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"Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"

Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 12-26-06 at 09:46 AM
Well, I've tabulated the votes for the first round, and two of the matches came down to a single vote - incidentally, I voted for the loser in both. Anywho, here were the results.

Amber Brkich-Mariano vs. Jenna Morasca (20-7)
Tina Wesson vs. Chris Daugherty (14-13)
Sandra Diaz-Twine vs. Ethan Zohn (12-15)
Vecepia Towery vs. Yul Kwon (1-26)
Brian Heidik vs. Aras Baskauskus (13-14)

Amber, Tina, Ethan, Yul, and Aras are going on; Tin and Aras got by just barely, and Ethan won a squeaker as well. Jenna and Vee are clearly not too popular around here.

Now for the next set of matches, and it's time to break out the three highest-seeded winners. Tom Westman and Danni Boatwright are here because they were the two finalists in the last Ultimate Tournament; Richard Hatch is still the original winner, even if he's wearing that crown from inside a prison cell.

Here goes with the matches, which are drawn at random:

Tom Westman vs. Ethan Zohn
Danni Boatwright vs. Amber Brkich-Mariano
Richard Hatch vs. Tina Wesson
Yul Kwon vs. Aras Baskauskus

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by southpaw on 12-26-06 at 10:17 AM
Tom Westman
Danni Boatwright
Tina Wesson
Yul Kwon

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 12-26-06 at 10:28 AM
Tom Westman
Amber Brkich-Mariano
Richard Hatch
Yul Kwon

Siggie courtesy of TribeElf

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by taffnic on 12-26-06 at 11:34 AM
Tom Westman
Danni Boatwright
Tina Wesson
Yul Kwon

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 12-26-06 at 11:59 AM
Tom Westman vs. Ethan Zohn - He dominated the entire game and deserved to win!
Danni Boatwright vs. Amber Brkich-Mariano - Amber was a better performer in the Challenges and had the good sense to stick with a WINNER!!! Danni got lucky in that she was better suited for the last endurance challenge than Stephanie.
Richard Hatch vs. Tina Wesson - Hatch set the bar high!!
Yul Kwon vs. Aras Baskauskus - This was easy. Do I pick the intelligent, hard working strategist, or the lazy, young buck who happened to have the numbers on his side?

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by emydi on 12-26-06 at 12:24 PM
Tom Westman vs. Ethan Zohn
Danni Boatwright vs. Amber Brkich-Mariano
Richard Hatch vs. Tina Wesson
Yul Kwon vs. Aras Baskauskus

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 12-26-06 at 02:28 PM
Tom Westman - nothing against Ethan, but this is one case where the head coach schools the assistant
Danni Boatwright - Danni made her won breaks; Amber let Rob take all the chances for her
Tina Wesson - simply because she was a little more artistic about Pagonging the other tribe
Yul Kwon - a master strategist against a master crybaby who should have been on the jury...no, this one's not a hard decision at all

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 12-26-06 at 04:44 PM

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by tribephyl on 12-26-06 at 04:52 PM
Tom Westman vs. Ethan Zohn
Danni Boatwright vs. Amber Brkich-Mariano
Richard Hatch vs. Tina Wesson
Yul Kwon vs. Aras Baskauskus

How's that for Left, JohnMC?

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by JohnMc on 12-27-06 at 05:43 PM
Wow, you flip from right to left faster than John Kerry!

Glad to know you can go both ways. ;)

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by malb730 on 12-26-06 at 05:08 PM
Ethan Zohn
Danni Boatwright
Richard Hatch
Yul Kwon

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by MJewel on 12-26-06 at 05:42 PM
Tom Westman
Danni Boatwright
Richard Hatch
Yul Kwon

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by Max Headroom on 12-26-06 at 07:33 PM
Tom Westman
Danni Boatwright
Richard Hatch
Yul Kwon

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by DearAbby on 12-26-06 at 08:32 PM
Ethan Zohn
Danni Boatwright
Richard Hatch
Yul Kwon

Vintage tribephyl 2006

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by smokedog on 12-27-06 at 01:22 AM
>Tom Westman
>Danni Boatwright
>Richard Hatch
>Yul Kwon

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by CattyChat on 12-27-06 at 06:58 AM
Tom Westman vs. Ethan Zohn - Sorry, Ethan, but Tom wins this one pretty handily.

Danni Boatwright vs. Amber Brkich-Mariano - Like them both, but Amba was smart enough to hook up with my man Rob AND win challenges AND win the game (though it should have been Rob) AND she fell in love. Awwww, how sweet.

Richard Hatch vs. Tina Wesson - Dique wins this match easily, even though he's a cocky SOB.

Yul Kwon vs. Aras Baskauskus - My man Yul blows Arass away with ease. Arass was a whiner & he got lucky. I would have rather had Cirie win of all the Casayas. Go Yul!!

Kind Creation of ARNutz

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by Higgs on 12-27-06 at 07:51 AM
Tom Westman vs. Ethan Zohn
Danni Boatwright vs. Amber Brkich-Mariano
Richard Hatch vs. Tina Wesson
Yul Kwon vs. Aras Baskauskus

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by byoffer on 12-27-06 at 08:42 AM
Tom Westman vs. Ethan Zohn - Good match-up here. I actually think Ethan would be a tough competitor for Tom in challenges. And more people would like Ethan.

Danni Boatwright vs. Amber Brkich-Mariano - Danni would eat Amber alive without Rob

Richard Hatch vs. Tina Wesson - I am still not convinced Tina was as smart as she was perceived to be for winning. Richard was.

Yul Kwon vs. Aras Baskauskus - These guys would be close in challenges, but I give the nod to Yul in strategy.

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by xwraith27 on 12-27-06 at 09:40 AM
Tom Westman
Danni Boatwright
Richard Hatch
Yul Kwon

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by seahorse on 12-27-06 at 09:49 AM
Tom Westman
Amber Brkich-Mariano
Richard Hatch
Yul Kwon

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 12-27-06 at 10:02 AM
Tom Westman vs. Ethan Zohn
Danni Boatwright vs. Amber Brkich-Mariano
Richard Hatch vs. Tina Wesson
Yul Kwon vs. Aras Baskauskus

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by michel on 12-27-06 at 12:32 PM
Tom Westman: Very strong winner.

Danni Boatwright: She had to find a way to keep going. The Judd boot alone is more than whatever Amber did.

Tina Wesson: Tina deployed her strategy from behind the scene, Richard was too exposed!

Aras Baskauskus: He had to win against the HII and he relied on Cirie's smarts rather than Jonathan's stupidity.

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 12-27-06 at 12:48 PM
Neat game!

Tom Westman
Danni Boatwright
Tina Wesson
Yul Kwon

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by Das Mole on 12-27-06 at 03:37 PM
Tom Westman vs. Ethan Zohn
Danni Boatwright vs. Amber Brkich-Mariano
Richard Hatch vs. Tina Wesson
Yul Kwon vs. Aras Baskauskus

I know Ethan and Aras are probably both doomed, but oh well. I'll try anyway.


"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by JohnMc on 12-27-06 at 05:39 PM
Tom Westman vs. Ethan Zohn

Tom would have beaten Ethan in All-Stars and in both of their respective seasons. Sorry, not much debate there.

Danni Boatwright vs. Amber Brkich-Mariano

I gave Amber a win in the last round. But Amber's only female competition in her game came from Jenna L and Alicia. Alicia can't even play, and Jenna was actually good this time but couldn't muster up enough game to keep her foot on a pole. I would see Danni beating Amber in a head-to-head competition.

Richard Hatch vs. Tina Wesson

This one is really rough. The only thing that gives Richard an edge over Tina is that a) he is the original winner and b) he also outlasted her in All Stars. But Richard is gone in the next round.

Yul Kwon vs. Aras Baskauskus

This one is tough, but I'm giving the win to Yul. He has a mental and physical game. Aras has good game. I wish Aras had met Yul later in this game as I think he would last longer against weaker opponents.

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 12-27-06 at 11:21 PM
Tom Westman vs. Ethan Zohn
Danni Boatwright vs. Amber Brkich-Mariano
Richard Hatch vs. Tina Wesson
Yul Kwon vs. Aras Baskauskus

"RE: Survivor: Winners Tournament - Quarterfinal"
Posted by kircon on 12-28-06 at 05:02 PM
Tom Westman
Danni Boatwright
Tina Wesson
Yul Kwon