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Forum: DCForumID102
Thread Number: 349
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Original Message
"AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"

Posted by tribephyl on 02-25-07 at 05:00 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-25-07 AT 05:41 PM (EST)

The Mojo party is still going on, come on inside and join the fun.

WowieKazowie! What a whirl wind of activty...no not on survivor...at my groovy party.
But since our points are derived from survivor events, let's get to what happened in Fiji.
Ravu continues to suck so Sylvia gets exiled and this hits a whole slew of players as the dominant answers for the bonus question were either Earl or Sylvia.
All those who chose Earl? .... -4 degrees of mojo.
All those who chose Sylvia? .... 8 points!

Then...After sucking at the ImmunityChallenge, again, Ravu is sent back to Tribal Council.
Sylvia(4) ends up getting the most votes. Anthony(3) gets a few votes as well. But the single vote for Earl(1)!? Who could've ever predicted? (Oh Rita, you naughty naughty girl.)
As it turns out, JohnMC could.
He was the only player this week to have gone without chilling a single degree of Mojo. Congrats JohnnyBoy! Your Mojo is Risin'!

For the rest of you, if you had the following survivors on your safe lists this is how those pesky votes effected your meters.
Sylvia = -4 degrees of mojo
Anthony = -3 degrees of mojo
Earl = -1 degrees of mojo

This and the bonus together means the mojo meters ended up being affected like so...
+1 degree of mojo

-3 degrees of mojo

-4 degrees of mojo
Kermit the Vixen
Magnolia Rocker
Survivor Maniac

-5 degrees of mojo

-7 degrees of mojo

-8 degrees of mojo
The Dreamer
Scarlett O Hara

On the points side, we've reached the first week where the "69 Bonus" could've kicked in, but even with the major flurry of points and mojo, no one hit the magic amount on the dot. So maybe next week. (As an official reminder, anyone who gets exactly 69 points as their total score will win a one-time point bonus of 17 points. Bringing their new new total to 86.)

BUT we did have a Survivor NestEgg hatch.
It's a baby 10 pointer!

Survivor Nest Egg:
Gross Food Challenge...Tribal? Individual? or Not At All?
Well...the following slate of folks all correctly predicted that the GrossFood Challenge would indeed be a tribal challenge.
Kermit the Vixen
Scarlett O Hara
Survivor Maniac
The Dreamer

Adding all these to the "safe lists" and here is what I came up with.

xwraith 46 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 50 82
Survivor Maniac 46 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 41 73
coolbluepig 45 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
33 40 73
michel 44 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
33 40 73
kircon 46 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 41 72
MJewel 45 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 40 72
RudyRules 45 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 40 72
survivorXXI 40 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26 45 71
emydi 45 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 40 71
CTgirl 46 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 38 70
whoami 44 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 41 66
mcrone 41 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 40 65
wallflower 42 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 50 65
Flowerpower 41 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 40 64
smokedog 46 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 42 64
The Dreamer 41 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 40 63
Scarlett O Hara 42 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 38 63
Lolly 41 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 39 62
Magnolia Rocker 46 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 40 62
DearAbby 39 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 37 61
JazzyJax 46 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28 33 61
vince3 43 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 36 60
DasMole 42 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 39 59
taffnic 38 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 34 58
buckeyegirl 43 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
29 24 53
5cats 41 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 37 52
JennaF 39 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 28 51
mimo 40 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 27 49
Higgs 27 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 27 47
molaholic 44 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 26 43
JohnMC 50 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 29 42
Kermit the Vixen 46 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
33 0 33
kingfish 44 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 20 33


Week 4 entry

SafeList: (Your list of survivors who will avoid votes at tribal council.)

Wk 3 Bonus:
The survivor who will be sent into exile this episode will be ...? (10 points / -5 degrees of mojo)

Survivor Nest Eggs: Incubating
The Nest is a flurry of movement. I'm pretty sure another one will hatch this week? More on the continuing developements later.




Mojo's Meandering Tangents:

* Ooof. Another bad mojo week. Hope we recover.

* Vix! You made it! Yea! (tribe-1; real life-0)

* CTgirl, glad you like your new outfit. Sure looks nice on.

* Higgs, I'd be willing to try other variations for your siggie. Your current one has a computer representation of a "higgs particle". I'm pretty sure that's not how you came up with your nic? I could be wrong though. Are you a molecular physicist or something?

* Nope nothing to see here.

* Presents!!!

1. Someone either forgot to pick this up or isn't ready to wear clothing yet. Welcome to the game and to the boards mcrone. (Go ahead, click on your nic.)

* QR Code

1. Big In Japan!
2. Where you at? Take a picture and find out.

3. Quick!!!Mark!!!It's another clue!!!

Bite-Sized Rules:
Game Deadline: None. (Everyone is welcome to play, throughout the current Survivor:Fiji season.)
Weekly Deadline: Wednesdays, 11:59pm boardtime. (Including a couple of Tuesday deadlines for March Madness and a probable Saturday deadline for the finale.)

Objective: Via making weekly Safe-Lists of survivors who will NOT receive votes, acheive the highest seasonal score (or have the highest mojo meter average) to win the AVG.

Points: 1 point per survivor on your safe list.
Penalties: -1 degree of mojo for every vote each of your safe-listed survivor receives.
Bonuses: Points and Penalties will be be noted within the specific weeks bonus rules.

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by Molaholic on 02-25-07 at 12:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-28-07 AT 09:50 PM (EST)

Safe list week three:


eta exile: Yauman

The Snuffer Has Spoken

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by smokedog on 02-25-07 at 03:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-27-07 AT 11:13 PM (EST)

SafeList: Alex, Anthony, Boo, Dre, Earl, Edgardo, Gary, James/Rocky, Lisi, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Stacy, Yauman

Exile: Yau-Man

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by coolbluepig on 02-26-07 at 06:52 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-26-07 AT 06:55 AM (EST)


exile:yau man

Co0L 3luE P1g: OINK OINK...

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by JazzyJax on 02-26-07 at 11:07 AM
Safe List:
Anthony, Earl, James, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Yau Man, Alex, Boo, Edgardo, Stacy

Exilee: Mouthy Mookie

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by emydi on 02-26-07 at 11:08 AM
SafeList: Gary Alex Edgardo Lisi Cassandra Boo Dre Earl Rocky Rita Michelle Yauman Anthony Mookie

Wk 3 Bonus:
The survivor who will be sent into exile this episode will be ...? Yauman

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 02-26-07 at 11:22 AM
Safe List:
Alex, Anthony, Boo, Cassandra, Dre, Earl, Edgardo, Gary, James/Rocky, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Yauman

Bonus: Yau-Man

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 02-26-07 at 05:47 PM
Safe List: Alex, Anthony, Boo, Cassandra, Dre, Earl, Edgardo, James/Rocky, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Yauman

Bonus: Yau-Man

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by vince3 on 02-26-07 at 06:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-27-07 AT 10:03 PM (EST)

Gary / Yauman / Rita / Earl / Mookie / Rocky / Michelle / Edgardo / Stacy / Alex / Boo / Cassandra

Exile: Yauman

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by xwraith27 on 02-27-07 at 01:09 AM
Alex, Anthony, Boo, Cassandra, Dre, Earl, Edgardo, James, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Yauman

Bonus: Yau-Man

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by Higgs on 02-27-07 at 12:01 PM
SafeList: Alex, Boo, Cassandra, Dre, Earl, Edgardo, James/Rocky, Lisi, Michelle, Mookie, Stacy, Yauman

Wk 3 Bonus: Yauman

* Higgs, I'd be willing to try other variations for your siggie. Your current one has a computer representation of a "higgs particle". I'm pretty sure that's not how you came up with your nic? I could be wrong though. Are you a molecular physicist or something?

Well, actually my nick was inspired by the Higgs particle (I was having a course on particle physics at the time I registered here). And no, I'm not a molecular physicist but I do study physics. The current siggie is fine and kinda appropriate, although "computer representation of a particle" is in my opinion just another way of saying "cool fractal" (or something like that).

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 02-27-07 at 05:12 PM
Well then, Nice fractal you got there.

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by whoami on 02-27-07 at 02:45 PM
Saft List: Anthony, Rocky, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Yau-man, Boo, Cassandra, Edgardo, Dre, Lisi.

Wk 3 Bonus: Yau-man

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by CTgirl on 02-27-07 at 03:00 PM
Safe list: Edgardo, Boo, Dre, Cassandra, Alex, Lisi, Rocky, Anthony, Earl, Yauman, Rita, Michelle, Mookie

Bonus: Yauman

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by Flowerpower on 02-27-07 at 04:40 PM
Week 4 entry

SafeList:Earl, Mookie, Rita, Yau-man, Michelle, Rocky, Anthony, Alex, Edgardo, Boo, Dreamz, Cassandra (Your list of survivors who will avoid votes at tribal council.)

Wk 3 Bonus:
The survivor who will be sent into exile this episode will be ...? Yau-man(10 points / -5 degrees of mojo)

Survivor Nest Eggs: Incubating

one nation, under Romber...

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by JohnMc on 02-27-07 at 06:54 PM
I claim good old fashioned luck to have such good mojo this week! (Well, that and, well, good mojo!)


Yau Ming, Boo, Edgardo, Dreamz, Rocky, Lisi



"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by MJewel on 02-27-07 at 07:42 PM
Safe List:
Rita, Mookie, Earl, James, Yau-Man, Michelle, Gary, Anthony, Alex, Edgardo, Dre, Boo, Cassandra

Bonus: Yau-Man

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by mimo on 02-27-07 at 10:01 PM
Ouch--my mojo has sure been taking a beating!!!

Week 4 entry

SafeList: Alex, Boo, Dre, Earl, Edgardo, Rocky, Michelle, Mookie, Yauman

Wk 3 Bonus:
The survivor who will be sent into exile this episode will be ...? Yauman

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by Lolly on 02-27-07 at 11:20 PM
Safe: Alex, Anthony, Boo, Cassandra, Dre, Earl, Edgardo, James, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Yauman

Bonus: Yauman

"Vix Pix"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 02-28-07 at 08:42 AM
Since I completely snorked the first two weeks, my goal for this season is to NOT end up in last place. Simple as that.

Alex, Anthony, Boo, Cassandra, Dre, Earl, Edgardo, James, Lilliana, Lisi, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Stacy, Yauman

Bonus: Yau-Yau-Ma


"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by mcrone on 02-28-07 at 11:21 AM
Safe List:


"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by taffnic on 02-28-07 at 11:28 AM
SafeList: Alex. Boo, Cassandra, Dre, Earl, Michelle, Lisi, Edgardo, Stacy, Rita, Mookie

Wk 3 Bonus:
The survivor who will be sent into exile this episode will be ...? Yauman

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by kircon on 02-28-07 at 11:33 AM

I thought you could use this for your pad.

Safe List:Alex, Anthony, Boo, Cassandra, Dre, Earl, Edgardo, Rocky, Lisi, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Yauman

Week 4 Bonus: Yauman

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 02-28-07 at 11:43 AM

Alex, Anthony, Boo, Cassandra, Dre, Earl, Edgardo, Gary, Rocky, Lisi, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Yauman


A Tribe Original!

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by kingfish on 02-28-07 at 01:00 PM
Whew, at least I'm not last.

OK, the hum-drum business (got to pay the bills)


exile - Yauman

I suppose those clues have some nefarious meaning, however they shot right over my head this week. What can it mean? Maybe it's the location of Tribes' Looser Island Hidden idol. Or maybe it's a UPS shipping label.

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by 5cats on 02-28-07 at 04:05 PM
SafeList: Alex,Anthony,Boo,Cassandra,Dre,Earl,Edgardo,Gary,Rocky,Lisi,Michelle,Mookie,Rita,Yauman.

Wk 3 Bonus:
The survivor who will be sent into exile this episode will be Yau-Man (10 points / -5 degrees of mojo)

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by Das Mole on 02-28-07 at 04:53 PM
SafeList: Anthony, Boo, Cassandra, Earl, Edgardo, Rocky, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Yauman

Wk 3 Bonus: I'm going to refrain from answering, in hopes of hitting the 69 bonus using just my safe-list...

damn str8, gurrrl.

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by RudyRules on 02-28-07 at 05:34 PM
Alex, Anthony, Boo, Cassandra, Dre, Earl, Edgardo, James, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Yauman

Bonus: Yau-Man

"Them people had to be pretty dumb to make their camp in a riverbed." - Rudy BoeschRudy's Place

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by michel on 02-28-07 at 05:43 PM
SafeList: Alex, Anthony, Boo, Cassandra, Dre, Earl, Edgardo, Rocky, Lisi, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Yauman

Wk 3 Bonus:
The survivor sent into exile this episode will be: Yau-Man

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 02-28-07 at 07:16 PM

Week 4 entry

SafeList: James, Anthony, Earl, Rita, Michelle, Yau Man, Mookie, Cassandra, Edgardo, Alex, Dre, Boo, Lisi

Wk 3 Bonus:

The survivor who will be sent into exile this episode will be ...? Yau Man

What!? You didn't like my snapshot in my Wk 3 Post?! Hmppppf!


One nation, under Romber...

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by DearAbby on 02-28-07 at 09:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-28-07 AT 10:38 PM (EST)

SafeList ~ Alex / Anthony / Boo / Cassandra / Dre / Earl / Edgardo / James / Lisi / Michelle / Mookie / Rita / Yau-Man

Bonus ~ Yau-Man

* Nope, I got nuthin’.

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by survivor_21 on 02-28-07 at 09:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-28-07 AT 09:58 PM (EST)

Safe-List: Alex, Anthony, Boo, Cassandra, Dre, Earl, Edgardo, Gary, James, Lisi, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Stacy, Yauman

Bonus: Yau-man will be lucky enough to go to exile at-least-I-have-snakes-to-eat Island

So lets review: we have the QR code which is quickly becomming very big in japan. Then we are asked where we are at and to take a picture and find out, very strange indeed. Now finally we have another clue, but who is mark? MArk Burnett? Did he invent the QR code? Is he becomming big in Japan (insert inappropriate joke here)?

"RE: AVG: Wk 3 results / Wk 4 entry"
Posted by Survivor Maniac on 02-28-07 at 11:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-28-07 AT 11:15 PM (EST)

Safe List:
Alex, Anthony, Boo, Cassandra, Dre, Earl, Edgardo, James/Rocky, Lisi, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Yauman

Bonus: Yau-Man

"week 4 mojo party closed"
Posted by tribephyl on 03-01-07 at 01:21 AM
Looks like we have a couple of tardies!

Sorry, JennaF and buckeyegirl. Your previous lists will have to suffice for this week.

No really. Nothing else to note. Well, until next week.