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Thread Number: 343
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"S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 02-23-07 at 03:49 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-23-07 AT 02:39 PM (EST)

Week Three Answers

The Bootee: Sylvia Kwan
Secondary Targets: Anthony (x3), Earl (x1)
Reward Challenge: Moto Tribe
Immunity Challenge: Moto Tribe
First Confessional: Yau-Man
BQ#1: Will Earl be heard complaining about the tribe booting Erica in a confessional? No
BQ#2: Which female contestant will be the first shown with a buff worn around her chest? Rita
BQ#3: Which male contestant will be the first shown without a shirt on? James “Rocky”
Tribal Question: Who will be the first contestant to say the word “alliance”? None

Week Three Recap

Welcome to the week four entry players and say goodbye to the safe weeks! Every player now runs the risk of being eliminated from the game. From this point forward, all players must have the bootee listed to remain in the game. This includes you red inkers. Really do not want to use this snuffer and will take no joy in it, but player elimination’s is part of the PTB tradition.

PTB is now closed to new players. Still a few excellent board games around here that do allow new players. Tribe Phantasy, OTCV, AVG, and PTTE come to mind as games that can be joined at any time. Give one or all a try. This is the final entry in which a player can declare red ink. Molaholic want to declare red? Up to you, but you are currently not in the running for the red crown.

It was a close race for the tribal bonus question (5 to 7), but congratulations are in order for members of the Tail Tribe! Nice to see that our rags tribe was able to overcome adversity and pull out a victory, unlike Ravu. None was the correct answer for which contestant would say the word alliance. Each member of the Tail Tribe has received a +/- 5 point bonus. The seven members who correctly answered none for tail tribe were Scarlett O Hara, RebelYell, Mjewel, Wallflower66, KObrien_fan, vennui, and kircon. Way to be challenge hounds and win one for the team!

KObrien_fan and emydi took advantage of earning those tribal bonus points and now sit atop the positive point leader board together. Well done ladies! kircon is proving once again that she is a force to be reckoned with on the red side and will not give up that red crown easily. You do look smashing in that red rubies crown kircon.

Something to keep in mind is that a contestant who leaves the game without votes cast against them at tribal council is still considered a bootee for this game. All correct bonus question answers come from new footage only, the previously on Survivor segment or player montage never counts. The recrap episode will be the exception to this rule, but we’ll deal with that down the road.

Good luck all and have fun!

Week Three Scores
Rank Players Bootee Picks Used Bootee Picks Remaining Weekly ScoreOverall Score
1 KObrien_fan 197+20 +51
1 emydi 194+14 +51
3 Flowerpower 195+7 +49
4 Wallflower66 196+15 +48
4 mcrone 195+15 +48
4seahorse 197+8 +48
7 michel 194+17 +45
8 smokedog 294+6 +44
9 RebelYell 197+18 +43
10 coolbluepig 392+6 +42
11 Lolly 293+14 +40
11 survivor_21 197+18 +40
13mimo 292+6 +37
13 taffnic 294+4 +37
15 vennui 390+12 +36
15 Ontheroadagain 293+3 +36
17Das Mole193+12 +34
18 kingfish 294+10 +33
19 MJewel 194+14 +25
20Survivor Maniac293+8 +24
21 ohmyheck 294+15 +6
22 Molaholic 577-25 -40
23Scarlett O Hara196-25 -72
23whoami197-21 -72
25 tribephyl 14 72 -32 -91
26 kircon 1056 -51 -158

Pick the Bootee Game Rules

1) The object of this game is to pick the contestant who will be booted each week. If you fail to list the bootee, you will be eliminated from the game starting in the week four entry.

2) The minimum amount of contestants that can be on your bootee list is one and the maximum is one less than the amount of players remaining in the game. Should you ever run out of bootee picks, you will be eliminated. Depending on how final tribal council is handled this season, 3 to 5 bootee picks will be needed to finish the game.

4) Entries can be made at anytime from the start of the weekly entry thread, up until one minute before the start of the show on the East Coast. You can make as many edits as you want up until the East Coast deadline with no penalty. A “no edit” entry will earn a +/- 2 point bonus.

5) Should there ever be a double elimination episode, you must have at least one bootee on your list to stay in the game and having neither listed will mean elimination. Osten, Janu, Bruce, or Skupin type players will be considered a bootee even though no written votes were cast against them.

6) Once signed up to play the game, if you happen to forget to make an entry for a week, your previous week entry will be used. The second no entry week will result in elimination from the game. Yes, you can have another poster make picks for you should something arise.

7) Red ink players must have the bootee on their list, same as positive point players. If the bootee is not on your list, you will be eliminated from the game starting with the week four entry, the same as positive point players.

Pick the Bootee Game Scoring

+5 points for correctly having the bootee on your list
+3 points for each vote cast against a non-eliminated contestant
-3 points for each contestant on your list who receives no votes at tribal council
-2 points each for making a guess at the first confessional, reward challenge, or immunity challenge
+4 points for a correct first place reward or immunity challenge guess
+10 points for a correct first confessional guess
-10 points for not having the bootee on your list or elimination from the game starting in week four
+/- 2 points bonus for having an unedited entry
+/- 5 points for each unused bootee pick at the end of season
+/- 1 point for correct bonus question #1 guess, no penalty for incorrect
+/- 2 points for correct bonus question #2 guess, no penalty for incorrect
+/- 3 points for correct bonus question #3 guess, no penalty for incorrect
+/- 5 points for each member of the winning Tribal Question tribe

Categories with a +/- symbol means that both types of points can be earned. Negative points will be awarded to red players and positive points will be awarded to positive players.

Episode Four Entry

Head Tribe: Flowerpower, Molaholic, coolbluepig, Das Mole, tribephyl, mcrone, mimo, Ontheroadagain, smokedog, taffnic, seahorse, whoami, kingfish

Tail Tribe: emydi, Scarlett O Hara, MJewel, Survivor Maniac, michel, vennui, survivor_21, Wallflower66, kircon, Lolly, KObrien_fan, ohmyheck, RebelYell

Moto: Cassandra Franklin, Liliana Gomez, Stacy Kimball, Lisi Linares, Dre Herd, Boo Bernis, Gary Stritesky, Alex Angarita, Edgardo Rivera

Ravu: Michelle Yi, Rita Verreos, James Reid, Earl Cole, Yau-Man Chan, Anthony Robinson, Mookie Lee

The Bootee: (required – 1 to 15 picks)
Reward Challenge: (optional)
Immunity Challenge: (optional)
First Confessional: (optional)

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four?

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? (none is an option)

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. (none is an option)

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? (none is an option)

Good luck all and enjoy Episode 4

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by emydi on 02-23-07 at 11:31 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-28-07 AT 10:45 AM (EST)


WOOT ME and KT in 1st place WOOT!

The Bootee: Gary Lili Stacy
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: Anthony

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish
in episode four? No

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? Rocky

Bonus Question #3: Name a contestant who will not have a
private confessional. Jessica Erica Sylvia Rita

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? Anthony

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by Flowerpower on 02-23-07 at 02:13 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-28-07 AT 01:45 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-28-07 AT 01:43 PM (EST)

DANG IT!!! I knew that I had no where to go but down...ah well, ce la vie!

Episode Four Entry
The Bootee: Gary, Liliana, Stacy(required – 1 to 15 picks)
Reward Challenge: Moto(optional)
Immunity Challenge: Moto (optional)
First Confessional: Anthony

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? No

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? Rocky(none is an option)

Bonus Question #3: Name a contestant who will not have a private confessional. Lisi(none is an option)

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? Anthony(none is an option)

one nation, under Romber...

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by smokedog on 02-23-07 at 11:23 PM
The Bootee: Gary, Liliana, Cassandra
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: Rocky

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? YES
Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? ROCKY
Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. RITA
Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? CASSANDRA

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by Molaholic on 02-23-07 at 11:47 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-23-07 AT 11:50 PM (EST)

Molaholic want to declare red? Up to you, but you are currently not in the running for the red crown.

Come now, why should I change my battle plan now? Why would I play for red when I can lose honestly? (But I do appreciate the offer )

The Bootee: Earl, Gary, Anthony, Boo
Reward Challenge: Ravu
Immunity Challenge: Ravu
First Confessional: Anthony

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? Yes

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? Papa Smurf

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. Lisi

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? Papa Smurf

“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” Jackie Robinson

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by Survivor Maniac on 02-24-07 at 01:17 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-26-07 AT 10:03 AM (EST)

Episode Four Entry
The Bootee: Gary, Liliana
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: Anthony

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? No

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? Rocky

Bonus Question #3: Name a contestant who will not have a private confessional. Gary

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? Cassandra

"tribe's week 4 entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 02-25-07 at 05:56 PM
The Bootee: Gary ~ Rita ~ Boo ~ Alex ~ Edgardo ~ Lisi ~ Lilliana ~ Stacy
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: Lisi

Bonus Question #1: No

Bonus Question #2: Poppa Smurf

Bonus Question #3: None

Tribal Question: Cassandra

I don't stand a chance against kircon, but I'm gonna try.

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by RebelYell on 02-25-07 at 11:24 PM
The Bootee: Liliana, Gary
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: Cassandra

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? No.

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? Papa Smurf.

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. Gary.

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? Cassandra.

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by coolbluepig on 02-26-07 at 06:37 AM
The Bootee: (required – 1 to 15 picks) GARY, LILIANA,
Reward Challenge: (optional) MOTO
Immunity Challenge: (optional) MOTO
First Confessional: (optional) MOOKIE

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? YES

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? (none is an option) PAPA SMURF

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. (none is an option) STACY

Co0L 3luE P1g: OINK OINK...

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by Ontheroadagain on 02-26-07 at 04:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-28-07 AT 09:32 AM (EST)

The Bootee: Liliana Gomez, Gary Stritesky, Anthony Robinson
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: James

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? No

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? None
Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. Stacy
Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? Anthony

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by mimo on 02-27-07 at 09:57 PM
Episode Four Entry

The Bootee: Gary, Lilliana
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: Rocky

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? No

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? Rocky

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. Stacy

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? Cassandra

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by MJewel on 02-27-07 at 10:47 PM
The Bootee: Gary, Liliana and Stacy
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: Rocky

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? No

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? (none is an option) Rocky

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. (none is an option) Rita

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? (none is an option) Cassandra

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by Lolly on 02-27-07 at 11:29 PM
Bootee: Gary, Stacy,Lili
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: James

Bonus Question #1: No

Bonus Question #2: Papa Smurf

Bonus Question #3: Rita

Tribal Question: Cassandra

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by mcrone on 02-28-07 at 10:38 AM
The Bootee: Liliana, Gary
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: Anthony

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? No

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? Rocky

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. Lisi

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? None

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by taffnic on 02-28-07 at 11:32 AM
The Bootee: Gary,Liliana
Reward Challenge: (optional)Moto
Immunity Challenge: (optional)Moto
First Confessional: (optional)Anthony

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four?yes

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? (none is an option)Rocky

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. (none is an option)Rita

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? (none is an option)Cassandra

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by kingfish on 02-28-07 at 01:09 PM
Hey, lots of tail around here....

I hear there's lots of head also...

Very open-minded I must say, with approval.

The Bootee: (required – 1 to 15 picks) gary, lili
Reward Challenge: (optional) moto
Immunity Challenge: (optional)moto
First Confessional: (optional) cassandra

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? yes

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? (none is an option) rocky

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. (none is an option) stacy

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? (none is an option) none (unless anthony's upper lip pout counts? which it doesn't)

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by whoami on 02-28-07 at 01:33 PM
Bootee: Liliana
RC: Ravu
IC: Ravu
FC: Stacy

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? NO

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? (none is an option) Rocky

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. (none is an option) Stacy

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? (none is an option) Anthony

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by ohmyheck on 02-28-07 at 03:42 PM
Bootee List: Gary, Liliana, Stacy
RC: Moto
IC: Ravu
FC: Anthony
BQ#1: No
BQ#2: Papa Smurf
BQ#3: None
TQ: Gary

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by Das Mole on 02-28-07 at 04:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-28-07 AT 04:50 PM (EST)

The Bootee: Liliana, Gary (does he count?)
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: Rita

Bonus Question #1: No
Bonus Question #2: Rocky
Bonus Question #3: Edgardo

Tribal Question: Anthony


"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 02-28-07 at 08:59 PM
Episode Four Entry

The Bootee: Gary, Liliana
Reward Challenge: Ravu
Immunity Challenge: Ravu
First Confessional: Stacy

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? No

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? Papa Smurf

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. Rita

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? Anthony

One nation, under Romber...

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 03-01-07 at 10:23 AM
The Bootee: Gary, Lilliana, Stacey
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: Anthony

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? No

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? Rocky

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. Rita

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? Anthony

Survivor ASS trivia champion, Survivor 1-13 trivia champion

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by survivor_21 on 03-01-07 at 11:28 AM
The Bootee: Gary, Lilliana
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: Earl

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? No

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? Papa Smurf

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. Stacey

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? Cassandra

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 03-01-07 at 12:24 PM
The Bootee: Gary, Liliana
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: Anthony

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? No

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? Rocky

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. None

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? Anthony

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by michel on 03-01-07 at 12:38 PM
The Bootee: Gary, Lilliana, Stacy
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: Anthony

Bonus Question #1: No

Bonus Question #2: Rocky

Bonus Question #3: Michelle

Tribal Question: Cassandra

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by seahorse on 03-01-07 at 04:48 PM
The Bootee: Gary, Lili
Reward Challenge: Moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: Anthony

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? No

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? Rocky

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. Stacy

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? Cassandra

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by vennui on 03-01-07 at 05:29 PM
The Bootee: gary , lillina, stacy

Reward Challenge: moto
Immunity Challenge: Moto
First Confessional: Anthony

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? no

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? (none is an option)Rocky

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. (none is an option) Rita

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? (none is an option)Anthony

"RE: S14 PTB: week 3 results / week 4 entry"
Posted by kircon on 03-01-07 at 06:08 PM
I do love my crown, thanks, and red is my color.
The Bootee: Gary
Reward Challenge: Ravu
Immunity Challenge: Ravu
First Confessional: Dre

Bonus Question #1: Will a tribe be shown catching a fish in episode four? No

Bonus Question #2: Between Papa Smurf, Rocky, or Dreamz, which nickname will be the first said? Rocky

Bonus Question #3: Name a remaining contestant still in the game who will not have a private confessional. Edgardo

Tribal Question: Which contestant will be the first shown crying? Cassandra