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Thread Number: 297
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Original Message
"Survivor Trivia Challenge: Round 1"

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 01-05-07 at 03:56 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-05-07 AT 04:26 AM (EST)

Survivor Trivia Challenge

Welcome to the off-season Survivor trivia challenge! The reigning trivia champion (ahem … me) has decided to go ahead and hand over his crown to some lucky player. Do you think you have enough useless Survivor knowledge rattling around in your noggin and the stamina to be crowned the new trivia champion? Well then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and PM me your entry for round one!

Won’t lie to you, this is bitter sweet for me. I will be missing the perks that the title has given me over the last few off-seasons. The best tables at the best restaurants, everyone wanting to buy me free drinks, screaming adoring women (and even some men) throwing their undergarments at me just to be noticed, and of course being able to toot my own horn about how great I am. It’s exhausting I tell ya! If this is something you want and crave, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and PM me your entry for round one!

Still not sure of the start date of Survivor Fiji, but I hope to have this trivia challenge done before it’s airing. Every three to four days there will be a new round posted. We will go in order of each season and there will be 25 questions per season. There may be rounds in which 2 or 3 seasons will be represented in one entry thread. The majority of the questions will come from re-watching my collection of all the seasons on tape/dvd but other resources can and will be used.

So scroll down, cut and paste the 25 questions into a private message, answer as many as you can, and then click send. Good luck to all and have fun!

The Rules

1. All entries must be private messaged to the host. No e-mails or posting of entries in this thread.
2. All players must reply to this entry thread with some sort of an indication that a PM has been sent.
3. Only the first PM will be accepted from a player. No changing of answers in a separate private message. So make sure your entry is exactly how you want it to be scored.
4. Players may join in to play during any round.

The Scoring

+1 point for correct question guess no matter how many parts there may be
+5 point bonus for the first player to make a PM entry
+4 point bonus for the second player to make a PM entry
+3 point bonus for the third player to make a PM entry
+2 point bonus for the fourth player to make a PM entry
+1 point bonus for the last player to make a PM entry
No penalties for incorrect guesses, just no points

Round One: Borneo Questions

1. Name the two contestants who Jiffy labeled as the sweetest?
2. Which contestant had the very first private confessional in Survivor history?
3. What type of infection did Greg have while on the island?
4. Which birthday did Richard celebrate while in the game?
5. Who described tribal council as “Judgement day on Earth”?
6. What number should Kelly have picked to win a million dollars?
7. Besides Richard, name the other contestants who used the fishing spear.
8. What was Sean’s fathers first name?
9. How was Gervase’s reward pizza delivered?
10. Who were the first two contestants to kiss in Survivor history?
11. Which three Pagong members did Sue want to get rid of first?
12. Name the contestants who were actually shown eating rat.
13. What item was seen and used at every tribal council but never used in future seasons?
14. In which episode did the conch-shell make its only appearance?
15. What type of spice did Jenna want the most?
16. Who said “I wouldn’t say we’re cocky, just that we’re the best”?
17. Who was the very first contestant ever to cast a vote against another player at tribal council?
18. What board game did Greg compare Survivor too?
19. In which episode did Sean begin his alphabet strategy?
20. Greg’s sister advised Greg to think of what this person would do, who was that famous person?
21. Who was shown starting the first fire in Survivor history?
22. What did Sean nickname his fishing pole and what was the model number?
23. Who said “If you want this money, you have to get a little dirty”?
24. Which two members of the Pagong tribe did Rich think were sincere?
25. Who was given the nickname of Viagra?

Deadline for round one is Monday the 8th - 11:59pm board time

A brand new siggie like this one could be yours!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Survivor Trivia Challenge: Round 1"
Posted by Das Mole on 01-05-07 at 12:41 PM
I sent in an entry. Hope I did well

I probably should've watched the DVD since I have it, but the 5-point bonus was just too desirable, I didn't want to risk someone else getting done before me. =\


"RE: Survivor Trivia Challenge: Round 1"
Posted by mimo on 01-05-07 at 03:42 PM
Just sent in my PM!! (I think I'm going to need the extra points!!) At least since you're hosting, we don't have to compete against you!!!

"RE: Survivor Trivia Challenge: Round 1"
Posted by ohmyheck on 01-05-07 at 04:12 PM
Okay, I pm'd to you my answers. Fun game!

"RE: Survivor Trivia Challenge: Round 1"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 01-05-07 at 05:50 PM
Mine is in. Thanks DB!

"Request from the host"
Posted by smokedog on 01-07-07 at 11:02 PM
Could you please post the answers when the deadline passes? I'd like to know some of these 'little known facts'.

"RE: Request from the host"
Posted by Max Headroom on 01-08-07 at 07:43 AM
I second that request!

"RE: Survivor Trivia Challenge: Round 1"
Posted by michel on 01-08-07 at 08:17 PM
PM sent but I'm only here to learn for the first seasons!