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Thread Number: 954
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"The Office Pool Wk 12 Entry Thread/Wk 11 Scores"

Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 05-12-09 at 08:19 PM
Week 12

“The Martyr Approach”

Another week and we have no casualties! How long will it last, you ask? Not long, I am afraid. Backstabbing Debra who was ready to throw her last alliance-mate under the bus, was instead, the one to go. Good riddance!

The high scorer this week was Vince3 with 140 points! His pick of Coach along with his Hit-the-Nail-on-the-Head Bonus put him over the top this week! By the way, you all have been way off on the confessional counts this year. Mainly, you underestimate the number of confs. each survivor will have. For example, this week J.T. had 10 confessionals and Stephen had 9. You guessed they’d have 4, 2, 3, and 5. If you hit them correctly, you stand to earn BIG bonus points!

5cats remains on top of the Leaderboard although there continues to be lots of movin’ and shakin’ going on! Can she/it/they reign supreme? Time.will.tell!

The Rules are Here.

Week 11POINTS:
+50 First Place Individual Immunity Winner: Stephen
+35 First Place Reward Winners: No one
+10X the number of Confessionals for Hit-the-Nail-on-the-Head Bonus: Vince3 with Coach and iatovttotx78 with Erinn: 40 pts. each

Bonus Points:
+50 Your Survivor finds the Hidden Immunity Idol: No one
+35 Your Survivor says the title of the Episode: Coach
+35 Your Survivor is the first to talk at Tribal Council: Coach
+25 Your Survivor is exiled: Taj
+5: Each time Jiffy says your Survivor’s name at the Immunity Challenge: Stephan and J.T. 14x- 70 pts; Taj 7x- 35 pts; Coach 5x- 25 pts; and Erinn 1x- 5 pts
+5: Each time your Survivor is shown working at Camp: J.T. x5- 25 pts; Taj x4- 20 pts.

Negative Points:
-25 Your survivor is the last to talk at Tribal Council: Debra

Week 11 Scores by Survivor:

120 pts: Stephen
95 pts: J.T., Coach
80 pts: Taj
5 pts: Erinn

RankPlayerWeekly ScoreOverall ScoreSurvivor you may not pick this week
1 5cats 101 902Coach
2 dreamerbeliever 102739J.T.
3 iatovttotax78 46 712 Erinn
4 Max Headroom 83 629 Taj
5byoffer 130 626 Stephen
6 Vince3140 626 Coach
7 Kermit the Vixen 128 620 Stephen
8 suzzee 104597 J.T.
9 Wallflower 7 583 Erinn
10 Ohmyheck 84 569 Taj

The Week's BONUS Points:

+75 You correctly guess how many times Coach will use the word “Dragon”
+50 Your Survivor uses a Hidden Immunity Idol
+35 Your Survivor says the title of the Episode
+35 Your Survivor is the last to vote at Tribal Council
+25 Your Survivor’s vote is shown at Tribal Council
+25 Your Survivor is Exiled
+5 Each time your Survivor is shown eating something
+5 Each time your Survivor says the word “vote”
-25 Your Survivor is the first to vote at Tribal Council

The Official Survivors who can be picked:

Coach, Erinn, Taj, Stephen, J.T.

Now remember, get your entries in now. Any survivor may be picked twice this week. Put your survivor's name in the Subject Line with a “1” or “2” behind it. Never pick the same survivor two weeks in a row! If your survivor is voted out or otherwise leaves the game, YOU will be eliminated.


Good luck all!

Read me.

Table of contents
  • JT-1,ohmyheck, 08:27 PM, 05-12-09
  • JT 1,byoffer, 08:27 PM, 05-12-09
    • change to JT 2,byoffer, 08:28 PM, 05-12-09
  • Taj- 1,Wallflower66, 08:36 PM, 05-12-09
  • Stephen #1,dreamerbeliever, 09:06 PM, 05-12-09
  • Taj 2,vince3, 09:32 PM, 05-12-09
  • Stephen #2,5cats, 11:19 PM, 05-12-09
  • Erin #1 ,Kermit the Vixen, 06:32 AM, 05-13-09
  • Erinn-2,Max Headroom, 07:28 AM, 05-13-09
  • Coach 1,suzzee, 07:48 AM, 05-13-09
  • Dragon Slayer 2,iatovttotx78, 09:01 AM, 05-13-09

Messages in this discussion
Posted by ohmyheck on 05-12-09 at 08:27 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-12-09 AT 08:40 PM (EST)

10 confessionals

ETA: Coach will say dragon 7 times.

"JT 1"
Posted by byoffer on 05-12-09 at 08:27 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-12-09 AT 08:31 PM (EST)

3 confs

Coach will say Dragon 4 times

"change to JT 2"
Posted by byoffer on 05-12-09 at 08:28 PM

"Taj- 1"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 05-12-09 at 08:36 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-12-09 AT 08:37 PM (EST)

4 confessionals
ETA: Coach will say "Dragon" 5 times

"Stephen #1"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 05-12-09 at 09:06 PM
3 confessionals

3 times for dragon

"Taj 2"
Posted by vince3 on 05-12-09 at 09:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-12-09 AT 09:34 PM (EST)

3 confessionals

ETA: 6 times for Dragon, most of which while Exiled.

"Stephen #2"
Posted by 5cats on 05-12-09 at 11:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-12-09 AT 11:27 PM (EST)

6 confessionals

Coach will say dragon 4 times.

"Erin #1 "
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 05-13-09 at 06:32 AM
Back for the rest later...

Posted by Max Headroom on 05-13-09 at 07:28 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-13-09 AT 07:28 AM (EST)

3 confessionals

Edit: 4 dragons for Coach

agman's helping me survive

"Coach 1"
Posted by suzzee on 05-13-09 at 07:48 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-13-09 AT 07:50 AM (EST)

oh carp! >sigh< This was bound to happen sooner or later and truly if I have to go out with a bang then at least I'm taking the smarmy reptile with me.

We'll have to listen to the schmuck 5 confessionals more.

Ed: 2 more dragon proclamations for him

Grrrr It's best to play dead when sock puppets attack

"Dragon Slayer 2"
Posted by iatovttotx78 on 05-13-09 at 09:01 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-13-09 AT 09:03 AM (EST)

Doh..... 5 confessionals... not that it matters.
Coach says dragon slayer 2 times.

Thanks for the game Scarlett. See you all next season..

I've been Sliced