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Thread Number: 563
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"The Office Pool Wk 7 Entry Thread/Wk 6 Scores"

Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-31-07 at 11:49 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-01-07 AT 08:31 AM (EST)

Episode 7: “I’m not as dumb as I look!”

We have two more casualties this week in the Pool as agressionx was left holding the Sherea bag and southpaw didn’t bother to pick any one. Thanks for playing in the Pool, guys. Feel free to swim on over to Tribephyl’s LosersinSpace. You’ll be glad you did!

Movers and Shakers:
The weekly high scorers with 200 points each were our first and last-place finishers last week CTgirl and Starsend42. They each made a wise choice of picking Todd AND they both found the Wk. 5 Bonus thread and correctly guessed that Todd would be the first to find the HII. Well done! Other than that, there’s still a lot of movin’ and shakin’ going on in this Leaderboard!

The Rules are Here.

The Points:
+30 First Place Team Immunity Winners: ZhanHu: James, Eric, Jaime, PeihGee
+10 Casts an Elimination Vote: Todd, Frosti, Jean-Robert, Amanda, Denise
+10 For Each Confessional: James-7/70, Jean-Robert 4/40, Todd-9/90, Amanda 2/20, Courtney 3/30, Denise 2/20, Frosti-1/10, Jaime-1/10, Peih Gee-1/10, Sherea-1/10
+10x the Number of Confessionals for the “Hit the Nail on the Head Bonus” – byoffer 30 pts. with Amanda, Ohmyheck 30 pts. with Courtney; and taffnic 20 pts. with Denise.

Bonus Points:
+50 for James who uttered the words “That’s love, Baby! It makes you strong!”
+50 Your Survivor finds the HII: Todd
+35 Your Survivor is the first to compete in a challenge: Frosti, PeihGee, James, Jean-Robert
+25 Your Survivor is given the clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol: Todd
+25 Wk. 5 Bonus Question: Who will be the first to find the HII: If you answered Todd, you received the points: Starsend42, Ctgirl, Wallflower, CattyChat, DearAbby, byoffer and dreamerbeliever

Negative Points:
-50 Your Survivor is Kidnapped: James
-25 Your Survivor sits out a challenge: Amanda, Denise, Todd, Sherea, Courtney, Jean-Robert
-25 Your Survivor had no confessionals when you said they would have confessionals: Eric
-25 Edited Post: No one.

Scores by Survivor:
James-135, Jean-Robert-85, Todd-175, Amanda-30, Courtney-30, Denise-30, Eric-5, Frosti-80, Jaime-40, Peih Gee-75, Sherea--40

RankPlayerThis Week’s
Overall ScoreSurvivor you may not pick
this week
1 CTgirl 200 695 Todd
2 CattyChat 105 500 Frosti
3 kircon 75 490 PeihGee
4 DearAbby 55 485 Amanda
5 smokedog 135 485 James
6 MaxHeadroom 75 460 PeihGee
7 Corvis 85 450 Jean-Robert
8 vince3 135 445 James
9 Ohmyheck 60 435 Courtney
10 Kermit the Vixen 5 430 Eric
11 Higgs 30 385 Courtney
12 dreamerbeliever 65365 Jaime
13 5cats 5 360 Eric
14 Whoami 85 355 Jean-Robert
14 Wallflower 105 355 Frosti
15 tribephyl 40 340 Jaime
15 byoffer 75 340 Amanda
16 MJewel 30 335 Denise
17 Starsend42 200 330 Todd
18 taffnic 50 270 Denise
22 agressionx -40 315 Sherea
23 southpaw 0 215 NO PICK
24 keezrfan 0 385 Aaron
25 bystander 0 270 Aaron
26 agman -45 -5 Ashley
27 Tenorsaxy 25 135 NO PICK
28 Survivor Maniac 20 70 Leslie

Note: Additional points will be available to those of you who are diligent, watchful and industrious!

This week's BONUS Points:
+50 Your Survivor says the title words "I’m not as dumb as I look!"
+35 Your Survivor is the first to vote at Tribal Council
+25 Your Survivor is the first to say the New Tribe Name
-25 Your Survivor is the last to vote at Tribal Council
-25 Edits penalty

The Official Survivors who can be picked:

Now remember, get your entries in now. Put your survivor's name in the Subject Line with a “1” or “2” behind it. This week, any Survivor may be picked twice. Read the post to make sure you understand what the BONUS is each week. If your survivor is voted out, YOU will be eliminated.

Good luck all!

Table of contents
  • James 1,byoffer, 11:52 AM, 10-31-07
  • Frosti 1,5cats, 11:53 AM, 10-31-07
  • James-2,ohmyheck, 11:59 AM, 10-31-07
  • Frosti - 2,DearAbby, 11:59 AM, 10-31-07
  • Frosti- 2,Wallflower66, 12:00 PM, 10-31-07
  • Todd- 1,Wallflower66, 12:01 PM, 10-31-07
  • Todd 2,smokedog, 12:11 PM, 10-31-07
  • Jamie 1,Starsend42, 12:12 PM, 10-31-07
  • Courtney 1,Corvis, 12:21 PM, 10-31-07
  • Amanda 1,CTgirl, 12:28 PM, 10-31-07
  • Amanda - 2,Max Headroom, 01:06 PM, 10-31-07
  • Erik 1,taffnic, 01:36 PM, 10-31-07
  • Courtney 2,Kermit the Vixen, 02:23 PM, 10-31-07
  • Denise - 1,Higgs, 02:24 PM, 10-31-07
  • Denise #2,dreamerbeliever, 03:03 PM, 10-31-07
  • Denise - 2,CattyChat, 03:06 PM, 10-31-07
    • Peih-Gee - 1,CattyChat, 03:07 PM, 10-31-07
  • Peih Gee 2,kircon, 03:29 PM, 10-31-07
    • Eric 2,kircon, 03:31 PM, 10-31-07
  • Jean-Robert 1,MJewel, 09:43 PM, 10-31-07
  • PG 2,vince3, 09:43 PM, 10-31-07
  • Jaime-2,whoami, 10:57 PM, 10-31-07
  • JR ~ 2,tribephyl, 05:53 AM, 11-01-07
    • RE: JR ~ 2,DearAbby, 10:19 AM, 11-01-07
      • RE: JR ~ 2,byoffer, 10:42 AM, 11-01-07
    • RE: JR ~ 2,Wallflower66, 04:09 PM, 11-01-07
      • RE: JR ~ 2,byoffer, 04:26 PM, 11-01-07
    • RE: JR ~ 2,CattyChat, 04:25 PM, 11-01-07
      • RE: JR ~ 2,byoffer, 04:27 PM, 11-01-07

Messages in this discussion
"James 1"
Posted by byoffer on 10-31-07 at 11:52 AM
5 confs

"Frosti 1"
Posted by 5cats on 10-31-07 at 11:53 AM
4 conf.

Posted by ohmyheck on 10-31-07 at 11:59 AM
4 confessionals

"Frosti - 2"
Posted by DearAbby on 10-31-07 at 11:59 AM
4 confessionals

Happy Halloween!

byoffer just kills me

"Frosti- 2"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 10-31-07 at 12:00 PM
4 confs.

"Todd- 1"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 10-31-07 at 12:01 PM
Duh. Glad you beat me D'Abs.
6 confessionals for Todd.

Happy Halloween!

"Todd 2"
Posted by smokedog on 10-31-07 at 12:11 PM
7 confs

"Jamie 1"
Posted by Starsend42 on 10-31-07 at 12:12 PM
Conf 3

"Courtney 1"
Posted by Corvis on 10-31-07 at 12:21 PM
2 confessionals.

"Amanda 1"
Posted by CTgirl on 10-31-07 at 12:28 PM
3 conf.

AVG Points winner:

"Amanda - 2"
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-31-07 at 01:06 PM
3 confessionals

"Erik 1"
Posted by taffnic on 10-31-07 at 01:36 PM
He will have 3 confessionals.

"Courtney 2"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-31-07 at 02:23 PM
4 confessionals

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

"Denise - 1"
Posted by Higgs on 10-31-07 at 02:24 PM
2 confessionals

"Denise #2"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-31-07 at 03:03 PM
1 confessional

"Denise - 2"
Posted by CattyChat on 10-31-07 at 03:06 PM
3 confessionals


My pathetic attempt at a sig

"Peih-Gee - 1"
Posted by CattyChat on 10-31-07 at 03:07 PM
Err, make it Peih-Gee and 4 confessionals

My pathetic attempt at a sig

"Peih Gee 2"
Posted by kircon on 10-31-07 at 03:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-07 AT 03:32 PM (EST)

I looked at the chart wrong. I can't pick PG

"Eric 2"
Posted by kircon on 10-31-07 at 03:31 PM
Eric will have 3 confessionals

fall in love with tribe

"Jean-Robert 1"
Posted by MJewel on 10-31-07 at 09:43 PM
Jean-Robert 1 and 5 confessionals

"PG 2"
Posted by vince3 on 10-31-07 at 09:43 PM
4 confessionals

Posted by whoami on 10-31-07 at 10:57 PM
I guess this is the only one left that I can pick.

5 Confesionals

How would it work if I picked last and the only player left to pick was the one I may not pick this week?

"JR ~ 2"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-01-07 at 05:53 AM
Okay. That's it. I'm just gonna have to quit my job in order to get a crack at first pick in this game. Anyone wanna donate to my fund? The Keep Phyl Aphloat Phund.

JR and I will just wait to hit the nuts on the river.

Oh, and I imagine that Mr. Cardshark will get no less than 5 confessionals this episode.

"RE: JR ~ 2"
Posted by DearAbby on 11-01-07 at 10:19 AM
Anyone wanna donate to my fund? The Keep Phyl Aphloat Phund.

Here's a phylbert to help phill your piggy bank. Hope it will leave you with more phree time to play.

Fallin' for agman 2007

"RE: JR ~ 2"
Posted by byoffer on 11-01-07 at 10:42 AM
You? Are phunny. Phreakin' hilarious.

"RE: JR ~ 2"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 11-01-07 at 04:09 PM
I have no phunds, but I can give you a phlash!

"RE: JR ~ 2"
Posted by byoffer on 11-01-07 at 04:26 PM
Whoa. I just lost my phocus.

"RE: JR ~ 2"
Posted by CattyChat on 11-01-07 at 04:25 PM
My personal Wizard has cast a spell that your pick will be safe from having his torch extinguished tonight.

I'm also working on having him cast a spell that my late pick will do something profound and high-point worthy this ep. I'm feeling a little bit greedy this week

My pathetic attempt at a sig

"RE: JR ~ 2"
Posted by byoffer on 11-01-07 at 04:27 PM
That is sure a phurry witch.