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Forum: DCForumID102
Thread Number: 559
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Original Message
"S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "

Posted by tribephyl on 10-27-07 at 05:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-27-07 AT 10:08 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-27-07 AT 10:06 PM (EST)

In what seemed to be a foregone conclusion, it still was somewhat of a suprising episode. Big plans were made and big plans were dashed against the rocks. Bloody and meaningless. Plus, Sherea finally got the boot but not before lobbying a couple of votes for JR.
It must also be noted that the title was uttered by none other than James. A Male.
Sherea = -5 Zen
JR = -2 Zen
Bonus: Male (+14 Yuan)
Female (-7 Zen)

We had a lot of activity in the Nest this week. 3 eggs hatched. 1 for Yuan and 2 for Zen.
In the PSQ when asked to guess whether the gross food challenge would be "tribal", "individual" or "not at all"...16 of you guessed that that the gross food challenge would be done as a "tribal" challenge. 10 Yuan for each of you. Congrats, CTgirl, DearAbby, dreamerbeliever, Flowerpower, kircon, Lolly, MacabreMasquerade, mimo, MJewel, ohmyheck, Scarlett, smokedog, Starsend, Survivor Maniac, Tenorsaxy and Quiddity!
On the Zen side, James was kidnapped yet again. So for those who had him listed as a kidnappee in the PSQ, then 5 more Zen comes your way.
Congrats smokedog, DearAbby, Scarlett, vixen, MacabreMasquerade, Survivor Maniac, taffnic, MJewel, Lolly, Starsend, Higgs, ohmyheck, vince, dreamerbeliever, LadySusan, mimo, kircon, CattyChat and 5cats!
And even better...Todd found a hidden immunity idol. (He did give it away, but as far as Zen is concerned, it's more important who finds it.) Luckily, for a large portion of players, this was good Zen news. Congrats Scarlett, vixen, whoami, MacabreMasquerade, Survivor Maniac, taffnic, MJewel, Flowerpower, Lolly, CTgirl, Starsend, Higgs, ohmyheck, vince, dreamerbeliever, LadySusan, DearAbby, mimo, kircon, CattyChat, wallflowerand 5cats. 5 additional Zen has been added to your meters.

With only a couple of safe lists that included JR, the overall Zen picture is bright. Very bright. Almost blindingly bright.

Here's how the Zen came and went for everybody...
+11 Zen
Survivor Maniac

+8 Zen

+6 Zen

+4 Zen
Kermit the Vixen
Scarlett O Hara

+1 Zen

-6 Zen

Zen-wise... a large number of you enter the new week with 11 additional Zen added to your meters. Congrats mimo, 5cats, dreamerbeliever, Higgs, LadySusan, Lolly, mimo, MJewel, Starsend, Survivor Maniac and taffnic.
mimo continues to lead the pack overall and has now reached 60 Zen. Double what she started the game with. Quiddity unfortunately has becomes the player most in danger of bootation due to lack of Zen. Be careful, quiddity.

When it came to Yuan...
Lolly and Tenorsaxy acheived the largest amount of Yuan for the week. 31 each. Close behind, with 30 each were mimo and smokedog.

Higgs. In a powerstroke of gameplay, foregoes a large safelist and scores a YinYang bonus. Making exactly 69 Yuan, I'll add 19 more to make it 88. Long live Higgs.
5 players have all broken the three digit score this week. Landing them all in the Top 5.
The number one spot has evolved into a partnership of sorts. On top are both DearAbby(118) and mimo(118).
taffnic(107), Tenorsaxy(102) and 5cats(100) round out the Top5.

PLAYER Zen Meter|||...
Weekly YuanPrevious YuanTotal Yuan
DearAbby 35 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 98 118
mimo 60 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 88 118
taffnic 40 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 86 107
Tenorsaxy 27 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 71 102
5cats 48 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 78 100
vince 28 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 90 99
ohmyheck 34 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 76 95
whoami 40 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 73 95
Survivor Maniac 39 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 74 93
MacabreMasquerade 38 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 73 92
Higgs 40 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 53 69/88
Kermit the Vixen 39 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 77 85
Scarlett O Hara 35 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 65 82
dreamerbeliever 43 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 64 82
Lolly 44 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 51 82
Starsend 42 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 66 79
MJewel 30 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 61 79
LadySusan 56 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 58 78
smokedog 37 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 47 77
Flowerpower 17 |||||||||||||||||
19 57 76
CTgirl 23 |||||||||||||||||||||||
19 57 76
Wallflower 16 ||||||||||||||||
23 53 76
kircon 27 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 57 74
Quiddity 10 ||||||||||
14 58 72
CattyChat 28 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 54 63
Jenna_F 23 |||||||||||||||||||||||
8 54 62


Week 7 entry
Due to the merge, the AVG will be adding an additional bonus each week. It will result in either Yuan being won, if correct, or Zen being lost, if not.

SafeList: (Your list of survivors who will hopefully avoid votes at tribal council.)

Wk 7 Event Bonus:
Will a male or a female recite the title for episode 6; "I'm not as dumb as I look."? (16 Yuan / -8 Zen)

Week 7 Additional Bonus:
Which survivor will win the individual immunity challenge? (2 Yuan / -1 Zen)

Survivor Nest Egg Bonus.

Incubating, but a couple of them, due to the impending merge, are showing signs of movement.


Amanda ~ Courtney ~ Denise ~ Erik ~ Frosti ~ Jaime ~ James ~ JeanRobert ~ PeihGee ~ Todd

Objective: Via making weekly Safe-Lists of survivors who will NOT receive votes, acheive the most Yuan or have the most Zen. Both will win the AVG.

Game Deadline: Sept. 27th. After that, this game is closed to new players. (If you're too late, might I suggest a stint in LoserLodge?)
Weekly Deadline: Wednesdays, 11:59pm boardtime. (Including one Saturday deadline, for the finale.)

Points: 1 point per survivor on your safe list.
Penalties: -1 degree of Zen for every vote each safe-listed survivor receives.
Bonuses: Points and Penalties will be be noted within the specific weeks bonus rules.

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by Quiddity99 on 10-27-07 at 05:34 PM
SafeList: (Your list of survivors who will hopefully avoid votes at tribal council.)

Frosti, Courtney, Amanda, Denise

Wk 7 Event Bonus:
Will a male or a female recite the title for episode 6; "I'm not as dumb as I look."? (16 Yuan / -8 Zen)

Am I allowed to not answer this question to avoid the risk of losing 8 Zen? If not, I'll edit this post with a response.

Week 7 Additional Bonus:
Which survivor will win the individual immunity challenge? (2 Yuan / -1 Zen)


...Classic Quotes in Survivor History...
Brandon: "Which person on the jury deserves to be here the least?"
Ethan: "You."

"Your choice."
Posted by tribephyl on 10-27-07 at 07:33 PM
You sure can answer if you want to, or not. All bonuses are voluntary. So, whatever your heart desires. As long as you know that if you're wrong, you could very well be out of the AVG. But if you're right? Oh boy. Yuan up the yinyang.

Play as you want to, but with such meager Zen it's advisable you do so with more caution. That's all.

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by smokedog on 10-27-07 at 08:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-30-07 AT 05:56 PM (EST)

SafeList: Amanda, Frosti, Denise, Peih-Gee, Erik, James, Todd
Wk 7 Event Bonus: Female
Week 7 Additional Bonus: James

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by Higgs on 10-28-07 at 07:07 AM
SafeList: Amanda, Courtney, Denise, Frosti, James, Peih-Gee, Todd

Wk 7 Event Bonus: Male

Week 7 Additional Bonus: James

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by CattyChat on 10-29-07 at 08:48 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-30-07 AT 06:32 PM (EST)

Boy, I really stink at this game. It must exceed my nefarious limits.

SafeList: Todd, Amanda, Frosti, Denise, Courtney, Erik, Peih-Gee, James

Wk 7 Event Bonus: FEMALE

Week 7 Additional Bonus: FROSTI


My pathetic attempt at a sig

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by Flowerpower on 10-30-07 at 07:47 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-07 AT 08:26 AM (EST)

Boy, I really stink at this game. At least we are in good company down at the bottom...

SafeList: Todd, Amanda, James, Erik, Denise, Frosti, PG(Your list of survivors who will hopefully avoid votes at tribal council.)

Wk 7 Event Bonus:
Will a male or a female recite the title for episode 6; "I'm not as dumb as I look."? Female(16 Yuan / -8 Zen)

Week 7 Additional Bonus:
Which survivor will win the individual immunity challenge? Frosti (2 Yuan / -1 Zen)

Survivor Nest Egg Bonus.

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by mimo on 10-29-07 at 03:22 PM
It's fun to see my name up at that top there!! Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to last long. Let's see how much longer I can hold on!!

Week 7 entry

SafeList: Amanda, Courtney, Denise, Frosti, James, Todd

Wk 7 Event Bonus:
Will a male or a female recite the title for episode 6; "I'm not as dumb as I look."? Female

Week 7 Additional Bonus:
Which survivor will win the individual immunity challenge? Jaime

"*plays Charge on the bugle*"
Posted by vince3 on 10-29-07 at 04:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-07 AT 09:56 PM (EST)

SafeList: Amanda ~ Courtney ~ Denise ~ Erik ~ Frosti ~ James ~ PG ~ Todd

Wk 7 Event Bonus:
Will a male or a female recite the title for episode 6; "I'm not as dumb as I look."? (16 Yuan / -8 Zen) Female

Week 7 Additional Bonus:
Which survivor will win the individual immunity challenge? (2 Yuan / -1 Zen) Frosti

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by whoami on 10-29-07 at 10:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-07 AT 10:08 PM (EST)

Safe list: James, Erik, Frosti, Courtney, Amanda, Denise, PG.

Wk 7 Event Bonus:
Will a male or a female recite the title for episode 6; "I'm not as dumb as I look."? (16 Yuan / -8 Zen)Female

Week 7 Additional Bonus:
Which survivor will win the individual immunity challenge? (2 Yuan / -1 Zen)Frosti

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by MJewel on 10-29-07 at 10:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-07 AT 09:45 PM (EST)

SafeList: Amanda ~ Courtney ~ Denise ~ Frosti ~ James ~ PeihGee ~ Todd

Wk 7 Event Bonus: Female

Week 7 Additional Bonus:
Which survivor will win the individual immunity challenge? Frosti

(Thanks to Tribe for the great siggie!)

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by Jenna_F on 10-30-07 at 08:21 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-30-07 AT 08:22 AM (EST)


I added courtney in after I thought my safe list was to wimpy looking at just 5. Watch me regret that soon. heh.

A female will say the Title.

Additional Bonus

Signature given to me by tribephyl in an attempt to make me less boring.

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by Starsend42 on 10-30-07 at 11:00 AM
SafeList: Todd, Amanda, Courtney, Denise, Frosti, James, Erik, PG

Wk 7 Event Bonus:
Will a male or a female recite the title for episode 6; "I'm not as dumb as I look."? (16 Yuan / -8 Zen)
- Female (Jamie)
Week 7 Additional Bonus:
Which survivor will win the individual immunity challenge? (2 Yuan / -1 Zen)
- Frosti

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by kircon on 10-30-07 at 11:28 AM
Week 7 entry

SafeList: Amanda ~ Denise ~ Erik ~ Frosti ~ James ~ PeihGee ~ Todd

Wk 7 Event Bonus: female

Week 7 Additional Bonus: Frosti

fall in love with tribe

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by CTgirl on 10-30-07 at 06:03 PM
SafeList: Todd, Amanda, Denise, Erik, Frosti, James, Peih Gee

Wk 7 Event Bonus:
Will a male or a female recite the title for episode 6; "I'm not as dumb as I look."? Female

Week 7 Additional Bonus:
Which survivor will win the individual immunity challenge? Frosti

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by MacabreMasquerade on 10-30-07 at 07:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-30-07 AT 07:30 PM (EST)

Safe List: Todd, Amanda, Courtney, Denise, Frosti, Erik, Peih-Gee

A male will say the title.

Frosti will win immunity.

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by Survivor Maniac on 10-30-07 at 11:22 PM
SafeList: Amanda ~ Denise ~ Erik ~ Frosti ~ James ~ PeihGee ~ Todd

Wk 7 Event Bonus: Female

Week 7 Additional Bonus: Frosti

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by LadySusan on 10-31-07 at 07:20 AM
Safe: Amanda, Courtney, James, PG, Frosti, Denise, Erik

Bonus: Female

2nd Bonus: James

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by 5cats on 10-31-07 at 09:09 AM
SafeList: Amanda ~ Courtney ~ Denise ~ Erik ~ Frosti ~ PeihGee ~ Todd

Wk 7 Event Bonus:
Will a male or a female recite the title for episode 6; "I'm not as dumb as I look."? (16 Yuan / -8 Zen) Female

Week 7 Additional Bonus:
Which survivor will win the individual immunity challenge? (2 Yuan / -1 Zen) Frosti

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by taffnic on 10-31-07 at 09:32 AM
SafeList: Amanda, Courtney,Denise,Erik, Frosti, James, Todd, Peih-Gee

Wk 7 Event Bonus:
Will a male or a female recite the title for episode 6; "I'm not as dumb as I look."? female

Week 7 Additional Bonus:
Which survivor will win the individual immunity challenge? Frosti

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-31-07 at 03:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-07 AT 03:15 PM (EST)

SafeList: Amanda ~ Courtney ~ Denise ~ Frosti ~ James ~ Todd

Wk 7 Event Bonus:
Will a male or a female recite the title for episode 6; "I'm not as dumb as I look."? female

Week 7 Additional Bonus: Frosti

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by Tenorsaxy on 10-31-07 at 09:52 PM
Safelist: Amanda, Courtney, Denise, Erik, Frosti, James, PG, Todd.

Event Bonus: Female

Additional Bonus: Frosti

Attired by Agman.

"Vix Pix"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-31-07 at 09:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-01-07 AT 03:55 PM (EST)

Safe: Amanda, Denise, Erik, Frosti, Courtney, PG, Todd

Bonus: Female

Bonus #2 - Frosti

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by DearAbby on 10-31-07 at 10:05 PM
Whew! That was close! When the board went down this afternoon, I was afraid I'd be stuck with last week's entry.

SafeList: Amanda ~ Courtney ~ Denise ~ Erik ~ Frosti ~ James ~ PeihGee ~ Todd

Wk 7 Event Bonus: A female will recite the title for episode 7; "I'm not as dumb as I look."

Week 7 Additional Bonus: The individual immunity challenge winner will be Frosti.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

byoffer just kills me

"RE: S15 Anti-VoteGame: Week 6 Results / Week 7 entry "
Posted by Wallflower66 on 10-31-07 at 10:22 PM
I hate when that happens!

SafeList: (Your list of survivors who will hopefully avoid votes at tribal council.) Amanda ~ Denise ~ Erik ~ Frosti ~ James ~ PeihGee ~ Todd

Wk 7 Event Bonus:
Will a male or a female recite the title for episode 6; "I'm not as dumb as I look."? (16 Yuan / -8 Zen) female

Week 7 Additional Bonus:
Which survivor will win the individual immunity challenge? (2 Yuan / -1 Zen) Frosti

Posted by Lolly on 11-01-07 at 06:14 PM
I forgot.