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"Survivor Trivia Challenge: round 3"

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 01-13-07 at 01:22 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-17-07 AT 00:57 AM (EST)

Survivor Trivia Challenge

Congratulations to Wallflower for knowing the most useless knowledge from the Australia season. Well done hun! KO had another strong round for herself and hangs onto that top dawg spot. Eveyone welcome xwraith to the challenge. Strong first showing, keep it up.

This round will be questions from the Africa & Marquesas seasons. Up next should be both Thailand and Amazon for round four. Can’t believe that I’m going to be re-watching these two dog of a seasons again, must be a glutton for punishment. Offering up a +7 point bonus for each new player who decides to give this trivia challenge a try in round three.

Good luck all and have fun!

Round Two: Australia Answers

1. Which contestant was originally an alternate to be on the Australia season? Tina
2. In Survivor history, who won the very first food auction item? Nick
3. What did Mike say he was a student of? Nutrition
4. Out of the worlds 10 most deadliest snakes, how many reside in Australia? Nine
5. Colby may be a lot of things but what kind of candy bar isn’t he? Hershey Bar
6. What was Kimmi’s first accomplishment in the game? Seeing the Survivor flag
7. Who said “I know everybody is nicey-nice now but I imagine that will change”? Rodger
8. What two things did Elisabeth think that Alicia was in charge of? Telling people what to do and trash talking
9. Besides Colby’s Texas flag and the tarps, what other item (not seen on the show) was given up for more rice and fishing hooks? Elisabeth’s Tribal Headdress luxury item
10. Who did Keith think was perfect for the game of Survivor? Jerri
11. What are the two things that Colby is thankful for in the morning when he wakes up? Thankful he’s alive and thankful he’s a Texan
12. Which contestant had a poster of Jerri made up to throw darts at? Kel and his Army buddies
13. Who described herself as a “dirty girl”? Kimmi
14. What are Australian cattle cowboys called? Stockmen
15. How many total water buckets were on Colby and Mike’s shoulders when a pole snapped? 66 buckets each for a total of 132 buckets
16. Which contestant said that they had never drank wine in their life? Tina
17. Who said “checkmate” after being voted out? Jerri
18. Which contestant would thank you if you told him/her that they had a booger hanging in their nose? Mike
19. Which contestant is a snoorer? Colby
20. Who suffered from enlarged taste buds while in the game? Nick
21. What kind of close were Elisabeth and Tina? Outback Close
22. Name the two players in the Australia season that were booted because of previous votes cast. Mitchell and Jeff
23. Who said “In the spirit of the Olympics, let the games begin”? Tina
24. What item did Kel offer to the tribe to use as peace offering for jerky-gate? Razors
25. What kind of cookie didn’t stand a chance of winning in a competition? Oatmeal Raisin

Round One Scores
Rank Players Round Score Rounds Won Overall Score
1Kobrien_fan +22 1 +42
2Wallflower66 +23 1 +40
2ohmyheck +21 0 +40
4mimo +20 0 +36
5michel +19 0 +26
6Colonel Zoidberg +8 0 +19
6xwraith27 +19 0 +19
8Das Mole +4 0 +11

The Rules

1. All entries must be private messaged to the host. No e-mails or posting of entries in this thread.
2. Please post a reply to this thread that you have sent a PM entry for the round
3. Only the first PM will be accepted from a player. No changing of answers in a separate private message. So make sure your entry is exactly how you want it to be scored.
4. Players may join in to play during any round.

The Scoring

+1 point per question guessed correctly (must have all aspects of the question correct for the +1 point)
+5 point bonus for the first player to make a PM entry
+4 point bonus for the second player to make a PM entry
+3 point bonus for the third player to make a PM entry
+2 point bonus for the fourth player to make a PM entry
+1 point bonus for the last player to make a PM entry
No penalties for incorrect guesses, just no points
+7 point bonus for each new player in round three

Round Three: Africa Questions

1. Which contestant was mother Africa?
2. In Survivor history, who played the first game of Rock, Paper, and Scissors?
3. If you went on safari in Africa, what are the “Big Five” animals you would like to see?
4. Three major league baseball teams got a little free advertising in the Africa season, name the three teams.
5. How was Ethan going to start spending his million?
6. What was the first name of the native African who brought a cow to a challenge?
7. Which two contestants were on fire watch when the first lion roar was heard?
8. Who wanted to hit the snooze button in the morning?
9. Who said “Live it Up” after being voted off?
10. What was the nickname of Big Tom’s boil?
11. Which contestant stole Clarence’s war paint?
12. What tasted like ambrosia to Lex?
13. Who wished that they had cast the mystery vote against Lex to screw with his head?
14. What two things did Kelly say she was willing to eat before the blood drinking challenge?
15. Who forgives but doesn’t forget?
16. What movie did Frank and Brandon watch on their movie date?
17. What number should Kim J. have picked to garner Kelly’s jury vote?
18. From what country was the Saint doctor from at the Wamba hospital?
19. Who was having homicidal feelings towards the chickens?
20. According to Linda, what’s anger a cover for?
21. How concrete was Linda in the older person alliance?
22. Who did Clarence think had jungle paranoia?
23. What was the name of the rock band Lex was in or still is in?
24. What is contagious even with big cats?
25. Of all the different animals seen in the Africa season, what was the very first animal seen?

Round Three: Marquesas Questions

1. Who was Cleopatra herself?
2. What four things did The General come into the game with?
3. Who was the great stick hunter?
4. What are Survivor snacks?
5. Who gave Rosie a ride into the reunion show?
6. There was only one rule in the SOS challenge, what was it?
7. According to Boston Rawb, who were dumb and dumber?
8. Who found the first source of protein on Rotu?
9. What item was missed by the raiding tribe?
10. Who said “Pain is easy, life is hard”?
11. Who went camping with a bunch of knuckleheads?
12. What were the four things that Neleh said good-bye too on her way to the final tribal council?
13.Who had/has a dog named Bacchus?
14. What would Sarah want to buy if she won some money?
15. Who said “I’m fed up with hearing their crap”?
16. What was John’s nickname?
17. Who could spit a watermelon seed better then anyone on the island?
18. Is a seacucumber deadly to human beings?
19. What was the percentage of web voters who picked Vecepia to be the Sole Survivor?
20. Who did Kathy think was the other mom of the original Rotu tribe?
21. How many carrier landings has Hunter had?
22. How much was the bill on the cruise ship reward?
23. How much was the tip that Pappy left at the cruise ship reward?
24. Which contestant once hiked 2000 miles?
25. Paschal drew the purple stone but what color did Neleh & Kathy draw?

New deadline for round three is Friday the 19th - 11:59pm board

A brand new siggie like this one could be yours!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Survivor Trivia Challenge: round 3"
Posted by xwraith27 on 01-13-07 at 07:29 AM
Entry sent... Hopefully I get one of those early bird bonuses.

"RE: Survivor Trivia Challenge: round 3"
Posted by michel on 01-13-07 at 05:36 PM
Pm sent. I need bonus points!

"RE: Survivor Trivia Challenge: round 3"
Posted by Das Mole on 01-14-07 at 07:20 PM
Sent in my entries. I know I had to have gotten at least one right.


"RE: Survivor Trivia Challenge: round 3"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 01-15-07 at 08:55 AM
Sent. I really am not very good at this obscure stuff.

"RE: Survivor Trivia Challenge: round 3"
Posted by ohmyheck on 01-15-07 at 01:25 PM
Mine is in.

"Time Extension for round 3"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 01-17-07 at 00:54 AM
Don't know if anyone else was having a problem logging onto these boards today, but I know I have. And since I'm really not that close to being done for round four, gonna give a time extension for round three. New deadline for this round is ....

Deadline for round three is Friday the 19th - 11:59pm board time

"RE: Survivor Trivia Challenge: round 3"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 01-17-07 at 07:15 AM
Sent in my answers about 10:30 last night by email, as I couldn't get on the boards.

"RE: Survivor Trivia Challenge: round 3"
Posted by mimo on 01-17-07 at 08:16 AM
Thanks for extending the deadline!! I wasn't able to get on last night either, so I'm happy to still be in this--albeit getting closer to the cellar every round. Just sent in my PM.

"RE: Survivor Trivia Challenge: round 3"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 01-19-07 at 00:12 AM
Answers sent, thanks for the extension DB, I too couldn't get in the other night.