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"10/23 Ep...."

Posted by HobbsofMI on 10-24-06 at 01:56 AM
First thanks again to Webby for this new Form....

Now we can break down things into different post instead of one long one....

*huggs for Webby*

Ok....this ep moved faster and we got to see more special powers and we saw that a few have made contact.

You've got to wonder what the hospital staff was thinking when Clair would heal herself so fast and it's confirmed that her Dad is no good.

Confirmed that the other brother "steals" the powers from others and I loved the interaction with Issac.

Nikki bugs me a little...why could see not see the tape of her and the 2 dudes that she killed but see her and Peter's wild night...why did the hotel not see Clair's dad and Skylar take Peter since they were watching? Is the owner/black mailer working with Clair's dad and/or the controler of Skylar?

The cops storyline was kind of boring but all those thoughts getting to him just means he needs to sharpen his skills.

It seems like the only way to kill a Hero is to take his/her brains...I.E. Clair being dead with the tree in the brain or Issac's brain being removed when Hiro showed up or how Skylar is killing thus the picture finished by the brother showing Clair without a brain.

I wonder how they are going to work the Prof son into all this now that they are starting to cross paths....Future Hiro seemed to not care if he talked to him.

I'm hooked as I just got done re-watching it again....time for bed.

Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Syren and bouncy by IceCat

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by sharnina on 10-24-06 at 03:21 AM
That was probably one of the best? flying take-offs I've ever seen. And I was about to jump out of my chair when Peter's eyes went all white. I agree that his ability is being able to take on the powers of those around him. I wonder what he will be able to do when they all actually get together?

And will Mohinder come back to help them save the cheerleader, save the world? (I know he will but I was asking that in my best cliff-hanger voice. )


"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by HobbsofMI on 10-24-06 at 09:09 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-24-06 AT 09:09 AM (EST)

Ok...I'm getting the brothers names messed up....who is the Congressman and who is the power thief? I too wonder if he'll get more than one power if he is around Hiro, Isaac, and his brother.

Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Syren and bouncy by IceCat

"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by emydi on 10-24-06 at 10:57 AM
Thanks Webby and Beebs for the new playground!! I love this show!!

Nathan Petrilli is candidate. He's a sleeze but I dont' think he's evil. That flying was toooo coooool. I knew they were going to take him and he'd get away!

Peter Petrilli is the empath.. I really liked him this ep. I didn't care for him that much before...but I think he will be the key to this show..him and Hiro....oh and Mohinder can't forget about Mohinder...he'll come around...

I love the time travel and things being affected by it. Peter gives Hiro his own message (ala Back to the Future--Part 2 with all the time travel etc was my fave).

Nikki...meets "other 'not so good' mirror image Nikki" next week and Micah's dad DL finally makes his appearance...if you look in the other thread there is some info. on him and his POWERS!!

With Claire...she may figure out her dad did something to Brodie. When they wheeled her into the hosp. he called her a crazy biotch or whatever. She talks to her dad and then she goes to him and he has no idea who she is. Could that be how she ends up with her brains scooped out too--she confronts her "dad"? So how do they stop it from happening!?!


"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by HobbsofMI on 10-24-06 at 12:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-24-06 AT 12:09 PM (EST)

Oh...good catch on Clair getting a clue. Maybe she also finds the tape too. I think they find her by more paintings by Issac or Peter. I can't wait for Peter to call/talk to Nathan and tells him about Hiro.

Do you think a Nathan was picked up on radar and how many would notice a sonic boom and look up.

Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Syren and bouncy by IceCat

"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by Breezy on 10-24-06 at 08:20 AM
First, I echo the great big thanks and hugs to Webby for breaking out Heros and Greys. *hops*

So is Nikki bad or good, hopefully we learn more next week.. looks like that episode is mainly hers. Right now I don't like her much.

Who all got shivers when Bad Dad told Skylar to empty him out? That was cool.

Hiro is still my favorite character on this show. How bad is that? He doesn't even speak English. (althought he's picking up some words, which would explain how future Hiro could speak English so well)

Save a horse, ride a cowboy.

"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by PagongRatEater on 10-24-06 at 08:51 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-24-06 AT 08:54 AM (EST)

Looks like good Nikki might have a struggle for dominance with 'bad' Nikki, although I still question whether or not her alter-ego is truly bad. She is definitely tough and does whatever she has to do to protect Nikki, but so far she has killed two guys trying to beat her up and slept with the congressman to protect her son from the threats of that thug. Maybe morally expedient, but nothing evil from where I sit.

I too LOVE Hiro. Honestly, he's totally gotten me through the first few episodes - which have been pretty slow to develop. You can tell that he is absolutely good in a child-like sense and his unintended humor makes me laugh every episode. He is also...happy. And I guess he is the only character who is, by and large, positive - and that is refreshing as well.

But, the four of us had a great time.

"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by geg6 on 10-24-06 at 12:10 PM
I'm with you on reserving judgment on Nikki, PRE. I think what we've seen so far is not that the alterego is so much immoral (or evil) but amoral. She is out to preserve Nikki and the kid. Whatever it takes.

I love Hiro, too, but Peter is really starting to grow on me after starting out as someone I just thought was a kinda wimp.

I'm crazy about this show. And I can't believe I'm hooked on another one. If they keep up this kind of quality programming, my whole will soon be devoted to TV.

"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by Captain_Savem on 10-24-06 at 12:16 PM
Who all got shivers when Bad Dad told Skylar to empty him out? That was cool.

I don't think the Voodoo guy is Skylar. When watching the marathon on Sunday, the scene where Matt and the FBI woman were chasing after Skylar shows a semi-closeup of him. He looked like a white male to me. So I'm pretty sure that Voodoo and Skylar are not the same.

Handcrafted by RollDdice, yo.

"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by Tahj on 10-24-06 at 12:12 PM
So it looks like Niki's ex-husband has a power too, right?

Tribe rocked my sig!

"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by emydi on 10-24-06 at 12:18 PM
Yes look here

"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by Captain_Savem on 10-24-06 at 01:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-24-06 AT 01:37 PM (EST)

Yeah, he can walk through walls and stuff (think Shadowcat from X-Men). Before they showed the previews for next week, I remember thinking to myself that DL had better not mess with Niki or else she'd kick his tail, but it was a fight I'd like to see. Well, it looks like next week I get my wish!! Heeee!!

Here's what I think:

I'm not entirely convinced that Mr. Bennett is evil. I'm thinking that Mr. Bennett knows about "Patient Zero" aka Sylar from reading Dr. Suresh's research (remember he told Mohinder in the cab that he knew of his father's work).

My belief is that Mr. Bennett is trying to find the location of Sylar so that Voodoo can "clean him out". So far, Matt (policeman) is the only one that we know of who has had contact with Sylar. Shortly after that he was picked up by Voodoo and Mr. Bennett. I'm guessing they wanted to probe his brain for any information he could give them on Sylar (e.g. strengths, weaknesses). Then, they wipe his mind so that he has no recollection of anything that happened after the interrogation. I'd be willing to bet the FBI woman had her mind probed too. So why did they want Nathan? I don't know. But there's one theory floating around that Peter is Sylar.

I also believe that Sylar is taking the brains of the mutants he kills (not eating them). He knows he's being hunted, and whoever's following him has mind probing abilities. Sylar doesn't want his identity known so he takes the brains of this victims.

There are so many theories out there it's enough to give you a serious headache. Take this one for example:

Some events are not happening chronological order and that the little girl in the house was in fact Claire, and Sylar killed her parents who were mutants (which explains why Claire is a mutant). Mr. Bennett adopts Claire, knowing she's "special", probes and wipes her mind, and gives her a new name and identity (to use his words "I'm going to give you a new life"). He's also aware that Sylar is still after her, which is why (according to my theory) he must find Sylar before he finds her and kills her.

Head hurt yet?

ETA: "not" entirely convinced Mr. Bennett is evil.

Handcrafted by RollDdice, yo.

"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by emydi on 10-24-06 at 01:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-24-06 AT 01:32 PM (EST)

But that would have happened about 10+ years ago and Matt talked to the little girl in the house and he didn't look any younger...I'd say Matt is in his 30s maybe present day.. I just don't think so but possibly

Yeah, I already had a headache and now this!

"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by Captain_Savem on 10-24-06 at 01:41 PM
Yeah, but this is television and 10+ years isn't a long time. So changes aren't exactly neccessary.

Handcrafted by RollDdice, yo.

"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by emydi on 10-24-06 at 02:33 PM
but then Peter can't be Skylar...right? He's in his 20s right and would have been a teenager when he killed "Claire's parents" or can Skylar change who he is too?

"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by Captain_Savem on 10-24-06 at 06:37 PM
but then Peter can't be Skylar...right?

No, I don't think he can be here's why:

Let's assume Peter is Sylar. Peter finishes Isaacs painting of the cheerleader dying at the hands of Sylar. As far as I know, Isaac hasn't been able to see the future futher than 5 weeks out. So that would mean Peter would have to become Sylar in less time than that. I mean, unless Sylar is a shape shifter, I really don't see it. And if Peter were Sylar, why didn't he just kill Isaac instead of trying to convince him to finish the painting?

Handcrafted by RollDdice, yo.

"Claire as Little Girl Theory"
Posted by trigirl on 10-30-06 at 08:33 AM
Some events are not happening chronological order and that the little girl in the house was in fact Claire, and Sylar killed her parents who were mutants (which explains why Claire is a mutant). Mr. Bennett adopts Claire, knowing she's "special", probes and wipes her mind, and gives her a new name and identity (to use his words "I'm going to give you a new life"). He's also aware that Sylar is still after her, which is why (according to my theory) he must find Sylar before he finds her and kills her.

I went back and rewatched the parts of the episodes that dealt with the little girl to see if there were any clues if she were really Claire. It is possible. Little girl's name is Molly Parker (I think) and it is obvious that Skylar wants her for a reason. Also, Matt the cop is the only 'special one' who hasn't had contact with another....other than Claire.

Peter - Nathan, Isaac, Hiro
Nathan - Peter, Nikki, Hiro
Isaac - Hiro, Peter
Nikki - Nathan, Hiro (indirectly through friend)
Even...Mohinder - Peter, Nathan, Isaac (outside his door)

Save the Cheerleader, save the world. If it is about protecting Claire, perhaps these heroes are the only ones immune to Sylar's evil power. Matt was able to bust in and shoot him and Sylar didn't even try to retaliate.

"black guy isn't Skylar?"
Posted by shakes the clown on 10-24-06 at 01:31 PM
why did the hotel not
>see Clair's dad and Skylar
>take Peter since they were

Hobbs, why do you keep calling the black guy Skylar? Has that been confirmed anywhere? I never thought he was Skylar and it seems pretty obvious to me that he isn't. Especially since skylar looked white the one time we saw him. I don't understand where this whole black guy = skylar thing got started, but I think you should stop calling him that unless its confirmed somewhere.

"RE: black guy isn't Skylar?"
Posted by emydi on 10-24-06 at 01:34 PM
It was a theory only I can't recall what he looked like but most people are saying they saw a white guy...cappy says there's also a theory that Peter is Skylar

"RE: black guy isn't Skylar?"
Posted by Captain_Savem on 10-24-06 at 01:48 PM
Uhhh, I'm the culprit. I heard it somewhere else. And at the time it seemed only logical. But you're correct, after watching Episode 3 again on Sunday night, Sylar is clearly a white male.

Handcrafted by RollDdice, yo.

"RE: black guy isn't Skylar?"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 10-24-06 at 04:07 PM
Yep....I think that is where I locked into it....I'll look at Ep 3 again tonight.....and I'll stop typing Skylar....lol....Syalr....

Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Syren and bouncy by IceCat

"RE: black guy isn't Skylar?"
Posted by Captain_Savem on 10-24-06 at 01:53 PM
Do you recall Sylar having a scar?

Handcrafted by RollDdice, yo.

"RE: black guy isn't Skylar?"
Posted by emydi on 10-24-06 at 02:35 PM
as in "you look different without the scar" as said by future Hiro to Skylar Peter?

"RE: black guy isn't Skylar?"
Posted by Captain_Savem on 10-24-06 at 02:45 PM
Yep. But then the obvious question would be: Why would Future Hiro go back in time to tell Sylar to save a person he's trying to kill? Also, I just remembered that when Peter went to Isaac's and finished the painting of the cheerleader's death. The figure in the painting with her looked like Sylar. The "Peter as Sylar" theory is a little shaky to say the least.

Handcrafted by RollDdice, yo.

"RE: black guy isn't Skylar?"
Posted by geg6 on 10-24-06 at 03:01 PM
Agreed. I'm just not ready to buy into that one. It doesn't seem to make sense with what we already know.

"RE: black guy isn't Skylar?"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 10-24-06 at 04:15 PM
So maybe that is why dad and the black guy took Nate and not Nikki.....they know that Nikki is not Sylar already somehow and the wanted to check out Nate like they did the cop.

Maybe they are not bad but trying to protect Clair?

I don't buy the Peter is Sylar.....Hiro wouldn't help him if he was.

Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Syren and bouncy by IceCat

"RE: black guy isn't Skylar?"
Posted by Captain_Savem on 10-24-06 at 06:58 PM
Then there's this

My brain is fried.....

Handcrafted by RollDdice, yo.

"RE: black guy isn't Skylar?"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 10-25-06 at 07:07 AM
I've gone to that web site before when you've posted it. Yes, my brain would be fried too from reading everything there....thus why I stay here amoung friends.

Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Syren and bouncy by IceCat

"RE: black guy isn't Skylar?"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 10-24-06 at 07:13 PM
Count me in as being with the Peter is Not Sylar group.
And if DL has special powers and Nikki has special powers does that mean the kid has a power that hasn't manifested itself?

My only complaint about lastnight's show was Not Enough Mohinder!

Posted by silentJ on 10-24-06 at 11:52 PM
Actually, his power has already been hinted at. TV guide channel had an interview with the girl plays Nikki. She said that Micah's smarts are far from natural. She also said she was in the middle of shooting episode 9, then they cut to her shooting a sniper rifle from the hood of that sweet drop top.

"RE: black guy isn't Sylar?"
Posted by mememi on 10-26-06 at 03:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-29-06 AT 05:30 PM (EST)


The site lists an actor named Sean Bean (who is white, btw) as being credited for the role of Paul Sylar. No guarantee, but it leads me to believe that Sylar is really a character unto himself, and not one of the heroes we've already met.

there is also a link to a screen shot from one of the maps with a birth announcement pinned to it, listing Paul Sylar born June 11, 1962. That should at least put Peter out of the running, since he's nowhere near that old.

"RE: black guy isn't Sylar?"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 10-26-06 at 04:23 PM
I can't find it...can you link it directly?

Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Syren and bouncy by IceCat

"RE: black guy isn't Sylar?"
Posted by mememi on 10-29-06 at 05:31 PM
I added a link to the screenshot if that's what you're after...

"RE: black guy isn't Sylar?"
Posted by sporkman on 10-26-06 at 04:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-26-06 AT 04:59 PM (EST)

IMDB has Sean Bean listed as Paul Sylar. He is my favorite British Actor. He tends to play the villians and shady characters, but he also played Richard Sharpe in the Sharpe series. Great casting if this is true.

Sean's Other Roles:
Patriot Games: Sean Miller (Head I.R.A. Terrorist)
GoldenEye: Alec Trevelyan (ex British Agent/Villian)
Lord of the Rings: Boromir

Save the Cheerleader Save the World

"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by Denalio on 10-25-06 at 00:45 AM
Just to help keep things clear (well, sort of):

Hunky bald black dude #1) Mysterious Man (the one who mind wipes) is played by Jimmy Jean-Louis. First seen in the bar by Police Officer Matt Parkman. Matt was able to hear the other patrons thoughts but not Mysterious Man. Matt then falls unconscious. Mysterious Man wears a necklace with the DNA symbol piece (that is seen all over this show). Mysterious Man is shown working with Mr. Bennett with captive Matt Parkman. Bennett says the Mysterious Man is "special" just like Matt and that Matt will not be able to use his telepathy while in the Mysterious Man's presence, though this turns out to be false.

Later the Mysterious Man was told to take Nathan Petrelli from his Las Vegas hotel room by Mr. Bennett, though Nathan is able to escape by flying. In the episode "Hiro's", it is revealed that Mysterious Man has the power to remove memories from others which he uses to its fullest extent on Brody.

Hunky bald black dude #2) D.L. Hawkins is played by Leonard Roberts and based on an interview with him - (see post 10 for link to interview) he has a different powers - phasing

Syler - the shadowy picture still makes him look like a white dude. His date of birth has been posted somewhere and if I recall correctly he is 44 years old.

(Information partially gleaned from Wikipedia article on Heroes)

"RE: 10/23 Ep...."
Posted by trigirl on 10-28-06 at 08:01 PM
Yeah I think that Mr. Bennett and hunky black man #1 or Voodoo Man are protectors of some kind. I agree that they may have questionable motives, but I don't think they are on Sylar's side.