07 at 10:12 PM
Consider me bored. Are they following the Lost recipe of over-expanding the cast, then not having a way to keep them all involved and interacting with each other? Things need to start happening, and soon.

The only good news this season is the lack of screen time for Niki. Now there's one "hero" I can do without.

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by bullzeye on 10-22-07 at 09:09 AM
While I can see where you are coming from, the slower pace has not turned me off at all. I think that last season's pace was determined by the bomb threat - they had given themselves a clear deadline and the pace was a result of that. I also think that it felt like the action was moving at a much quicker pace as we were being introduced to all the Heroes and how their stories were intertwining. In some respects, I think the pace was too frenetic - I was often left thinking "WTF"?

This season they have not hemmed themselves in with a deadline and can take more time with character development etc. I am appreciating more of the nuances much more than I did last season.

Another Arkie Masterpiece! Is that woman talented or what?

"Second verse, same as the first."
Posted by newsomewayne on 10-24-07 at 03:21 PM
It seems to me that we had the same kind of discussions at the beginning of the first season...these characters/powers are great, but when are they gonna do something with them? When are they gonna start meeting each other? When will they share a purpose? It seems to me the bomb threat did not tie everyone together from the beginning, like some want to recall. It took weeks to get everyone on board with that threat. I think I see the same thing happening with this season and the "symbol", which I am glad to see be brought back to the fore because it kinda got dropped midway through last season.

surfkitten siggie shop 2007

Posted by PagongRatEater on 11-06-07 at 08:38 AM
The show had a spark of interest last night. It could be a good story-line that really features Hiro, who has been sorely missed this year. Sure, the End of the World Part Deaux is a little repetitive but so is any Superman comic.

Best thing about last night? No Maya and Miguel! Even if that does mean no Sylar. As far as I'm concerned he could have stayed dead and that would have been fine. A new villian can be interesting.

I'm still finding myself disappointed this season. I know that they set the bar very high last season, but I'm still not loving it. BUT it is, finally, getting better.

I'm a man of my convictions
Call me wrong
Call me right
But I bring my better angels to every fight.
You may not like where I'm goin'
But you sure know where I stand
Hate me if you want to
Love me if you can

"RE: Finally"
Posted by zombiebaby on 11-06-07 at 10:49 AM

I call them Maya and Miguel too.

Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!


"Heros Creator discusses Season 2 mistakes"
Posted by Snidget on 11-07-07 at 12:05 PM
Saw this on EW.com and thought it might be of interest


But Kring wasn't calling to discuss labor woes — he was calling to explain why Heroes, suffering a creative decline and a 15 percent ratings drop from the same period last year, went from Human Torch hot to Iceman cold. The good news? A turnaround appears to be under way. After weeks of sluggish storytelling, the Nov. 5 episode recaptured some of last season's fanciful energy. We've also seen the next two episodes — and we like them, too. The cliff-hangers are back. Narrative purpose has been discovered. Old favorites like Peter (Milo Ventimiglia) and Horn-Rimmed Glasses (Jack Coleman) take center stage. Even more encouraging: Kring himself is keenly aware that Heroes is broken. Here's his candid critique:

"RE: Heros Creator discusses Season 2 mistakes"
Posted by bullzeye on 11-07-07 at 12:35 PM
Thank you for that. Interesting how he agrees with every criticism that we have seen posted here.

Another Arkie Masterpiece! Is that woman talented or what?

"RE: Heros Creator discusses Season 2 mistakes"
Posted by dragonflies on 11-12-07 at 02:09 PM
Referring to Volume 3 ..."Kring wants to craft a rebooted Heroes that can attract new fans and win back those who've tuned out: ''The message is that we've heard the complaints — and we're doing something about it.''"


Enjoy the day God gave you - the late Jessica V

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by flipxcyd on 11-07-07 at 04:55 PM
Up until the 11/5 show, this show has been slowly creeping down my Tivo list.

I could do without the brother/sister/Sylar trio story though.

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by true on 10-13-08 at 12:07 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-13-08 AT 12:09 PM (EST)

oops, premature postulation.

I'm bumping this thread because I could post the exact same things about this season. The tumbleweeds blowing through this forum tell me that I'm not alone thinking this show needs some serious help.

This article sums it up pretty well-


"All very good points"
Posted by moonbaby on 10-13-08 at 05:52 PM
in that article. I'm still watching but I'm not having fun anymore.

Posted by grit on 10-14-08 at 07:42 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-14-08 AT 07:44 AM (EST)

My husband complained that Sylar is getting kind of wimpy. We do not like that the good guys are becoming villains and vice versa. We keep watching, though, because we're hoping they will pull it all together and make us go "WOW!"

I got sliced!

"RE: Ditto."
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 10-14-08 at 09:42 AM
I agree I am not having fun anymore either. I am ok with the Syler thing only because they needed to change that up a little...you could not have him chaasing down Heroes and cutting brains out forever

But the rest of the show is a complete mess. The characters are all someone completely different than what they were when I liked this show.

last nights episode was the worst yet. Peter is a complete nut. Surresh is the same. How many cast members died yesterday? I lost count. Too much time travel. the twist at the end just made me go URGH! I thought that the writers just don't get it anymore.

"RE: Ditto."
Posted by DoodleBug on 10-14-08 at 10:18 AM
I, too, am waiting for the WOW factor. I almost had it last night but it took too long to get there. It made total sense that Parkman's dad was controlling the thoughts of these folks. I don't remember much about Mr. Petrelli, but this could be interesting.

I kind of like the new Sylar - he still has an evil streak in him - manipulative. The puppetmaster is scarier though.

And if we learned anything from the Butterfly Effect, Hiro can't just be jumping around in time to "change" things that happen - but why did he kill Ando?? I assume he will go back and fix that one, right?

"Pro Wrestling"
Posted by J I M B O on 10-14-08 at 12:46 PM

That's what this season reminds me of. As a kid, I remember how pro wrestler "characters" were always changing sides. One week Hulk Hogan is a good guy, next week he's all in black looking badass and getting booed.

Be one thing to make a hero or two change their spots...but it seems like every.single.character has a brand new view of the world.

I turned off my regular recording for Heroes a few weeks back. Missed it last week, and just happened to be able to watch last night. Probably will be the last ep I see.

Sad too. I really liked the potential here.

Seems they put SO much money and energy into getting a hit show, then appear to panic after season one is over.

Or maybe they had TOO much time off because of the strike.

Posted by bullzeye on 10-15-08 at 04:15 PM
I am so freakin' confused at to what is going on I am not certain if I will keep going. I kept checking back here to see if one of you smart peeps could explain it all to me, but there has been a definite echo in these parts.

I'll stay with it but it sure is difficult.

From one of my bestest favorites! You know who you are.

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by trigirl on 10-20-08 at 10:43 AM
Good article. I agree with most of it.

I think the whole Mohinder thing is dumb, dumb, dumb!!!!! Mohinder was the character the audience could relate to. He was "normal" and one of us. The character became a great storytelling device to explain to the audience what was happening. Every time he made a 'scientific' discovery, we understood a little better.

I also think that the storylines have jumped so much. Was it the strike? Don't know. It is like the abandon plots half way through. If the writers\producers can't be committed to a plot, how can they expect the audience?

bouncey by Ice

May be time to lose my bouncey. <sigh>

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by dragonflies on 10-27-08 at 02:44 PM
I completely agree about Mohinder. That is probably the part that I am hatin on the mostest. Sylar being good and Peter (*swoon*) being bad is a bit annoying, but somewhat comical as well, so I can deal with it. Mohinder playing a badass Spider man I cannot.


"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 10-27-08 at 03:53 PM
Completly agree on the Mohinder thing, it's ruining the series for me. And I think of him more like the Fly than a bad Spiderman. I can't even think of licking the chocolatey goodness without shuddering now. Ick. Stupid writers.

Surfin' Safari with Tribe

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 10-28-08 at 09:08 AM
>Completly agree on the Mohinder thing,
>it's ruining the series for
>me. And I think
>of him more like the
>Fly than a bad Spiderman.
> I can't even think
>of licking the chocolatey goodness
>without shuddering now. Ick.
> Stupid writers.

I don't know what is more 'icky' The Fly or your chocolatey thing. Gross.

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 10-30-08 at 12:48 PM
Oh, believe me, plenty are desolate that with Mohinder there is no chocolatey goodness going on this season

Surfin' Safari with Tribe

"RE: Save the Cheerleader, Save the Show"
Posted by SilverStar on 10-28-08 at 01:15 PM
Add me to the chorus of those not feeling this season. I watched the first few episodes, but I haven't watched the past 3 weeks. I have them saved on my DVR, but there is always something else I would rather watch than Heroes. I started up one of the episodes over the weekend and turned it off about 10 minutes in because it felt like work having to drudge through it.

Domo arigato, Ms. Slicey!